Doesn’t divine power cost money?

Gong Nanbei was stunned, and so was the wife.

Both of them are monks, so they naturally know how valuable divine power is. It is simply thankless for Cui Yu to use his divine power to do such a thing.

To be precise, it is a loss-making transaction.

Divine power can be transformed into matter using magical powers, but matter cannot be reversed into divine power?

Does Cui Yu care about the consumption of divine power?

There is a great grudge zombie ancestor, and Cui Yu has a lot of magical power.

Not so much!

Cui Yu's hands were shaking like sparks, and passages were imprinted on his clothes. Facing the questions from his wife and Gong Nanbei, Cui Yu just smiled and urged: Work.

Seeing this, Gong Nanbei didn't say much, but looked at Cui Yu with a softer look.

The waiter was stunned when he heard this. Zhihu had given his instructions, but did he include any of them?

When Zhihu saw the boring scene downstairs, he couldn't help but smile: There are rules or not, it's a circle. But you see that he is deceitful. Before the words were branded on his body, there was no corn, so you can't reward him. A bowl of rice porridge. If the mark on him has not been washed away and faded on the first day, he cannot come to receive the external mark on the seventh day to receive another bowl of rice porridge. If the mark has faded on the first day, he cannot come to receive the corn.

Looking at the calm Shi Yuan, the teacher's wife suddenly felt that Zhihu must have been a person who did small things recently.

The elder brother hired by Zhihu looked at the beggar with a confused expression. From beginning to end, he could see places that could be imprinted with words.

The old sour scholar Li Ming took refuge in the Xiao Zhou court. Wu Guang said with a serious face.

Although there are all kinds of strange articles printed on the clothes, which makes the whole clothes extravagant and does not look unconventional, those who are running around for eight meals a day do not find it ugly at all.

Hundreds of people became refugees.

Enough to feed the people of Xiaoliang City for ten years. Zhihu Fengzhong said calmly.

Xiang family mansion

As long as you walk on the peaceful road and stamp famous words and chapters on the bottom of the cart, pole, and basket, you will not be able to get eight pounds of corn. Inferior corn!

When Taiping Dao and Xiaoxia joined forces to attack Xiaoliang City, Xiaoliang City was occupied by Wu Guang, which made Cui Yu feel bad and happy.


For monks, divine power is the most precious.

The mountains of corn were piled up, moving at a speed visible to the naked eye, but Zhihu filled them up casually.

And I feel that in recent days, my divine blood seems to have increased inexplicably, and it always flows into my body inexplicably!

In Xiaoliang City, hungry beggars were all dying. Looking at the bags of corn, their eyes glowed green from hunger.

Isn't there a lot of corn left? The teacher's wife looked at the growing amount of corn in the front yard and asked without any worry.

I don’t have the heart to go down and collect the corn, but look at my ragged clothes, how can I still have words imprinted on them?

Inside Daliang City

It's completely inferior corn that only noble lords can afford!

Wu Guang stood aside with a high eyebrow and a respectful expression.

Zhihu stood at the top of the room, looking at the sallow and skinny people above him, feeling filled with emotion in his heart.

Looking at the surging crowd inside, the master's wife showed a hint of worry in her eyes, and turned to look at Zhihu: Is it really ineffective?

What? He wants to follow the king's decree? Tang Chen looked at Wu Guang quietly with his eyes filled with joy and anger.

What did he do when he saw Qu Shuai? Cui Yu turned around and asked.

Do you really think that if everyone severely inflicts a heavy blow on Emperor Zhou at Kunlun Mountain, they will win?


You are appreciating that big man more and more now. When Liangjie Mountain encounters a small disaster, you know that many people will starve to death. Now that there is no food from me, you know that many people cannot survive. For the people, I Not a living Bodhisattva. Tang Chen looked at Zhihu who was standing under the pavilion quietly drinking tea, and he couldn't help but look in admiration.

Tang Zhou sighed and looked at the crowd of people.

In Xiaoliang City

Walking in the crowd, thousands of thoughts flashed in Wu Guang's mind, and he could not help but stir up a thousand waves: Is the court trying to cover up now?

With the help of the master's wife, the two little ones, and Wang Yi, hundreds of thousands of clothes were branded in just a few days.

Wang Yi was busy running around and moving mountains of corn in the front yard.

If you want to practice a ray of divine power, you need to work hard to collect the essence of the sun and the moon. I don’t know how many days and nights of hard work it takes to condense a ray of divine blood.

Zhihu put his hands outside his sleeves, raised his head and looked at the distant sky, with a hint of thought in his eyes: Senior brother, if you are really busy, come here and hire a few people.

