"Is that so?"

"Tobiichi Origami is the introduction to your plan."

Tokisaki Kurumi looked at the boy beside him and said.

"Captain Tobiichi suddenly found that multiple elves gathered together, suspected of preparing to counterattack human beings, and asked for DEM support. What do you think about this story?"

The boy who also possessed a small amount of elf spiritual power stretched out his hand, and the black spear named Heiyuan appeared in his hand.

"Of course, even in this situation, Westcott is unlikely to appear, but, at the very least, his right-hand men will appear, won't they?"

The boy who yearned for the physique of a wizard recalled the strongest magician who was also a descendant of wizards in the plot, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"At that time, it's not difficult to make him appear in front of us with a little manipulation."

"But, are you sure Tobiichi Origami will help you?"

Tokisaki Kurumi, who had just watched Su Han smashed Tobiichi Origami's head with his fist, looked at the unfortunate person who was still in a coma next to him, and his expression was a little subtle.

"Of course, no problem."

Very naturally, Su Han got a bowl of warm water from the water dispenser next to him.


In Tokisaki Kurumi's shocking eyes, he poured it on Tobiichi Origami's face.

Under the influence of warm water, the fainted girl quickly woke up.

When she opened her eyes, she had a face that was even more delicate and beautiful than most girls, but still made people feel disgusting.

"I have something to do, and I need your help."

The man opened his mouth and asked.

"Don't think about it!"

Without thinking about it, Tobiichi Origami gritted her teeth and replied.

Although I don't know what's going on, I can't help him if the comer is not good.

In this regard, Su Han's mouth curled into a smile.

That smile reminded Tobiichi Origami involuntarily of the snake in the myth that bewitched Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.

"If I said, your parents could survive."

Trying to exchange a picture for a ticket.jpg

Trying to exchange a picture for a ticket.jpg

Chapter 5 The addition of Tobiichi Origami and the God-killing plan

People cannot be resurrected from the dead.

Just like an apple will fall to the ground under the action of gravity, one plus one equals two, it is a truth that will not change.

However, some people now say that he can resurrect his dead parents?

As if a boulder fell into the water, infinite ripples were set off on the water surface, layer upon layer, Tobiichi Origami's body trembled slightly, and his mind became unable to calm down.

Because he saw his parents killed by elves when he was young, after turning into elves, with the power of Tokisaki Kurumi, he went back to the past and opened fire when he saw the phantom of the elves passing by.

The cannon fired was a blast.

In her cognition, her parents were killed by the elves, and as long as she killed the elves, her parents would be able to live.


Then, her parents died in her and Mio's avatar, the phantom aoe.

The most terrible thing is that the shot that went straight up was not shot by Phantom, but her own angel—Angel of Extermination.

Holding the heart of saving his parents, he ended up doing something comparable to that of the first dutiful son of the second dimension, Alan.

This is what happened to Tobiichi Origami.

Now I don't know what happened to me, what caused the girl's expression to change drastically when she listened to the boy's words.

Resurrection of the dead is actually an absurd and outrageous statement.

After all, the true body of the legendary existence that came back to life is mostly the unfortunate person who was buried without dying.

They just completed their self-rescue before the real hiccup.

Flip through the history books a little, and you can see the fear and helplessness of countless human beings towards death.

In the history of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh felt the dread of death, especially the threat of the fate of God to rule people, so with the desire to explore the mysteries of life, he went to the distance to seek the art of immortality, but the result was a snake slough. one.

In the twenty-eighth year, Xu Fu and others from Qi wrote about the fairyland on the sea. The first emperor sent him to send thousands of boys and girls into the sea to seek immortality. Gong and Shi Sheng sought the medicine of immortality for immortals, but in the end there was no medicine.

Whether it is myth or history, there are too many examples that can prove that death is an unchanging fact.

But, if that's the case, it was spit out from the mouth of the spirit.


Special life forms of completely unknown origin.

People have no idea where they came from, only that their arrival will bring great disaster and possess great power.

In the records of ast, there are plural sprites.

For unknown reasons, it actively hunts the nightmare of humans.

A hermit who controls the cold and can change the regional astronomical phenomenon.

The Balrog that came five years ago and turned the city into a sea of ​​fire.


It can be said that every elves have incredible abilities.

If one of them has the ability to revive the dead, it is not incomprehensible.

And now, the existence standing in front of me...

