In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 192 Young Master Politics

Xin Yuan was overjoyed at this moment, but Little Jinpeng King was unsettled. He looked at Cui Yu with a pair of horrifying eyes: What method did you use?

Without the constraints of the dragon-binding lock, Little Jinpeng Wang naturally mastered the skills of speaking.

The mark actually disappeared out of thin air in his body. Little Jinpeng King was not a fool, and he immediately sensed something was wrong.

Ignoring the words of Little Jinpeng King, the dragon-binding lock returned to Cui Yu's sleeve, and then Cui Yu took out a rope and tied it to Little Jinpeng King's paw.

In the future, you can't fly away without my order, otherwise I'll look good on you. Cui Yu stared at the little Jinpeng King.

The little Jinpeng King didn't say anything. The hero didn't want to suffer the immediate loss, and he had no interest in being tortured.

Dog thief, when I regain a ray of yin and yang in my body, I will make you look good. Dapeng bird's heart was filled with anger.

What he didn't realize was that as his anger grew stronger, the inner demon seeds in his body expanded more and more.

However, in front of Cui Yu, King Jinpeng did not dare to escape after all.

Cui Yu prepared some food, entertained the old Taoist priest and the young nun, and then the two parties dispersed.

Cui Yu's small courtyard returned to calm. The Golden-winged Dapeng King stood blankly on the shelf, looking at the golden hair scattered on the ground, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Little King Jinpeng, how do you feel? Zhu Wuneng leaned under the tree, raised his head and looked at King Jinpeng, with a twitching expression in his eyes.

You are also a majestic innate being, and you have fallen to this level. It is really a shame for us. Little Jinpeng King stared at Zhu Wuneng with an angry face.

Little bird, don't you recognize me, ancestor? I remember you, ancestor. Zhu Wuneng had a sneer at the corner of his eyes.

King Jinpeng was stunned for a moment, then looked down at Zhu Wuneng: Do we know each other?

Not only do we know each other, but we also have a deep friendship. Zhu Wuneng suddenly stood up, threw the little Jinpeng King to the ground, opened his big mouth and bit the little Jinpeng King's wings.

Canopy! Canopy! You are Zhu Wuneng, one of the Seven Meridians of Laoshan! King Jinpeng looked as if he had just woken up from a dream, looking at him with a frightened expression.

Yes, it's me. Back then, when I was being chased thousands of miles away, you ruined my practice. Today, we can be said to have repaid injustice with injustice and revenge with hatred. As long as I, Zhu Wu, can live here, you can't even think of escaping. After falling, Zhu Wuneng spit out a crystal silk net from his mouth, and the silk net directly sank into the body of the golden-winged roc.

Golden-winged Dapeng's whole face turned green: Old man, those were grudges that happened more than two hundred years ago. Don't I just want to have a taste of pork noodles? Do you deserve this?

Pork noodles? Bah, I want to taste bird meat today.

The two of them were moaning and groaning, but Cui Yu stood in the yard and began to practice martial arts. The energy and blood in his body continued to vibrate and swim.

The heart is almost finished. Cui Yu was pleased. As long as his martial arts continued to improve, his body could hold more divine blood, and the distance between him and those old guys would also continue to narrow.

Cui Yu practiced martial arts, and his Qi and blood surged like the ocean, constantly rushing through his veins, and could be clearly heard for hundreds of steps around.

Liu Xiu, who was lying down in the shack over there, heard the movement and at some point stretched his head over the wall. His eyes widened and he stared at Cui Yu intently.

Cui Yu didn't hide it, he just kept putting on airs and using the vibrations of his muscles, bones and skin to strengthen his heart.

Are you practicing? Liu Xiu finally couldn't help but ask.

Not bad. Cui Yu turned to look at Liu Xiu.

Want to learn? King Cui Yu asked.

Are you willing to teach me? Liu Xiu's eyes were filled with shock.

Shouldn’t martial arts be a secret that is not taught?

To be honest, after ascending to the great world, Liu Xiu was very curious about the cultivation methods in this world.

If he could combine the cultivation methods of the small world and the big world, he would be confident to complete a faster transformation and regain the cultivation that was cut off by the power of time.

Is there anything that can't be taught? Cui Yu put down his arrogance: It's just that my method is a bit hard to practice.

A person who has experienced the powerless feeling of death will never be afraid of hard work. Liu Xiu simply climbed over the wall and walked over.

He is very thin!

Mobilizing the time power of Kunlun Mirror has consumed most of his foundation.

Cui Yu was not stingy. He went to the house to bring out the iron pot and began to teach the secrets of iron smelting.

Of course it's not the sand of Samadhi True Fire, he's not that stupid, it's just some magical sand.

