In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 300: The Saint of Ceremony I treat things differently than people

Fellow Taoist, lying and mudslinging are irresponsible behaviors for the Qi practitioners in the world. The Li Sage looked at Zhu Wuneng.

I just don't know anything. Zhu Wuneng was too lazy to talk to Li Shengren, and his tone was a little impatient. Why would you involve yourself, an outsider, in the internal strife within your Confucian sect?

He belongs to the 'Dao Meridian' of the Qi Lian lineage, what does the Confucian lineage have to do with him?

He didn't want to be dragged into the water.

Furthermore, as one of the Seven Sons of Laoshan, he is not without a backer. Even when facing the Buddha and the Elder, he is a Taoist friend. If he does not want to give face to the Sage Kong, no one can force him.

In short, he will not get into troubled waters this time!

Once he goes into the water, he is afraid that the entire Laoshan Mountains will be dragged into the water.

He is one of the Seven Sons of Laoshan, and every move, word and deed can represent Laoshan.

If he gets involved in the orthodox dispute, he will be a sinner in Laoshan.

The battle for orthodoxy shows no mercy. One party must fall completely.

Otherwise, why would the old Confucian scholar end up like this?

Being spurned and ostracized by the world's scholars?

Haha. Saint Li smiled softly. He was not angry at Zhu Wuneng's impatience, but looked at Zhang Jiao with a smile:

My Taoist friend said before that one letter of mine is not enough, but what if I have two letters? Li Shengren took out the second letter from his arms unhurriedly.

Then the letter was placed in front of Zhu Wuneng:

Do you recognize this letter?

Why is my letter in your hand? Zhu Wu could not help but change his face when he saw the letter, and subconsciously touched it in his arms.

Now that the letter has been obtained, there is no point in denying it. It has Zhu Wuneng's aura on it. Naturally, it cannot be hidden from everyone's discerning eyes.

Fellow Taoist, for the sake of the Taoist lineage of qi practitioners all over the world, I ask you to describe the incident in a fair and strict manner. Otherwise, if the imperial court really realizes the conspiracy, I am afraid that my lineage of qi practitioners will be in danger! At this point , Saint Li looked at the letter with a little hesitation in his heart.

This letter not only talks about Li Ming, but also involves Taiping Dao and the Zhou court.

It's just that the content of this letter is too sensational. If Taipingdao is really a back-up plan arranged by the imperial court, then there will be big trouble. Everyone will be trapped without any precautions.

Zhu Wuneng didn't dare to speak after hearing the words. He didn't want to say the content of the letter.

It’s simply a trap!


A sinkhole that disturbs everyone's peace!

Seeing Zhu Wuneng's reluctance to speak, Li Shengren smiled softly and did not want to offend Zhu Wuneng to death. There was no hatred between him and Zhu Wuneng.

Then the Li Sage looked at Zhang Jiao and Tang Zhou:

Since Taoist friend Zhu Wuneng refuses to speak out and do the work of a sinner, then let me do the work of a sinner. For my Taoist lineage of Qi Practitioners, for the sake of the common people in the world, I have to stand up and give everyone a favor. the truth.

Sage Li, if you have anything to say, just say it. Don't try to be too pretentious. It would be boring. The old Buddha looked impatiently at the pretentious Sage Li.

He is still waiting to go to the Kunlun Mountains to search for the ancient creation. How can he have time to waste time here?

Later, Mr. Fo, this news was too sensational. When I saw it, I couldn't believe my eyes. This letter not only mentioned the dirty things between Li Ming and the imperial court...

Having said this, Kong Shengren looked at Zhang Jiao with his eyes. Under the nervous gazes of everyone, he said in a shocked tone:

Furthermore, the letter also says that Zhang Jiao, the new great virtuous teacher of Taiping Dao, is from the Zhou Dynasty court. Even Nanhua Zhenren is a chess piece laid out by the imperial court. The entire Taiping Dao is the layout of Emperor Zhou to achieve the goal. There is an ulterior purpose. The Li Sage looked at Zhang Jiao and landed on Zhang Jiao: For the sake of the common people in the world, I ask my fellow Taoists to make the matter clear. After all, it is our long-cherished wish to overthrow the Great Zhou Dynasty. Now We are all on the same warship. If there is any waves or mistakes, all Taoist friends present, we will count them all, and no one can escape.

As the sage Li finished his words, the venue fell into a deathly silence, and everyone looked at Tang Zhou and Zhang Jiao in the crowd.

Tang Zhou was already prepared and stood there with an expressionless face. Zhang Jiao, on the other hand, originally wanted to stand aside and help with his fists. Seeing the fight between Saint Li and Saint Meng, his heart was full of thoughts. He originally wanted to help Saint Meng, but who would have thought that the next moment he would eat the melon directly? On your own head?

