However, it is a coincidence that in the Xingyue worldview, there are more top-level followers than first-class, more first-class followers than second-class, and more second-class followers than third-class. It can be said that the group of Heroes is a sea urchin, and everywhere is standing at the top. follower.

Coupled with the concept of divine limitation, the probability of finding a Servant at the apex on that group of sea urchins is quite high.

The probability of summoning a Servant at the vertex is quite high.


Group chat is a bastard, and the price of selling things is expensive.

The points that Su Han had saved before were all used to buy Yuduchen and the gold rate, which was not enough to exchange.

So, you still have to improve your strength as much as possible.

As a blood mage, the best way to increase the strength is to slaughter.

Start a massacre above the national level, devour its blood, quickly awaken, and cooperate with Westcott's spell to at least increase the winning rate to 73%.

However, Su Han obviously did not have that kind of interest.

Although he is not a righteous person, he is not a big villain either. It is okay to be a mortal enemy and a disgusting villain, but it is a bit embarrassing for him to treat human life like a mustard.

So, apart from humans, what else can provide a lot of blood to provide energy for oneself?

Su Han was lost in thought.

Looking at the pork chop rice packed from the small restaurant in front of him, he inexplicably remembered the physical education teacher's roar at the contemporary college students.

"If you say you are pigs, the pigs are crying! How can the pig's body side fail? How can it be fat like you?"

The average body fat rate of pigs is about 15%, and even some pigs have only 9.3% body fat rate, while the body fat rate of normal adults is 15%~18% for men and 25%~28% for women. .

The fact that they look so ○ is entirely due to the large skeleton and the overall weight. In fact, the second senior brother is slimmer than most of the people.

Moreover, pigs don’t need to get up at six in the morning to go to school, they don’t need to voluntarily 996, they don’t stay up late to brush Douying and Ah B, and they don’t get up at two in the morning to manage their time. Their daily routine is very regular.

Blood is the embodiment of vitality.

What do you think, the second senior brother, who lives a regular and slender life, is stronger than the social animals, the dead house, and the time assassins who have been hollowed out by alcohol.

So, are you going to open a pig farm next?

The boy who felt that the efficiency of raising blood from pigs was better than killing people continued to think.

No, that's still too inefficient.

The time for pigs to be released is generally about 155 days to 200 days. If you start raising pigs from scratch, even if you can't wait, the flowers will be gone.

Self-cultivation, how can there be a direct purchase.

I feel that the efficiency of massacres to collect blood energy is far less than that of buying a large number of pigs, cattle and sheep, and the young man who opened a pig farm looked at the gold rate in his skill column, and his eyes turned slightly.

According to Dadalia and the doctor, this skill is said to be a magical skill that Irena-san wanted to acquire in her dreams.

Unfortunately, when Irena shouted that she must buy the gold rate, Su Han was thinking about how to fight with Mio Takamiya and Westcott, and didn't watch the group chat at all.

After noticing the update of the group chat store, I couldn't afford to buy the divine limited call sign, but Su Hanxian, who could clear other props, bought this skill.

Now, thinking about it now, my unintentional move at that time may be correct.

Planning to directly import pigs, cattle, sheep and even kangaroos, the boy who entered the meat factory took out his mobile phone and checked the Nasdaq index, the Dow Jones index and the index ten years ago, which were around 3,000 points, and now they are still big A around 3,000 points. , eyes flickering.

It should be very simple to make some money in the stock market with your own fortune, and then buy a lot of pigs, cattle and sheep.

When you make money, you should build a factory next, and then

Having said that, what preparations need to be made to establish an enterprise that imports pigs, cattle and sheep?

Determine the company name type and business scope, handle the approval of the establishment of the industry and commerce, seal the capital verification, apply for the business license, the organization code certificate, and handle the tax registration certificate...

Ahhh, what a hassle.

Su Han thought for a while and sighed.

These things are a bit related to his blind spot of knowledge.

At this time, it would be nice if someone could share it.

So, who are the people around you who can help you?

Su Han, who had already planned to throw Tokisaki Kusan, Yu Xiao Miku, and Thunderbolt Ryoma, all back to the collapsed world, rubbed his chin.

He now has two teammates.

One of the main tasks is to be Irena, the tool person who contacts the Witch Guild.

The other is the second sub, who has the power of omniscience and can theoretically do anything.

Naturally, Irena couldn't count on it.

After all, that guy lived in a medieval-like background, and she was about to die just by learning how to use a mobile phone, and expecting her to help him start a company would be considered murder.

Then there is...

As if there was some kind of fate, when Su Han thought of a decadent beauty, there was a knock on his door for a while?

"who is it?"

Su Han got up and asked.

"It's me, Erya."

This Article Two Asia.jpg

Chapter 21 Erya, do you mind if I delete your memory?

Occupation is a cartoonist, his hobby is eating junk food, he draws 18-eighteen horses when he worships a shrine, dresses himself in a maid costume, and tries to reproduce the behavior of Yujie in the comics with his flat body...

Not long ago, he was rescued from the prison of DEM by a certain male compatriot at the price of the strongest magician, Aileen.

How to adapt to the new rhythm of life, I haven't figured it out yet.

