In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 134 Cui Yu gets drunk and eats pigs


On the ground, Zhu Wuneng, whose limbs and hooves were tied up, was thinking about a quick way to fight. Suddenly, he heard the drunken young man talking about a pig, and then began to sharpen his knife in the night. He couldn't help but feel a chill in his body: A pig? What is that? It's not the case after all. That’s a good thing! It’s over, what does this guy want to do to me?”

This world does not yet have the concept of wild pigs.

Zhu Wuneng looked at Cui Yu sharpening his knife, and felt a bad premonition in his heart.

The sound of sharpening the knife rang out, but Zhu Wuneng shuddered in his ears. He felt a chill coming from his heart, straight to the sky, and his whole body began to soften at the sound of sharpening the knife.




The pig screams: Master Nanhua, you bastard, why don’t you come and save me quickly! You who were killed by a thousand knives, come and save me!

Zhu Wuneng began to scream and howl, breaking the tranquility of the night, while struggling desperately to break free from the rope. He was not stupid. Looking at the drunk Cui Yu and the knife with a cold light, he had already sensed something was wrong.

Little thing, it's quite interesting. You actually know how to scream. You had a premonition of something bad happening in advance. Cui Yu stepped forward drunkenly, stretched out his foot to step on the piggy's body, and then patted the piggy's balls.

Asshole! Damn mortal! What are you going to do? Let your uncle go! Otherwise, when I regain my strength in the future, I will eat you first.

Zhu Wuneng was yelling at him and struggling desperately, but how could his little piglet, which was only half a month old, be a match for Cui Yu? The foot on his neck was like a mountain, and he couldn't help but struggle away.

The fatal spot was slapped, and Zhu Wuneng was shocked. His eyes were full of fear, and he struggled wildly: Stupid mortal, a bastard who deceives his master and destroys his ancestors, what are you going to do? Why don't you let me go quickly?

Don't be afraid, it won't hurt if you bear with it.

Cui Yu patted the piggy's butt, then raised the knife and heard an earth-shattering cry. The piggy instantly collapsed to the ground, and his eyes lost their brilliance.

No! No!


After spraying the dust, Cui Yu sprinkled the first-generation penicillin on the piglet. Then he looked at the balls in his hand with satisfaction and threw them in the corner: It would be good to go to the mountains to make traps tomorrow.

Penicillin is the biggest secret to keeping the pigs alive.

Looking at the little pig lying on the ground, looking helpless, Cui Yu smiled: Get rid of your fierceness, let's see if you are still crazy in the future.

The pig snorted, full of despair: I'm going to kill you! I am going to kill you!

Two lines of tears fell down, and Zhu Wuneng's eyes were full of tears: God! Why should I suffer such a calamity? Mortal, I will kill you! I will eat you alive! I will kill your whole family.

He, Zhu Wuneng, is not someone to be trifled with.

Cui Yu didn't care about the grief-stricken and lifeless Bajie on the ground. He just climbed into bed and fell asleep due to his drunkenness.

It’s over!

It's all over!

Now that his Yang root has been removed and his body is disabled, how can he cultivate?

Zhu Wu was lying on the ground, his eyes full of despair. Yang root was his greatest joy in life, and it was also the key to practicing martial arts and harmonizing yin and yang. Now that it was cut off, his hope of becoming an immortal was almost cut off.

But he saw Zhu Wuneng lying on the ground, suddenly raising his head to look at the drunk Cui Yu, his eyes full of madness, murderous intent, and despair: In this case, it's better to fight. He chopped off my penis and cut off my avenue. I'm not as good as that. I'll make a move, seize his body, and use his body to become my avenue. You destroy my body, and I'll seize yours. This is the natural way to go. The only thing to worry about is that my true spirit has been severely damaged by the power of time. , the strength of my true spirit may not be stronger than his ability to seize the body. If the seizure is unsuccessful, I will definitely suffer the backlash.

Damn Mr. Nan Hua, don't ask me to seize the opportunity. If I seize the opportunity, I will beat you to death. You are obviously standing by, but you do nothing to save me. Damn it! Zhu Wuneng Swearing loudly:

Now that my body is disabled, what's the point of living anymore? It's better to just give it a try. If I can take away the mortals in front of me, I can take advantage of it.


Take the opportunity to step into the path of spiritual practice, and then seek reincarnation and be reborn. If the body cannot be taken away, it would be less fun to be killed now, so it would be better to start over.

After speaking, Zhu Wuneng's eyes showed a trace of determination: I was about to take advantage of his drunkenness and use the dream method to seize his body and destroy his soul.

After saying this, a thin golden light flew out of the little pig's body, circling staggeringly in the room, and crashed directly into Cui Yu's body.