He was so angry!

What do you mind about yourself?

Why is this mad dog, Li Shengren, biting people everywhere?

Don’t you know whether you are a member of the imperial court or not?


The crowd dispersed and formed a circle, surrounding Tang Zhou and Zhang Jiao.

Wait, what does it have to do with me? Zhang Jiao held the heavenly book and became anxious after hearing the words of Saint Li.

After all, you are too young to live and can't hold your breath.

You said that Taiping Dao is the layout of the imperial court, do you have proof? Zhang Jiao was not lying at this time. He faced the sage Li directly, and his words were rude and without the slightest etiquette.

The sage of etiquette frowned when he heard this. He was a man of etiquette and rules, and he cared about etiquette the most in his life.

Moreover, the Li Sage and Nan Hua Lao Xian were on equal terms, and if the other party talked to me like this, it would be rude and unruly.

The sage was already dissatisfied.

Therefore, the Li Sage ignored Zhang Jiao and looked at Tang Zhou aside: What does Tang Zhenren have to say?

Tang Zhou lived for hundreds of years, and his cultivation was unfathomable. He would never be weaker than anyone in the world, and he was worthy of paying homage to a saint and making friends regardless of seniority.

Tang Zhou looked at Saint Li and couldn't help but sneer in his heart: This is a blatant provocation.

The other party crossed over from Zhang Jiao, the headmaster of Taiping Dao, to talk to him. Wasn't he deliberately trying to cause trouble and sow discord between the two?

Tang Zhou simply didn't care and even seized the opportunity to step on Zhang Jiao.

My master died and returned to Huangtian in order to deal with Emperor Zhou, but he couldn't do it falsely. Tang Zhou said expressionlessly.

Old Immortal Nanhua naturally has no problem, but it's hard to say whether you, the younger generation, have a problem or whether it is a means arranged by the imperial court. For the sake of the overall situation of the world, I ask you two to prove your innocence. After all, Taiping Road is related to the world's plans and is implicated. Among the eight hundred princes, who can not be cautious? Nanhua Old Immortal said.

Besides, this is not what I said, but a letter from the ancestor Zhu Wuneng of the Laoshan Dao Lineage! It is definitely not my family's opinion! There may be a misunderstanding on this matter, but there is no smoke without fire, so it is better to make it clear! The Li Sage looked at Zhu Wuneng and said: Tao Friend, please say something.

Zhu Wuneng was filled with helplessness, and his teeth were itching with hatred, wishing he could bite Saint Li to death.

This grandson will never give up until he drags himself into the quagmire!

I did hear some news in the deep palace of Da Nei. I placed ears and eyes next to King You that week. This matter is indeed as the sage Li said. The court intends to use Li Ming to fight against the Confucian sect and re-establish the spirit of Qi practitioners. Banner, turn some of the Qi practitioners into their own use and take them back to the imperial court. Zhu Wuneng also began to be at odds with each other and was unwilling to get involved:

As for you asking me to provide evidence, then I can only say no! There is no evidence! It's just my family's words, believe it or not!

Zhu Wuneng was a bachelor, and he acknowledged the letter, but he did not confirm the authenticity of the content in the letter.

Want to know the truth?

Investigate it yourself!

This matter involved two behemoths, Taiping Dao and Confucianism, and the scene fell into dead silence for a while.

At this time, Tang Zhou wrote lightly: I am not the leader of Taiping Dao. I have no control over Taiping Dao. How Taiping Dao develops in the future has nothing to do with me. Why do I need to prove my innocence?

Tang Zhou gently uncovered himself, then cast his gaze on Zhang Jue, and threw the problem to Zhang Jue.

Prove your own innocence? Why do you need to prove your innocence? These are just some baseless things. If you can come up with evidence that I am guilty of Taipingdao, I will naturally give you an explanation. You can't produce any evidence, but you want me to prove myself. Innocent, do you all think that Huang Tian of Taiping Dao is just a decoration? Zhang Jiao's attitude gradually became tougher, and his eyes fell on Saint Li, and he was targeting Saint Li.

The Li Sage deliberately promoted Tang and Zhou to suppress himself, so he didn't have to be polite.

Li Shengren did not take it seriously and said with a smile: It is obvious to all that whether Taiping Dao has surrendered to the imperial court, but this letter of mine is not fabricated by me, but belongs to fellow Taoist Zhu Wuneng. Therefore, whether it is trustworthy or not is in everyone's mind You have to make your own judgment. Whether Taiping Dao is suspected or not, only heaven knows and the earth knows, and the leader of Taiping Dao knows.

You are such a mouthful! Zhang Jiao was trembling with anger. How come this basin was placed on his head?

