

There was a fierce scream that stung Cui Yu's eardrums as if they were about to burst.

Then Cui Yu also shouted: Ah!


What are you shouting? Mushini was frightened by Cui Yu's shout. It's not you who suffers?

How could this happen? Cui Yu looked at the slim-looking Mushini, his eyes full of suspicion: Have you drugged me? Want to take advantage of me? Or are you afraid that I will dump you? Are you afraid that I will do it in the future? I don’t want you anymore? So I’ll make rice out of raw rice.”

Mushini was furious after hearing this, staring at Cui Yu with big eyes, and her body was shaking with anger.

Look, is this human talk?

You're still watching! Mushini glared at Cui Yu, pulled off the quilt, and rushed back to his bed in embarrassment.

Cui Yu was a little confused and quickly sat up and put on his clothes. To be honest, he really had no interest in Mushini!

What interest could he have in a brat who wants breasts but not breasts and a butt but not butt?

Mushini wants to cry!

She probably guessed the identity of Mrs. Cui Yu!

Only one person in the world has the Seven Flowers, Seven Turns and Light Radiant Smoke!

This is really like leaving the wolf's den and entering the tiger's mouth again!

If I had known earlier that I should not have come back with Cui Yu, I should have run away.

It's okay now, I've compensated myself.

what to do?

Musini hurriedly put on her clothes on the bed. After all, she was a hundred years old. She regained her composure after a while, and then her big eyes rolled around as she thought of a plan.

She thought of a plan to escape.

Anyway, the advantage has been taken, so we must find a way to escape.

If I don't run away, I'm afraid the baby will be born in a few days.

What's the use of crying and fussing?

I can't beat him again and again!

What can she do?

My master and father are not here anymore.

Looking at Cui Yu outside the curtain, Mushini's eyes were filled with murderous intent. She just thought of how Cui Yu had rescued her from the snow, treated her well along the way, and even taught him the martial arts of gods and demons without reservation. To himself, the murderous intent in Musini's eyes gradually dimmed.

What can she do?

She is also desperate!

Leaving this devil's cave was probably the only way she could think of.

You dare to harm me. When I regain my strength later, I will have to cut you into pieces. Mushini clutched the quilt and secretly became angry.

Don't worry, we are already married, it's legal! I will be responsible for you in the future. Cui Yu regained his composure on the bed, straightened his clothes and looked at Mushini, who was shivering inside the curtain.

Are you really going to be good to me? Will you be responsible for me? Musini's voice came from within the curtain.

Of course, you are my mother-in-law. I am not responsible for you but for whom. Cui Yu felt comfortable all over his body at this moment and quickly comforted his lolita.

I got married to you in such a hurry that I didn't even write letters to my parents. I want to go down the mountain and send a letter to my grandparents back home. Musini huddled in the tent and said delicately.

No problem, I'll take you down the mountain in a moment. Cui Yu promised, patting his chest.

The curtain was lifted, and Musini walked out of the curtain aggrievedly, looking at Cui Yu pitifully in her clothes.

The moment Mu Shini walked out, Cui Yu suddenly felt a trance.


The beauty is breathtaking!

The most important thing is that he found that Mushini seemed to have grown up a lot overnight! Seems to be a year older.

Don't worry, I will definitely treat you well in the future and I will never leave you forever. Cui Yu stroked the girl's head and held her in his arms.

Mr. Lang, I miss home. Musini's big eyes leaning on Cui Yu's shoulder showed a hint of cunning.

Let's go down the mountain to deliver a letter to your home now. Cui Yu smiled and patted Mu Shini's butt.

Mushini's face turned red. For some reason, she always felt numb when being photographed by Cui Yu.


He quickly lowered his head to tidy up his clothes.

By the way, why is Yu missing? Cui Yu looked surprised and glanced across the room, but Yu's figure was nowhere to be seen.

Your mother is a real dog. She summoned Yu out in advance, so you didn't harm her. Mushini cursed in his heart: When I recover my skills, I will capture you and make you the chief manager in Quyu Mountain. No.

I don't know! It was so dark last night, who knows where Yu went. Mushini looked innocent.

Just as he was talking, he saw the door of the room opened, and Yu said with a shy face: My mother asked me to go last night, and I don't know why, but I fell asleep at my mother's place.

Mom asked you to come over for dinner. Yu said.

Cui Yu smiled and led the two daughters to visit their parents.

Oh, our girl seems to be getting better and better. Cui's mother looked at Mushini's Suliao point and thought to herself: A good thing has happened.

