In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 191: There is a demon in the heart

Master Nan Hua looked at the imploring golden-winged roc and the Samadhi True Fire scattered all over the courtyard. His eyes could not help but be filled with an indescribable weirdness.

That is the majestic little golden-winged Dapeng King in the wilderness!

The all-powerful being, who usually comes and goes, is so arrogant and arrogant. Look at what he has done to the child.

Even the little King Jinpeng, who had never begged for help, now begged for mercy.

He is really a great devil in this world, and he has mastered the Samadhi True Fire that has disappeared between heaven and earth. Let alone the Little Jinpeng King, even if another person fell into the hands of this great devil, he would be in a panic.

That’s how popular Samadhi is! Did you ask me to use it for barbecue?

The old Taoist priest and the little nun came just in time. You are in luck today. Come and help me hold down this thief. We will treat you to roast chicken today. Cui Yu looked at the old Taoist priest and the little nun, and his face suddenly revealed With a look of joy and white teeth on his dark face full of charcoal fire, he smiled happily and greeted the two of them.

Cui Yu, you can't eat this bird! You can't eat it! Master Nanhua quickly stepped forward to dissuade him.

Why can't I eat it? You see, I'm not trying to eat it now, so why can't I eat it? Cui Yu said dissatisfied: Why can he eat me, but I can't eat him?

He is a man with a great background, how can you compare to him? Master Nanhua pulled Cui Yu aside and explained in a low voice.

Big background? How big is it? Cui Yu put down the roc and followed Master Nanhua to the side.

As big as you want, he has an older brother who is the Demon King of the Great Wilderness. He dominates the wilderness and has never met an opponent. Even the Buddha and Bodhisattva of the Great Leiyin Temple in the West will stay away from his brother when they meet him. He My brother has hundreds of millions of demon soldiers under his command. He has also created a demon civilization in the wilderness and established a demon kingdom. Do you think it is scary or not? If you roast his brother, who do you think can protect you? Old Immortal Nanhua asked. sentence.

Cui Yu stood there blankly, with a chill running down his back: Does it really have such a big background?

This is innately sacred. Do you think I don't want to eat it? The old Taoist priest rolled his eyes.

Then what should we do now? We must not let him go. If he escapes, he will definitely take revenge on me in the future. Cui Yu couldn't stand it anymore and looked at the old Taoist priest with his eyes: Does the Taoist priest have any means to control him?

That's the little Jinpeng King. I have the means to control him. Do you dare to teach you? The old Taoist priest stroked his beard.

Then what should we do? Kill but can't kill? Can't let go, can't keep this, it's just a hot potato. Cui Yu swayed his hands back and forth, his whole body was numb:

Is it because he has a strong background that he is only allowed to kill me and I am not allowed to kill him?

I didn't say that you are not allowed to kill him, but you have to be confident that you can withstand the revenge of the Maurya King. Even if you kill him, it doesn't matter. The old Taoist priest from Nanhua said with a smile.

Seeing the old Taoist priest's gloating eyes, Cui Yu became unhappy and wiped his face randomly with his sleeve: Then what is the Peacock King capable of?

The master of the Five Elements Law of Heaven and Earth can evolve all things from the Five Elements, create mountains and rivers, open up mountains, rivers and caves in the caves of thought, and move mountains and fill the sea in just a snap of the fingers.

Cui Yu felt dizzy when he heard this. He couldn't afford to offend such a powerful person:

What should we do now?

What should I do? Just stay with me as a hostage. If you can tame that evil beast, that would be the best. The old Taoist priest said with a smile.

Cui Yu's scalp went numb after hearing this. He turned around and looked at the golden-winged Dapeng who had become a bald chicken. Then he looked at the hair on the ground not far away. Then he walked over carefully, picked up the hair on the ground, and looked at it. The grief-stricken Golden-winged Dapeng asked: Can your hair still stick back?

The golden-winged roc turned his head, his eyes full of grief, anger and humiliation.

I know that you are an accomplished practitioner and can understand human speech. If you want me to let you go, I will definitely not let you go. If you wait until you recover, I will be the one who dies. You must You can't cut me into pieces with a thousand swords. Cui Yu looked at the little King Jinpeng.

Little Jinpeng King remained silent and just closed his eyes, not daring to show the ferocity in his eyes.

When had he, Little Jinpeng King, ever suffered such a big loss?

Once he gets out of trouble one day, he must suffer retribution and know why the flowers are so red.

