

At this moment Yang Erlang came from outside the door and saw the crazy pig in the pig pen. He couldn't help but be startled:

Taoist Master, is this little pig suffering from epilepsy? Is he actually twitching all over?

Yang Erlang showed a look of surprise on his face after seeing Xiaozhu's actions, and couldn't help but burst into laughter, grinning from ear to ear.

Yang Erlang was laughing, but Master Nanhua couldn't laugh. He looked at the piglet in the pen with his eyes, and his eyes couldn't help but shrink. Countless thoughts flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Yeah, I don't know why this little pig is crazy, but it's funny. Master Nanhua came back to his senses and responded.

Stop looking, come and help me drive the piles. Cui Yu shouted, and the two of them turned around to help, leaving the little pig banging crazily in the pen with a trace of despair in his eyes.

Nan Hua! Xiaozhu let out a heart-rending cry, but unfortunately it turned into a groan when it reached his mouth.

Old Taoist, please stop reciting sutras to me. I won't listen. Cui Yu shook his head helplessly.

Listen to it a few times, and you'll always get it.

Master Nanhua over there took Cui Yu's mallet and lowered his head to drive the piles. He didn't seem to hear the screams of the piglets, but his heart had already flown to Java and he was reciting scriptures in his mouth.

Seeing the old Taoist priest chanting sutras and driving piles, and then hearing the miserable wails of the little piglets in the pig pen, Cui Yu scratched his head and asked, Isn't this little piggy hungry?

Don't worry about him, the old sow has milk. Master Nanhua replied.

Cui Yu ignored the old Taoist priest's chanting. Of course he didn't mind the nagging of the old Taoist priest because he had free labor. On the contrary, Yang Erlang on the side was thoughtful after hearing the Great Light Sutra.

After driving the piles, the old Taoist priest Nanhua left without even looking at Zhu Wuneng in the pig pen.

At this time, Zhu Wu was lying on the hay in the pig pen, with a look of despair in his eyes. He watched Master Nanhua go away through the railing: Why? Why did he ignore me? Why didn't he save me! He clearly saw Me! He clearly recognized me!

Ancestor Zhu Wuneng was filled with resentment, his eyes were scarlet red, and he lay weakly on the straw, his eyes full of despair.

Along with the resentment and anger, Zhu Wuneng did not realize that his true spirit was rapidly merging with the embryo of the ancestor of Tianpeng, and the raging energy continued to vent.

Outside Lijia Village

Nan Hua Zhenren paused and turned to look at Cui Yuzhong: The fate has changed! Unexpected twists and turns! He was born early, so the fate has changed. I knew that something bad would happen as soon as it got involved with that kid.

Let him leave it to himself. I can just keep an eye on him secretly and don't interfere too much. Master Nan Hua said thoughtfully.

Time flies, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Let’s talk about the Cui family

This month has been a hellish day for Ancestor Zhu Wuneng.

Eating and living with pigs, turning himself from a human into a pig, one can imagine the days. Zhu Wuneng's heart was filled with overwhelming resentment, and he felt that he was going crazy!

But fortunately, he is almost done!

He, Zhu Wu, will be able to temper his bloodline and escape from here after a month of training.

With the fusion of the embryo of the ancient Tianpeng ancestor, Zhu Wuneng finally found a way not to be afraid of the power of time.

Not only will you not be afraid of the power of time, but the power of time can also help you grow! To be precise, it is to help the embryo of Tianpeng Ancestor grow into the current Tianpeng Ancestor.

The real ancestor of Tianpeng is immortal! Are you afraid of the erosion of time?

Zhu Wu can give himself a thumbs up!

Zhu Wuneng lived in a pig pen for half a month, accompanying pigs and living with dung all day long, and his inner demons became more and more serious.

For the past half month, Ancestor Zhu Wuneng has practiced diligently in the pig pen day and night, and finally used the nine-tooth rake to capture the moonlight and embarked on the path of cultivation.

late one night

Ancestor Zhu Wuneng was meditating in the pig pen, adjusting his breath and inhaling the brilliance of the sun and moon, with his hooves clasped together as if to worship. However, he saw his face was sincere, his eyebrows were solemn, and a ray of moonlight was taken in.


Yuehua is a bit weak and cannot activate the power of time, but it is a good start after all.

Unexpectedly, hardship has become my fate! Zhu Wuneng said to himself: Nanhua! Cui Yu! Just wait, I want you to pay the price! I will definitely make you pay the price!

Yes, he now hates Master Nanhua too.

There was a little pig nearby who looked at the ingested moonlight and found it amusing, so he couldn't help but get close to him, disturbed the practice of ancestor Zhu Wuneng, and directly knocked him to the ground.

The moonlight that reached his mouth dissipated, and ancestor Zhu Wuneng stamped his feet angrily. How many times have you been here this month?