Sumiao is the bone at the tip of the nose. You can tell whether you have had sexual intercourse through the Sumiao point.

If a boy is not a virgin, his bones will collapse.

If a woman is not a virgin, the bones in her temples will be split into two pieces.

This method is a method verified by traditional Chinese medicine practitioners in the past. Dear book friends, you can try touching your own penis. If a boy’s penis is firm, he is still a boy. If it collapses, he is definitely not a boy.

If it's a woman, Sulao will separate and turn from one bone into two pieces.

ps: If it’s not allowed, come and hammer me.

Mom, I will take Yu and Nini down the mountain later. Cui Yu said.

Cui's mother glanced at Mu Shini, and then at Cui Laohu, who was eating next to him. She wanted to say something, but couldn't find a suitable reason, so she simply shut her mouth, but didn't say anything more.

After Cui Yu finished eating, he led the two girls down the mountain, holding a snakeskin bag and a sickle in his hand, and walked slowly and leisurely in the mountain.

What are you doing with the sickle? Mushini was puzzled.

Pig grass. Cui Yu said with a smile.

This little loli became his own, and Cui Yu felt that his mood was different. The more he looked at it, the more beautiful and attractive this little loli became.

What? Mushini suspected that he heard wrongly.

Let's get pig grass! Cui Yu said confidently: I raised an old sow at the foot of the mountain, and I want to feed it with pig grass. From now on, our family's food will all depend on it.

Fight hogweed?

Mushini looked at Cui Yu's back, and his mind couldn't turn around. Cui Yu was going to kill pigweed?

With such a strong father and mother, who has already established a foundation in the martial arts of gods and demons, what the hell is going on if he doesn't practice hard enough to fight pigweed?

Mushini didn't believe it, thinking that Cui Yu was perfunctory with him, and then pouted.

But after a quarter of an hour, looking at Cui Yu who lowered his head and was seriously hunting pig grass, the girl's outlook almost collapsed!

Brother, you have established a foundation in the martial arts of gods and demons, and you still come to fight pigweed?

What's going on?

What do you think of the world's warriors?

God asked you to build a foundation in the martial arts of gods and demons. Did he come to ask you to kill pigs and weeds?

At this time, Yu enthusiastically held the snakeskin bag and helped Cui Yu put away the pigweed. Seeing the two busy people working together flawlessly, Mushini felt a little uncomfortable for some reason. He stepped forward and pulled the bag: Here, let me hold it for you.


There is no way she, Mushini, would be jealous!

Well... I just gnawed the opponent's golden elixir of all calamities, and I felt very guilty!

That's all!

The three of them packed a bag of pigweed, Cui Yu carried it on his shoulders, and then all the way to Lijia Village. Looking at the old sow sleeping soundly in the pigsty, Cui Yu knocked on the pole, and the old sow immediately stood up, and her whole body was filled with excitement. Feeling energetic, he quickly got up and ate fresh pigweed.

You two come with me. Cui Yu came to the thatched cottage, then took out two bowls, and then took out the gourd from the Qiankun bag, filling a large bowl full of soup soaked in the Golden Elixir.

One bowl per person, drink quickly. Cui Yu said with a smile. He led the two girls down the mountain not just to kill pigweed, but also


It is also for the two of them to extend their lives.

As for my father and I, there is no rush!

It won't be too late to drink when they come out of Liangjie Mountain.

The Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations is resistant to soaking, and one gourd is equivalent to a hundred years of life.

My own golden elixir of all calamities can be brewed hundreds of times.

Without saying a word, Yu just sulked, and then felt dizzy and wanted to sleep. Finally, he staggered as if he was drunk and fell into Cui Yu's arms.

Mushini on the side was stunned when she looked at the soup in front of her.

For me? Mushini looked at Cui Yu, his eyes a little moved.

This is a magic medicine that can extend your life!

A hundred years of life is enough for father and son to turn against each other and brothers to kill each other.

It's for you. I still have a lot here. You can have a bowl every other month from now on, and we can be together for a long, long time. Cui Yu said with a smile.

Mushini picked up the soup in the bowl and was in a daze.

It seems that since his father was assassinated, no one has ever been so kind to him.

Musini looked away from the soup, then looked at Cui Yu with eyes that became softer: What about you?

Me? I don't need it. Cui Yu urged: Drink it quickly! This thing cannot be exposed to the outside.

Mushini looked at Cui Yu with his eyes and suddenly smiled: You drink! I will drink after you drink. Good things must be shared together. Who said we are husband and wife?

Mushini pushed the bowl in front of Cui Yu.

I still have a lot in this gourd. Cui Yu blocked it.