But I don't dare to keep you. Your brother is really powerful. If he comes to your door in the future, I won't be able to eat and walk around. Cui Yu looked at the little Jinpeng King and saw that the other person had his eyes closed, knowing that the other person was listening. Enter your own words:

I have a way now, if you agree. If you don't agree, I will have to roast you and eat you. Even if your brother comes to take revenge on me, I won't suffer any loss. You won't be able to see it then. Until the day your brother avenges you.

After hearing this, King Jinpeng finally opened his eyes and glanced at Cui Yu with disdain, but then he looked at the three-flavored real fire burning in the yard and quickly averted his contemptuous eyes, showing an expression that said, What are your conditions?

That's what I think. I have a magical power. If you are willing to be controlled by me, I will spare your life. If you are not controlled by me, then you can't be blamed. I will roast you and eat you before you die. It's a tribute to myself in advance. I'm going to die. If I go to the human capital, your brother may not be able to do anything to me. At worst, I won't come out in this life. Cui Yu said.

I have seen your bird-training skills. There is a huge gap between you and the Little Jinpeng King. There is nothing you can do about him. Even if he asks you to plant a mark, the other person's spiritual will is far higher than yours, and you can't order him. Master Nanhua whispered in Cui Yu's ear.

But there's nothing I can do now. Cui Yu rolled his eyes.

What can he do?

Doesn't he know that his own bird-training skills are useless to the little Jinpeng King?

But now he has no choice!

He planned to take the opportunity to send the mental monkey into the opponent's body. If he could fuse the mental monkeys of both sides, he might be able to use the tightening spell to restrain the opponent.

At this time, in Cui Yu's mind, Xin Yuan was dancing with excitement: Cui Yu, what an opportunity! What an opportunity! This little Jinpeng King is furious because of your anger. The inner demon has been born, but the opponent's cultivation level If it is too high, even if a mental monkey is born, I will not be able to penetrate it. But if the other party takes the initiative to accommodate your energy and spirit, it will be different then. I will follow your energy and spirit into his soul, and I will be with him. With the fusion of the mind ape, we can easily break through his spiritual defense.

You took his body, what will Wu Guang do? Cui Yuwen figured out the key to the matter.

The inner demon in Wu Guang's body has been refined by me into an external incarnation, and it does not affect my body running around. Xin Yuan's voice was full of excitement:

Quick, we will only make a profit in this transaction, but we must force him to nod.

What about Tang Zhou? Cui Yu was still worried.

The Heart Ape is formless and can take on thousands of incarnations. Don't worry so much, just do what you are told. The Heart Ape danced excitedly.

When everyone outside heard Cui Yu's words, they couldn't help but shake their heads and said to themselves: It's still a bit tender.

Although Cui Yu's bird-controlling skills are good, he still has a long way to go to control an innate creature that has entered the disaster.

Master Nan Hua thinks so, Miao Shan thinks so, and King Jinpeng even thinks so.

There was a hint of contempt in his eyes: As long as I swallow the essence of the sun and the moon and restore a ray of yin and yang, your treasure will not be able to trap me at all.

So he closed his eyes and made an expression of resignation.

Cui Yu stepped forward and patted the little Jinpeng King on the head: If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place? You just asked me to surrender, so why bother going back and forth like this?

Cui Yu used the bird-training technique, and then the divine power in his body boiled, and twenty drops of divine blood were imprinted on the head of Little Jinpeng King without reservation. However, he saw a golden light flowing on the head of Little Jinpeng King, and Cui Yu's twenty The mark composed of drops of divine blood shattered and disintegrated. did you go back on your word? Cui Yu suddenly became unhappy and thought it was the little Jinpeng King who was using his tricks.

Nan Hua Zhenren on the side covered his face and looked shameless: Your divine power is too weak, and you can't even penetrate the defense of the opponent's skin, so it is automatically broken by the defense of the other person's body.

Cui Yu's face turned green when he heard this.

The little Jinpeng King has fallen to this point. He tried his best with twenty drops of his divine blood, but he couldn't even break through the automatic defense of his body?

If he hadn't been in the right place at the right time, with the help of the Kunlun Mirror, and the ancient artifact Dragon Binding Lock, he would have been strangled to death by the little Jinpeng King.

Is there such a big gap between myself and a truly strong person?

Quack, quack, quack~. Seeing Cui Yu deflated, the little Jinpeng King laughed proudly, leaning forward and back with laughter. The bald chicken's body was full of dust, but he smiled from ear to ear.

Cui Yu's face felt a burning pain, and he suddenly became angry: Bastard, why are you laughing? I have no way to plant a trick on you, so I can only roast you and eat you. I asked you to be buried with me in advance to avoid your When big brother comes, my death will be in vain.”