The young man's talent is surprisingly high, so high that it's hard to believe.

Cui Yu only said this once, and the young man put his hands into the iron sand, and then kept rolling in the iron sand to stimulate the acupuncture points of his hands.

Seeing the young man's energy and blood boiling in just a breath, and his hands already reaching the extreme, Cui Yu's mind was filled with countless thoughts: Can people still be fooled in this world? How come they are geniuses everywhere they go? Just picking up anyone, A genius among geniuses?

The young man felt the transformation of his hands, and there was a strange look in his eyes.

The martial arts of Daqian World are completely different from the martial arts of Kunlun Cave Heaven.

It seems that this iron-smelting hand is more suitable for the martial arts of this world!

Cui Yu feels that young people practice martial arts very quickly, but for young people, his own practice speed is still too slow!

His hometown could be devoured by those evil people at any time. As a son of fate in Kunlun Cave, how could he not worry?

He wished he could regain his strength immediately and then destroy the space coordinate.

The young man kept moving, and his hands soon became red, swollen, and bloody. Cui Yu held the young man's shoulders beside him: Too much is too little, and today's practice ends here.

The young man looked at his dripping hands with a hint of bitterness in his eyes.

What's that up there? The young man pointed to the green above his head and asked pretending not to know.

Kunlun Cave Heaven. Cui Yu said.

Cave heaven? Heaven and earth in a cave? The young man murmured to himself.

In the eyes of this group of people, is the world I live in just a world in a cave?

It is said that there is a great creation there, and it contains the inheritance of the Ancient Queen Mother of the West. Whoever can enter it will definitely gain incredible power. Cui Yu said.

Aren't you going in? The young man withdrew his gaze and looked at the back of Cui Yu's head.

I'm not worthy. With my little cultivation, I will die if I go there. I just hope that after those big shots plundered the Kunlun secret realm, they would leave me a sip of soup. Cui Yu took out a cup of Coca-Cola and drank it leisurely.

Search? If Kunlun Cave is born, what will happen to the indigenous people inside? Liu Xiu looked at Cui Yu who was drinking Coke, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

Divide it up, Cui Yu said.

Divide? Liu Xiu was puzzled.

Be a slave! There is never a shortage of slaves in this world. Especially those with high cultivation are the most ideal slaves and dead warriors for big families. The men in the cave are sold as coolies, and the women are maids and girls. You can imagine the outcome. Cui Yu shook his head, with a hint of guilt in his eyes, saying that this matter had something to do with him.

If the female demon hadn't moved her finger, Kunlun Cave Heaven would not have lost its suppression and been exposed.

Of course, there is no need to publicize this kind of thing.

Liu Xiu lowered his head and clenched his fists in his sleeves.

Here, soak your hands in the medicinal materials, so that your hands will feel better. Cui Yu took the young man's palm and soaked it in the medicinal materials slowly.

The young man looked at Cui Yu with a look of surprise in his eyes: Why are you so nice to me? Teach me martial arts unconditionally?

He really couldn't understand the people in the world. Those high-ranking figures wanted to keep him at all costs in order to plan the Kunlun Cave.

They even want to keep the entire Kunlun Cave.

But people at the bottom like Cui Yu spared no effort to help him.

There will always be good people and bad people in this world. There is no absolute black and white, right or wrong. This principle is applicable to all people in the world. Cui Yu smiled, looked at the Golden-winged Dapeng again, then picked up the basket and walked towards the Two Realms Mountains. .

He wanted to see his father and mother to avoid being harmed.

After walking out of Lijiacun, Cui Yu turned into air and left, but he didn't know that at this time, the Great Zhou Dynasty changed again.

A large number of people came outside Lijia Village.

The visitor's flag was fluttering soaring into the sky, looking extraordinary.

Behind him, thousands of black-clad soldiers wearing armor and riding black buffalo-like mounts rushed over from afar.

Who is coming? Seeing a large number of people, someone from the Zhou royal family stood up and yelled at the visitor.

I am the vanguard of Da Qin Gong Zizheng's army, who are you? the leading knight scolded.

We, Lord Zhou, are sitting down unparalleledly. People from the Great Zhou camp replied.

The man from Da Qin was stunned when he heard this, and quickly turned around to report. Not long after, the crowd from Da Qin dispersed, and a figure wearing a black black snake robe walked out. The person who came was wearing a pure black robe, embroidered with dark gold patterns, and had a black black water snake branded on it.

The embroidery skills are so ingenious that the black water black snake seems to be alive. With the swing of the black clothes, it is as lifelike as if it is alive, shaking an afterimage in the air.

