It was a huge book that looked like some kind of holy book.

The material of the book cover is difficult to determine whether it is leather or metal. It is very magical, similar to the Bible, with a large cross-shaped design.

"That's... an angel?"

Yui Miku quickly made a judgment.

Each elf has its own spiritual equipment and angels, which serve as the domain of self-defense and the spear to kill the enemy.

"That's right. My angel

Hearing Erya's words, Kurumi and Miku were stunned.

"I said, I will use my ability to prove that I am reliable. If you have any questions, you can ask the seniors."

"Anything you want to ask?"

"As long as it's not the future, I can check it out."

Is it such an angel?

Hearing Erya's words, Tokisaki Kurumi's expression froze.

She seemed to understand why Honjo Erya claimed to be a reliable senior.

"So, do you have any questions?"

As if to prove herself, the girl said in a bewitching tone.

"Whether it is the bank password of the richest man in the world, or the agreement just drafted by the heads of state, I can find out."

Obviously, these will not make the hearts of the two girls in front of them.

They are not very sensitive to politics and money.

"If it's about liking boys, I can also find out."

As such words fell, Yu Xiao Miku's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Please tell me what Su Jun was doing just now!!"

Without hesitation, the girl who fell in love with Su Han in a very strange way asked a question.

"Oh, oh, is it a love girl?"

Without hesitation, Erya stretched out her hand and turned the page.

"Alas, that guy's information is showing up so slowly..."

The girl who investigated most of the information was directly searched, flipping the pages, looking at the page where the word appeared.

"Emmm, the boy that Mickey likes, is now discussing with that Rashiko Thunderbolt Ryoma how to defeat the primordial elf. Well, he is a boy with a super career."

"Alas, the topic seems to be a little off topic now."

"Oh oh, is it a guy who installs wood? It's incredible, this story can be used to draw comics."


As if she had discovered something very interesting, a slight smile appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth.

After a long time, she closed the angel at hand and looked at Tokisaki Kurumi and Yui Miku next to her, with an aunt smile on her face.

"You guys, do you want to hear a story from me?"

Chapter 20 This article, Miss Erya, come to work overtime!

"I'm not very interested in them, and I don't plan to chase them, but if these two guys are injured on the battlefield, I'll probably be very unhappy."

"So, find an opportunity to assign some simple tasks to them and let them leave."

"Bleeding, it's enough for me alone."

In the room belonging to Tobiichi Origami, the second elf with omnipotent power closed his angel and sighed with emotion.

"It looks like a ruthless devil who sees everything as a chess piece, but in fact, will you choose to go to the battlefield alone at the last minute?"

"Accidental blood, as the prototype of the protagonist of the comics, it should be very good, I have to remember this boy's speech."

As Erya closed the book, she looked at the two compatriots beside her with interest.

If you don't check, you don't know, check and jump.

Madman and Mickey are rivals in love.

This kind of thing made Niya Honjo, who is a cartoonist by profession, suddenly interested.

Take a good look at the daily life of these three compatriots, it seems that you can directly spend a cartoon.

This article Cang Er teacher's new work get! !

"So, in the face of Su Jun, who plans to go to the battlefield alone, what is your choice?"

Unexpectedly, Erya Honjo, who can draw such interesting things as soon as she is released from prison, has her eyes sparkling.

Faced with the decision of the male protagonist to fight against God alone, what choice will the female protagonists make?

Do you rush to the male protagonist's side and announce that you want to fight with him, or leave, and then sneak back and silently assist?

"I will probably obey the arrangement and go to the world where Su Jun is."

This completely caught Benjo Erya's answer by surprise, and the cartoonist who drew the cartoons was stunned when he was planning to take his own countryman.

huh huh-

Is this the reaction?

Tokisaki Kusan, who had seldom expressed his attitude after Su Han joined the battle, faced doubts, his red lips lightly parted, and he expressed his thoughts.

"Su Jun has the ability to leave this world. If he is defeated, he will naturally withdraw, and his life will not be in danger."

"If he suffers a crushing defeat and dies before returning, I can receive the news that he will return to this world, and then go back in time to pull Su Jun, who has not yet declared war on Chong Gong Mio, away."

"If I join the battlefield, I may be killed, causing us to lose the ability to restart the timeline."

"Although I am unwilling, the best way for me is to take Dr. Leidian Longma to another world, and then observe the signs of Su Jun's life there."

"Oh oh oh, is the madman a super rational type?"

Like a sudden realization, Honjo Niya quickly recorded Tokisaki Kurumi's words, her eyes glowing.

"Calm down?"

Faced with this kind of evaluation, the corners of Tokisaki Kurumi's delicate mouth showed a bit of bitterness, and she caressed her chest, as if asking her own heart.