Little King Jinpeng stopped laughing!

The smile froze on his face.

Cui Yu looked at Master Nanhua, who shook his head. There was nothing he could do about this kind of thing.

Cui Yu looked around the little Jinpeng King and silently recovered the divine blood. After a while, the divine blood was restored: There is a way. After a while, I will condense the mark, and then untie the dragon-binding lock. You can take the initiative to come out. Aperture, take the initiative to absorb and integrate my imprint.

I... King Jinpeng's eyes widened when he heard this.

Look, are there still such shameless people in the world? If you want to subdue and control others, you actually want them to cooperate obediently. Is this something that people can do?

Master Nan Hua turned around and looked out the door, feeling ashamed.

Miao Shan also lowered his head and looked at his toes, quietly touching Da Da and reciting scriptures.

Whether it is Nanhua Zhenren or Miaoshan, he actually has one thought in his heart, hoping that Cui Yuzhen can leave a trick on the little Jinpeng King.

In recent years, the Great Zhou Dynasty has gradually declined, especially the Emperor Zhou has become increasingly confused, which all shows one thing, that is, the Great Zhou Dynasty is in decline.

Once the eight hundred princes rebel, the Great Wilderness Monster Clan will never give up the opportunity to counterattack Middle-earth. By then, strong men like Little Jinpeng King will definitely be the backbone of the Monster Clan.

If we can leave some means on Little Jinpeng King in advance now, we will have an additional check and balance on the Great Wilderness Monster Clan in the future.

Whether you agree or not, if you don't agree, we will roast you now. The energy in Cui Yu's hand condensed and turned into a mark. The heart ape was hidden in the mark and suspended in front of the little Jinpeng King. .

Little King Jinpeng stared at Cui Yu, his eyes filled with aggrievedness.

But does he have a choice?

He has no choice!

So Little King Jinpeng could only close his eyes helplessly and let out a cooing sound.

What is he screaming about? Cui Yu was puzzled when he heard the scream, and turned to look at Master Nanhua.

He asked you to untie the rope and release his soul. Nan Hua translated beside him.

Hearing this, Cui Yu recited a spell, then loosened the dragon-binding lock slightly and placed it loosely on the body of Little Jinpeng King. As long as the other party made any abnormal movement, he would take action to bind the other party again.

Seeing this, the Little Golden Roc King looked at Cui Yu with disdain. The next moment, a golden light flowed between his eyebrows, and a mini golden-winged roc flew out. Yin and yang energy flowed around his body, and he suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the mark.

A mere second-level boy wants to control himself with a mark?

It’s simply overestimating one’s capabilities!

After you get out of trouble, you can use the yin and yang energy to remove this mark in a moment of thought, and then let the other party know how powerful you are.

Little Jinpeng King had a ghost in his heart at this time, and secretly used a trick to wrap up the mark by using the source of yin and yang in his body.

Once you are freed from the dragon-binding lock, you will erase the mark immediately.

But King Jinpeng didn't know Cui Yu's methods.

That mark is Cui Yu's spirit, which is originally integrated with the inner demon.

Just when Little Jinpeng King locked the mark into the source of Yin and Yang, suddenly the golden mark turned into a black smoke.

An indescribable sneaky, cold air circulated in the body of Little King Jinpeng.

Invisible and formless, the Heart Monkey actually ignored the yin and yang space of Little Jinpeng King and directly submerged into the opponent's soul, becoming one with the opponent's soul.

Then he disappeared without a trace.

Hahaha, the little Jinpeng King's mentality was really tortured by Cui Yu, and a demonic barrier was born in his body. Ancestor, I easily integrated into the little Jinpeng King's soul. Sure enough, penetration from the inside is the best way! From now on, we should catch Tang Zhou and force that old boy Tang Zhou to take the initiative to be controlled. Xin Yuan laughed at this time, and he took root in Xiao Jinpeng's soul world.

How could he not be happy when the little Jinpeng King's free-spirited horse was snatched away and devoured by him as soon as he met her?

From now on, he will be part of the Little Jinpeng King!

The difference is that the power of Little Jinpeng's inner demon is too weak now, and he cannot control or influence Little Jinpeng's thoughts at all.

In the future, when Little Jinpeng's obsession becomes more and more profound, he will be able to subtly influence Little Jinpeng's thoughts, and even finally completely pollute and control Little Jinpeng's body.

It's indeed good fortune! It's really good fortune! Xin Yuan looked at the inner world of little Jinpeng King, opened his big mouth, and revealed the little devil's head.

In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

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