In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 196: The Spies of Dazhou Town ‘Moved’

I don't know what to do? Ji Wushuang had to ask after seeing Mr. Yu's betrayal.

We still need to ask 'Move' to do this. Mr. Yu said.

The natal mark of the innate divine sword must be hidden in this person's soul.

Ask 'Yi' to use his magical power to destroy this person's soul, and then make his soul into a coat, along with the natal mark of the innate divine sword, and put it on the young master's soul. Then transfer the young master's soul to this person's body Young Master may be able to deceive the Innate Divine Sword with this, and then gain the approval of the Innate Divine Sword. Mr. Yu's eyes were full of seriousness.

When the time comes for the young master to obtain the approval of the Innate Divine Sword with this human body, and then deceive the will of the Kunlun world, re-enter the Kunlun world, and seize the Kunlun world's creation one step ahead, then the entire Kunlun creation will belong to me, Great Zhou Everything. There must be many hidden strong men in the Kunlun world, and they can also be taken back by me, the Great Zhou. When the time comes, I, the Great Zhou, may not be able to reverse the number of days and extend the life span of five thousand years. Mr. Yu was full of excitement. .

We thought that this person had escaped from the Kingdom of Dayu with the help of the power of the Innate Divine Sword, but who knew he was hiding right under our noses. This is really God's help, God's help, the opportunity that has come to our door. . Mr. Yu said to Ji Wushuang:

At that time, among the princes in the court, who can still shake your position?

Pass my message, please come over, Mr. Yi. Ji Wushuang said with a smile, and he was in a good mood.

Keep him under secret guard and never allow another person to know the news. Ji Wushuang ordered.

A guard pushed Liu Xiu down.

Ji Wushuang looked at Lijia Village, and suddenly heard a noise in Lijia Village, which made her frown involuntarily: What happened?

Reporting to Your Highness, there is a troublesome idea in Lijia Village, and they started fighting with our people. We have already lost many good players. A dragonriding forbidden army reported.

What? After hearing this, Ji Wushuang was stunned:

Who is so bold as to dare to go against my imperial court?

Your Highness, it must be Cui Yu! Shenqi stood up and said respectfully: I went down to snatch the pig earlier, and the pig belonged to Cui Yu's family. This kid's methods are quite difficult, and even the younger ones can't do it, either. This person attracted Little Jinpeng King.

It turns out it's him. He dares to disobey the king's order. He must be a dishonest person. Ji Wushuang smiled coldly: Follow me to meet him. I just recruited him as a pig, but he dared to push back and kill our dragon-riding imperial army. Damn it.

Ji Wushuang, with an angry look on his face, rode towards Cui Yu's yard on a dragon horse.

Let’s talk about Cui Yu

I was practicing martial arts in the yard, but suddenly I heard the sound of horse hooves outside the door, and then the door was kicked open violently.

When Cui Yu took a look, wasn't this the same group of people who came to trouble him before?

Shenqi couldn't beat him, so he found help again?

Cui Yu was angry from the bottom of his heart, and without saying a word, he directly activated his magical power, and the next moment he activated his canopy.

As for the Yin-Yang diagram?

The Yin-Yang diagram stimulates ten drops of blood with every breath, but the canopy becomes more real.

Cui Yu used the canopy transformation, and in an instant, the wind and clouds gathered between the sky and the earth, mist and rain fell, and the Gonggong bloodline in his body was particularly active at this time.

The little Jinpeng King on the side watched Cui Yu turn into a juvenile canopy. He couldn't help but widen his eyes and had the urge to curse: Fake and shoddy! This is fucking fake! I was actually cheated by a fake I was deceived!

Zhu Wuneng also had some doubts about life: Didn't it mean that all innate creatures in this world are unique? Then what's wrong with me?

Zhu Wu, who is a canopy, can feel that Cui Yu is the canopy at this time, a real canopy.

As soon as the power of the canopy appeared, it was a fluctuation of mana, and the power of the Kunlun Mirror was stimulated.

Before the dozens of warriors outside the door could react, Cui Yu had already jumped into the crowd.

Hundreds of years passed by in a blink of an eye. The celestial warrior looked horrified. Looking at his aging face, he ran away without saying a word.

With Cui Yu as the center, there is a time storm within a radius of ten meters.

Cui Yu, who turned into a canopy, would have been destroyed by the power of time. But Cui Yu's original soul was already immune to the power of time, and the power of time had no effect on him.

Use a yin-yang diagram? It's so weak, okay?

Since we are in the time restricted area, we must maximize the power of the time restricted area.