His strength has never recovered, and he still has to swallow his anger, but there is nothing he can do. Holding back the anger in his heart, he changed places, lurked quietly in the corner, and began to operate the secret formula again, absorbing the power of the essence of the sun and the moon.

After all, he was once a great monk and became an ancestor. Although it is inconvenient to be reincarnated into a demon body to practice, the basic skills are not difficult.

While he was meditating and adjusting his breath, regaining his composure and taking in the moonlight, he suddenly felt a warmth on his head and a tingling sensation at the corner of his mouth. When he opened his eyes, he saw that a little pig had peed on his head.

At this moment, the demonic barrier in Ancestor Zhu Wuneng's heart completely burst out.

Inside the thatched cottage

A shrill scream came out in the middle of the night. Cui Yu, who was sleeping, suddenly turned over and sat up. He grabbed the butcher knife under his pillow and said, No! I'm afraid I met a pig thief.

He picked up the butcher's knife, picked up the torch on the side and lit it in the stove. Cui Yu opened the door with a murderous look on his eyebrows, and then rushed out of the house and ran towards the pig pen:

The brave and stupid thief, who dares to come to your grandfather's house to cause trouble, does he know that your grandfather's pig-killing knife is not sharp?

That old sow was the key to him settling down and becoming a pig king in the future. How could he allow it to be stolen?

Will my plan go bankrupt by then?

There were constant screams in the pigsty. Cui Yu took the torch and rushed directly into the pigsty in three steps and two steps at a time. Then he looked at the miserable situation in the pigsty and couldn't help but be stunned.

Inside the pigsty

The old sow huddled in the corner and screamed miserably. Four of the piglets had fallen into a pool of blood. The remaining five piglets, one of which looked like a madman, was chasing and biting the other four crazily. .

Fuck you! What a beast, stop it now! Cui Yu was furious when he saw this scene, and his hair exploded with anger. With a flash of the butcher's knife in his hand, Zhu Wuneng, the ancestor, was chasing the other piglets in the pig pen. Startled by Cui Yu's murderous shout, he immediately calmed down:

No! You're in big trouble!

I'm afraid it's hard to survive today! It's better to fight! Zhu Wuneng's evil thoughts burst out in his heart, and he wanted to forcibly activate the canopy embryo and fight Cui Yu to the death.

Looking at Cui Yu's big hand, Zhu Wuneng wanted to resist. Unfortunately, when Cui Yuding's divine light shone on him, Zhu Wuneng was unable to display any of his abilities. He was restrained to death. He only felt that his limbs were limp and powerless, and his eyes were helpless. Watching the big hand fall, he seemed to be trapped in a nightmare.

What the hell is this method? A soul that specializes in restraining people? Is this the boy who begged me to preach that day? Ancestor, I really believed in his evil deeds! Zhu Wuneng was panic-stricken and didn't know how Cui Yu would deal with it. Own.

This piggy, it's amazing. Cui Yu looked at the trembling ancestor Zhu Wuneng and effortlessly lifted the opponent's hind legs. Ancestor Zhu Wuneng had exhausted all his energy in killing those piglets. In addition, he lost the courage to take action after being illuminated by Cui Yudingxian's divine light. How could he still be Cui Yu's opponent?

Looking at the four dead piglets on the ground, Cui Yu felt his heart bleed. The only good thing was that the four killed were all boars, and the two sows were lucky enough to survive.

Throwing the piggy body out of the pig pen, Cui Yu sighed and looked at the ancestor Zhu Wuneng in his hand: It's strange. I have been raising pigs for so many years, but I have never encountered such a vicious piggy.

He is referring to the past life!

Holding Zhu Wuneng's hind legs, Cui Yu narrowed his eyes: If I hadn't known that there are no monsters that become spirits in the belly, I would have almost thought that you had become a spirit.

Back at the house, Cui Yu took out the hemp rope and tied old Zhu Wuneng up.


Zu’s four hooves were fastened and then tied to the pillar

Damn it, you actually killed your brothers and sisters. Do you think you are the legendary canopy? Cui Yu sat under the light, picked up a large bowl of wine and took a sip.

Hearing the little pig's snoring, he couldn't help but curse: Why are you snorting? If you snort again, I will kill you.

Brother, is everything okay? At this moment, the torch outside the door flickered, and Master Nanhua's voice sounded outside the door.

What could have happened? It's just that this little beast was possessed and actually killed his own brother. If I hadn't gone there early, I'm afraid that all the pigs in the litter would have been brutally murdered. Cui Yu yelled in the room.

Nan Hua Zhenren pushed the door open and walked in. He frowned when he saw the corpse of the pig in the yard. He extinguished the torch and entered the house. He saw the pig tied under the pillar, looking at him with a face full of pleading, twisting crazily in the darkness. Body.

