In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 195 A strange combination of circumstances

Cui Yu looked at the young man's fiery red skin and felt a little worried.

But there is nothing we can do!

At this moment, the young man opened his eyes and met Cui Yu's worried eyes, feeling as if someone had poked him in the heart for no reason.

Are you okay? Your practice is progressing too fast. Could it be that your practice has gone awry? Cui Yu asked worriedly: The road to martial arts cannot be achieved overnight. It needs to be achieved step by step.

I'm fine! Liu Xiu looked at Cui Yu and showed a forced smile.

It's okay. Cui Yu patted the young man's shoulder. Seeing that the temperature of the other person's body gradually dropped, he let out a gentle breath.

Cui Yu continues to practice martial arts!

The more you see the broader sky, the more you know your own shortcomings and your own insignificance.

Liu Xiu glanced at Cui Yu, then turned around and walked out of the gate, walking quickly out of the village.

outside world

Let’s talk

Gong Zizheng swallowed the body of True Lord Fire Dragon and returned to the camp to rest, but Ji Wushuang stared at him.

Lord Fire Dragon's soul and dragon beads are also great tonics.

It's just that the Fire Dragon True Lord is too fast, especially when the opponent's soul is out of the body. Even Ji Wushuang can't catch up and can only watch the dragon soul disappear.

Ji Wushuang returned to the camp and asked his masters: Can you see where the soul of Master Fire Dragon flew to?

Everyone shook their heads.

Ji Wushuang looked disappointed when he heard this, then smiled and said:

True Lord Fire Dragon has lost his body and only a soul is left. He can't go very far and will definitely capture the lives nearby. You will send experts to search carefully. The nearby villages and birds and beasts in the mountains must not be spared.

It doesn't matter if you can't find it, it's just a fire dragon soul. By the way, where is Shenqi?

Sir. Shen Qi walked out.

How's the matter with the pig going?

Shen Qi looked ashamed: Master, that Cui Yu is really difficult to deal with. This villain is no match for him in Lijia Village.

What can you do? Ji Wushuang was stunned.

He still knows and approves of Shenqi's abilities.

Shenqi led the 500 dragon-riding imperial army but was unable to do anything about the boy, and actually got him interested.

No wonder the empress went all the way to ask for this pig. It would be strange if she could get it easily.

The pig was requested by the empress herself. If I can't handle it, how will I explain it to the empress in the future? Is it possible that he is just a country boy with three heads and six arms? I will go and meet him in person! Ji Wushuang's voice revealed a trace of curiosity. .

This pig is determined!

Young master, be careful. That kid's methods are really evil. If you are not careful, something will go wrong. It's better for the young Zai Shuai to lead some masters to go out in person. Shen Qi hurriedly warned.

That's a time restricted area. If the other party can teach you in the time restricted area, you won't get any benefits. It shows that he is not a simple person.

Send someone to blockade Lijiacun. I want to go and meet him in person.

In Lijia Village

Liu Xiuzheng walked towards the outside of the village, trying to force the soul of Lord Fire Dragon out of his body.

How can Kunlun Cave be preserved? He was asking True Lord Fire Dragon.

Tao discussion ceremony. Master Huolong said.

What is that about the Taoist Ceremony? Liu Xiu was puzzled.

When the great powers from all walks of life have finished searching for the foundation of Kunlun Cave Heaven, they will determine the ownership of Kunlun Cave Heaven. At this time, a grand ceremony of discussing Tao will be held. Hundreds of schools of thought in the world, no matter which one they are, can participate in the grand ceremony of discussing Tao. If you win, you will get the right to own Kunlun. Since the Great Zhou Dynasty took over the world, everything has been done according to this rule. In the past, each family preached Taoism and divided famous mountains and rivers, all based on the level of Taoism and the division of fortune.

If you can join a certain camp and win the Tao Discussion Ceremony, you can save not only your Kunlun Cave, but also all the living creatures in the Kunlun Cave. True Lord Fire Dragon chattered in his mind. : You have the Innate Divine Sword. No matter which force you join, as long as you use the Innate Divine Sword as a stepping stone, your future will be limitless. You can ascend in a small world where the laws of heaven and earth are broken. You are also a talented person. You can practice a lot. In hundreds of years, there may not be a chance to become a saint and become an ancestor. If you want to get back the Kunlun Cave by then, there are many ways. If you are willing to take me in, ask the ancestor and I will assist you, and put me in the innate magic sword. Raise it, in less than five hundred years, ancestor, I will definitely be able to reach a higher realm, and when the time comes, bringing back the Kunlun Cave for you will be like searching for something in a bag.

