In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 194 The dragon soul enters the body and the dragon soul runs away

In front of him was Prince Zheng of the Great Qin Dynasty, and behind him was the Prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty Ji Wushuang. There was even Tang Zhou who was hiding in the dark and watching eagerly, ready to kill people and silence them at any time. True Lord Fire Dragon was in heaven and earth at this time and could not escape.

Especially since his own body was suppressed and suppressed by the Taishan Mountain God ordered by Gongzi Wushuang, he would not be able to escape even at his peak, let alone being in a disaster now.

The only chance of survival now is to abandon the physical body and go to the time restricted area to find life.


True Lord Fire Dragon abandoned his body, Gong Zizheng no longer pursued, but swallowed True Lord Fire Dragon's body into his mouth, and then dragged it into his stomach bit by bit.

But Young Master Wushuang's eyes couldn't help but light up when he looked at the escaped dragon beads and dragon souls.

What a good thing!

This is the natal treasure of the dragon clan who can overcome disasters and tribulations. Once it falls into the hands, it will definitely increase the power of supernatural powers.

What's more, in the future, your descendants can use this Dragon Soul Dragon Ball to build a foundation in martial arts. Although it is not as good as the martial arts foundation of gods and demons, it is still superior.

So Gong Zizheng stood up and chased after him without saying a word.

Tang Zhou stood in the dark, watching the three parties chasing each other. After pondering for a long time, he finally did not continue to move, but quietly retreated.

True Lord Fire Dragon was targeted by the two young masters and was destined not to survive.

The Dragon Soul of True Lord Fire Dragon had just broken into the restricted time zone, and the powerful dragon ball fluctuations immediately triggered the backlash of the power of time. True Lord Fire Dragon couldn't help but change his expression, and quickly searched for life, hoping to entrust his soul to avoid disaster.

But looking around, there are only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people left in the entire Lijia Village. Where are there any strong people who can possess him and hide them?

Eh~ At this moment, Lord Fire Dragon noticed something and suddenly raised his head and looked at Cui Yu's small courtyard: What a strong aura of fire attribute law.

He noticed the fluctuations of the Samadhi True Fire!

The next moment, the dragon soul rushed out directly, breaking through the void and arriving close.

Let’s talk about Cui Yu

Standing in the small courtyard, putting on airs, mobilizing the qi and blood in the body, and constantly tempering the muscles, bones, skin, membranes, and internal organs, in the hope of breaking through to the realm of heaven and man as soon as possible.

In the corner, Liu Xiu soaked her palms in the potion and looked at the gradually clearing potion with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

At this moment, a red light suddenly flashed in the courtyard. Before Cui Yu could react, a red light hit his body directly: Boy, ancestor, I am the Fire Dragon True Lord. Seeing that you have extraordinary aptitudes, I will The soul comes to help you practice and help you realize the great path as soon as possible...

True Lord Fire Dragon was just halfway through his words, and the next moment he saw the female demon behind Cui Yu slowly opening her eyes. Then True Lord Fire Dragon was petrified and couldn't help but cursed: Fuck! Senior, have mercy on me, yes Xiaolong was offended.

Then he rushed out in a hurry, scanning the yard with his eyes. The first thing he saw was the bald golden-winged roc on the shelf. He couldn't help shrinking his eyes and trembling: Why is this evil star here? Still here? Reduced to this level?

True Lord Fire Dragon wanted to laugh, but thinking about his physical body being forced to be abandoned, he couldn't laugh no matter how hard he tried.

Then he turned his eyes again and saw Zhu Wuneng lying under the big tree, lazily squinting his eyes. He couldn't help but shrink back: Taikoo Canopy? Why is Taikoo Canopy here? Where the hell have I come? ?Who is that boy, that he is possessed by gods and demons?

There was no time to think about it, but the time fluctuation had already arrived, and the power of time was about to wash away. The next moment, True Lord Fire Dragon directly penetrated into Liu Xiu's body.

There was nothing he could do, Liu Xiu looked the most ordinary in the entire courtyard. At this moment, the power of time enveloped him, and it was too late for him to run away.

There is no other choice except Liu Xiu.

Only then did Lord Fire Dragon enter Liu Xiu's body. The power of time in the air rippled and dispersed, and even the aura of disaster dissipated completely.

Wonderful, wonderful! Sure enough, there is no perfect path! True Lord Fire Dragon laughed proudly: After I take away this kid's body, I will seek revenge on the Great Zhou in the future. Tang Zhou, Great Zhou, and Great Qin, I want you to pay with blood!

The soul of True Lord Fire Dragon shuttled around Liu Xiu's body, looking for Liu Xiu's soul, but after searching the entire sea of ​​consciousness, there was still no trace of him.

