Isn't it difficult? You might as well just kill me with one knife. Yan Qu cocked his neck and looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

This is a saint who can change the general trend of the world. Over hundreds of thousands of years, how many saints have appeared since the end of countless tribulations?

As long as a saint is in the Dharma Realm, he can live forever and be a supreme existence in the world.

Such beings are destined to overlook the world. Now that a saint is about to be born, his lineage of rites has blocked the other party's way. There is no hope of turning back and reconciling. Now it is not whether he agrees or not, but the two sides are destined to fight to the death.

If that old sour scholar really becomes enlightened, he is destined to have a difficult life.

Not only him, but also the Li lineage has a new enemy.

Is this something he can decide? Is this kind of cause and effect something he can bear?

Cui Yu looked at Yan Qu, and Yan Qu looked at Cui Yu. They looked at each other, their eyes wide open and they were lost in thought.

After a long time, Cui Yu shook his head helplessly: I don't want to kill you.

I never want to die either. Yan Qu looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

But I have no reason not to kill you now. Cui Yu stroked Yan Qu's shoulder, and the next moment the material was transformed, and Taotao's divine blood came out.

How difficult is it to transform a powerful person who transcends life and death?

The other party's body has undergone transformation, and has surpassed most ordinary materials in terms of material. The opponent also has divine blood in his body. If Cui Yu wants to transform the opponent, he must also transform the opponent's divine blood. How much divine blood the opponent has, Cui Yu has to consume the opponent's divine blood ten times, dozens of times, or hundreds of times. multiple.

Just like turning a stone into an egg, it requires a huge amount of energy.

The dragon-binding lock cannot be occupied by the opponent, and Cui Yu has no good way to bind the opponent. The other party is a powerful person who can prove immortality. What if the other party slips out of the Qiankun in his sleeves?

After all, there are also flaws in the sleeves.

Didn't you see that the monkey also flew out?

The only thing Cui Yu can think of right now is material transformation.

Along with the curse of Mi Zhu, Cui Yu secretly felt that there seemed to be some strange movement in his body, and the mark of the Corpse Ancestor became stronger again.

Three drops of divine blood in one breath!

Cui Yu touched Yan Qu's shoulder, and the next moment the divine blood in his body activated, transforming everything into material.

As Cui Yu used his magical power, a hundred drops of divine blood were consumed, and one of Yan Qu's palms turned into steel.

Cui Yu was stunned.

This was a hundred drops of divine blood, and he actually just turned one of the opponent's palms into steel? A little too pitiful, right?

This consumption is a bit ridiculous.

Just as countless thoughts were swirling in Cui Yu's mind, his back suddenly felt heavy, and then countless divine powers were born out of thin air in his body, and were unleashed on Yan Qu in a mighty manner.

Along with the overwhelming divine power, Yan Qu's body was turning into steel at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Are you really not thinking about it? Cui Yu looked at Yan Qu with his eyes.

If I had independent rights, I would definitely choose to agree to you. But the point is, even if you kill me, I can't agree to you. Yan Qu was helpless: You have made too many demands, and you want to persecute me. Confucianism is of the Gongyang lineage, and I am not a saint, so why would the Gongyang Saint betray me? I am just a disciple.

After the words fell, Yan Qu's whole body turned into a steel sculpture, and the dragon-binding chain was tied to the scarecrow again.

What a pity. Cui Yu patted Yan Qu's steel sculpture with emotion in his eyes.

But Cui Yu's expression soon changed, because the divine blood that was born still did not stop, pouring into Cui Yu's body continuously.

How could it be! Cui Yu suddenly changed his face.

Goldfinger? Are you out of control? Cui Yu shouted Goldfinger.

It's a pity that Goldfinger ignored him.

Behind Cui Yu, the female slave looked at the newly born corpse spots on her body and gritted her teeth angrily: His grandma, why should he commit evil and I should suffer here?

Looking at Cui Yu, the female slave directly pressed the corpse over without saying a word.

Boy, I told you to do something evil! I have to teach you a lesson this time. The female demon kept grinding her teeth in her heart.

Accompanied by the sound of the female demon grinding her teeth, the divine power in Cui Yu's body continued to grow. Hundreds of drops of it were consumed in every breath. Cui Yu was so frightened that he panicked. Fortunately, he finally found an opportunity to directly use his means to transform the divine blood into God and demon skin.

Under the incessant infusion of divine power, the skin of Cui Yu's right hand turned into the demon skin of the female demon. It seemed to have changed, but it seemed that there was no change at all.

The torrential divine power was exhausted, and the divine blood in Cui Yu's body gradually calmed down, but Cui Yu became more and more confused.