If I choose to join a camp, which camp should I join? Liu Xiu asked.

Of course it's our Dragon Clan. Our Dragon Clan owns all the oceans and is the well-deserved overlord of the sea. As long as you take refuge with the Innate Divine Sword, I guarantee that you will preserve the Kunlun Cave. True Lord Fire Dragon chattered non-stop, constantly blowing the wind in his ears.

Apart from the Dragon Clan? Liu Xiu asked.

Except the Dragon Clan? Your only fate is death. True Lord Fire Dragon said: If you don't die, the Innate Divine Sword will never be controlled by them. Can you rest assured that a person who once controlled the Innate Divine Sword will continue to live in the world?

Liu Xiu felt sad in his heart. He knew that what Lord Fire Dragon said was true.

No matter who gets the innate divine sword, they will never allow themselves to live in this world.

Just like when someone buys a new car, no second person is allowed to have the keys to their car.

The two of them had just walked outside Lijia Village. Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the village, and they saw an overwhelming crowd of people, covering the entire Xiaoli Village, surrounding Xiaoli Village from top to bottom, left, right, and left.

The leaders were Shen Qi, Ji Wushuang and their group.

Seeing the large number of soldiers pouring into the village, Liu Xiu couldn't help but change his expression.

Oops, have my traces been exposed? A thought arose in the minds of Liu Xiu and True Lord Fire Dragon at the same time. Liu Xiu looked at the large number of knights entering the village, and his brain was a little down for a moment.

That man, come here!

A soldier saw Liu Xiu and waved.

Just when Liu Xiu was hesitating and thinking about whether to seek refuge, the words of Lord Fire Dragon came to his ears:

Run away! If they catch us, we will all be doomed! Silly boy, why are you so naive? Do you really think you have a choice? You have the coordinates of the Kunlun world on you, and they will never do it if they catch you. I’ll let you go.”

Liu Xiu's expression changed, and then he turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Stop! The soldier saw Liu Xiu running and quickly chased after him.

But Liu Xiu was quite familiar with Xiaoli Village. He had already explored Xiaoli Village in the past few days and was able to throw people away in a few blinks.

Quick! Follow me! A suspicious person has been found!

That kid has the aura of True Lord Fire Dragon on his body! He is the host of True Lord Fire Dragon! Hurry and capture him! Mr. Yu shouted loudly as golden light burst out from his vertical eyes.

Come here, search for me! True Lord Fire Dragon has entered Xiaoli Village. You guys must search door to door for me. You must not let go of every living being in Xiaoli Village. Dragons have the ability to change, even the loaches in the ground. , they have to be dug out for me and taken away. All the insects on the trees have to be wrapped up for me. Ji Wushuang gave the order.

With a shout, a large number of people and horses surrounded him. Looking at the chasing knights, Liu Xiu became even more anxious. A few flashes disappeared between the thatched huts.

Looking at the empty thatched cottage, Ji Wushuang smiled: Unexpectedly, there is an unexpected harvest. Don't worry about the pig for now, capture the soul of True Lord Fire Dragon first.

Liu Xiu had returned to his kennel at this time, with a pair of gloomy eyes: It turns out that you bastard has been exposed. Do you really want to die with me? If you go out now, I can still escape. Fate, if you continue to stay in my body, both of us will suffer!

If I escape now, I will die immediately. I have no choice! True Lord Fire Dragon smiled bitterly.

What should we do now? Liu Xiu was also a little confused at this time, not knowing what to do.

What should I do? If I knew what to do, I wouldn't have to flee to Xiaoli Village to avoid the disaster. True Lord Fire Dragon cursed.

At this moment, there was a frantic sound of banging on the door outside the village, and the sound of a large group of people sounded in the village.

With the sound of chickens flying and dogs jumping, farmers were driven out one after another.

Liu Xiu turned around and looked out the door, her face darkening involuntarily: It's too late!

He meant running outside the village and releasing the dragon soul before it was too late.

What should I do? Liu Xiu asked True Lord Fire Dragon.

Go and beg him! True Lord Fire Dragon was referring to Cui Yu.

If you leave now, I can still live. If I hide, I still have a chance to survive. Liu Xiu said to Master Huolong: I will avenge you for your future revenge.

If I go out now, I will be killed by the power of time in an instant. Master Huolong didn't want to die, so he advised Liu Xiu: As long as you beg him, both of us can survive.

Liu Xiu looked at Cui Yu Xiwu's back, his eyes flickered, and then he came to Cui Yu.

