In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 193 The Battle of Dragon Slaying

Lord Fire Dragon feels that he is very unlucky!

This is no ordinary bad luck!

It was obvious that he was the first to discover the innate sword, but he couldn't conquer it.

I originally wanted to catch the ascended person, but I was suddenly disturbed.

Who knew that a little Jinpeng King would appear out of nowhere and would eat him as soon as he met him? How could he tolerate it?

I, the Fire Dragon Lord, will never tolerate it!

It's a pity that although he was involved in the realm of disaster, he had not survived the disaster after all. Facing the little Jinpeng King, he was unable to fight back. He suffered heavy losses in a few rounds. Thanks to Yang Suchan, a human race who appeared in the Two Realms Mountains and held him back. He killed the little Jinpeng King and gave him a chance to escape.

Suffering heavy losses, there is no hope for the good fortune in Kunlun, and there are too many powerful people here. Who knows if someone will have their own intentions?

So the Fire Dragon Master fell to the ground and turned directly into a loach, swimming around in the water, and was about to leave the boundary of the Two Realms Mountains.

But who would have thought that just halfway through, I would meet an old acquaintance!

An old acquaintance that Master Fire Dragon least wants to meet!

Damn it, why is Tang Zhou here? Master Huolong's heart trembled.

The name of the number one person under Nan Hua is not random!

Hey, what a coincidence today, I met a big loach unexpectedly. It seems that I am in good luck today. Tang Zhou was sharpening his sword by the creek. The sound of sharpening the sword frightened the Fire Dragon Lord. Immediately drill into the cracks in the rocks.

With a flick of Tang Zhou's finger, the earth squirmed and turned into a wall of copper and iron, surrounding True Lord Fire Dragon.

Seeing that Tang Zhou was clearly coming towards him, True Lord Fire Dragon no longer covered himself up, but transformed into a human form and walked out of the water: It turns out to be True Lord Tang, why are you here? Xiaolong is too polite.

How can I stop you if I'm not here? Tang Zhou said with a smile: You old loach is surrounded by the aura of disaster. I think you will be able to survive the disaster soon.

Zhenren has good eyesight. If there is nothing wrong with Zhenren, Xiaolong will just say goodbye and leave. Huolong Zhenren said a few words before running away.

Now he has been severely injured by the Golden-winged Dapeng, and his strength has fallen to the bottom. There are countless people who have ideas about him. His entire body is filled with treasures, including dragon tendons, dragon scales, and dragon souls, all of which are treasures among treasures.

Especially since Tang Zhou was waiting here, it was obvious that he had bad intentions.

Hold on, since I'm waiting here, of course I have something to discuss with my Taoist friends. Tang Zhou blocked the other party's way as if teleporting: I want to invite you to join Taiping Dao and worship for my Taiping Dao. Dear guest, I wonder if my friend is willing?

Master Huolong's face changed wildly when he heard this, and he stared at Tang Zhou with his eyes: I am from the overseas dragon clan, and we are on the same level as the human clan. Why do fellow Taoists force others to make things difficult for them.

He is not stupid. What Taipingdao wants to do is known to everyone.

No one is a fool, and no one is optimistic about Taiping Road.

Lord Fire Dragon has lived for thousands of years, and of course he is not optimistic about Taiping Road.

If Dazhou was so easy to overthrow, why did King Wen of Zhou need to combine the power of Qi practitioners, ghosts and gods to be able to defeat Daxia?

What's more, the Great Zhou Dynasty has absorbed the world's energy for five thousand years, and it is too difficult to overthrow it!

The one who forces someone to do something difficult? Tang Zhou looked at True Lord Fire Dragon with a smile and shaved his nails with a knife: You can refuse? But after refusing, it's hard to say whether you will have a chance to return to the East China Sea.

I am just an idle dragon king in the East China Sea. If you want to unite the sea tribe to fight against the Great Zhou Dynasty, you should go to the dragon king instead of me! True Lord Fire Dragon stared at Tang Zhou, his calves trembling a little.

In his heyday, he might have had the courage to fight the opponent a few times, but now he is a little scared.

The golden-winged roc was born to be the nemesis of the dragon clan, and it dealt him a heavy blow!

That little dragon girl who married into Dongting Lake two years ago is your daughter, right? Tang Zhou looked at him expressionlessly. do you know? True Lord Fire Dragon suddenly changed his face.

This is the top secret of the East China Sea and the West China Sea.

Why did that little dragon girl marry into Dongting Lake? Tang Zhou looked at True Lord Fire Dragon with a smile, but the words he asked made True Lord Fire Dragon's heart gradually sink to the bottom.

He even didn't hesitate to marry the Dinghai Pearl, the most precious treasure of the West Sea! Tang Zhou slowly raised his head and looked at the old Dragon King:

Where has the Dinghai Divine Pearl gone?

