
That girl is so special.

Recalling the girl's violent and beautiful face, Tobiichi Origami's face turned gloomy as never before.


The girl who was very close to Shiori Five Rivers looked exactly like the elf Princess.

Are there really two identical leaves in the world?

Tobiichi Origami had doubts about this.

She has to investigate this matter.

So, take a shower and get ready for action.

The girl who was obviously ready for the next preparation picked up the towel, wiped her shoulders, and was about to walk towards the bathroom.



There was a sound of the door lock being opened.

who is it?


Tobiichi Origami suddenly became alert, and then a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

If it's a thief, he's come to the wrong place.

Your own home is not a place where thieves can act recklessly, and the traps they set are enough to—


Just like the roar of the frost dragon, the extremely cold ice and snow tore the door, tore the mechanism that he had arranged, and tore everything in the field of vision...

"Open the door and send warmth."

With Tobiichi Origami's sluggish expression, the handsome boy stepped on the destroyed mechanism and walked towards her.

Tote one origami.jpg

Chapter 4 Bewitched by Su Han

Where there is light, the opposite side must also reflect the bottomless darkness. This darkness is ruthless, ruthless, and will do anything to achieve its goals. Its only instinct is to "devour".

Now this darkness is standing in the tall buildings of England, quietly watching its next prey...

That's DEM.

It is also the only organization in this world that has shown the ability to end the spirits.

Different from the Ratatosk established by Mio's licking dog, Elliot Baldwin Woodman, to protect Mio's fellow Ratatosk, DEM is a battle with the world villain Westcott in order to reverse the spirit and capture it. Its spirit crystallized and established an independent armed group.

As a descendant of orthodox wizards, he can perfectly integrate the crystals of inversion spirits without paying any price.

The man who thinks that there are only two emotions in the world, happy and unpleasant, is an outlier with a passion for destruction and a flawed personality.

He would be happy to see his village slaughtered, but he would never think about slaughtering his own village with his own hands.

The reason is not because of any moral restraint, but it is similar to being happy with the death of a dog but not killing the dog for pleasure, but waiting quietly for the dog to die.

His flawed character determines that he will not take the initiative to create destruction.

If there is no excuse to send it to the door, this man with a distorted personality may be a scholar honestly.

However, when he was young, an excuse to destroy the world was sent to him.

I don't know if the people in the wizard's village committed something outside, or if normal humans were afraid of the power of the wizards, a **** disaster followed.

In the entire wizarding village, only four children survived.

"I will never forgive you"

-Thank you for giving me the chance to get revenge

"Dare to take my village and my companions..."

——Thank you for giving me the righteous name of killing

"I want revenge"

-Thank you for giving me a reason for revenge

In the name of revenge, he continues to create destruction, and tries to seize the power of Takomiya Mio and bring the end to the world.

Such a twisted man is Westcott.

"That man is the target of our trip."

The handsome boy sat on Tobiichi Origami's bed and spoke to Tokisaki Kurumi next to him.

Not long ago, there were four people here.

However, because something went wrong, there are only two people who can speak here for the time being.

Irena seemed to be hungry, and then discovered that there was an artifact called cup noodles in this world, borrowed some money from Su Han, and went to dinner.

And Tobiichi Origami, in the process of someone searching for money, desperately resisted, was knocked off by a blow, and was fainting.

Therefore, for a while, only Su Han and Tokisaki Kusan, who had not spoken much, were left here.

At this moment, this girl, who had always had a polite smile on her face, was sitting beside the teenager, listening to him tell the story he had seen.

During the period when Yuanyi Origami was physically silenced, Su Han told the story of two people.

One of them is Takamiya Mio.

The second is Westcott.

Tokisaki Kurumi, who finally got Mio's data, looked at the boy who proposed to attack Westcott first, and was speechless for a long time.

After a long time, she smiled wryly and said.

"Mio Takamiya, you are really powerful and despairing."

Takamiya Mio is a super monster.

This is a fact.

The Primordial Spirit Takamiya Mio - a girl created by using elven magic to gather the magic power of the entire surface of the earth.

According to the formula book of the date battle, the total ability value of the worst elf Tokisaki Kurumi is 713.

And Takamiya Mio is 4995.