What's wrong? Cui Yu looked at Liu Xiu in surprise. There seemed to be something wrong with the young man's eyes.

Let me ask you a few questions. Liu Xiu looked at Cui Yu.

Are there any difficult problems in martial arts? Cui Yu patted his chest and promised: As long as I know something, I will never hide it.

Liu Xiu stared at him blankly, his eyes complicated and unreadable.

What's wrong? Why didn't you ask? Cui Yu said in surprise.

Originally, I still had thousands of questions, but now that I think about it, there's no need to ask them. The young man looked at Cui Yu's sincere eyes, patted him on the shoulder, and showed an old-fashioned expression:

You are a good person, and you must continue to be a good person in the future. Please keep it up and always be a good person.

After speaking, the young man turned and left.

After all, he didn't believe the words of True Lord Fire Dragon. Can a young man with the second level of martial arts save him?

He didn't want to involve more people.

After the young man left, Cui Yu felt that his shoulder, which had been patted by the young man, felt hot. It was so hot that it seemed to burn his skin.

Ignoring the young man's retreating figure, Cui Yu quickly pulled the clothes off his shoulders and was stunned.


There are two more marks on his shoulders.

One is hazy and looks like a strange-shaped mirror, and the other is shining with clear light and looks like a sword.

Liu Xiu left, but Cui Yu was left with a confused face, standing blankly in the yard, at a loss for a moment.

outside the gate

Liu Xiu saw the soldiers who were knocking down the doors from house to house, and there was a cold look in his eyes: Are you afraid of death?

He was asking about True Lord Fire Dragon.

Haven't you already made up your mind? Lord Fire Dragon sighed with emotion: So what if I'm afraid of death? I thought I had escaped from birth, but who would have thought that I would bump into a scammer like you again.

Kill them out! Even if they can't be killed, they will still be covered in blood. Liu Xiu's eyes were cold as he looked at the warriors from the Celestial Realm coming from a distance, and the next moment he rushed over with a single stride.

After all, it is the power to erase the fate of life and death. Even if it is knocked back to its original shape by the power of time, it still possesses peerless military power that ordinary people do not possess.

Lend me your power! Liu Xiu's voice was calm and full of blood.

True Lord Fire Dragon no longer concealed his aura, and poured in endless dragon power.

Both of them knew that they were now a grasshopper tied to a rope. Once Liu Xiu was caught, he would never recover.

Heads were rolling, blood flowed like rivers, and cries of death alarmed Cui Yu in the yard.

When Cui Yu raised his head, the fighting had stopped, and he saw only groups of celestial warriors walking away.

The blood on the ground is still wet.

Ji Wushuang was standing outside the village waiting, but Gong Zizheng was missing.

Your Highness, we've been caught! The dragon soul actually sneaked into the body of a villager in Lijia Village. Liu Xiu, who was escorted by black-clad warriors covered in blood, came over.

Looking at the person coming, Ji Wushuang smiled: Old Dragon King, you can't run away this time.

Your Highness!

At this moment, Mr. Yu looked excited, and the eyes on his tentacles couldn't help but tremble.

What's the matter? Ji Wushuang asked in surprise.

Ascended! Ascended! The voice was full of excitement.

Ji Wushuang was also stunned on the spot: Is this okay? It's true that there is no place to look for after wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort at all.

Come here, wash away the blood stains on his face. Following the order, a warrior stepped forward and quickly washed away the blood stains on Liu Xiu's face, revealing a young face.

Unbelievable! It's really unbelievable! In addition to looking much younger, they are simply printed from the same mold. Ji Wushuang was overjoyed:

Sir, we meet again.

Bah, kill him if you want, just give me a good time. But if you want to ask me about Kunlun, don't even think about it! Liu Xiu spat hard, his voice full of disdain.

I want that innate divine sword, and I hope that my husband will fulfill it. I will never forget your great kindness in the future! In the future, during the Qingming Festival, when I burn paper for my husband, I will also burn more paper. Ji Wushuang said with a smile.

Haha, you are dreaming. You want to covet the Innate Divine Sword? It is simply wishful thinking. Unless I die, I will never say a word. Liu Xiu's voice was full of disdain.

Seeing the other party's resolute attitude, the will of a powerful person who can eliminate life and death cannot be reversed with a few words.

Turning around and looking at Mr. Yu:

Why do you teach me, sir?

I have an idea. Maybe I can hide it from the public and help you. Mr. Yu stroked his beard, and the vertical eyes on his head kept moving back and forth.

In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

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