Master Nan Hua ignored him, sat down in front of the light, and skillfully poured a bowl of wine: When I heard the noise in your yard, I just thought I saw a tiger entering the village and harming the livestock. I never thought that such a thing would happen.

This little beast is very ferocious, even more vicious than a ferocious tiger. Tigers are poisonous and do not eat their seeds, yet he kills his brothers and sisters. He is as ferocious as that ancient Zhu Wuneng. Cui Yu yelled.

Master Nan Hua didn't say anything, and just started to recite the scriptures. He heard the little pig humming in his heart and said to himself: Zhu Wuneng is about to transform into an ancient canopy. It would be better to let him have a long memory. Otherwise, he will become an ancient evil and lose the restraint of his mind. Disaster for the world.

Why did you come so late to recite sutras for me? Cui Yu asked while drinking.

I took a look in front of the Well of Gods and Demons, and came over on the way. Master Nanhua said.

He was still a little worried about Zhu Wuneng's condition.

Listening to Master Nan Hua chanting sutras, Cui Yu felt upset for a while and slapped the table a little drunk: Old Taoist, would you like to take a sip?

Master Nanhua shook his head and continued to recite scriptures, while Cui Yu continued to drink.

An hour later, Master Nanhua looked at the drunken Cui Yu and Zhu Wuneng who was howling desperately. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion. He turned a blind eye to Zhu Wuneng's plea for help and walked out of the door.

Seeing Master Nanhua leaving, Cui Yu said nothing and just drank.

Cui Yu was sitting under the light eating wine, eating bowl after bowl, and soon he was drunk.

To be honest, Cui Yu was a little frightened by what happened tonight. The incident of the piglet killing the piglet seemed a bit evil no matter how you looked at it.

On the surface, he looked fine, but inside he was furious.

Pigs have a strong temper. Even if they meet tigers and wolves, they dare to fight with them. Only by beheading them and removing their positive energy can they be docile and tamed. Just like once a man is beheaded, his personality will change drastically. He has a violent temper. He will become softer, and no matter how irritable a man is, he will become docile like Mianyang. Thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind, and he recalled what his father said to him in his previous life, so he drunkenly came to Zhu Wuneng with a lantern in his eyes, his eyes full of Drunk.

Cui Yu stared at Zhu Wuneng, and Zhu Wuneng was also staring at Cui Yu, with a trace of resentment and murderous intent slowly brewing deep in his eyes.

Little thing, you are so bold! Cui Yu looked at the little piggy drunkenly. He clearly saw the murderous intent in the little piggy's eyes. It was so ferocious and cruel that he couldn't help but feel a little hairy: he had the intention to kill the little piggy. He wanted to avenge the remaining pigs, but consider that these pigs were his wealth. Four of them had already died, and if he killed one, wouldn't he have suffered a great loss?

He really couldn't bear it! After all, this is all free money.

But this little thing is too cruel. If he puts it back, I'm afraid the other little pigs will also suffer cruel attacks. If not put back, where will they be raised? Who dares to be in the same circle as him?

Cui Yu looked at the tied piggy and said to himself: No matter how ferocious you are, I will kill you directly. Then you must become docile to me.

The thought turns around, and the drunken man goes to sharpen the knife.

Seeing Cui Yu's retreating back, Zhu Wuneng breathed a sigh of relief and cursed in his heart: Master Nanhua, if you don't save me, our relationship will end.

Then a fear arose in his heart. Looking at Cui Yu sharpening his knife, his whole body started to tremble: I don't know what he will do to me! Should he?


Will he kill me directly? What should I do if he kills me directly?

The more Zhu Wuneng thought about it, the angrier he became, and he began to curse Master Nanhua in his heart: Bitch thief, don't ask me to regain my strength, otherwise sooner or later, I will overthrow your Taipingdao.

Now I still need to find a way to get me out of here!

Now the only way is to practice the quick-win method of the side sect, to escape from the disaster and leave here, to recuperate the soul, and then reincarnate as a human being, and to realize the great road again, but at this time, I can't care about the side sect. In that pig pen There are a few little sows that can help me practice Dafa. Tomorrow when he puts me back, I will go straight to the Tao. Then I will eat this bastard! How dare a mere human being to humiliate me like this is simply too much of a bully. He must know the retribution. Zhu Wuneng cursed in his heart, always feeling that his life was in danger, and looking at Cui Yu sharpening his knife under the dim light, his whole heart went crazy.

The knife used to slaughter pigs is not the same as the knife used to kill pigs. Seven days ago, in order to prevent Piggy from being infected after being slaughtered, a knife used to slaughter pigs was specially made.

The pig's knife was no more than a centimeter in size, extremely sharp, and had a handle of more than ten centimeters.

At this time, Cui Yu began to sharpen the knife, and then disinfected it with flame and alcohol.

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