This is the result of her weakening after dividing her own power. If the situation is necessary, she can regain her own power by killing other elves.

Angel of Death - Vientiane Sanctuary

An angel who ignores all defenses and directly causes true damage.

Angel of Law - Reincarnation Paradise

Taking herself as the center, modifying the present world into a neighboring world, and modifying all the rules, she will be almost omnipotent in the paradise, and gain the ability to deprive other elf angels.

In addition, she has a third angel who ignores the restrictions and erases the essence of any event from the root.

It can be said unceremoniously that, except for the deduction item of being a love brain, Takamiya Mio did not live up to the identification name of [God] at all.

"Although our ultimate goal is to kill Takamiya Mio, that guy Takamiya Mio is completely the only **** in the low-profile version."

In the collapsed world, the boss fight starts from Cocolia, then to Anti-Entropy, and then to Su and Otto's teenagers clapping their hands and telling their own cognitive process.

In theory, Kurumi Tokisaki can change world history as long as he uses the Twelve Bullets to go back to slaughter those three idiots thirty years ago.

However, is it possible to successfully reach thirty years ago under the watchful eyes of "God"?

So, this way is actually impossible.

The premise of changing history 30 years ago is to kill the other "gods" who make lovers into eternal life.

Killing God.

What a suffocating topic.

Tokisaki Kurumi thought.

A few years ago, she also thought that after collecting enough time, she would go back to the past and kill each other with Takamiya Mio to change the history.

However, when the gap like a moat was placed in front of her with a numerical value and a set attitude, she realized what a terrible enemy she was facing next.

What kind of person would he think about becoming an enemy of that monster even if he knew the strength of that monster?

The girl looked at the boy beside her from the corner of her eye.

He accepted his 4,000 points, and then chose to be the enemy of "God".

Four thousand points is a lot.

You can buy a stigmata, or a golden rule, but are there really a lot of points?

Even buying a call symbol is more than 2,400 short.

A long time ago, Tokisaki Kurumi, who had received Su Han's "I will fight against you together", looked at the boy beside him with an unprecedented complexion in his eyes.

This guy is actually ridiculously rich.

The young man was talking eloquently.

"Once she shows all her strength, unless Dr. Romani takes back her spiritual foundation and tames Getia, otherwise, the whole group chat is just delivering food."

While Tokisaki Kurumi was thinking about some questions, the boy who had just captured Tobiichi Origami continued to talk about his plan.

"So, we have to find a way to weaken her as much as possible."

The girl who roughly understood Su Han's plan shook her head vigorously to clear her mind.

Now is the stage to prepare for the battle with Takamiya Mio, so don't think wildly.

"For that, we must first find Westcott."

Then, doubts arose again in Tokisaki Kurumi's heart. Since he was going to find the owner of DEM next, why did he stay in Tiangong City instead of going to London.

After all, the headquarters of DEM is in London.

"If it's for Westcott, why not go to London?"

With this question in mind, Tokisaki Kurumi asked again.

Probably because she has been following a certain plan lately, and the plan has always been able to get someone who can make everyone feel at ease. Instead of thinking carefully, she prefers to ask questions directly.

This change is also quite strange.

Tokisaki Kurumi thought.

However, it seems surprisingly good.

"Westcott is not easy to find. That guy is the owner of the world's top power DEM club. Not to mention that he has a lot of capable people. If he hides sincerely and makes a fool of himself, it will be super troublesome in the future."

"So, rather than act directly, it's better to give him a few tricks."

In response, Su Han responded very quickly.

Then, he raised his head and looked at the time elf known for his intelligence in the plot, with a somewhat surprised expression.

Is it an illusion?

"I always feel that Tokisaki Kurumi doesn't seem to be very smart recently.

It's as if he's been hit by the halo of wisdom. He only knows how to ask questions and not think independently.

Is this because of meeting paramecium and being infected with paramecium virus?

Su Han was lost in thought.

If so, can the paramecia virus be extracted?

He wanted to spray Otto, Su, Mio Takamiya and Westcott to make them become paramecia with the same IQ.

At that time, he will see if he can exchange charm and leadership skills from the group chat.

At that time, he could try to reproduce the scene where the leaders from all over the world bowed their heads, and the beauties from all walks of life threw their arms in their arms.

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