However, in order to enrich her comic material, she is trying to cultivate a second female who is useless to the point where she will not be killed on the spot by the first female.

To this end, she is trying to investigate the personality hobbies of the male No. 1 children's shoes, and then use her own angel to design a few "coincidences" for her and the female No. 2 to radicalize the relationship between them...

However, now, this Miss Leziren is in trouble.

The decadent beauty with a dignified beauty and eyes like jewels looked at the guy in front of him who was throwing a stack of agreements to him, and her beautiful eyes were full of mmp.

"I'm going to invest in an industry, and I need someone to help with the early stage, and then I'll ask you."

The young man sitting at the desk, Miss Za Leziren threw a stack of documents in front of him.

It was a plan.

It is also a letter of appointment for yourself.

"DEM company understands, that company implements the British company system."

"In British companies, the executive director of business and the chairman of the board of directors are not allowed to serve concurrently, that is to say, even if it is only a nominal person, a representative other than Westcott is also required on the board of directors, because this system, There are multiple directors in DEM."

"I plan to go to one of them next, ask to be my angel investor, and then put the funds into the stock market for profit, and finally use it to buy other directors and buy a large number of meat factories and ranches ."

Among the directors of DEM, Su Han, who only knew Westcott, held the red feather hanging around his neck and said casually.

Obviously, this guy intends to win the support of a director in the same way that Confucius persuaded the monarch of a small country.

No, that might not be right.

After all, Confucius is purely convincing people with reason, and the way this guy handles it is to beat people into confusion, and then use Yu Duchen or find Meijiu to control them.

"As you can see, this kind of thing is too difficult for me alone."

In fact, most of the time, Su Han, who is a hands-off shopkeeper, raised his head and looked at the elf in front of him with a sincere expression.

"I need an assistant."

"Well, the assistant who helped me deal with the problem of the meat factory."

So you're looking for me, a fish-mongering monster, as a labor force?

It was almost like seeing Elina kill Dio, but Miss Erya, who just came to assist Miku, has begun to doubt her life.

She can understand trying to use economic means to attack DEM. After all, the **** in DEM, led by Westcott, have not been targeting elves for a day or two. It is obviously a good choice to erode a wave of backhands.

Take one director as an entry point, win over other directors, and work together to weaken the power of the Westcott faction, so that it loses the command authority of some troops and reduces its wings.

Then, with the elves as the support of combat power, the directors of the controlled factions were improved in their military virtues, and then a financial attack was launched, causing the directors to collectively force the palace on the grounds that "DEM's influence plummeted during Westcott's administration".

After such a wave, even Westcott will have a headache for a long time.

If he can't come up with absolute force or backhand to reverse the situation, he probably can only bring some diehards and leave the DEM club.

This may not be a fatal blow to Westcott, but if it is just to weaken his power and disgust him, the effect is outstanding.

For the first part of Su Han's plan, this article Erya understands very well.


In the second half, isn't the style of painting... a bit wrong?

What the **** is it to create the world's largest meat factory! !

Benjo Erya felt that a mysterious force restrained his neck, as if his autumn clothes were reversed, and he was completely breathless.

She originally came to find out the situation for Yu Xiaomei Jiu, and then brought the two together, made some interesting things with her own angel, and then recorded the story as a watcher, and drew comics...

As a result, now Ta Miao has directly become the director of the meat joint factory?

Sounds like the director of a global chain meat factory...

just thought of

"Don't you understand yet?"

"My strength comes from killing. As long as I keep irrigating with blood, I can become stronger."

Obviously, he didn't want to be like Westcott, who fought with Mio Chonggong for a long time, but Su Han, who had died together, shrugged his shoulders and said to the book painter who can do almost all professions with the help of an angel.

Blood Mage.

This is the occupation that Su Han mentioned when he was talking to Thunderbolt Ryoma.

"I have already surpassed human beings, and my strength is nourished by countless lives like you."

"Monster, yes, I seem to be called a monster now, but I prefer to call me "Earl of Blood Prison"."

"I am life, I am power, I am the source!"

"Kneel down! Give your life and blood, I am your monarch!"

This is the line of this profession, after awakening again and again.

If it is said that the male magicians who integrate the power of the abyss, who is the worst, is undoubtedly the blood magician.

His existence means death and killing.

Even if he doesn't know the history, Benjo Erya will have a hundred percent reverence and vigilance for that inheritance.


You told me that this profession is to kill pigs?

I always felt that the inheritance of blood law might involve the worst side of the world, Honjo Erya, who wanted to cover his face.


Obviously such a dangerous ability setting...

"You...really expect to use the meat factory as your source of blood energy?"

No longer able to look directly at the profession of the blood prison, Honjo Erya, looking at the boy in front of him, his voice is complicated like a middle-aged boy who sees his idol working as a part-time magical girl.

"It has already been said that the otaku is equal to 0.5 geese, and a pig has at least the power of five hundred geese. How can you make a fool of yourself against the second senior brother?"

In this regard, the young man said very frankly.

"No, no, no."

"No one really thinks that their vitality exceeds that of the second senior brother."

good guy.

Really nice guy.

Honjo Erya looked at the young man in front of him and didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only turn his gem-like eyes into dead fish eyes.

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