As if he heard very unbelievable words, Thunder and Lightning Ryoma was stunned.

Tokisaki Kurumi, the spirit of time.

At the same time, she has twelve ways to control time, so she is judged by Tesla to be a more dangerous girl than Su Han.

If Godslayer needs a team, it is undoubtedly the most important support.

She can reverse time and space at will, whether it is to transmit information, save lives, or restart the world and change the world, she can do it.

After all, she is the darling of time.

Even Somiya Mio, if he can't capture his spirit, he can't play with time at will like her.

As a tool, that is without a doubt top of the line.

For the guy in front of him, who rationally reminds people of the Bishop of Heaven, it should be a tool that he can carry with him.

"Why put her on the battlefield?"

In the sight of Thunder and Lightning Ryoma, the young man opened his mouth with a surprised expression.

Chapter 19 A world where only Irena is injured, completed

Don't plan to let Tokisaki Kurumi go to the battlefield?

As if he heard something very incomprehensible, Thunderbolt Ryoma was stunned.

This is not difficult to understand.

The power of time is like a cheater.

As long as you have it, you can restart countless times, make life like a game, and you can archive and go back at will...

At the moment when facing Mio Takamiya, who can be called "God" completely, how precious such teammates are, you can imagine with a chicken butt.

And now, Su Han actually refuses to let Tokisaki Kurumi, who is a time capable person, fight with him?

"Are you crazy?"

Raiden Ryoma looked at the boy who, in a sense, was also a member of Anti-Entropy and drank lowly.

"Of course I know that it will be good to bring Tokisaki Kurumi."

"Tokisaki Kuangsan, the ability is time, the effect is acceleration, deceleration, pause, and return to the past, travel to the future..."

"From a rational point of view, it is really strange that such a tool person is not around."

In the beginning, it was indeed a boy who had trained Tokisaki Kurumi as a tool man, shrugged and said.

In the slightly puzzled look of Thunder and Lightning Ryoma, the young man stretched out his hand and scratched his cheek, looking a little embarrassed.

"However, if a girl will give you all her belongings, be on call 24 hours a day, and be jealous because you walk in with other girls..."

"Under such circumstances, it would be too confusing to treat her as a tool person."

"And Yu Xiaomeijiu. To be honest, I always thought that guy was a two-hundred-five-year-old. Except for singing, he was useless."

"But the kind of idiot who clumsily makes you tea and literally writes 'I want to show' on your face, plays the piano and sings next to you."

"If I had to describe it in one sentence, it would probably be a girl with eyes full of you and stars."

"Although I'm not really interested in them, and I don't plan to chase them, but if these two guys are injured on the battlefield, I'll probably be very unhappy."

Very straightforward, Su Han expressed his current thoughts.

"Maybe it's because of my low level of education. I can't appreciate the tragedies that have been handed down. I only like to watch the script of a big reunion."

"In the reunion script, there is no need for girls to bleed wildly for the protagonist, or even die again and again, as long as the protagonist hangs up and goes unparalleled."

"You...more than I thought..."

Looking at the boy whose actions were different from what he imagined, Thunderbolt Ryoma was silent, and after a long time, he didn't think about the words.

"It's half-baked."

Su Han gave an evaluation.

"Obviously, he was saving Changkong City, but he couldn't help but owe his money on the way to save it. He robbed Cocolia's property, and even made a deal with that **** Otto for money."

"I, as a righteous person, are obviously half-baked."

In the dazed look of Thunder and Lightning Ryoma, the boy evaluated himself.

"You know what my profession is?"

Occupation is a term that widely exists in various online games.

And a profession, often represents the ability direction of a professional.

Vaguely, Ryoma, who felt that he might hear a very scary inside story, felt a little hoarse in his throat.

"It's the Blood Mage and the Frozen Mage."

Very bland, the boy opened his mouth and told the trend of his ability development.

"Blood Mage is a profession that can be called a demon. His power comes from blood, or in other words, the blood as a life force circulating elephant."

"But, in fact, I haven't killed a single person until now. I've come to this point, all relying on my own blood to provide strength."

Speaking of this, Thunderbolt Ryoma couldn't help but shudder.

As long as you keep killing, you can keep getting stronger. Isn't such a profession really a demon that has escaped into the world?

"Obviously, as long as I let go of my concepts and start massacres, my strength will rise very quickly. If I can become the king of the blood prison, even if it is a god, I can kill it at will."

The young man spoke quickly.

"But, as you can see, I'm half-not interested in killing characters other than my enemies, so I'm a half-baked blood mage."

Su Han, who is highly unqualified as a blood mage, opened his mouth and said.

"As you can see, I'm half-baked in every way."

"How can a half-ass like me not be influenced by my emotions and change the battle plan."

"So, Irena and I should deal with Mio Takamiya."

Quite frankly, the boy who drew Irena closer to the team stretched his back.

"It's not important for me and her to get hurt."

And on the other side.

A room in Yu Xiaomei's nine home.

All kinds of painting tools are densely arranged on the table, and a large fluorescent lamp is also set to illuminate the entire table.