[Ding, a strange force has invaded! 】

[After arousing the strangeness, you will gain the magical power Become a Pig. 】

[Become a pig: After using your magical power, you will become an ancient canopy. Depending on your own strength, the strength of the ancient canopy you conjure will be determined.

[Price: Every time you use the Canopy Transformation, a trace of Canopy Bloodline will be left in your body. After the number of times you use the Canopy Transformation exceeds the limit and the blood in your body accumulates to a certain extent, you will become a real ancient Canopy. . 】

[Note 1: This process is irreversible. 】

[Note 2: The price is not exempt. 】

[Taboo 1: Do not eat pork. 】

[Taboo 2: No more touching women. 】

Usurpation. The drunk Cui Yu heard the golden finger's voice ringing in his ear, and subconsciously replied. A warm current passed through his body. Cui Yu's drunkenness dissipated, and then he suddenly woke up and suddenly opened his eyes:

What? What the hell? You can't eat pork. What's the second taboo? Don't touch women anymore? Cui Yu was a little dizzy. If you don't touch women, you might as well kill me with a knife.

Goldfinger, please don't play with me. You can't make such a joke. Cui Yu cooed, and then his eyes fell on the page.

The page refreshed before his eyes, and Cui Yu discovered a change at the end of the page:

[Name: Cui Yu. 】

[Talent: Usurpation. 】

[Divine blood: twenty-four drops. 】

[Demon God Gonggong’s blood: a wisp. 】

[Supernatural power: Resurrection from the dead (big). 】

[Supernatural power: refers to the physical form (small). 】

[Supernatural power: Sitting on fire. 】

[Supernatural power: Dingxian divine light (+). 】

[Kunlun Mirror Control Tips (Complete)]

[Wonderful method: Tightening Curse. 】

[Wonderful method: nectar technique. 】

[Magic weapon: Dinghai Divine Pearl. 】

【Time Concept】

[Wonderful Method: Nailhead Seven Arrows Book]

【Three flavors of real fire】

【Transform into a canopy】

What should I do if I fall in love with a woman? Cui Yu's eyes fell on the skill of transforming into a canopy, with a hint of embarrassment in his eyes.

It wasn't a hallucination of being drunk, but it was really causing trouble for myself.

[Completely transformed into the ancient Tianpeng bloodline, this process is irreversible. 】Goldfinger answered Cui Yu’s doubts in a timely manner.

Cui Yu frowned, with a solemn look in his eyes, and asked after a moment: If I lose my lust for women and am twisted into an ancient canopy, will it be considered a strange invasion?

Goldfinger:? ? ? ?

Where are you stacking buffs here?

Does it count? Cui Yu asked cautiously.

Goldfinger didn't respond.

You can restrain all strange powers, so you can't usurp this strange thing, right? Cui Yu asked again in a low voice.

【Calculate! ] I don’t know how long I had been holding it in, but Goldfinger’s slightly aggrieved voice came out.

I knew it. Cui Yu smiled. He seemed to have discovered a loophole in the system.

[Just this once, never happen again. 】

Cui Yu seemed to be happy too early, as system information popped up in front of his eyes.

Then Cui Yu stopped smiling, looked at the system with his eyes, and said nothing.

The ancient canopy! Cui Yu sighed with emotion and had to praise the power of the system. The Laoshan Taoist Tradition had been pursuing it for countless years and generations, but he had achieved it overnight.

Then the next moment Cui Yu twisted his body and burst into flames all over his body.


It shot out a red light and turned into a piglet!


Little piggy indeed!

It looks like a little piglet that is only one month old.

The body is covered with steel needle-like bristles, and each bristle has strange patterns flowing around it. A violent Qi surges, and the power of time begins to stir.

Shocked, Cui Yu quickly dispersed the canopy transformation and recovered his true form.

He is not afraid of the invasion of strange forces, but his pigsty cannot bear it.

After the canopy transformation was completed, the true body twisted and returned, and then Cui Yu carefully noticed that there was a ray of cyan blood in his body.

That's Tianpeng's blood. I don't know if Gonggong's blood can swallow up Tianpeng's blood. Cui Yu tried to drive Tianpeng's blood to feed Gonggong's blood.

Facing Gonggong's bloodline, the Tianpeng bloodline trembled all over and hesitated to move forward. The whole body was trembling constantly, as if it had met its natural nemesis.

Hey, is the Gonggong bloodline so strong? Cui Yu saw that he couldn't activate the Tianpeng bloodline, so he directly activated the Gonggong bloodline to devour the Tianpeng bloodline. Unfortunately, the Gonggong bloodline was too arrogant and didn't care about the Tianpeng bloodline. Look, he ran directly over Tianpeng Bloodline's body, crushed Tianpeng Bloodline to pieces, and then left in a big way.