A group of warriors in the realm of gods and humans ran away, followed by the canopy transformed by Cui Yu.

A hundred years passed by in a hurry.

The grass and trees wither and grow again, and they grow and wither again.

The houses were decaying one after another, and the villagers were deliberately avoided by Cui Yu at this time, so as not to be destroyed by the power of time and die of old age.

When Ji Wushuang Shenqi and others arrived, they saw this funny scene.

Hundreds of warriors riding dragon horses were chased by Cui Yu alone.

As for what the powerful outsiders think?

Cui Yu couldn't care anymore!

He didn't believe there was a golden-winged roc in this world! And that unreasonable innate magical power!

Run! Without saying a word, Mr. Yu suddenly turned the horse's head and ran towards the outside world.

Your Highness, run, this guy is here again! He actually used this trick again. Shenqi also turned the horse's head without saying a word, turned around and ran outside.

It’s impossible not to run!

Who can withstand the power of time?

Even if Nan Hua Zhenren comes, he still can't bear it.

The hills in the distance

Countless powerful people were frightened by the innate power and were ready to take action, but no one dared to take action.

The Little Golden Roc King had previously used his magical powers to snatch away the Ancient Canopy, but now that the Ancient Canopy appeared, the Little Golden Roc King had disappeared. The details were terrifying.

No one who can practice to this point is a fool.

That's the canopy! That's the ancient canopy! Ji Wushuang rode on the dragon horse and turned to look at the ancient canopy transformed by Cui Yu. His eyes were full of fanaticism, and he was ready to move.

Fake! That's fake! That's not the ancient canopy at all, but it was transformed by humans. Shen Qi explained quickly from the side.

It was transformed by humans? Ji Wushuang was stunned: That is obviously the Ancient Canopy!

My subordinates saw it with their own eyes! I dare to guarantee it with the heads on my neck! The three hundred dragon-riding forbidden troops who escaped with their lives last time can also testify. Shenqi said quickly.

After hearing this, the dragon-riding imperial guardsmen who were running like crazy nodded their heads and said in a flurry of words: Your Highness, that is not the Ancient Canopy at all, it is just a special bloodline.

Your Highness, that grandson's magical power is really unique. The canopy he created is no different from the real ancient canopy. But the grandson's ancient canopy is indeed fake. Killing him is worthless!

Your Highness, I dare to guarantee with my head that the ancient canopy that this boy transformed into is indeed fake. This place is a time restricted area, so there is no need to conflict with him. It will be completely thankless!

A group of warriors in the celestial realm also nodded.

Ji Wushuang frowned, with a hint of indifference in his eyes: I see.

Xiaoli Village was not big to begin with, and the dragon and horse were very fast. In just a dozen breaths, they had already escaped the reach of the power of time.

Then Ji Wushuang reined in his horse and turned to look at the rushing canopy, only to see that the canopy was wrapped in wind and rain. When he reached the edge of the Kunlun Mirror's power, he stopped and his body twisted, revealing Cui Yu's true body.

Mutated ancestral blood. Ji Wushuang saw this scene and believed the words of the knights.

You guys really don't give up. Shenqi, have you forgotten how powerful I am? Do you still want to try my methods? Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves, his voice full of disdain.

Who are you? Ji Wushuang asked.

Who are you? Cui Yu asked.

Bold, this is the eldest son of the current emperor of Zhou Dynasty, a first-class prince. You are a commoner, why don't you be polite when you see the king? Tang Chen stood up and scolded.

Prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty? It turns out that he is the noble son from Hao Jing. Cui Yu said thoughtfully: Why, does your noble son like my pigs? Why do you come to my house to snatch pigs again and again?

Prince, these unruly people are really hateful. Please don't get so angry. Tang Chen turned to Ji Wushuang and said.

Cui Yu, right? I know you. Ji Wushuang kicked Tang Chen away with her feet: It is rare to meet mutated ancestral blood. I am a loving person. If you are willing to join me, I will not care about your rudeness. place. And I will also give you some beauties and treasures, and teach you to become a master in one instant.

Ji Wushuang is a very knowledgeable person about this kind of magical power that can transform into innate alien species. This is definitely a magical power!

You want to subdue me to work for you? Cui Yu looked at Ji Wushuang and sneered: I'm sorry, I'm used to being an idle cloud and a crane, and I can't stand the control of the royal court. I just hope you won't bother me again in the future. , even if you come, you can’t help me, so why bother?”

Speaking of this, Cui Yu saw Liu Xiu in the crowd who had been pierced by the lute. He couldn't help being stunned. The hole shrank sharply, but he didn't say anything more and turned around and disappeared into the clouds.

