In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 2301 The magical power that does not require money

A good person would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. Is it because of your letter that the future hope of my Haoran lineage has been wiped out? What qualifications do you have to represent the people of the world? Meng Shengren did not care at this time. The grievances and hatreds between the two sides showed a cold murderous intent in their eyes.

In order to protect the old Confucian scholar, he wanted to quarrel with the sage.

This is not my will alone, but the will of everyone. We are plotting a great cause and want to overthrow the Zhou Dynasty. What kind of courage is needed? Everyone has their heads tied to their belts. If they are not careful, they will die. Dao Xiao. Are so many of our human lives not worth a deviant old Confucian scholar? The sage of rites said with an excited voice: We are carrying out an eternal cause, not a child playing house. We will never allow any flaws to appear! Anything that is not within the game should be erased.”

The Li Sage looked at the five emperors of the five directions: What do the five gods think? Is what I say makes sense?

Emperor Dongyue pondered for a moment, and then said with a wry smile: It does make sense. Now that we have decided to change our lives and be a desperado with my head on my waist, I have already held the belief that I will be a benevolent person if I don't succeed. It's just a statue. They are just saints, more is just the icing on the cake, and less will not affect the overall situation. But if the court separates Confucianism and sets up another banner, the situation for us will be reversed in an instant and we will be at a disadvantage.

Emperor Dongyue looked at Meng Shengren with his eyes: What we represent is not just our own lives. Which one of you doesn't have thousands of disciples behind you? Thousands of families are involved. Once there is no return, there will always be a recovery. room.

Would Little Emperor Dongyue think so little?

I am a ghost and god, and I am a sworn enemy of Wang Liyun. I hope the fewer qigong practitioners who die, the worse it will be. The worst will be beaten out of their wits, and both sides will be injured in the fight.

At that time, we ghosts and gods will not be able to take over the heaven as our own easily and effortlessly.

Meng Sheng was furious: But I don't have any real evidence. I am just a letter. I know the authenticity of the letter, but I want to cut off your lineage and kill your lineage of saints. It's simply It’s ridiculous! It’s extremely ridiculous!”

Looking at the words written under the clothes, Gong Nanbei was stunned and looked at Wang Li with his eyes: What is he doing?

Under those coarse linen clothes, there are sentences and sentences imprinted on them, one article after another. Can you still wear them?

Everyone was silent, not even expressing their attitude.

Cui Yu took out nails and broke the frame of the engraving. Then he took out the old Confucian classics, spread them out, and said to Gong Nanbei: Is engraving difficult for him?

That was Wang Li's unique craft. It used material transformation to directly replace the craft of the previous life, omitting the steps involved.


Seeing Gong Nanbei holding the scabbard and still staring at him believingly, Cui Yu said angrily: Try it! If you try it, you will become a big boy... Bah, you have nothing to lose if you try it once.

There's no way. Cui Yu was outside the yard, taking out his ax and pruning the small tree tightly or quickly.

ps: Please subscribe. Wuhuan Xiaojia thinks that the book can still be barely read, so please help me subscribe. I beg you, dads. Fathers who are really tired of reading 4,000 words a day, please give your children a subscription.

Looking at the pile of clothes, Gong Nanbei's heart skipped a beat: You said, junior brother, is he going to change his career to business? And he made the dirty coarse cloth directly into clothes, how can he sell them? Others bought them At that time, even if it fits perfectly, who would buy it? Is he going to lose money and die?

Cui Yu said it in an understatement, but Gong Nanbei and his wife were not knowledgeable people.

It's just some money, it's nothing more than what's in your body. And the magical power you cultivate cannot mean physical transformation or material transformation. These old medicines and so on are all valuable goods to you.

Brother Taoist, once the Confucianism is gone, the power of the Qi Practitioners will be divided into seven. With the support of the imperial court, and with the future name, this sour Confucian will definitely become the smallest enemy like you. Let's send troops to rebel together, which means What, do they know that? Because one of your disciples killed us all, if you are willing to let his disciple go, Xiaojia will definitely agree.

Cui Yu smiled: Let's wait and see.

Of course, I hope that Saint Meng and Saint Li will come out of their wits, so that if the Qi practitioners in China get into trouble, the chances of Buddhism in our domain will increase slightly.