True Lord Fire Dragon searched through the other party's sea of ​​consciousness, but could not find the location of the other party's soul. There were only ten undulating mountains in the entire sea of ​​consciousness, towering into the clouds with no end in sight.

That's weird! Where did this guy's soul go? True Lord Fire Dragon was confused and muttered to himself.

While he was talking, the mountain suddenly collapsed, and a powerful force came from the mountain behind him, which actually directly ejected True Lord Fire Dragon.

Then the mountain shrank and turned into ten toes. The towering mountains and rivers turned into Liu Xiu's spirit.

True Lord Fire Dragon, you are so old that you came into my body. Could it be that you want to die? God Liu Xiuyuan glared at True Lord Fire Dragon.

He had not forgotten that Lord Fire Dragon was one of the culprits who stole his innate divine sword.

Why are you? The moment True Lord Fire Dragon saw Liu Xiu, his entire dragon soul was stunned.

Why can't it be me? Liu Xiu looked gloomy: Old man, your soul actually dares to come to your door. You should die immediately.

The innate mark that appeared on Liu Xiu's soul was the mark of mastering the innate divine sword.

Slow down! Slow down! I have something to say! Seeing this, the old Dragon King quickly stopped him: Boy, please stop, we are afraid of a big disaster.

How could I believe your rumors? Liu Xiu's sword was shining brightly.

It's not too late to take action after you listen to what I say. The old Dragon King was panicking at this time.

Liu Xiu moved his hands for a moment, then looked at the old Dragon King: What do you have to say?

Everyone is looking for you outside now, do you know? Old Dragon King said.

Of course I know. Liu Xiudao.

But you have no idea that they saw me carrying the dragon ball and escaping into Xiaoli Village. Lord Fire Dragon said.

What do you mean? Liu Xiu seemed to notice something was wrong.

You think about it, there are only a few old, weak, sick and disabled people in Xiaoli Village. When they come after them, will they directly target you? My soul is in your body. Not for three or five days, you are thousands of It can't be covered up. If the opponent catches up at this will kill two birds with one stone! Buy one, get one free, and there will be unexpected surprises. True Lord Fire Dragon also kept lamenting his bad luck in his heart.

With so many people in Xiaoli Village, who knew they would break into this courtyard?

And he just broke into Liu Xiu's body?

The two of them are really enemies of each other. Is this considered a self-inflicted trap?

There are so many people in Xiaoli Village. If I had known this, even if I randomly selected an old, weak, sick or disabled person, I would still be better than him.


Throw yourself into a trap!

Could this be any better?

Liu Xiu would never let him go.

Sure enough, Liu Xiu's whole face turned green when he heard the words of Lord Fire Dragon.

He was hiding well in Xiaoli Village, but who knew he would encounter such a thing?

Seeing that the other party's face was getting worse and worse, True Lord Fire Dragon said quickly: Don't be angry, this is your fate, this is your human calamity. If you survive the sea and the sky, if you can't survive, you will turn into ashes. From now on. It’s God’s will that you and I have collided together!”

Liu Xiu's face was cold: What is the human robbery you are talking about?

Human calamity is the most wonderful thing. Some people have survived human calamity at the beginning of their cultivation, while others have only achieved great success in spiritual practice. No one knows when human calamity will happen. They only know that when it comes to overcoming human calamity, they will be able to survive it. If your cultivation turns into running water, you will be beaten back to its original shape. If you encounter some kind of accident, you will die. True Lord Fire Dragon said quickly.

Liu Xiu was speechless when he heard this, but his teeth itched with hatred.

It's all the fault of True Lord Fire Dragon. If this old guy hadn't been messing around and hid it well, how could he have been involved?

Can you get out? If you get out, I won't hold you responsible. If you don't get out, don't blame me for being merciless and killing your soul here. Liu Xiu's voice was cold, and the sword intent around him was lingering, burning. His innate sword intent made True Lord Fire Dragon feel chills all over his body.

The opponent has innate sword intent to protect his body, so he is absolutely no match for the opponent.

Why do you have to drive me away? There is a time restricted area outside. If you drive me out, you will kill me. You might as well kill me with a sword! True Lord Fire Dragon started to act rogue.

Oh? Then I will kill you with one strike of my sword. Liu Xiu's voice was cold.

When the opponent's soul enters his body, he will inevitably plot to seize his body. How can he keep such a big hidden danger by his side?

The great monks outside could see the disharmony between the soul and the body at a glance, and they would immediately guess that the soul of True Lord Fire Dragon was hidden in his body.

Wouldn't it be possible to involve himself at that time?