You want the Dinghai Divine Pearl? True Lord Fire Dragon was stunned.

Mastering the Dinghai Divine Pearl is equivalent to mastering the power of the four seas, and the power of Heluo in the world. I really can't figure out why the Dragon Clan spends so much time planning such a plan? Tang Zhou said with a smile.

You will never know. True Lord Fire Dragon shook his head.

You probably don't know that the reason why Demon Dao Chunming robbed the wedding party was because I tipped off the people and secretly set up a trap. Unfortunately, Zhu Wuneng kept a close eye on them and I didn't have time to take action. Tang Zhou's voice was full of contempt.

Actually, even if you don't tell me, I can probably guess it. There are probably remnants of the Ancient Heavenly Palace in Dongting Lake. You want to use the Dinghai Divine Pearl to suppress the restrictions in the ruins and then obtain a certain treasure. That's right. No? Tang Zhou stared at him with burning eyes.

I said, you will never know, you will never understand! True Lord Fire Dragon's voice was full of contempt.

Can he speak about something like this that concerns the Dragon Clan's plans?

He is also a member of the Dragon Clan, and a direct descendant of the Dragon Clan. He will never betray the Dragon Clan in this life.

As for the daughter born from an ancestor of the Dragon Clan in the East China Sea, why did she go to the West Sea, become the princess of the West Sea, and marry into Dongting Lake?

It's actually very simple, because the dragon girl's mother is the princess of the West Sea.

Dragons are lustful by nature and do not marry like humans. Back then, Lord Fire Dragon had a quarrel with Princess Xihai, so Princess Xihai took her daughter back to her parents' home.

Moreover, how could he know where the Dinghai Divine Pearl had gone?

He is now searching for Zhu Wuneng all over the world, but unfortunately, Zhu Wuneng is like burrowing into quicksand, disappearing out of thin air.

He can't find it either!

Zhu Wuneng has disappeared!

Why did he appear here so quickly when he was born in Kunlun Cave? It was because he was lurking here secretly, looking for Zhu Wuneng.

But he never expected that he would be targeted by Tang Zhou.

The great net of Taiping Dao has enveloped the entire land of Kyushu. As long as I think about it, no news can be hidden from my eyes and ears. Tang Zhou looked at True Lord Fire Dragon: It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it. I have plenty of ways to teach you, ancestor. you say.

The next moment, Tang Zhou threw it casually, and the sword in his hand turned into sword threads all over the sky, forming a large net and covering True Lord Fire Dragon.

You bitch, you're going too far! If you dare to plot against our Sea Clan, I will never let you go in the future. True Lord Fire Dragon roared, and then turned into a bolt of lightning, which actually passed through the layers of silk mesh and headed towards Fleeed in the distance.

You bastard! You dare to run? You are not only a fire dragon, but you have also mastered the laws of thunder and lightning. You old boy is very knowledgeable. Tang Zhou looked ugly, took one step forward, shrunk to the ground, and tightened his grip. Chased him.

Nowadays, there are many masters near Liangjie Mountain, and he still needs to use thunderous means to win down the opponent, otherwise it will inevitably cause variables.

Thanks to my body melting the power of the eight clones, otherwise this old thing would have really run away. Tang Zhou was secretly shocked.

True Lord Fire Dragon turned into thunder and lightning very quickly, but Tang Zhou's shrinkage was definitely not slow either. Thousands of mountains and rivers were constantly compressed under his feet.

Old loach, where are you going! Tang Zhou made a hand in his hand and chanted a curse. The next moment, big hands emerged from the depths of the earth and kept beating towards the Fire Dragon True Lord in front of him.

Hmph, Tang Zhou, just wait for the revenge of my Four Seas Dragon Clan. True Lord Fire Dragon's voice was full of coldness.

Revenge me? I'm afraid you have no chance. Seeing that he was unable to catch up with the opponent, Tang Zhou immediately changed his magical power: Shift the stars and change the fight.

The next moment, Tang Zhou changed positions with a big tree in front of him, holding a long sword, blocking the way of the old Dragon King.

Seeing Lord Fire Dragon transforming into lightning and passing through, the next moment a sword light turned into runes and suddenly hit the lightning.

There were no earth-shattering collisions.

Although the rune was weak, it was like a big mountain. The lightning turned into a dragon shape and fell to the ground again.

Tang Zhou, you actually practiced moving stars and changing fights. Do you really want to kill them all? True Lord Fire Dragon coughed up blood.

You know so many of my secrets, how can An survive? Tang Zhou stretched out a palm, covering a few miles around, and held it towards True Lord Fire Dragon.

You can't even think of taking me down! Even if I die, I will never give in! True Lord Fire Dragon cursed loudly. The next moment, the Qi around his body was released. Suddenly, the dim air rolled up in the sky. In an instant, there was lightning and thunder, and a black wind blew. The sky was dark and the earth was dark, and the flying sand and rocks alarmed the powerful forces within a radius of dozens of miles.