It can be said that defeating Emperor Zhou is just the beginning. To wipe out all those with blood in the sky and wipe out the blood of humans and gods from heaven and earth is the goal of all Qi practitioners.

On the side, Tomson lay with his hands under the railing, looking at the busy streets, and muttered: The merits are great!

Moreover, it is a text that only aristocratic masters can understand. Wearing it gives you the feeling that you are also a scholar and you are also a young master.

The traders and footmen from Xiaoliang City went crazy, arriving with poles and carriages, forming a long queue behind the door.

Just like some girls, it is as hard as steel, but it does not mean that it lasts long.

The four hundred princes thought that the Qi Practitioner's goal was only to get rid of Xiao Zhou's oppression, but they knew that the Qi Practitioner's ambition was smaller than everyone imagined.

What does he care about doing so little? He is just in your territory, in Xiaoliang City, fully cooperating with the actions of the old sour scholar. Tang Chen stood up quickly and leisurely:

And the fewer articles you imprint, the less corn you receive.

Each piece of clothing was made day and night.

Although Gong Nanbei is a monk, his weak strength does not mean that he is tired, but that it means endurance.

The journey to the world is long, but we go together and return together. Tang Zhou muttered loudly: You can always ask us to leave our lives in the world because of some people's dirty work.

Zhihu was nervous and just stood outside the house, maintaining order and checking for mistakes.

I am the incarnation of a little person, but I have to use my inner demon to do small things. Who knows that something went wrong at the critical moment. He was refined alive and turned into a puppet, and his inner demons were controlled by others.

Can these tattered clothes be imprinted with words?

Shi Yuan smiled when he heard the words: My wife is worried, these noble young masters also stay at home all day long and go out. As long as they go out, they can't see the advertisements that are everywhere. One person chants one sentence, and a thousand people chant it , Thousands of people recite it, and it will last for a long time, which is worth countless hardships.

Now that Xiao Zhou Chao has lost face in Kunlun Mountain, he definitely wants to take action on me, Xiao Xia.

Tomson drank tea quietly. I always seemed to be worried that I would not have enough time, running around causing trouble in the world.

Some of those people have been with me for hundreds of years, some have been with me for decades.

So the tailor shops in Xiaoliang City went crazy, and countless tailor shops came to the door, begging to cooperate with Zhihu.

That is a very courageous person!

It can be regarded as the first thing you do for Master. Tang Zhou said: Among that group of people, there must be the lucky ones who have not been blessed by the Kunlun world. If it can be transformed into your Taiping Dao energy and belief, it will be great for Master. It’s a bad thing to say. It also adds to your guilt for betraying Taiping Dao!”

As long as you can come here for half a month, you won't be able to get a piece of Shi Yuan's customized version of clothes. Before getting customized clothes, the amount of corn you receive every day cannot be less than one bowl of rice on weekdays.

Xiaoliang City Mi Family Mansion

It’s no longer about giving people free clothes.

All the traffickers and lackeys in Xiaoliang City are going crazy!

The mistress also looked deeply at Cui Yu, with a trace of mist rising in her eyes.

If you come every day wearing clothes, you can still receive corn.

It's bad, we really need to hire manpower. Gong Nanbei originally wanted to do it himself, but he felt a little nervous when he saw the sea of ​​people at the end.

The king has no orders, so I will fully support the old Confucian scholar and help the old Confucian scholar achieve enlightenment. Tang Chen took out a bright yellow scroll from his sleeve, raised his hand and handed it behind Wu Guang.

Little man, Wu Guang is here. The warrior without Taiping Road walked slowly outside the yard and woke up Shi Yuan who was deep in thought.

What am I here for? Cui Yu was stunned for a moment, then said, Tell me to step back.

Zhihu randomly selected more than seventy beggars from the crowd, and then called them to the front yard. After a while of dressing up, he finished arranging for people to be laid off directly.

The rules in Shi Yuan's book are true: those who don't have carriages, horses, poles, and flags can't get corn if they mark words under the flags. And after diluting the word, you can come and receive eight bowls of corn every day. That way, we can't prevent everyone from trying to find a way to fight back

At this time, Tang Zhou also secretly sent news: The matter is done.

Zhihu's mountain pork shop quietly changed its appearance and became a mountain printing and dyeing shop.

Cui Yu raised his head and looked at the catkins on the small tree, his eyes looking thoughtful.

Master Nan Hua only defeated Zhou Tianzi alone. Countless bloodline members were still hiding in front of the curtain, transforming into tens of thousands of years of family history, overlooking the rise and fall of the world.

Looking at these refugees with sallow faces and skinny muscles, Zhihu couldn't help but wonder what it felt like.

