Cui Yu became suspicious of him, but he didn't say anything, just watched the other party's movements quietly.

How dare you be so rude, you bastard? Ji Wushuang was thrown to the ground by Zhu Wuneng. She was covered in mud and her nose was so angry that she twisted her nose. I couldn't help but curse loudly.

When could Zhu Wu be angry like this?

He was already fed up with Cui Yu's anger, but when he heard this, he spoke out again and made the other party do somersaults.

How dare you be rude? Cui Yu cursed beside him, and Zhu Wuneng stopped his nose as expected, then stared at him with his eyes and lay back with a groan.

This bastard is really vicious. Ji Wushuang ran to Cui Yu's side with a clear conscience, then pointed at Zhu Wuneng's nose and cursed.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this and took out the iron pot: Continue to practice boxing.

What kind of boxing do you practice? Ji Wushuang looked at the steaming iron pot and asked in a daze.

Cui Yu glanced at Ji Wushuang, his heart sank, and said calmly: Iron Sand Palm! The Iron Sand Palm I taught you before.

Didn't you pester me earlier and want me to teach you kung fu? Cui Yu said as he inserted his hands into the iron sand, and then a steady stream of iron sand energy was absorbed by his hands.

Ji Wushuang was stunned for a moment, and then laughed dryly: I was questioned by the other party in the First Prince's camp earlier, but I forgot about it.

Where does he know how to make iron?

By the way, I need to take a rest. I won't practice any martial arts today. I'm going to have a rest! After saying that, he opened the door and walked into the house.

Where are you going to rest? Cui Yu asked.

Of course, go into the house and rest. Ji Wushuang said.

Cui Yu shook his head: Did you be beaten stupid by the eldest prince? You never rest in my yard.

Then where should I rest? Ji Wushuang was stunned.

Cui Yu pointed to the doghouse not far away.

Ji Wushuang was stunned, with a cold murderous intent in his eyes: Did this kid find out something? He recognized that I was not Liu Xiu, so he deliberately played tricks on me? But it's impossible! It's impossible! My current body is Liu Xiu's , the soul is also wearing Liu Xiu’s skin, and the other party will never be able to see any flaws.

If he hadn't had absolute confidence in the soul-changing method, he might have thought that he had been exposed at this time.

Look at my memory. I was so frightened by the eldest prince that I forgot many things. Ji Wushuang smiled naturally, then walked back to the kennel. Sure enough, he saw a simple bed, which was in line with Liu Xiu's. The characteristic of absconding.

Just tell him to sleep in the doghouse as a dignified prince? Isn't that a little too much?

But in order to steal the pig, he still chose to get into the kennel. Smelling the unbearable dirty smell in the kennel, Ji Wushuang couldn't help holding his breath, then narrowed his eyes and began to think about how to take the pig away. .

We still need to send someone to find out what Cui Yudu is capable of. Otherwise, tomorrow Cui Yu will ask about the 'iron sand palm'. If I don't know how to do it, won't I make him suspicious? Ji Wushuang had thousands of thoughts flashing in his mind.


Cui Yu looked at Ji Wushuang's back as he got into the kennel, and then narrowed his eyes: My resurrection told me that there is nothing wrong with the person in front of me. This is a living person, with Liu Xiu's aura from the inside out. , but what exactly did he experience in the eldest prince's camp? His personality changed drastically before and after, as if he was a different person.

Cui Yu thought for a long time, but couldn't figure out what happened. If he hadn't come back from the dead and told him that the person in front of him was Liu Xiu, he would have thought that the other person was pretending.

But why did the other party change so much after just one night? It was as if he had changed into a different person.

It’s really incredible to the extreme!

That night

Ji Wushuang quietly got out of the kennel, then glanced at Cui Yu's house, and slipped out quietly.

Just after Ji Wushuang walked out, Cui Yu in the room also opened his eyes, and the next moment he turned into air and disappeared into the air.

Xiaoli Village is illegal, so Cui Yu turned into air and flowed in the air, but he did not attract anyone's attention.

Cui Yu followed Ji Wushuang and watched him come to the well and dive straight in. He couldn't help but be stunned.

What did he do in the well?

But now that the well is full of water, he doesn't dare to break in when he turns into water, so he can only wait patiently.

Ji Wushuang entered the well, of course he was a little worried about his own body, so he took a look at it. The next step was to check the objects Liu Xiu left behind to see if there were any martial arts secrets or the like.