The Tianpeng bloodline is like a little daughter-in-law who has been angered. After regaining her true body, she huddles in the corner obediently.

Hey, that's weird! Why can Gonggong's bloodline swallow the divine blood to strengthen itself, but not the Tianpeng bloodline? Cui Yu was puzzled.

However, leaving this strand of Tianpeng blood in the body is a hidden danger. It is the price of using the Tianpeng transformation. Cui Yu does not want to keep the Tianpeng blood in the body.

Cui Yu couldn't help but feel a headache when he looked at the Tianpeng blood in his body. He didn't know what to do for a while.

what to do?

These things can't be piled up. What if you really turn into a pig in the future?

Even the Ancient Canopy won’t work!

Pigs are pigs!

Countless thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's mind, his eyes kept flowing on Tianpeng's bloodline, thousands of thoughts flickered in his mind, and he couldn't find a solution for a while.

How about using this ray of Tianpeng blood to build the foundation of martial arts for big brother? A thought flashed in Cui Yu's mind, and then he became excited: That's right! When big brother comes tomorrow, I will use this ray of Tianpeng blood Give it to him and tell him to build the foundation of martial arts.

Thinking of the solution, Cui Yu happily came down with the oil lamp, and then came to Xiaozhu, only to see that Xiaozhu had passed out and was sleeping on the ground with steady breathing.

You are lucky. I started working with my father when I was twelve years old, and I have mastered the art of raising pigs. I just don't know if the penicillin is pure enough and whether the wound will be infected. Cui Yu was sleepy at this time. Nothing, just tinker with the penicillin you cultivated yourself.

As mentioned before, if you want to point out the physical form, you must first know the other party's information.

This information is not the name or appearance, but some internal structure and essential information.

To explain it with later science, it is molecular structure and atomic structure.

If Cui Yu wants to identify metamorphic penicillin, he must first manufacture the penicillin and then analyze the penicillin information.

Making penicillin is not difficult!

First, a large amount of Penicillium was collected, and Cui Yu cultivated it directly from the moldy steamed buns.

After accommodation, culture with nutrient solution

Cui Yu didn't have nutrient solution, so he directly used steamed buns and other high-quality food instead.

Then remove the penicillium and filter, add rapeseed oil and stir. After stirring, the water-refined culture solution is extracted. Through the above method, most of the insoluble substances and fat-soluble substances are removed.

Grind the charcoal into powder and add the refined culture solution to allow the charcoal to absorb penicillin. The nutrient content of the culture medium should be relatively rich to ensure a certain amount of nutrient growth and to maintain pH stability during the growth process.

There is no need to go into details about the manufacturing process of penicillin. Cui Yu has already produced it. All he needs to do now is to purify and analyze it.

Cui Yu tinkered for half a night, and then he got sleepy.


Overcome with emotion, I just turned off the oil lamp and went to sleep.

At dawn the next day, he took the snakeskin bag and walked towards the mountains with Yu.

At this time, Yu woke up from the process of evolution and followed Cui Yu obediently: Brother, why don't you see sister Nini?

Cui Yu was speechless and walked ahead with his head down: How should I explain this to my mother?

I don’t know if my wife ran away or really returned to her parents’ home.

Back on the mountain, Yang Erlang was practicing martial arts in a secluded corner. What he was practicing was Five Elements Iron Hand.

In the distance, one can hear the crackling sound of whips in the mountains, like thunder, and the waves of energy, blood, and energy rush straight into the sky, causing the clouds in the sky to evaporate.

Ten miles away, he heard the sound in the mountains. Cui Yu had the perspective of a sparrow hawk and could clearly see Yang Erlang practicing martial arts in front of a waterfall.

Is this fucking bone forging? Cui Yutong winced.

This is like setting it in the mountains with Two Kicks!

Thinking about when he was practicing martial arts, the muscles and veins bounced and the bones were forged. Compared with Yang Erlang at this time, there was simply a world of difference.

It's true that God rewards you with food. Some people are born as God's darlings. Cui Yu said with emotion on his face.

This kind of thing is unacceptable!

Yang Erlang was born to eat this bowl of rice.

If this kid builds a foundation in the martial arts of gods and demons, what terrifying power will he have in the future? It's simply unimaginable! Cui Yu looked at Yu: You go back first, and I'll have a chat with my elder brother.

Is this my eldest brother practicing martial arts? Yu couldn't believe it.

Cui Yu smiled bitterly: Don't think that Brother Yang is making a lot of noise, but in my opinion, your movements are no less than that of Brother Yang.

Being born to control the laws of sound, is this something a human can do?

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