Seeing that Ji Wushuang was about to come, the old Dragon King couldn't hold himself any longer and quickly begged for mercy: Slow down, slow down, I have something to say.

What else do you have to say? Ji Wushuang picked up a grape and stuffed it into his mouth leisurely.

Don't you want Cui Yu's pig? Actually, I have a way! the old Dragon King said quickly.

What can you do? What can you do? Ji Wushuang and Mr. Yu both looked at him.

You have to spare my life before I can tell you. The old Dragon King accompanied him with a smile.

If what you say is useful, it doesn't matter if I spare your life. Ji Wushuang said, Tell me, I want to hear what tricks you can come up with.

Since the young master wants to seize this person, it will be easy to handle. This person is an acquaintance of Cui Yu. The young master only needs to return to Cui Yu as this person, and then find a way to take Cui Yu away. Isn't stealing a pig a trivial matter that can be easily captured? said Lord Fire Dragon.

Really? Ji Wushuang was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect to have such a harvest.

Of course it's true. True Lord Fire Dragon assured him, patting his chest.

After hearing what Lord Fire Dragon said, Ji Wushuang looked at Mr. Yu. Mr. Yu turned around and sent someone to inquire. After a while, he turned around and said, It's true! The villagers in Lijia Village said that this kid is indeed hanging out with Cui Yusi.

That's easy to handle. Ji Wushuang looked at Liu Xiu: Brother, you are toasting instead of eating and being punished with wine. Do you really think that if you don't speak, we can't do anything to you? You are too underestimated by the methods of the world. The methods of our big world are beyond the imagination of small places like yours.

As long as I make your soul into a coat, then I can pretend to be you and use your identity to deceive the Innate Divine Sword. Ji Wushuang looked at him condescendingly.

Stop your delusions. You can't get the Innate Divine Sword, and you won't even think about getting it in this life. As for you entering the Kunlun Cave? Someone will take back the blood feud for me in the Kunlun Cave. Liu Xiu smiled coldly.

Hearing this, Ji Wushuang smiled coldly and said nothing more.

At this moment, the void in the tent twisted, and an illusory figure appeared.

Mr. Yi! Seeing the illusory shadow, Ji Wushuang stood up quickly: Sir, why is Yang Shen here?

It will take three to five days for my real body to arrive. I'm afraid I'll miss the eldest son's affairs. After all, the lotus lantern and the innate divine sword are related to my great Zhou Qi suppression. The illusory figure turned his eyes and scanned the area. Da Zhang: Old Ghost Yu, you have made a meritorious service this time. You will be rewarded by the Emperor when you return to Haojing. Don't forget me when the time comes.

I'm about to use Brother Dao's soul-moving technique. 'Yu' looked at 'Yi'.

Is this the guy? Yi looked at True Lord Fire Dragon.

True Lord Fire Dragon trembled: It's not me, Commander, don't make fun of me, it's this kid next to me.

Lord Fire Dragon quickly pointed to Liu Xiu who was standing aside.

Liu Xiu had a look of hatred on his face, but said nothing, his eyes full of stubbornness.

Seeing Ji Wushuang nodding in confirmation, he moved in front of Liu Xiu. The next moment, the illusory palm stretched out and landed on Liu Xiu's head.

Then Liu Xiu screamed, and then a colorful spirit was pulled out.

It has reached the realm of disaster, but it is a pity that the cultivation level was wiped away by an inexplicable force. Yi looked at Liu Xiu's soul, with an inexplicable emotion in his eyes.

Thieves, you will be punished! You will be punished! Liu Xiu struggled desperately, but how could he break free from the restraints?

With the activation of the magical power in his hand, Liu Xiu's soul transformed, gradually stopped flickering and struggling, and then suddenly transformed, turning into a piece of skin.

His Highness's soul is about to enter this person's body. You must find a place to hide your body. You must not be harmed by others. If your body is destroyed by someone, your soul will never come back. . Also, every seven days, you need to return your soul to your physical body to warm and nourish the Qi and blood of your body, so as to prevent the real body’s Qi and blood from drying up. And for this soul garment, you need to wear it every seven days. Take it off once, otherwise it will merge with His Highness's body, and then it will be difficult for His Highness's soul to be separated from him. He turned to look at the eldest prince Ji Wushuang.

Ji Wushuang took the colorful leather, then glanced at the two of them. The next moment, he picked up Liu Xiu's body and walked away, flashing out of the big tent.

Seeing Ji Wushuang's back disappear, Mr. Yu waved the tentacles above his head: He doesn't believe us.