Junior brother, please be patient. Don't be rude in front of a saint. Whether there is something fishy in Taiping Dao, I believe that after all the fellow Taoists have verified it, you will be cleared. What you have to do now is to watch indifferently and wait for the results. The investigation results are out. Before now, just be an outsider quietly. There is no need to open your mouth to defend, let alone take any action, so as not to be misunderstood by fellow Taoists. Tang Zhou spoke next to him, seemingly trying to persuade Zhang Jiao, but he was already secretly thinking in his heart To my surprise, there seems to be an unexpected gain.

If Zhang Jiao is obedient, wouldn't he be able to seize the opportunity to seize the power of Taiping Dao?

Zhang Jiao was involved, and his whole body suddenly became mute. He glanced at Meng Shengren helplessly, with an expression that looked like he was asking for blessings.

Seeing this scene, Saint Li was very satisfied. His eyes met Tang Zhou's, and a feeling called 'tacit understanding' slowly arose.

He shifted his gaze and looked at Meng Shengren:

We will naturally investigate the matter of Taiping Dao in the future. But it is certain that this old Confucian scholar will join the imperial court. The old Confucian scholar is about to become enlightened, so I am afraid he will not have time to investigate for us.

How are you doing? Meng Shengren's face darkened.

Meng Shengren was not a fool. The other party had stepped on the Taiping Road first, and now he was targeting him. He was clearly targeting Li Ming.

The other party is trying to cut off the momentum of his Haoran lineage!

He won't tolerate it!

Once it regresses, the Haoran lineage will no longer have cohesion and fall apart in the future.

Even the seeds of becoming a saint cannot be preserved. How can his Haoran lineage convince his disciples in the future?

Looking at Saint Meng's gloomy eyes, Saint Li raised the corners of his mouth slightly:

I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. It is indeed a great joy for our Confucian sect to become a saint. It can increase our combat power. But after the old Confucian becomes a saint, if he betrays us and joins the imperial court, It will inevitably split the Confucian sect, and the impact will be too serious when the time comes, far greater than the gains brought by his sanctification. There are countless masters in the world, one more than him is not much, and one less than him is not much! The sage of Li directly tried to find the dagger to see. , looked at Meng Shengren with a pair of eyes:

We can't afford to bet! We don't dare to bet! The fate of the people in the world is tied to the chariot. Once the ship capsizes, everyone will die.

Without him as a saint, at worst, the status quo will remain unchanged, and it will have no impact on us. But if there is an extra flag in Da Zhou, all of us will die! Saint Li looked at Meng Saint: I am just doing business, and I have no selfish intentions. . Fellow Taoist, make your decision!

Meng Shengren clenched his fists in his sleeves and looked at Zhu Wuneng with his eyes.

So far, only Zhu Wu can stand up and deny the true content of the letter, so that the old Confucian scholar can be saved from disaster and all the turmoil can be completely calmed down.

Facing Meng Shengren's gaze, Zhu Wuneng panicked, but did not dare to speak carelessly. At this time, he could not say anything wrong, that is, he must form an undying hatred with one of the saints. So they said angrily: What do you think I've done? What does it have to do with me? It's just a letter. It's not a solid proof. What does it have to do with me? I don't really believe it myself. I'm totally doubtful. You actually Are you still asking me? How could I know if there was any mistake? After I read the letter, I didn’t know why it was lost, but was picked up by the Li Sheng. I, Laoshan, don’t know the true content of the envelope. Responsible.

But now everything seems to be pointing to Zhu Wuneng.

Zhu Wuneng didn't know where he was at this time, but he seemed to be in trouble.

The more this happens, the more Zhu Wuneng wants to get out again.

Zhu Wuneng's seemingly intentional words made Meng Shengxin's heart skip a beat.

Meng Shengren looked at Zhang Jue. At this time, Zhang Jue looked angry, but Tang Zhou held his shoulders, and his whole face turned red.

Just because of a letter, I want to kill the quasi-sage of my Haoran lineage. I will never agree to this matter. Absolutely impossible! Unless I die! Meng Shengren's voice was firm and decisive, leaving no room for retreat.

He believes in the character of the old Confucian scholar!

Don’t you understand your own disciples?

He also recalled that decades ago, the high-spirited young man in the academy discussion actually stood up to refute his own theories and opinions. He saw in that young man the vitality and the light of hope for the future.

There is hope for him to make his own way!

He did not disappoint himself. He successfully found his own way. Meng Shengren sighed slightly in his heart.

At this point in the situation, I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. This is not just a personal conflict between you and me, but for the future of the entire world! Now, there is no room for variables. If you want to blame him, just blame him for being born in the wrong era. . Saint Li's voice was cold.

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