After a long time, the girl opened her mouth and expressed her feelings.

"If possible, except that the princess's disease patient is in such a situation, isn't he thinking about following the person he likes?"

"The so-called calm is just that I don't dare to cause trouble to the people I like."

"Hey, hey, being able to observe the death of a teammate in another world, and then reverse the timeline when the death of a teammate is confirmed, is already super strong!!"

Just like the ghost saw Zhong Kui and the land saw Sun Monkey, Benjo Erya's eyes widened.

"And——, you just confessed!!"

In this regard, the girl who smiled extremely ladylike, her eyes narrowed into beautiful crescents.

"It's not a confession."

"After all, confession has to be called out in front of the person you like."

"Su Jun is very busy now, I can't disturb him."

"But I think, at that moment, it will not be too late."

In Yu Xiao Meijiu's stiff expression, the girl smiled lightly, curtseyed to Benjo Erya very elegantly, and then disappeared into the darkness.

She comes.

Just like her own words, she will not suddenly break out in feelings now, go to confession, and then pursue to walk side by side, but will obediently obey the arrangement and quietly watch in another world.

However, it is conceivable that when the nerve-wracking battle of the gods is over, she will definitely be the best huntress.

Oooo! ! !

A guy like Xiao Kuang Kuang can completely copy the character design as the heroine! !

Superb ability, clean and neat, rational and affectionate...

This is definitely the female number one! !

The soul of a cartoonist, in the burning Erya, he couldn't help but look at a guy who was suspected to be the heroine, and his eyes burned with hope.

So, as the second female lead, what kind of style can Miss Mickey show?

"So, in the face of a strong opponent like a madman who coexists charmingly and rationally, Mickey, what are your preparations?"

Listening to such words, the ability type is field control, and Miku Yuuya, who has no auxiliary ability once she leaves the battlefield, did not speak, but just stood there stiffly.



Looking at the girl who couldn't see the possibility of defeating Tokisaki Kurumi at all, Miss Erya couldn't help but feel a little disgust on her face.

The female second who pulls like this can't raise the party and government at all, and those who can't invest in stocks will only be killed by the female first, and then become the aunt in the later biography.

Nia Honjo, who has decided to make three of her own kind as new manga characters, sighed.

Can not be done.

this kid.

"do you need my help?"

In front of Miss Miku, who was almost tortured to death, Miss Niya, who was purely entertaining, extended her hand to her.

"You... want to help me?"

The girl who felt that her rank could not keep up with Shizaki Kuangsan at all, looked at the decadent senior who looked like an old uncle, with a horrified expression.

In her impression, Benjo Erya is a super house girl.

This kind of super house girl actually wants to guide her in love?

Importing computer accessories during the non-safety period, it is more reliable to expect that you will get married after you send your child into the soul! !

"I'm a super reliable senior."

The r18 artist who was trying to start a party dispute laughed, and then he once again pulled out his angel.

"Do you know? The things recorded in the obituary, including... the part I wrote, are all true."

"Because you are so cute (after dinner), let me investigate the situation, and then design a moment of true love for you and shoot Cupid's arrow."

Leziren, who had a pen in his hand at some point, looked at a girl who was in urgent need of "all kinds of accidents" to deepen the relationship with her protagonist in order to maintain the trend of the party, with a happy smile.

========Dividing Line========

It is actually quite difficult to go to face Takamiya Mio alone.

The enemy is a monster that almost has "I am God" written on its face.

True damage, ultimate control field, obliteration of the conceptual realm...

If it wasn't for the fact that the guy was an artificial life form, he was left with a weakness before it was created, otherwise, that guy would really be clueless.

However, even if you know the weaknesses of the opponent, trying to deal with them is very troublesome.

In the plot, the sudden death of Takamiya Mio is more like a plot kill.

The villain, Westcott, took advantage of Mio Takamiya fighting with Shidou Wuhe and his party, captured Mio Takamiya's demon king, gained enough power to end human civilization, and wanted to destroy the world, and then confronted Mio Takamiya.

The two villains with different goals naturally fought, and then perished together.

Well, Brother Westcott fought with all his strength, and finally succeeded the elves.

Obviously, only relying on Westcott's spells is unreliable.

Even if he has captured the three major demon kings of Mio Chonggiya, and fighting her again, it will be quite difficult. If he is discovered after half of his strength, it will be finished. Even if he runs away on the spot, he will probably have some injuries.

To be honest, if you are looking for help, the best way is to buy that super-expensive divine limited call symbol, and then summon it.

Theoretically speaking, in front of a "god" like Takamiya Mio, the followers of Koyuki would not be able to fight back unless they were the ones at the top.

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