Gong Nanbei finally disobeyed Wang Li and saw a sword energy burst out from his sleeve. In an instant, he trimmed a small tree into large wooden blocks and scattered them outside the yard.

Is that letter true? The gods have been operating in Xiaozhou for thousands of years. If you ask a little bit, you will definitely not be able to verify it. Is there a ventilated wall in the world? What is true is not true, and what is false is not false. Yes! Sage Li is sure of victory at this time.

It's just a big deal, it's worth mentioning. Cui Yu smiled lightly.

In Xiaoliang City

The sage was ashamed to be an old antique who had lived for many years. He did not disappoint the Buddha, so he immediately seized the opportunity: It is difficult for the Buddha to have such an ironclad proof.

The old antiques present would definitely want to see two saints from the same lineage appear. By then, everyone would be passive, and they would be a little short of Haoran's lineage.

Abnormal qi practitioners, if they want to practice divine blood, they need to collect the essence of the sun and moon and seize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to create good fortune. But do I, Wang Li, need it?

I, Cui Yu, need it!

How much financial and material resources will it cost? Gong Nanbei also changed his face.

There are not many people who want to add insult to injury. It is just the corpse, not the other low-level players, and they definitely hope that Confucianism will lose one more saint.

No repayment? Is it Wuhuan Laoshan Ginseng?

Cui Yu was so proud that there was no such thing as a grudge to pay the bill!

I master etiquette and rules, and I can overwhelm others with rules.

I can't do what you said. Cui Yu said.

As for whether any bookstore is willing to publish a book for you, that's hard to come by. We can just print it ourselves with movable type, why do we need to ask for help? Your article is tens of thousands of words, and it's a waste of time. Cui Yurere Yixiao: We can prohibit scholars from buying our husband's books, but can we also prohibit vendors and footmen from wearing clothes? As long as vendors and footmen wear clothes and walk down the street, scholars will definitely see them and even recite them subconsciously. . Over time, those people will inevitably ponder and study it in their hearts, and their spiritual sparks will collide with the teacher.

The letter said that the Xiao Zhou court has not yet sent the Book of Rites into the hands of Su Ru. As long as we go to Xiaoliang City and wait, we will definitely not be able to catch the imperial spies. Or we can go directly to the old Confucian scholar's home and take a look. The Book of Rites of the Xiao Zhou court is now in the home of an old Confucian scholar. The Rites Sage looked at Meng Sage:

If you want to kill a quasi-sage and cut off a lineage of Taoism, how can you do it without a good reason?

Why did he get so few copies? Gong Nanbei looked strange.

This is divine power!

If he trusts you, come to work quickly. Wang Li gestured towards the north and south of the palace and said: Cut that tree into pieces half the size of your thumb. Although he has great cultivation Low, but low cultivation and method are two different things. In terms of cultivation, you are like him, but in terms of wrong ideas, he is like you.

Do you want money?

Don't do anything for your basic skills! Don't do anything for your basic skills! Cui Yu looked at the excited wife and said with a smile.

Cui Yu's hands were like hot wheels, each article was branded under his clothes, and the carved seals were flying with sparks.

Gong Nanbei's eyes were full of solution.

If you saw the words branded on the clothes, you would think that Gong Nanbei was going to change his career to sell clothes.

Can be made! did he come up with that in his head? Seeing Wang Li controlling movable type printing, Gong Nanbei's eyes were full of belief.

I want to give it away for free!

And, when did I say I wanted to sell clothes?

You believe it! You have exhausted all options, what else can he do? But if there is no other way, you will definitely be reduced to a humble begging for help. Gong Nanbei's voice was full of doubts.

He understands the poor. He just imprinted a few words on it. As long as the clothes are not torn, they are not bad clothes. Cui Yu continued to imprint the words as he spoke.

The sage's eyes swept across the field, and the first gaze stopped under the Buddha's body, with a smile in his eyes: Father, what do you think?

The Buddha's eyes fell on the envelope in the hand of Saint Li, and several thoughts flashed in his mind: Since Saint Li has spoken, he must have not been fully prepared. It would be better for you to give me a hand at this time and help me complete the plan. One Pulse Double The saint is indeed too defiant, just like the ancient times, how can Xiaojia mess around?

Wang Yi and the two big dogs also came to help. Even the master's wife was alerted by the movement in the backyard. At this time, she ran out of the front yard and looked at the few people who were throwing sparks. She didn't even have this mountain of clothes. Full of confusion.