If it were me, I would never trust the second person. Yi shook his head: Besides, there are other princes in the camp. If they find an opportunity, they will not show mercy.

The two of them looked at me and I looked at you, both of them fell into silence.

I'm leaving. There have been too many things going on in Dazhou recently. The little dragon girl suffered an accident. Donghai and Xihai put pressure on each other. Emperor Zhou couldn't bear the pressure. After Yi finished speaking, he turned into smoke and disappeared. in the air.

Seeing Yi Yuan move away, Mr. Yu shook his head: This old guy's methods are really hard to guard against. I don't know how many heroes have died in his hands for no apparent reason.

Let's say that the eldest prince Ji Wushuang walked away, and his body turned into a stream of water vapor, floating in the mountains and forests, and finally arrived outside the time restricted area of ​​Lijiacun, then quietly revealed his body and jumped into the ancient well.

After a moment's thought, Liu Xiu carried Liu Xiu's body to the ancient well, took out a bead in his hand, and actually drained the water from the ancient well, revealing a space the size of an inch.

Ji Wushuang then sat cross-legged, holding the beads in both hands, then the soul jumped out of the body, and then wrapped the leather around her body.

The skin that Liu Xiu's soul transformed into filled his whole body like liquid wax, covering his whole body's aura, and even his appearance changed accordingly, turning into Liu Xiu's appearance.

Then the soul jumped into Liu Xiu's body, and then Liu Xiu opened his eyes and stroked his chin proudly: In this way, we will definitely be able to deceive the innate divine sword and the Kunlun secret realm.

Looking at his physical body again, he nodded with satisfaction: With the soul-suppressing beads to suppress the physical body, even if someone takes the opportunity to plot against my physical body, I still have time to react. This place is in a time restricted area and is still under my surveillance. I can definitely control it. My body is hidden, who would have thought that I would hide my body here?”

There are still dragonriders guarding the outside, so this place is extremely safe. And there is a cave underground in Lijiacun. It's really weird! Ji Wushuang took a look at the underground space, with a strange look in his eyes, but he didn't think too much and directly controlled it. Liu Xiu's body returned and left the ancient well.

Cui Yuzhong

But they saw Cui Yu standing in the yard, standing in front of the fence with a gloomy expression: It seems that many people are eyeing me as a pig. And Liu Xiu was captured by the court. What is his identity? How could you provoke people from the imperial court to start a war?

And the soul of the fire dragon. Cui Yu had countless thoughts in his mind.

Then he turned to look at Zhu Wuneng who was not far away: You are so popular now. Countless people want to arrest you, and they don't know whether to eat meat or practice cultivation.

Zhu Wuneng trembled, then came to Cui Yu with a flattering look on his face and gently rubbed Cui Yu's thigh.

Cui Yu stroked Zhu Wuneng's hair: You are my mount. Although riding a pig is not very elegant, you are an innate creature.

Zhu Wuneng looked at Cui Yu with a sad expression, and Cui Yu knocked Zhu Wuneng on the head. Now the relationship between the two has greatly eased.

Especially after Zhu Wu could see Cui Yu's incredible methods, he did not dare to act recklessly.

What a pity Liu Xiu. Cui Yu took a breath.

Then he thought of the mark in front of him, which must have been left by Liu Xiu specially for himself.

Liu Xiu probably expected that someone would come to visit him soon, so he left these two marks for me. Cui Yu recalled Liu Xiu's words, especially the sentence: You are a good person.

I don't know why it feels a bit harsh.

The army of the Great Zhou Dynasty is full of masters. I can't avenge you. Cui Yu always couldn't help but recall that stubborn figure in his mind. The eyes when he parted were waving in his mind. It won’t go away.

There are too many masters in Dazhou!

I just have a dragon-binding lock! Cui Yu cast his gaze on the tree. The chicken looked at the sky in the distance with a melancholy expression, his eyes full of sorrow and sadness.

A phoenix wearing a robe is not as good as a chicken!

Looking at Zhu Wuneng, Cui Yu lifted the restrictions on Zhu Wuneng with a little finger.

The real water turned into a ball and stayed between Zhu Wuneng's eyebrows.

I'm afraid I can't keep this pig. If someone comes to steal you again in the future, it depends on your ability. Of course, you can also take the opportunity to run away. Although I have released your restriction, the power of Zhen Shui Wuxiang still remains on you. In my body, even if you cross thousands of mountains and rivers, I can still sense your traces.

Cui Yu patted Zhu Wuneng's head and continued to practice boxing in the yard.

The higher your knowledge, the more you realize your own insignificance and incompetence.