Tobiichi Origami looked at the young man who had torn apart all the defenses of his house in an instant, his slender hands clenched into fists tightly, and his blue eyes, which had never been turbulent, carried a strong emotion.

The enemy is definitely the elves.

This is Tobiichi Origami's perception of the boy in front of him.

Magicians claim to be able to compete with spirits, but only if they wear a tool called a display device.

Without such a tool, a magician would be nothing but an ant that could be crushed by one finger in front of the spirit.

The boy in front of him is obviously not wearing a phenomenon device, but he has the power to freeze everything in the field of vision in an instant.

There is no doubt that it is a genie.

If he is an elf with the ability to revive the dead...

Parents can be saved.

The price is to serve the elves themselves.

Tobiichi Origami bit her lip fiercely, struggling.

After a long time, she spoke just now, and her voice was a little hoarse to the young man who had rushed in front of her without warning.

"You have... the ability to resurrect the dead?"

Clearly, she gave in.

If the elf in front of her is tempting her with wealth or power, she can brew for a while, and then spit directly on this guy's face.

Wanting to use power and money to corrode her fighting spirit is simply a dream.


What the young man in front of him proposed was indeed the life of his parents.

Tobiichi Origami's two main purposes of joining ast are to avenge the parents and protect the children, so that they will not suddenly lose their parents like myself.

But now, the possibility of resurrecting parents is in front of Tobiichi Origami,

It was very difficult, the girl who regarded elves as enemies, spoke up.

The magic power of the word family is too powerful, and it is too easy to fascinate people.

In the face of this power, principles or anything seems to be no longer important.

"If you can show that power in front of me, I can serve you."

The girl who was asked to help, spoke up.

She gave in.

In this world, perhaps there are no acclaimed laymen, or perhaps everyone is a layman with extra money.


Do you mean to see your parents and then serve yourself?

The boy who understood the subtext of Tobiichi Origami scratched his head, looking a little distressed.

Resurrection of that kind of thing involves his blind spot of knowledge.

His ability scope is to control blood energy and ice and devour Honkai beast, and the weapon effect is to cause the target to disintegrate in disorder.

Asking him to send someone to the hall of rebirth is a very simple matter.

However, asking him to rob someone from the Hall of Death was a bit embarrassing for him.

The resurrection of the deceased, that kind of thing sounds like a forbidden spell, asking him such an occult idiot is simply embarrassing him.

The reason for choosing blood as the fighting method was simply because he did not know how to use elements, but now he is using ice in a manner similar to that of Dnd's warlock.

"I'm sorry, but I can't revive the dead."

The boy shrugged and told the truth very bluntly.

He doesn't like to deceive people very much.

People who like to lie are easily regarded as lies and lose their effect. Only those who have been telling the truth can tell lies that people want to believe.

In order to lie when necessary in the future, some people believe that Su Han will never lie when it is irrelevant.

Although, he can let Tokisaki Kurumi use his ability to send Tobiichi Origami back to the past and achieve an alternative resurrection.

But if that's the case, the world lines have changed.

I don't have much information at hand. If there is a change in the world line, the plan after that will be finished.

Was it just hilarious?

Hearing the boy's sincere tone, Tobiichi Origami's face suddenly turned cold.

"Your parents died because of elves, and that's why you exercise tirelessly."

"But, even if you keep hunting elves, and even killing the Kabbalah ten particles until only the crown is left, what's the point of what you're doing?"

"The dead are dead after all, and your parents will not be resurrected because of this."

Ignoring Tobiichi Origami's face at all, the boy said with a friendly smile.

"People like you who carry deep hatreds and grievances all day long, the best guess is your thinking. Even if you don't understand the so-called plot, I can guess that you will give everything to gain the power to fight the elves next. ."

"If there is no savior-like person in your life force, your future is probably to be photographed by people from DEM, and then invited to perform magical transformation and become a weapon of war."

"Live as a prop that forces the spirit to reverse, and then recycles the crystal of the reversed spirit, and then gets scrapped in a certain battle. This is probably your destiny."

Very lighthearted, the boy spoke of a possibility if Tobiichi was origami.

Is there a problem?

Do everything for revenge!

Feeling the pity in the sight of the young man, unstoppable anger surged in his heart.

I once had a simple beauty, but that beauty was really destroyed by the elves.

Elves are the worst things in this world that should exist.

Because of their existence, every child in this world may lose their parents.

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