Looking at Cui Yu's leaving figure, Shen Qi couldn't help but cursed angrily: What a cunning person! These Qi practitioners deserve to die.

Qi practitioners all look like this. I don't think he looks like a throwback to his ancestors by blood, but rather like a magical power that a Qi practitioner has developed. Mr. Yu said from the side.

Oh? Do all Qi practitioners have this kind of magical power now? Ji Wushuang thought thoughtfully: It doesn't matter, surround Lijia Village and not even a fly can fly out. I don't believe that he will stay in Lijia Village for the rest of his life. As long as he When he comes out, without the protection of the power of time, there will always be a way to make him surrender.

Let's go see the ascended one first. Ji Wushuang smiled coldly, with a calm expression on his face, but Shenqi and others who were familiar with his character knew that the eldest prince was already truly angry.

As long as that person leaves Xiaoli Village, he will be robbed and killed.

Return to the big tent

They saw that Liu Xiu had been pierced through the pipa bone and was trapped in the tent.

Then what can Cui Yu really do about him? Ji Wushuang said with some reluctance: That pig was requested by the queen. I suspect that Cui Yu's ability to transform into the ancient canopy must be related to the real ancient canopy. . Because of the real Primeval Canopy, it is possible to transform into the Primeval Canopy. And what the Queen wants is the real Primeval Canopy.

Your Highness is saying that there is a real ancient canopy hidden in Xiaoli Village? Cui Yu obtained the creation of the real ancient canopy, so he developed the magical power to transform into a canopy? Mr. Yu shrank. .

Yes, Sir, is there any way to defeat Cui Yu? Break the power of time? Ji Wushuang said.

It's difficult! That's the power of time. No one can resist the erosion of the power of time, unless someone can take away the Kunlun Mirror!

The plan for now is to wait for that guy to run out of the time zone on his own. When the time comes, we won't have the power of time to rely on. We have plenty of ways to control him, Mr. Yu said.

After hearing this, Ji Wushuang could only give up and turned to look at Liu Xiu.

If you are willing to hand over the innate mark, I will keep you, be a warrior by my side, and become a master. Ji Wushuang came to the tent and sat down, looking down at Liu Xiu with a pair of eyes.

Bah! You people in the world are all shameless robbers. It is simply a dream to obtain the Innate Divine Sword! With your virtue, how qualified are you to control the Innate Divine Sword? Liu Xiu drooled.

As expected of a person who can ascend to the big world, he really has the backbone. Ji Wushuang held the knife with an expressionless face and gently cut off the roast meat to taste.

Mr. Yu, what do you think? Ji Wushuang looked at Mr. Yu.

Mr. Yu smiled bitterly when he heard this: Your Highness, the other party is a proud man who has risen from the small world. His character, perseverance, and courage are all the best choices. I am afraid that torture and persecution will have no effect.

Then we can only swallow the opponent's soul, put on the coat of the opponent's soul and touch the innate divine sword. Ji Wushuang felt a little regretful: It's a pity that a master is about to suffer disaster.

Old Loach, what do you think? Ji Wushuang suddenly asked.

Then the next moment an illusory dragon head emerged from Liu Xiu's body: Ji Wushuang, you destroy my body, we are not done yet!

Isn't it over? I think all our grievances should end today. Ji Wushuang said with a smile: Seal his dragon soul and use it to build the foundation of martial arts for the descendants of my royal family in the future.

True Lord Fire Dragon was so frightened that he quickly retracted the dragon's head: Ji Wushuang, I am a direct descendant of the East China Sea. If you dare to attack me, you will not be able to bear the revenge of the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas in the future.

The Sea Clan has declined. From the day when the Maurya King rose five thousand years ago, the Sea Clan was destined to decline. How high-spirited were the Sea Clan when they controlled the waters of the world? Unfortunately, the Taigong used a trick to call you the Sea Clan. Split, and the four seas will establish themselves as kings. Ji Wushuang's eyes showed a touch of disdain: If the four seas were unified, I would be afraid of you and so on. But since the last Dragon King was assassinated by me, Da Zhou, you, the sea clan, are already yesterday. Yellow flowers. All the waters of the world, Heluo, are also under my control, Great Zhou.

Tell me, why don't I dare to kill you? Even the golden-winged roc dares to eat you, so why don't I dare to kill you? Ji Wushuang waved his hand: Take out his dragon soul.

Wait! Wait! I have something to say! I have something to say! Seeing Mr. Yu about to take action, True Lord Fire Dragon quickly gave in.

Oh? What are you going to say?

In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

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