The divine power in Cui Yu's body continued to flow, and the mighty power continued to pour into his body.

The internal organs are being washed by the constant impact of blood.

When Ji Wushuang arrived outside Cui Yu's yard with Liu Xiu's skin on his back, he saw Cui Yu practicing martial arts.

Then he couldn't help but be stunned: Why didn't he trigger the power of time to kill him?

Why are you back? Cui Yu, who was practicing martial arts in the yard, was also stunned and looked at him in surprise.

The eldest prince just came to me to ask some questions. After asking, of course he will let me go. Since Ji Wushuang dared to come, of course he had already thought of an excuse:

About you.

About me? I have never had contact with people from Haojing. What did he ask me for? Cui Yu was stunned.

Ji Wushuang's eyes fell on Zhu Wuneng at this time, and his eyes seemed to be stuck on it, and he could no longer move away: The ancient canopy! Sure enough, Cui Yu still has an ancient canopy here! What the Queen wants is this ancient canopy!

It's about this pig. I heard that the eldest prince wanted to eat roast suckling pig, so he collected pigs from nearby villages. But who would have thought that you would cause trouble here, and many dragon-riding imperial troops died. That dragon The Cavalry Imperial Army in the Great Zhou court are all selected from among the top masters in the world. Each of them is a dragon or a phoenix among men. They have withstood the cultivation of countless geniuses and treasures of the Great Zhou. If one person is killed or injured, it is a huge loss, and even more Not to mention the loss of hundreds. No matter how generous Ji Wushuang is, he will never let it go.

Listening to the eloquent words, Cui Yu couldn't help but be stunned. The person in front of him seemed to be quite different from the taciturn young man he knew before.

Why did he become so talkative after a trip to Dazhou Camp?

Are all the dragon-riding imperial troops of the Great Zhou Dynasty masters of heaven and man? Cui Yu couldn't help but ask.

Wrong! Heavenly beings are just the threshold for entering the Dragon Riding Forbidden Army. Only those with the potential to break through the fourth realm can enter the Dragon Riding Forbidden Army. Ji Wushuang said.

I used to think that I was a master and could stand out. Cui Yu smiled bitterly.

After working on it for a long time, I got the criteria to enter the Dragonrider Forbidden Army.

I'm afraid you have thought wrong. The Dragon Riding Forbidden Army is the key to suppressing the last strength of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It cannot be mobilized without permission except for major events. There are 365 princes in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and each prince's territory is tens of thousands of miles away. Wanwanli, it seems that it is not too difficult for the Great Zhou Dynasty to form the Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army and select the masters in the world. The Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army is the trump card used by Emperor Zhou to suppress foreign races. Once it is deployed, it means that the moment has come to determine the fate of the country. Ji. Wushuang didn't hide it either.

This kind of thing is simply common sense.

The treasures in the world belong to the nobles. The treasures among the two treasures belong to the princes and kings. The treasures among the treasures belong to the emperor of Zhou. Think about it, the great Zhou Dynasty is rich in the world and gathers the most precious treasures in the world. It is cultivated Of course he is the most powerful person in the world. Although the Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army is powerful, they are suppressing 365 princes, so now they are somewhat stretched. Ji Wushuang said.

The Dragon Riding Imperial Army is powerful, but when it is spread into the ocean of the world, it is just a small wave.

Cui Yu was silent.

You're a very unique pig. Ji Wushuang looked at Zhu Wuneng and was about to reach out to touch him.

If you want to steal a pig, you need to be familiar with it first.

But facing Ji Wushuang, Zhu Wuneng obviously didn't appreciate it: He's just a mortal, but he still wants to touch your grandfather?

Do you really think your grandpa is a pig?

Then his nose arched, and in an instant Ji Wushuang turned over and fell to the ground with a look of embarrassment.

You are such a cruel pig, how did you surrender? Ji Wushuang wanted to find out Cui Yu's methods.

I don't know. I raised a litter of old sows before, and he was born. I thought he was a bit smart, so I kept him. This pig followed me shamelessly and couldn't be driven away even if I tried to drive it away. Cui Yu There was a sneer from the side, which made Zhu Wuneng's nose crooked in anger.

Can’t drive away?

Damn it, you should let me go!

Let go of the restraints and see if I can leave.

Can this pig give me a hug? I just like pigs. Ji Wushuang looked at Cui Yu, and then looked at Zhu Wuneng eagerly.

Cui Yu looked at Ji Wushuang with a strange look in his eyes.

Too strange!

It's so strange!

Ji Wushuang before did not even look at Zhu Wuneng.

It’s not surprising that he is so interested in Zhu Wu now!

In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

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