Those methods are simply not just throwing out a small amount of money and using the money to sell small things.

Gong Nanbei, what is he doing? The master's wife was very confused at this time.

What is he going to do? Gong Nanbei looked surprised.

But I can say that.

Amitabha, the old monk has no doubts. Now that Taoist friend has taken out the letter, how can he verify the authenticity of the content of the letter? The old monk looked at the other party with his eyes.

Cui Yu moved very slowly, and the tailor shops in the city were even slower. There were countless small and large clothes, but not all of them were ruined.

As Saint Meng spoke, he had countless thoughts running through his heart. Looking at his determined opponent, several thoughts flashed in his mind, and he suddenly felt a little confident in the old sour scholar: Everyone can change, and you and I have met for decades. If I really change, what will happen to me in the future? It seems to be something beyond expectation that he took refuge in the imperial court in the middle of his time.

And those inks are special inks, they are chemicals from the past life configured by Cui Yu. Once it's branded, it's basically possible to wash it off.

A pair of eyes stared at Meng Shengren, whose clothes were swollen: If you can produce a mountain of ironclad evidence, will fellow Taoists be convinced?

Seeing the articles printed on Cui Yu's engravings, Gong Nanbei's eyes were full of belief.

Gong Nanbei watched Cui Yu's actions and came to help Wang Li with printing.

Wang Li picked up the wooden block on the ground and inspected it, but found that the wooden block was not returned, and it was worse than the compressed wooden board in the previous life.

Hearing this, Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei with a proud look: Look! Look! In terms of cultivation, you are just like him, but in terms of brains, ten of them are just like you. Do you know what No. xxx is? ?Do you know what size xl is? Do you know what finished clothes are?

Then he took it home and printed all the templates under his clothes, forming one after another strange and personalized clothes, almost like the little building dog in the clothes in his previous life.

Why do they need to take action? This is a person of your Haoran lineage. Even if they take action, I will do it myself. After saying this, Meng Shengren took a step forward, twisted his figure and disappeared from the spot.

Gong Nanbei stood outside the courtyard, looking at Wang Li with doubts in his eyes: He can't help the old Confucian scholar's classics spread?

At this time, the atmosphere under Kunlun Mountain gradually became weird. Everyone looked at you and everyone fell into silence.

The seven people worked hard for several nights, and tens of thousands of replica carvings were assembled.

Saint Meng suddenly felt less confident, especially when he saw Saint Li who was so steadfast in his vows.

How much divine power does that require? How can you withstand his cultivation? Gong Nanbei was not stunned at all.

When the topic is passed to the other party, whether he can grasp it depends on whether the ritual saint can handle it.

The Buddha was silent after hearing this. What do I think?

Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu, and Cui Yu leaned back with a smile: Master's wife, it's like that. Is our husband being suppressed by others? Does anyone care about his article? The disciple came up with a bad idea and imprinted his article on his clothes. Next, when the time comes, the clothes will be given to the traffickers and lackeys for free. These traffickers and lackeys roam the streets day and night. By then, won’t everyone know about your article? As long as the topic is stirred up, it will naturally be good. A wonderful scholar buys Mr.'s articles to read and criticize.

Movable type printing is very complicated, but no one can figure it out.

The mistress was stunned when she heard this, and then the next moment she grabbed Cui Yu's shoulders with her slender hands, her body was shaking from the ground, her eyes were red, her eyes showed a look of disbelief, her lips were trembling as she looked at Cui Yu, excited for a moment There is actually Dharma language.

There must be no solid evidence, so Meng Shengren opened his mouth.

Yes, it's wrong. Now, verifying the authenticity of the letter has become the key. And it's complicated to verify the authenticity. You only need to see if the old sour scholar has obtained the Book of Rites. I can't identify it. The corpse said with a smile: This old sour scholar lives in seclusion in Xiaoliang City. This place is as far away from Xiaoliang City as we can think of. How about we go and identify it directly?

I am the oldest saint, sitting and watching the clouds gather and disperse. I understand human nature too well.

Wang Li took a moment to put away all the clothes and put them away using the universe outside her sleeves.

Following Cui Yu's instructions, Gong Nanbei finished carving. Then Cui Yu picked up the wooden block and typed it. As the ink was printed, a page of books appeared behind Wang Li.

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