For myself and for those children, I have to pick up the sword, even if the price is to burn the last drop of bone marrow by the fire of revenge!

"I think you'll think you think that life is not bad."

With Tobiichi Origami's shocked expression, the boy expressed her thoughts.

Obviously he didn't know him at all, but he was able to express his thoughts easily. Such a thing made Tobiichi Origami feel that the world had a sense of discord.

"However, I find that kind of thinking boring."

Taking care of himself, the young man opened his mouth and expressed his understanding of Tobiichi Origami's thoughts.

"Because, fighting and killing like that can't save anyone."

"Instead of thinking about finding the elves to settle accounts, it's obviously thinking about how to minimize the damage caused by the elves - the situation where no one dies from it is more important."

The words that confused Tobiichi Origami's mind were spit out from the boy's mouth.

The damage caused by the elves is obvious to all.

Their presence is a disaster.

How many people died in the aftermath of their arrival at a time when protective measures were not yet widespread?

That's a heavy number.

They didn't deserve to die at all.

Just like your own parents.

But the truth is, they died, worthless.

And now, some people say to reduce that disaster to zero?

Such words fell into Tobiichi Origami's ears, causing her expressionless little face to be filled with an expression as if she had witnessed a lunatic.

"You can't even resurrect a person—"

She opened her mouth and wanted to question something, but the boy's voice sounded quickly, interrupting her questioning.

"I really don't have the ability to resurrect a single person, but my friend has the ability to travel through time."

"The birth of elves can only be obliterated from the source - the three sinners who created elves, and this world will enter a new world line."

Elves are man-made.


new world line.

This kind of unbelievable, sounding like a speech from an American blockbuster, was obviously difficult to convince that Toriichi Origami.

"How can you prove that everything you say is true—"

Before Tobiichi Origami's questioning could be fully uttered, the girl standing beside the boy silently appeared in a spiritual outfit.

Although I don't understand why Su Han cares about Yuanyi Origami so much, since Su Han is trying to convince her, there must be his reasons.

With this thought in mind, the elf of time called out his angel.

A bullet hit Tobiichi Origami's body.

"Ten Bullets."

Ten Bullets (Yod): Conveys memories of hitting the target's past, looking back.

The memory belonging to Tokisaki Kurumi, arrogantly broke into Tobiichi Origami's mind, leaving her whole brain blank.

"Myself" was originally an ordinary human eldest lady, living the life of a eldest lady, but one day after school, she was attacked by an unknown monster and was rescued by her righteous partner.

The justice partner hopes that Kurumi will help her to destroy the elves together, and "self" believes in the justice partner, becomes the elves of the time, and obtains the angel of the time——【Emperor Keke】.

After "self" became an elf, he has been helping Mio to destroy countless elves until he eliminated his predecessor, the elf of flame, and found that the elf of flame was his friend, and knew that the elves he had been destroying were all human beings.

When "myself" learned of this and wanted to continue questioning Mio, he was sent to the neighbors by Mio.

In just a few minutes, the story belonging to Tokisaki Kurumi had already been shown in Tobiichi Origami's mind.

When everything was over, the girl's face suddenly became extremely pale.

Elves were once humans?

Are they just some unknown experiment?

This fact is constantly shattering her worldview, making her whole person tremble.

"Three sinners created a 'God' with the help of the power of the planet.

"That's the context of the story."

The boy who needed Tobiichi Origami as an introduction, contacted ast and dem, and collected materials to fight against Takamiya Mio, held the hand of the trembling white-haired girl.

"If we want to save all the people who shouldn't die, we must go back thirty years ago, kill those three sinners, and change history."

"However, 'God' will not let Kuangsan go and change history. For this reason, we need to accumulate strength and kill God before that."

Very bland, the young man stated the purpose of his trip.

There are always guys in this world who let people die senselessly for no reason.

Even a **** like Otto understands that unnecessary bloodshed should be stopped.

Therefore, whether it is to find an excuse to release the malicious wizard, or to turn the lover into an eternal "god", it is better to die as soon as possible.

The boy who hated this meaningless bleeding thought, and gently supported the girl who was trembling because of too much information.

A few minutes later, the boy expressed his expectations to the girl who gradually understood all this.

"Next, please observe the information of Shiori Gokawa related to 'God', and help me publish things that can attract the attention of sinners."

Chapter 6 Yu Xiao Miku is about to join the team

"So, the current time is not long after the appearance of Yatoshen Tohka, and the four loli have not appeared yet?"

In Tobiichi Origami's study, the handsome young man pinched a stack of photos and rummaged through them.

The first one is a built-up house that often appears in the second dimension.

On the zip code box in front of the house, "Five Rivers" is written.