Zheng wants to see Young Master Wushuang, and I would like to ask you to pass the message on your behalf. Zheng came to the Great Zhou camp with a respectful look.

After all, this world belongs to the Great Zhou Dynasty.

It turns out it's Gong Zizheng. Your Excellency, I'll go and pass the news later. When the man heard that it was Gong Zizheng, his expression changed.

The name of Gongzi Zheng is known all over the world.

The name of Gongzizheng is a legend all over the world.

One hundred and fifty years ago, the state of Chu attacked Qin. The king of Qin ceded territory to seek peace and sent Gong Zizheng to Chu as a hostage.

One hundred and fifty years later, Gong Zizheng wiped out the records of life and death and developed a great magical power that could transform into the ancient beast Black Water Black Snake. So he alone cut through the thirty-six passes of Chu and returned to Qin.

So the king of Chu was furious and sent troops to attack Qin. Gongzizheng led an army of 100,000 men and fought with the Chu general Huaiyu in Zhangping. He defeated thirty-seven cities in Chu and forced the Chu state to panic. The king of Chu moved the capital.

Thanks to the fact that the Empress Dowager Chu was the aunt of the current Emperor Zhou, she invited the Emperor Zhou to mediate.

From then on, the Qin State became one of the five major princes and began to show its prominence unstoppably.

The reputation of Gong Zizheng is so powerful that he is known as the number one son.

The political station did not wait long outside the camp before hearing the gongs, drums and flutes in the camp, and the palace ladies lined up to greet him.

Ji Wushuang walked out in person to greet him.

Although Ji Wushuang is the prince's son, he is not the king, and he cannot ask the prince to bow his head.

As long as Ji Wushuang does not reach that position, Ji Wushuang will always be just a young master. Any of his brothers or sisters may take his place.

On the contrary, Ji Wushuang wanted to win over the princes' princes in every possible way.

Especially a powerful son like Zheng is the future heir of the Qin vassal kingdom, and no other young master can compete with him.

The two greeted each other and then walked into the tent together, chatting in vain.

I wonder when the Kunlun coordinates will be opened? Gongzizheng looked at Ji Wushuang.

Ji Wushuang smiled and said: There is no rush to open the Kunlun coordinates. All the ghosts and gods have received my order and are gathering here. Once the 365 gods gather together, they can open it.

I heard that Lord Fire Dragon was severely injured by the Golden Winged Dapeng King? Gong Zizheng looked at Ji Wushuang.

Yes, that little Jinpeng King is really overbearing. Not only did he severely injure True Lord Fire Dragon, but even my Great Zhou Kingdom's divine weapon, the Lotus Lamp, most likely fell into his hands. I have already informed my father that all the people in Great Zhou The strong men are coming here, eager to find the lotus lantern. Ji Wushuang's eyes flashed.

Lotus lantern. Zheng Ye showed a hint of ambition in his eyes.

Brother, do you want to take advantage of True Lord Fire Dragon? Ji Wushuang asked.

If I can swallow the Fire Dragon True Lord, the Black Water Black Snake's magical power may evolve, and I may turn into the Black Water Emperor. Gong Zizheng said with a smile.

True Lord Fire Dragon suffered heavy losses. Although he is a strong person in the disaster realm, he is injured first. We may not be able to take him down. Ji Wushuang said.

When Cui Yu returned home, he saw that his younger brother and younger sister were still fooling around heartlessly, while his father was quietly sharpening his knife, and his mother was sitting in a daze on the old man's chair, no longer embroidering or making clothes. Cui Yu watched. Fishing is strange.

My son, I heard that you met a gentleman in Daliang City, is that true? Cui's mother looked at Cui Yu and couldn't help but ask.

Yes. Cui Yu nodded: Why did mom suddenly ask about this?

Your brother has also reached the age of reading and literacy. You might as well take him down the mountain to learn some knowledge from that gentleman. Cui's mother wiped her scalp with an embroidery needle.

It's not peaceful at the bottom of the mountain right now. It's better to wait until there is peace before sending my little brother and sister away. Cui Yu replied.

He always feels that the atmosphere at home is a bit strange!

Very strange!

Not ordinary strange!

But he couldn't figure out what was strange about it.

Since his father and mother were fine, Cui Yu returned to the foot of the mountain and continued to wait for Kunlun Cave Heaven to be born.

Just looking at the innate divine sword hanging in the sky, Cui Yu couldn't help but feel a little greedy.

That is the innate divine sword!

But just think about it, what can the innate divine sword do?

Even if the innate divine sword is given to you, you must have the life to use it.

Countless complicated years flashed in Cui Yu's heart, and the sky turned dark without knowing when, but there was a storm outside Lijia Village.

In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

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