Unfortunately not!

He rummaged through Liu Xiu's personal belongings, but could not find the so-called method of practicing Iron Sand Palm.

Then he changed his body and walked out again, heading towards the imperial camp:

Come here, collect all the information about Cui Yu for me, including all the methods he has practiced. Where did he learn from him and where did he learn his skills!

After giving the instructions, he hurried back to Lijia Village to prepare to change his body back.

Let’s talk about underground

After Ji Wushuang left, Cui Yu entered through the entrance and then revealed his true form on the water.

Why did Liu Xiu sneak into the well? Also, why did the eldest prince Ji Wushuang appear in the well? Could it be that Liu Xiu and Ji Wushuang had a secret meeting at night and wanted to have some plot against me? Cui Yu suspected Liu Xiu at this time. He was tortured in the imperial camp to extract a confession, and then Liu Xiu could not bear the torture and was forced to work as an undercover agent in his own home.

How about leaving a bomb next to you?

Looking at the clear well water, Cui Yu pondered for a moment, then fell directly into the water the next moment.

It's been such a long time, how can Liu Xiu, an ordinary person, have the power to control water? Cui Yu had countless doubts in his heart. The water flowed silently wherever he passed. Gonggong's blood gave him natural The ability to ride all kinds of water currents.

Moreover, in the water, Cui Yu was aware of every subtle change in the water flow around him, as if the entire Heluo water flow was integrated with him.

Then the next moment Cui Yu was like a god in the water, taking one step across a hundred feet of water, and then a blue light appeared in front of him.

He noticed something unusual under the well water and saw a figure protected by a blue light shield.

Liu Xiu! No, there is no soul! His soul is gone! Cui Yutong shrank and immediately noticed the abnormality after he came back from the dead.

Something's wrong!

Something is so wrong!

Then Cui Yu slowly stepped closer and slowly came to the light mask.

It is true that the soul is gone, but the body is not dead yet, preserving life in a strange way. Cui Yu had thousands of thoughts running through his mind, racking his brains but couldn't figure out the cause and effect relationship.

Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be!

Countless thoughts were circulating in Cui Yu's mind, and no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't figure out the key.

At this moment, the sound of falling water suddenly came from the outside. Cui Yu quickly gathered his energy, and the next moment he dodged and was already hiding behind a big rock a hundred feet away.

Cui Yu narrowed his eyes, his eyes were filled with divine light, and there was a strange twinkle in his eyes.

I saw Ji Wushuang, the Prince of Zhou Dynasty, sneaking into the well, walking straight into the light shield, and then a soul jumped out of his body and submerged into Liu Xiu's body, then left his body behind and carefully protected it with the beads. , just then drove Liu Xiu's body away.

When Cui Yu, who was behind the stone, saw this scene, his whole body was so shocked that he could not help but feel chills, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Cui Yu doubted his own eyes.

What kind of method is this?

One person can actually control two bodies without any flaws?

Liu Xiu is the prince of Zhou Dynasty? Or is it that the Prince of Zhou is Liu Xiu?

This is by no means a concept!

The other party controlled a body just to sneak into me? Thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind.

No! No! No! Liu Xiu is dead! Liu Xiu is dead! Cui Yu clenched his fists tightly and veins popped out on his forehead.

If he were Liu Xiu, how could he not know that I taught him how to make iron hands?

In other words, Liu Xiu's soul was killed by the Prince of Zhou, and then the Prince of Zhou controlled Liu Xiu's body just to get close to me on purpose. Thousands of thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's heart: What are you doing to get close to me on purpose? What virtue and ability do I have to ask him to approach me on purpose?

Thousands of thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's heart, and finally his thoughts fell on Zhu Wuneng.

It's that pig! Their goal has been that pig from beginning to end. Cui Yu took a deep breath.

It's just for a pig, and it's so shameless to sacrifice human life. It's really hateful! Cui Yu gritted his teeth angrily.

How can one be so shameless?

Haha, since you like Liu Xiu's body, then I will ask you to stay in Liu Xiu's body forever. Cui Yu looked at the body of Prince Zhou in front of him, with a cold smile in his eyes.

Then he took out the Qiankun bag and put Ji Wushuang's body directly into it: Haha, since you covet Liu Xiu's body, then I will show you how powerful it is.

This bead is quite good, a bit interesting. Cui Yu casually took the bead in his hand, and then rode the water away in the next moment. When he appeared, he was already outside Lijia Village.