He hid it well, what does it matter to him?

It is as if people are sitting at home, and disasters come from heaven.

If you drive my soul out now, I will be wiped out by the power of time. You might as well kill me. True Lord Fire Dragon was reluctant.

Then I will kill your soul. Liu Xiu's whole body was condensed with sword light.

Although I am in the dragon soul state now, I still have the protection of the dragon beads. You and I don't have three or five days to decide the outcome. By then, those people will come to the door, and even if you kill my soul, it will be too late. Otherwise, you will be exposed eventually. The old Dragon King persuaded him earnestly.

And when you and I are fighting, it would be bad if you accidentally destroy this body. After all, this is not my body. Even if it is destroyed, I won't feel bad. True Lord Fire Dragon said plausibly, and he started to act rogue.

You! You! You! Liu Xiuqi's soul was trembling. He had never seen such a shameless person.

Even if I give up this skin, I will kill you to avenge my revenge. If I can swallow your dragon soul, my cultivation level will definitely be restored. Liu Xiu wore the Innate Sword around his body. He was about to move: Let me ask you, are you leaving or not?

Outside is the time restricted area. Where do you want me to go? Seeing that the other party was unable to enter, Fire Dragon True Lord couldn't help but feel dizzy: Do you really want to fight with me to the point of losing both sides?

Without responding to True Lord Fire Dragon's words, a sharp sword light flashed through the void at the next moment, locking the world in all directions and slashing towards True Lord Fire Dragon.

Wait! I have something to say! I have something to say! True Lord Fire Dragon said quickly: I have a way to help both of us survive the disaster safely.

The sword light stopped when it was three feet away from True Lord Fire Dragon's head. Liu Xiu said expressionlessly: Say!

Go and beg that young man outside! Go and beg him! As long as you are willing to beg him, we can all survive the disaster. True Lord Fire Dragon said quickly.

Are you deceiving me? He is only a second-level martial artist, how can he have the ability to protect you and me in front of those old antiques? Liu Xiu's face was cold, and he was about to wave his sword again.

You don't know, he is protected by gods and demons. He is protected by gods and demons. No one can harm him. As long as you are willing to beg him, we have a glimmer of hope. True Lord Fire Dragon said quickly.

I believed your ghost. You shameless old guys kept telling lies one after another. You must be delaying time and want to take away my body! Liu Xiu sneered.

He had been observing Cui Yu for many days. How could he not know the details of Cui Yu?

Although he has some talent, he is only at the second level of martial arts after all.

You old man is so cruel that you even want to involve innocent people. See if I don't kill you to vent the anger in my heart. Liu Xiuzhi sea's sword light crisscrossed the sea, and the Fire Dragon Lord fled everywhere.

After all, the dragon ball was defeated by the innate sword energy. The fragments on the orb fell off, and the scales on the soul of the Fire Dragon Lord were also falling off. The fire dragon Lord burst into tears in pain.

That’s all his origin!

The origin of his immortal soul!

I'm leaving! I'm leaving! As long as you take me out of the restricted time zone, why don't I leave your body? True Lord Fire Dragon retreated steadily, and finally couldn't help but speak.

The sword light suddenly stopped, and Liu Xiu smiled coldly: Wouldn't it be enough to do this earlier?

outside world

Cui Yu's face was confused at this time, and he looked at the void with some uncertainty.

It seems like something got into my body? Then it escaped quietly. Cui Yu turned around and looked at the golden-winged roc trapped in the shack:

Could it be that you bitch is harming me?

The golden-winged roc rolled his eyes, his eyes speechless.

He could see clearly that it was the old guy's soul, Lord Fire Dragon, that had suffered a disaster, but there was no need for him to tell Cui Yu.

He was secretly wondering in his heart, what happened outside the Two Worlds Mountain, it actually caused the old Dragon King's physical body to be destroyed.

Cui Yu stood in the yard and carefully checked his body. He clearly heard someone talking in his mind, but why did the voice suddenly disappear?

Weird! Cui Yu checked it over and found nothing unusual. Not even the golden finger caused any reaction.

Could it be that old guy Zhizu who used unknown means to harm me? Cui Yu was shocked and confused.

After checking for a long time, Cui Yu just breathed a sigh of relief, then opened his eyes and looked at Liu Xiu in the corner. He saw that Liu Xiu's whole body was bright red at this time, like steamed prawns, and his whole body was a fiery red. Steaming heat spreads out along the pores.

Hey, are you crazy? How come the energy and blood in the body are running so fast? Cui Yu stepped forward and gently touched the other person's skin. A thought flashed through his mind: It's so hot.

Then he saw the other party's clothes burning and turning into ashes.

In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

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