In the center of the table is a thick piece of B4-sized paper.

There are many grids drawn on the paper, with characters, backgrounds, and dialog boxes for lines. It looks like all the lines have been drawn, but the pencil lines for drafting are still on top.

On the workbench are the original comics being drawn.

Like a sleeping corpse, the girl who symbolized the second mass point was lying on the table.

"So, this is what... Su Jun exchanged the world's strongest magician in exchange for... Senior?"

Not long ago, the person watching DEM sent a cage to Tiangong City with a helicopter, and then, watching Su Han pulling the cage to his home, Yu Xiao Meijiu, his expression was a little subtle.

The exchange of prisoners with DEM went very smoothly.

The world-famous Sir Aizac, without any hesitation, chose to throw the second elf over in exchange for his compatriots.

He didn't let go of a ruthless word, and even asked the girl named Chong Gong Zhenna to send a few checks and a lot of beautiful jewelry as a small gift for the elf.

To be honest, the good attitude made Tokisaki Kurumi and Yukiya Miku a little uncomfortable.

However, after all, the second spirit was replaced.

According to a guy who has a deep understanding of the origin of elves, the power of elves is basically related to the ten particles of Kabbalah.

For example, Tokisaki Kuangsan represents "understanding", the number is 3, and the color is black, representing the rationality of execution and substance.

And Yu Xiaomeijiu represents the "foundation", the number is 9, the color is purple, and the metal is silver, representing the foundation's talent and God's creativity.

After the benchmarks were seated, they could easily realize what their corresponding particle points were, so they could also try to guess the temperament and appearance of the second elf.

The girls, who had guessed what kind of person the second particle would be, looked at the pile of creatures in front of them and couldn't speak for a long time.

"Yes, I am your senior~"

Seemingly aware of the expressions of the juniors, the girl raised her head, raised her head with all her strength, and smiled.

He has a pair of dan phoenix eyes and thin lips, a straight nose bridge, neat facial features, and blue eyes that shine like gems.

If you don't pay attention to the dark circles under the eyes like a panda, you can make a direct debut as a movie star.

It's a pity that this beauty showed a tired look on her face, her cheeks were thin, and she just raised her head to greet the two compatriots, as if she was burnt out.

Is this the second mass point?

Looking at the girl, Tokisaki Kurumi and Yui Miku's expressions became indescribable.

"I'm the elf that symbolizes 'Chhokmah', um, the one aliased as 'Supreme Father'—Guru~~, I'm quite a reliable senior."

The girl who felt that she would burn out after moving a few more times seemed to have sensed the eyes of her juniors, covered her stomach, and said without changing her face.

In that scene, I couldn't see the embarrassment of being so hungry just now.

"By the way, Mickey, and Little Crazy, can I ask you to help me cook some instant noodles? If you can bring me a can of beer, I will thank you very much next."

Without a teacher, she gave the two juniors nicknames that people wanted to complain about. After she said this, she burned out and fell on the table, as if she was dead.

Is this the "Supreme Father" who represents wisdom?

Tokisaki Kurumi and Yukiya Miku wanted to cover their faces.

Even if she is a girl, she is still decadent, addicted to alcohol, and it seems that no one will deliver food, so she may starve to death...

If this is the second mass point that symbolizes "patriarchy", is there any salvation for men in this world?

Looking at the girl who almost wrote "I am a waste" on her face, Tokisaki Kurumi and Yui Miku fell silent.

"Really... an incredible senior."

After a long time, Tokisaki Kurumi pulled out a cup of noodles from the refrigerator, poured in hot water, soaked it, and handed it to the woman who was extremely useless.

"Ahhh, I love you, madman."

As if resurrected in an instant, the decadent woman jumped up, hugged the cup of noodles, and began to gobble it.

That scene made people wonder if this was the far east, which is a developed country, but the poorest region in West Asia.

"What a shame senior..."

Even living in Jidong, where there is a relationship between seniors and juniors, Yu Xiao Miku couldn't help but whispered when she looked at the girl who was working hard to cook.

"Oh, this kind of statement is too much!"

Erya, who was ridiculed as a humiliating senior, mumbled while cooking.

"But...Senior, you are really ashamed."

Rarely, Tokisaki Kurumi, who has never expressed negative opinions in a positive way, agrees with Miku's statement.

"Hey, little madman, you actually said that to me too."

After drying the noodle soup together, the girl wiped her mouth directly with her sleeve, then looked at the two juniors and snorted softly.

"Since this is the case, I have to show my hands well and let the juniors get to know them. The reliability of the seniors is fine."

In the sight of Kurumi and Miku, Niya opened her mouth and called.

"Shenwei Spiritual Suit - Second Class."

At the moment when Erya whispered the name, a vortex of light rolled up around Erya's body.

"Spiritual outfit."

Kurumi narrowed his eyes at the sudden light and said aloud.

"That's right, it's a spiritual outfit, but that's not what I want to show you."


The girl called out like this, and in the next instant, the space around Erya's hand was distorted, and then a book emerged from it.

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