You actually triggered the disaster and wanted to use the power of the disaster to compete with me. Tang Zhou looked at the black wind gathering in the sky and the spreading hazy air, with a look of seriousness in his eyes.

You're seeking death! You, an old dragon, couldn't survive the disaster in your heyday, let alone being severely injured now? Tang Zhou was not in a hurry, and took a step back a hundred miles, quietly waiting for True Lord Fire Dragon. Died by disaster.

Just when True Lord Fire Dragon caused the disaster, all the powerful people near the Two Realms Mountains opened their eyes one after another, and pairs of eyes looked towards the direction of the Two Realms Mountains.

It's True Lord Fire Dragon. How did he cause the disaster? Ji Wushuang's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

This old loach must have been severely injured and can't hide his aura. Zheng opened his eyes with a look of ecstasy: Okay, okay! I was worried that I couldn't find this old dragon, but I didn't expect that he would take the initiative to send me there. Come to the door. As long as I swallow him, my Black Water Black Snake will evolve, and by then my strength will be even greater.

Sir, later, after I subdue the old dragon, we will discuss the carving up of the Kunlun Cave. Young Master Zheng was overjoyed. The next moment, he only heard the roar of the dragon around him, and then his whole body turned into a ten-mile-long snake, twisting and turning. Crawling through the void in a twisting and twisting manner, he ignored the disasters in the world and killed the Fire Dragon Lord.

The Fire Dragon True Lord in the black wind seemed to have suffered great terror. The sound of pain continued to spread between the heaven and the earth, and large swaths of flames continued to burst out from the black wind.

However, the sneak attack of the Black Water Black Snake gave True Lord Fire Dragon a heavy blow, making True Lord Fire Dragon's situation even more dangerous.

Bastard, where did this junior come from? How dare you secretly attack me while my ancestor is going through the tribulation. True Lord Fire Dragon cursed loudly, then twisted his body into a twenty-mile-long crimson dragon and fought with the Black Water Black Snake. .

The innate aura of the Black Water Black Snake filled the air, and everything in its path was invaded, turning into little demons with spiritual intelligence, running in all directions.

The black water black snake and the fire dragon were entangled and fighting together. When the black water black snake came face to face, there were many holes left on its body. Black blood dripped down, and everything in the place where the blood passed was frozen.

The Black Water Black Snake fought with the Fire Dragon, but ended up at a disadvantage.

These old monsters should not be underestimated. Even when they are going through a disaster, their strength is still skyrocketing. Ji Wushuang watched the battle from a distance, with a touch of emotion in his eyes.

Since the young master wants to win over the young master, now is the opportunity. A noble prince said with a smile.

It is indeed an opportunity. Ji Wushuang took out a talisman from his arms, tossed the talisman in the wind and stretched it, and then wrapped it: The True God of the Three Mountains and Five Mountains obeys the order, the God of Mount Tai, lend me your divine power.

The next moment, Gong Zizheng was distorted, his whole body was shrouded in light, and he turned into a golden figure. He let out a roar of filial piety that shook the world:

The God of Mount Tai is here, who dares to be so presumptuous!

A mere dragon tribe dares to show off its power in our human territory, why don't you die quickly! Ji Wushuang's figure was seen rising up, turning into a thousand feet, and then suddenly stretched out his hand, and two hills were pulled up out of thin air. He smashed it towards True Lord Fire Dragon.

further away

Master Nanhua's eyes lit up when he saw this scene: It's the power of the Zhengyi Covenant of Ghosts and Gods! He actually brought the Zhengyi Covenant of Ghosts and Gods out of Haojing! Hahaha, God help me to achieve peace! God help me to achieve peace! This time I I must seize the opportunity and destroy the covenant between ghosts and gods.

Two mountains crashed down, and the Fire Dragon True Lord was caught off guard and staggered, and then his tail was pressed by the two mountains.

Mountain God of Mount Tai, I am the Fire Dragon True Lord of the East China Sea, why are you harming me! The Fire Dragon True Lord looked at the thousand-foot-tall golden figure and couldn't help but burst into tears.

I was also ordered to be mobilized, and I dare not disobey. If there is anything I can't do to Brother Dao, please forgive me. The golden figure turned out to be intelligent. He cupped his fists and saluted the Fire Dragon True Lord, but the magical power he used was not the same. Slowly, two more mountains were pulled up and smashed down towards True Lord Fire Dragon's claws.

This time it landed on True Lord Fire Dragon's waist, fixing True Lord Fire Dragon's lower body.

Seeing that there was no way to escape today, True Lord Fire Dragon couldn't help but look sad and angry: You guys are taking advantage of others' danger, my Dragon Clan will never let you go in the future.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lord Fire Dragon spat out a fiery red bead, and before everyone could react, the bead had already entered the time restricted area with lightning speed.

In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

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