And for these wealthy people, the shop also handed out free clothes.

The elders of Taiping Dao were all picked out from beggars by me one by one, or they were ordinary people with extraordinary talents selected from unusual families.

Brother, you want rice. At this moment, a ragged, unkempt, hungry and skinny beggar squeezed through the crowd and rushed behind the rice shop.

Since the Xiang family was expelled from Daliang City, Daliang City has had two rulers.

As long as the words of saints are branded under the car, the toilet, and the carrying pole, it will get a piece of clothing, or eight bowls of corn, and the people at the bottom of Xiaoliang City will go crazy.

Shi Yuan looked at the bright yellow scroll behind his eyes, his eyes full of surprise and consternation, and his eyes stared at Tang Chen in disbelief.

Or is it outside the common people’s fields?

You dare! I dare you! Wu Guang quickly knelt on the ground. Before kowtowing eight times, he shook off the dust from his sleeves, raised his hands above his head, and put away the decree with a respectful expression.

Watching the peddler and his lackey collecting corn, few people sat still.

Tang Chen and Tang Zhou also knew when they were standing under a certain restaurant, looking at the countless believers who chanted the slogan: Old Immortal of Nanhua, the power of magic is boundless, Shi Yuan was confused: His is a public weapon and a private one. Use it to line your own pockets.

Under the temple, Xiaogui will always admire these bad guys who are truly willing to do practical things for the people.

Then he saw Wu Guang sneaking away, leaving Cui Yu standing outside the yard and thinking: It's too chaotic! It's too chaotic! What do those people want to do? Xiaoliang City is a place where you can stay for a long time.

Cui Yu was stunned. I really knew that news.

I saw a sea of ​​people behind the shop, and the traffic squeezed into a small area, blocking the entire street.

Although I hooked up with Taiping Dao, I still dared to disobey the imperial court and put the Xiaozhou imperial court in my eyes.

Those who don't have carriages, horses or poles can come and collect corn as long as they spare the clothes they wear and have articles stamped on them.

After speaking, he walked out of the small door with his hands behind his back, leaving Wu Guang standing outside the yard, thinking for a long time before slowly walking out of the front door and disappearing into the sea of ​​people.

Zhihu is also a generous person. If he uses the divine blood of Corpse Ancestor as a favor, how can Zhihu be like Xiao Fang?

One is Tomson, and the other is Taipingdao.

Not one of Xiao Zhou's elders or young generals arrived.

A few days later, Kunlun Mountain fell. Where did he think Kunlun Mountain fell?

Do I dare to accept the decree of the King of Human Beings?

I will always leave a way forward for us!

How could the secret accumulated by Xiao Zhou's seven thousand years of exploiting the heavens be as complicated as it appears on the surface?

He definitely wants to make a big move. Our Xiao Zhou's background is such that those chickens and dogs can mess up their ideas.

Looking at Wu Guang standing aside, Tang Chen put the tea cup in his hand: He took away the Xiang family's Xiaoliang City. The Xiang family will never give up no matter what. There will definitely be no fight between Xiaoxia and Xiaoyu. conflict.

I really have so little divine blood that I have no use for it.

Has the old sour scholar defected to the imperial court? Wu Guangda was worried about the imperial edict, and then looked at Tang Chen with his eyes and asked tentatively.

No one is giving out free clothes, and they are also giving free clothes to Xiaojia. What’s the point of being ugly? What kind of bicycle do you want?

The ordinary people in Xiaoliang City also went crazy. One by one, ordinary people found the smallest size of clothes, came to Zhihu's shop, and left with bags of corn in their hands with joy on their faces.

I would like to ask you to show me your kindness. Wu Guang bowed respectfully.

Ever since before this small drought, the people in the far distances of the entire Liangjie Mountain have never been in a hurry.

There was a slight drought the year after that, and Xiaoliang City, as the center of male gangsters, was the first to suffer.

I dare to make the decision without permission.

You are wearing clothes, you are branding them. The beggar simply pulled up the clothes underneath him and looked at the man in charge of branding.

Loads of corn were distributed. Gong Nanbei was so tired that he stood up. His wife also leaned on the door frame and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

What a joke!

Although Shi Yuan is dead, the inner demon controlling Cui Yu's body is still extremely satisfying.

When he was young, he saw Wu Guang rushing back from the door and looking at Cui Yu seriously: You want to see Master Tang Zhoutang.

You know, you will pass the news to Qu Shuai. Cui Yu replied solemnly.

After Shi Yuan finished speaking, the beggars in Xiaoliang City went crazy!

Tang Chen looked at Zhihu with a flattering expression.

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