No, you drink! You drink! The girl kept acting coquettishly.

Cui Yu had a big head, and then scratched his head. Facing the beautiful girl's coquettishness, he felt a little overwhelmed, so he could only drink it in one breath. Then he felt comfortable all over, and quickly poured a bowl for the girl: Drink quickly, this is But it’s a good thing, I narrowly escaped death to get it.”

After saying this, his life instinct came over him, and a sense of sleepiness kept attacking his body instinct.

The girl smiled coquettishly, took the porcelain bowl, and handed it to Cui Yu's mouth: Since it is a good thing, drink more so that I can rest assured.

I won't drink, you drink. Cui Yu's tongue curled up a bit.

I'll drink it after you finish it. Musini acted coquettishly and simply put the soup in her mouth and passed it to Cui Yu.

Who can withstand this?

Cui Yu couldn't stand it!

After three bowls, he fell asleep.

Mushini looked at the sleeping two people with a hint of pride in his eyes: Young man, you don't want to drink my bath water.

After saying that, Musini put away the gourd in Cui Yu's hand and stuffed it into the Qiankun bag for him. Then he looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, stretched out his soles and kicked him a few times:

If you dare to torment your grandma all night long, I will give you a black nose and a bruised face. Are you still a human being if you don't spare a single child?

While talking, Musini showed no mercy, and landed on Cui Yu's face with fists one after another. After a while, Cui Yu was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

Then he clapped his hands with satisfaction and said slightly proudly: Bitch thief, we will never see you again.

After saying that, he looked around and then jumped away.

As for Cui Yu and Yu's safety?

Mushini was not worried.

The Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations only told him to evolve, not kill him.

If there is a crisis in the outside world, the evolution of the body will naturally stop, and Cui Yu will wake up immediately.

After walking a few steps, Mushini turned back and looked at Cui Yu's sleeping face. He couldn't help but kicked Cui Yu in the face again before jumping out.

skirt jade mountain

Cui's mother raised her eyebrows and looked in the direction of Lijia Village. Then she glanced at Cui Huhu, who was making animal skins on the side. With the little money left in Momo's sleeves, she could only give up: The goal has been achieved. After all, it’s okay to ask that little girl to go back. It will be interesting to meet Saint Baiyun in the future.”



The old sow in Cui Yu's pig pen finished eating the pig grass and then went to sleep obediently.

But the eyes of the little piglet in the old sow's belly were now straight.

Although he became a pig fetus, he still had some of the sensitivity of his previous life.

Golden elixir of all calamities!

Golden elixir of all calamities!

The Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations that he had put so much thought and effort into planning, and even had a fight with Bai Yujing, was actually eaten right in front of his eyes!

Moreover, you were pushing me to eat, I won't eat even if you don't want to eat it. Grandmaster Zhu Wuneng's eyes turned red when he saw it!

Is that human being?

Is this something a human can do?

Is that your golden elixir of all calamities? Are you just pushing around here?

Zhu Wu was able to get up and move his hooves back and forth in the old sow's belly: That's my golden elixir! That's my golden elixir!

Zhu Wuneng's eyes were full of fire. If his eyes could turn into knives, the old sow would have been disembowelled by now.

Be patient for the time being! After I am born, I will find a way to seize the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations. Then I can speed up my practice! I will definitely be able to quickly return to my peak state by then. Zhu Wuneng kept comforting himself in his heart.

Outside Lijia Village

The little Taoist Shoucheng stood in front of the Well of Gods and Demons, looking at the Well with some hesitation.

Master said that there is great fortune in the well of gods and demons. My talent is dull, and only great opportunities and great fortune can make up for my weakness. I am the master's first disciple, so it would be fine if Tang Zhou surpassed me. Zhang Jiao has practiced for less than a year. If you keep breaking through the barriers, your cultivation will catch up with me, or you will be able to eliminate your birth and death certificate in three to five years. I don't believe it, is there really such a big gap in talent?

Shoucheng refused to accept it.

Unfortunately, the Well of Gods and Demons is too dangerous. Standing in front of the Well of Gods and Demons, I felt trembling with fear, and a great fear rose in my heart. Cui Yu's qualifications are worse than mine, but he can go down into the Well of Gods and Demons. I can still be praised by my master... Shoucheng is unwilling to give in.

After standing in front of the Well of Gods and Demons for a long time, I just thought about walking into Lijia Village.

Is Brother Cui Yu at home? Shoucheng shouted while standing outside the door.

In the pig pen, Zhu Wuneng suddenly became excited when he heard Shoucheng's voice.

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