I'm afraid there are not tens of thousands of drops of this divine blood, but where did such a huge amount of divine blood come from? Cui Yu was shocked and his eyes were full of suspicion.

Go check out Goldfinger. Everything on the Goldfinger page is normal, except that there is an extra message at the end of the page:

[Name: Cui Yu. 】

[Talent: Usurpation. 】

[Divine blood: three hundred and sixteen drops. 】

[Demon God Gonggong’s Blood: One drop. 】

[Supernatural power: Resurrection from the dead (big). 】

[Supernatural power: refers to the physical form (small). 】

[Supernatural power: Sitting on fire. 】

[Supernatural power: Dingxian divine light (+). 】

[Kunlun Mirror Control Tips (Complete)]

[Wonderful method: Tightening Curse. 】

[Wonderful method: nectar technique. 】

[Magic weapon: Dinghai Divine Pearl. 】

【Time Concept】

[Wonderful Method: Nailhead Seven Arrows Book]

【Three flavors of real fire】

【Transform into a canopy】

[Dragon Lock Control Technique. 】

[Reduction method (small)]

[Yin Yang Diagram (Ten Drops of Divine Blood)]

[Space bloodline (one drop)]

[Shanhe Yuantai (one piece)]

[Jianmu Seed (one piece)]

[Swallowing clouds and spitting out mist (magical power)]

[Hidden Mind Technique]

【The wonderful way to live without intention】

【Mahayana Fruition Position】

[Supernatural power: Gonggong’s true form. 】

【Apotheosis of Gods on behalf of Heaven】

[Prototype of God and Demon Skin]

Note: The cortex of gods and demons is innately imprinted with the magical principles of gods. It has mysterious effects and needs to be explored with caution.

The layout is still the same, and there seems to be nothing unusual.

Is there something powerful and strange that is attacking me? I didn't notice it, but it was blocked by the system? Thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind.

What to do with this person after capturing him is a difficult problem. I don't have any deep grudge against him. If he kills him, he will offend the lineage of the Saints. What if he doesn't kill him? He came to steal the scarecrow for the rice pig, so he must have a good relationship... Cui Yu looked at the other person's sculpture and fell into deep thought.

Transform the opponent into a steel sculpture, and of course the opponent will not die.

Cui Yu has a restoration method that can easily restore the opponent to his original appearance.

But how to deal with it is a big problem.

You should consult senior fellow apprentices from the north and south about this matter. Cui Yu said thoughtfully.

As the thoughts in his mind fell, Cui Yu decisively chose to shake people.

The waiter went out late at night, but within an hour, Gong Nanbei arrived.

I heard you were looking for me? Gong Nanbei walked into the courtyard.

Cui Yu held Yan Qu's sculpture and stood it under the locust tree in the yard: Is this person familiar to you, senior brother?

Do you still have the leisure and elegance to play with sculptures? Gong Nanbei looked at the sculpture with a surprised look in his eyes: It's just that this sculpture looks a bit familiar.

Yan Qu! Have you seen Yan Qu? Gong Nanbei slapped his head, his eyes full of disbelief: Yan Qu came to Daliang City?

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this: Senior brother, do you know Yan Qu?

It's more than just a simple recognition. But your sculpture is lifelike and expressive, just like a real person. Gong Nanbei looked at the sculpture with a hint of surprise: Junior brother is very skilled.

As he spoke, he patted Yan Qu's head so hard that it made a snapping sound.

This is not just a sculpture by Yan Qu. Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei with his eyes.

What do you mean? Gong Nanbei didn't understand what Cui Yu said.

What if he is really Yan Qu? Cui Yu asked.

??? Gong Nanbei's mind was filled with questions.

Cui Yu said helplessly: That Yan Qu came to steal the scarecrow, but I plotted against him. I was afraid that he would run away, so I made him into a sculpture.

Really? Can you plot against Yan Qu? Gong Nanbei couldn't believe it, and then turned to look at the sculpture in front of him. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong. It was indeed exactly the same as the Yan Qu in his memory.

Junior brother, are you kidding? Gong Nanbei asked again.

Cui Yu was helpless, how could he dare to make such a joke?

What do you plan to do with him? Gong Nanbei asked.

He didn't ask how Cui Yu captured Yan Qu, there was no need to ask!

There's no point in asking.

Who doesn't have some means to save his life these days?

I don't know how to deal with it, so I want to ask my senior brother for his opinion. Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei.

Yan Qu. Gong Nanbei slapped the sculpture on the head, with a hint of emotion in his eyes: I can't believe that your boy is here today.

What a high-spirited person he was back then. Gong Nanbei said and sat directly on Yan Qu's neck.