Su Han casually flipped through the album, and easily pulled out photos of several people.

It seems that the wife is full of flavor, and the blue-haired jk who has a lot of topics with the cook at first glance.

A red-haired loli with double ponytails and silk tied with her hair.

There are also appearances that can give people an explosive beauty, but as long as they see the expression on their eating, they can make people understand that she is a silly elf girl.

There is no doubt that those are the girls of the Wuhe family.

Kitaichi Origami card intelligence collector, really easy to use.

This is not only reflected in the fact that she is one of the ace members of AST, she can report a lot of information to AST, and then spread to DEM, and it is also reflected in her relationship with the Wuhe family.

In order to guard against Mio Takamiya, it is natural for someone to monitor the Wuhe family.

However, it was too suspicious to think that a sneaky person suddenly appeared asking about the situation of his home.

Whether it is Wuhe Kotori or Chong Gong Mio, they will feel the problem.

No matter which one decides to investigate, Takamiya Mio will take action next, and a good staged dungeon will soon turn into a face-to-face boss.

However, if Tobiichi Origami was the one who did this, then it all made sense.

It is completely reasonable that she peeped at Shiori Wuhe, inquired about the situation of Wuhe's family, and investigated all the information related to it.

Because she, a female pervert who has been obsessed with Shiori Five Rivers for a long time, has been collecting all the information related to Shiori Five Rivers for a long time.

A pervert of her level, no matter what she does, it is reasonable.

"So, among the elves in Wuhe's family now, is there only Tohka, the God of Yaknife, in Wuhe Qin?"

Su Han took Yuanyi Origami's mobile phone to investigate the recent weather. The recent weather was very clear and not gloomy.

Obviously, in this kind of weather, it does not meet the premise of the appearance of the fourth elf - Ice Yachuan Yoshino.

If there is no change in the way, the current time can already be determined.

The current time point is a period of time after the plot of Yato God Tohka was sealed.

"What's the next plan?"

The elf of time sat beside the boy, and asked a certain boy who was obviously good at burying traps as before.

"Of course I'll find you a teammate."

Not long ago, the boy who had Touichi-san prepare to announce to AST that he found out that the elves were conspiring and would probably fight back against humans shrugged.

The purpose of his trip, in addition to adding a resume to Tobiichi Origami, is to directly defeat the AST and force them to seek help from DEM.

The AST is not powerful. In theory, as long as Tokisaki madly hits three times, one person can directly clear the AST.

However, even this kind of combat power is not enough for DEM to dispatch the strongest combat power of his own.

——The strongest magician with the blood of an orthodox wizard like Westcott——Eren.

Su Han is very cautious about how to deal with bugs like Mio Chong Gong.

Although from the perspective of the plot performance, Takamiya Mio is not as difficult as Otto, but she has a bug in her ability.

Not enough intelligence, ability to make up.

So the guy's toughness index may still be higher than Otto.

If you want to deal with her, it is natural to deal with it in the scoring stage.

The first stage is to capture the blood of the wizard.

In the second stage, obtain the magic spell.

The third stage is to seize the authority of "God".

The fourth stage, killing the gods.

The fifth stage, reverse the world line.

The target of the second stage is obviously Westcott, and the target of the third and fourth stages is Takamiya Mio.

In theory, as long as Su Han is strong enough, he can directly smash the DEM and forcibly seize the wizard's blood and the wizard's knowledge.

But, still the old saying.

Westcott isn't an idiot.

The movement is too big, it is easy to startle his attention, if he wants to run away, no one can stop him.

Without Westcott's sorcery, it's time to wash and sleep.

Therefore, the goal of the first stage is still better on another wizard.

Su Han's eyes turned slightly.

——DEM's strongest combat unit——Elian.

The wizard who is the same big golden retriever as Hollander, but who is not equipped with combat power, also has the blood of wizards.

And if you want DEM to send her, it's not enough to defeat AST alone.

Before the necessary moment, the boy who didn't really want to officially show himself recalled the ten points of Kabbalah, and his eyes were surging.

The first elf "Tobiichi Origami" has not yet been born.

The second elf, Honjo Erya, is still undergoing experiments and torture in DEM's secret base.

The fourth, fourth, and seventh spirits and the seven sins have not yet come.

The sixth spirit is still floating in outer space, and the eight dance sisters are also floating in the unknown area.

The tenth elf, Yatoshen Tohka, has already been sealed.

The only character that can be found, who can become teammates with Kurumi Tokisaki, is only "Nine".

The combination of the third and ninth elves, plus the collapse of the AST, should be enough as a bargaining chip for the strongest wizard to appear.

Su Han thought.

"Who is my teammate?"

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