After pondering for a moment, Cui Yu turned into air, passed through the heavy package of iron cavalry outside Lijia Village, and arrived at Liangjie Mountain.

Then Cui Yu dug a hole and looked at Ji Wushuang's body. He originally wanted to burn the other party's body and bury the matter directly, but then he thought about it and felt it was wrong: Whether it is For everyone, the physical body is the most important. Even if you become an immortal and become an ancestor, your physical body will never be abandoned. If I control Ji Wushuang's physical body, won't I have more leverage to blackmail him in the future?

But before that, I need to give him a little fear and despair. Don't let him worry about me every day when he has nothing to do. Cui Yuzhi transformed into something, consumed eight drops of divine blood, and a stone turned into Ji Wushuang's body.

Cui Yu threw the bead beside him, then dug a big hole, and sprinkled a handful of Sanwei True Fire. In a few breaths, Ji Wushuang's body transformed from the stone had turned into dust.

Hahaha! Hahaha! Ji Wushuang, Ji Wushuang, even if you are the prince of Zhou Dynasty, grandpa, I will show you how powerful you are. Wait until you cry to this stone in the future. Cui Yu felt proud and said The soil fills in and then turns into air and goes away.

Liu Xiu is a good man. He probably knew that he was doomed and was going to die, so he placed his final plan on me. But what are the sword marks and the pattern on the mirror that he placed on me? Why? Didn’t it trigger a reaction from Goldfinger?”

Cui Yu was puzzled, but he knew in his heart that these two things were definitely treasures that Liu Xiu would rather lose his life to protect, and he must not let down the other party's good intentions.


Let's talk about Ji Wushuang carrying Liu Xiu's body and sneaking back into the kennel quietly, and then the more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became. The prince, who was the most respected person in the country, actually lived in the kennel?

How should I behave if word spreads about it in the future?

He stretched out his head and looked at Cui Yu's house, and saw that the lights in Cui Yu's house had been extinguished, and he was obviously asleep.

How should I steal that canopy? Ji Wushuang had no idea for a moment.

After thinking about it, there is no other way except trying to build a good relationship with the other party.

Little did he know that Zhu Wuneng in the yard was also worried at this time.

Why worry?

He hasn't decided whether to run yet!

Originally, he planned to run away, but after seeing Cui Yu's evil methods, he was frightened.

Especially the little Jinpeng King, the majestic Demon King of the Wilderness, ended up like this, how could he not be panicked?

A lot of people are panicking!

That's the little Jinpeng King!

Even if he went to Haojing, Emperor Zhou would treat him as a guest, and he was almost roasted to death and eaten. Can you believe it?

Absolutely can't believe it!

Old Pig, what are you thinking? the little Jinpeng King chirped in the tree.

What do you think? Zhu Wuneng groaned as he lay in the yard.

A pig and a bird can communicate without any problems.

This Liu Xiu is obviously wearing Liu Xiu's skin. He is Ji Wushuang, the crown prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty. You also know that my eagle eyes can innately see through all the secrets of creation. Don't tell me that you didn't see it. Come out. You are also an innate creature, so you should have such abilities. King Xiao Jinpeng said.

Zhu Wuneng remained silent.

Why don't you leave? There was obviously a chance to escape. Little King Jinpeng asked.

If it were you, would you dare to escape? Zhu Wuneng asked.

The little Jinpeng King couldn't help but trembled when he heard this, and stood on the fork of the tree, silent for a long time.

We can't be trapped here forever and be a bastard? What do you think? Little Jinpeng King looked at Zhu Wuneng.

You want to cause trouble? Don't get me involved. Zhu Wuneng shuddered.

As long as you help me untie the rope on my body and ask me to swallow a mouthful of the essence of the sun and the moon, I can transform into a ray of yin and yang, and then I can rescue you. The little golden-winged roc king looked at Zhu Wuneng.

Zhu Wuneng shook his head repeatedly: I wouldn't dare! You don't know what it feels like to be eaten.

You, it's useless for you to claim to be an ancestor, but you were scared out of your wits. Little Golden-winged Dapeng King shook his head, his eyes full of disdain.

Stop talking, that kid is back. This guy's tricks are so weird that he can turn into air and blend into the world. If I hadn't been the master of Yin and Yang, I would never have noticed his tricks. Little Jinpeng Wang quickly stopped.

In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

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