Cui Yu's eyes twitched when he looked at it: Senior brother, isn't it good for us to do this?

Not so good? What's not so good? This grandson is a disciple of a wealthy family. Don't be fooled by his appearance. Gong Nanbei patted the opponent's head while riding.

How to deal with it? Cui Yu asked.

It's really not easy to deal with. Gong Nanbei paused in his slapping movements: If we kill him, Saint Li will go crazy. The Yan family will never let it go.

Why don't we just leave him here? It won't be too late to deal with him later if we think of a suitable way. Gong Nanbei said.

Just deal with it like this? Cui Yu said.

Of course it's not that simple. Gong Nanbei jumped down from the sculpture, his hands were like big hammers, and kept hammering back and forth on the sculpture. Only a clang sound was heard, and Yan Qu was hammered to the knees by Gong Nanbei. Kneel down on the ground, just like a prisoner in ancient times who had committed a crime and knelt down on the ground.

Senior brother, aren't you going too far? Cui Yu asked cautiously.

To be honest, his impression of Yan Qu was pretty good.

Gong Nanbei sat on Yan Qu's back and said proudly: Those guys may look polite, but in fact they are rich and ruthless. Now that they are in my hands, even if they don't humiliate me, they will not be able to bear the shame I suffered back then.

What's the grudge between senior brother and Yan Qu? Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei with a gossipy expression.

He felt that Gong Nanbei was a bit weird, why he had hatred against everyone.

From Mi Zhu in Haojing to Yan Qu in the lineage of Li Shengren, it seems that wherever he goes, there are enemies.

His sister and I were childhood sweethearts, but we were violently separated by this guy. He said that I was just a common man who only knew how to play with swords. A bamboo door was a bamboo door, and a wooden door was a wooden door. He humiliated me. Then he beat us up. If they are torn apart abruptly, do you think I can lose my temper? Gong Nanbei said.

Isn't Yan Qu your uncle? Cui Yu asked, What happened next? You were separated?

Of course it hasn't been broken up. Gong Nanbei said.

Cui Yu was stunned. He was not broken up. How dare you humiliate your uncle like this?

Brother, are you tired of living?

She died later! It was all because of him that he insisted on marrying his sister to Mi Zhu! Gong Nanbei was depressed: She committed suicide.

Cui Yu was stunned and stood silently under the moonlight.

It is precisely because of this that Mi Zhu had the opportunity to plot against me. Otherwise, he is a fool who only knows how to rely on the legacy of his ancestors. He is worthy of fighting me? Gong Nanbei showed a look of disdain on his face:

But that damn fat man has worked hard in the past sixty years and his bloodline has improved by leaps and bounds. It seems that 'her' death back then was quite a stimulus to him.

Cui Yu didn't answer, he really didn't know how to answer.

The grievances and hatreds between Cui Yu, Mi Zhu, and Yan Qu are really difficult to describe in one sentence.

Cui Yu and Gong Nanbei were discussing how to deal with Yan Qu, but they didn't know that Ying Xiong was already standing in front of the door looking back and forth like an ant on a hot pot.

Listening to the watchman's beating at night, Ying Xiong walked back and forth in the yard restlessly.

Go and see if senior brother is back. Ying Xiong urged the servant beside him.

The servant hurried away and returned a short time later: Reply to the eldest master, he didn't come back.

What day is it? Ying Xiong asked.

It's the fourth watch, the servant said.

Ying Xiong was stunned when he heard this: Is it already the fourth watch?

You shouldn't. Logically speaking, you should have come back a long time ago. Ying Xiong couldn't sit still.

The importance of Yan Qu is self-evident, and there must be no accidents, otherwise he will probably be questioned by the Li Sage.

It must have been an accident, right? Ying Xiong wanted to go out to check, but when he thought that his strength was not enough to fill the gap between Gong Nanbei's teeth, he couldn't help but pause, then turned around and faced Mi Zhu's Walk inside the room.

The only one who can save Yan Qu now is this uncle.

Arrive at Mi Zhu’s yard

Elder brother has ordered that no one can approach the courtyard without his permission. Ying Xiong came to the courtyard, but was stopped by the disciple guarding the courtyard.

I have something urgent to do. Senior Brother Yan Qu may have encountered an accident, and Senior Brother Mi Zhu must personally save him, Ying Xiong said.

Seeing that Ying Xiong's expression didn't look like he was joking, the two of them couldn't help but hesitate.

If you delay any longer, it's too late. Ying Xiong pushed the two disciples away and rushed in.

All the way to Mi Zhu's bed, but by this time Mi Zhu had already fainted and fell into a complete coma, lying on the bed as if he was out of breath.

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