Karen Nora Mathers

The descendants of the four orthodox wizards were divided into two factions because of their different policies towards elves.

The two established Ratatosk, who supported the elves and allowed them to live normally.

The other two are guarding the DEM society they established together in the past, choosing to hunt down elves and seize their power.

If Honkai can transform these two pit bulls into Honkai beasts, then Su Han has a chance to use his Vishnu genes to show the talent of a pure wizard - devouring the crystals of reversal spirits.

The reason for wanting to contact Ratatosk, the guy who was completely different from Tokisaki Kurumi sighed.

"Unfortunately, our purpose is to fight against Chong Gong Mio."

After mentioning the name Takamiya Mio, a haze rose on Tokisaki Kurumi's face.

"As a variable, we suddenly appeared next to her child, is it really okay?"

In fact, Su Han, who really wanted to attack Ratatosk directly and capture the two **** who indirectly created the Eurasian air disaster, sighed.

Tatsumiya Mio is a very smart elf, with strong learning ability, he can even master the language system in one day, and quickly understand the history and world outlook.

Moreover, she is outrageously strong.

Even though her own abilities were continuously divided in the process of creating other elves, which weakened her own abilities, her actual abilities were still greater than the combined power of the other eleven elves.

In addition, even without using an angel, she can delete the memories of other elves and humans at will, as well as teleport.

Dangling in front of that kind of guy with extraordinary force and high intelligence all day long, because he thought he was too clear-headed, and was about to sink into the river by teleported Mio Chonggong when he was passing by the alley, or delete his memory, fooling him into becoming Pawn?

In this world, the only character who has ever fought directly with him is Westcott, who is also a descendant of wizards.

In the future, with a special elf technique, he captured the three major demon kings of Tsokiya Mio, gained the fighting power to fight against them, and finally perished with Takamiya Mio.

"So, what do we do next?"

It is very clear that the girl who is not the main force of the battle stands next to the boy and asks.

"Of course, find a way to get in touch, DEM."

In an understatement, the boy opened his mouth and said the name of the world's largest evil force.

"Let's hunt them down."

Chapter 3 Tobiichi Origami's Good Friday

Laichan High School is an ordinary but well-known high school in Tiangong City.

For general subjects, the deviation value is 60, and the number of students is 992.

Judging from such data alone, this is just an ordinary senior high school.

However, this school was established in the newly rebuilt high school in the rebuilt Tengu City after the Great Southern Kanto Air Disaster, and Tengu City is an experimental city of the latest technology.

Therefore, Raichan High School, which is located in the old disaster area, has various facilities, and evacuation facilities such as evacuation centers are among the best in the country.

However, this kind of evacuation facility obviously can only prevent space earthquakes.

The tall and thin security guard sat in front of the school gate, yawning.

Just like all school security guards, this tall and thin middle-aged and elderly guard has no task. His daily work is actually just to maintain the order during the rush to and from school and sweep the floor.

"Today is another quiet day."

It is estimated that it will not be long before the uncle who is about to retire, like some young college writers, drinking wolfberry tea and sighing.


Very strange, in his sight, the door suddenly opened.

Ugh, what happened?

I didn't feel the strong wind, but the guard who saw the door was blown open was stunned, he quickly stood up and went to check.



The crisp snap of fingers rang in the guard's ears, and then the eyes of the guards who were guarding Lazen High School lost their brilliance.

"Please show us the way."

In the void, a girl's voice seemed to sound.

To be honest, there is nothing around, but someone's voice is heard, this kind of thing is very scary.

However, under the influence of unknown technology, the guards were completely unaware of this.

However, from the guard's point of view, a girl's figure clearly appeared.

It was a girl with beautiful long gray hair, and her eyes were very blue, like precious gems that converged.

Who is she?

The guard was lost in thought.

"Can you please take me to the archives?"

In the guard's perception, the girl who should be the principal of the school opened her mouth and asked very seriously.

It was the principal of the school.

The guard figured it all out, as if in a sudden realization.

Although the guy in front of him was dressed like the witch in the story, but under the influence of unknown power, he thought he was the principal of Chancheng High School, so he wouldn't even doubt the suspicious point.

"To understanding."

Although he didn't understand why the principal, who should understand the buildings and functions of all areas of the school, should lead the way, Mr. Guard still gave a positive reply.

For ordinary people who do not have special powers such as magic power or magic power flowing in their bodies, witches are undoubtedly extremely terrifying existences.

Under the leadership of the guard, the witch of gray easily found the archives of Chancheng High School, watched the guard take out the key and opened the door, and then waved the guard to leave.

"Okay, group owner, what you asked me to do has been solved."

Not long ago, the Grey Witch, who was trying to steal the entrustment to Romani, said angrily.


For witches, it is not a difficult spell to solve.

Charm, inducement, is not difficult.

However, in the world of the Witch's Journey, it is undoubtedly against the rules to use this type of magic on ordinary people.


Under the temptation of a certain guy's points, a witch who was ridiculed by the people around her because of poverty because of "the dignified witch is so shabby to drink the water from the fountain?", put down her integrity and became the lackey of the capitalists.

In order to earn points for a skill called golden rate, this lady directly joined someone's team.

"Thanks, Irena."

Under the cover of Irena, the boy who was completely invisible walked into the reference room, found the file storage site where the second year of high school was located, and rummaged through the file of a girl who accidentally killed her parents in history.

"Huh, found it."

Without spending too much effort, Su Han easily pulled out the files he wanted from the neatly arranged files.

On that file, the home address of the white-haired girl with delicate facial features like a doll was clear at a glance.

"So, group leader, what's our next move?"

Looking forward to finishing her work early, getting her salary and leaving get off work early, the Witch of Chips looked at a young man who was called a big dog by Tohsaka-senpai, rubbing her little hands, and her eyes lit up.

"Of course I'm looking for it. It can be used as a springboard to contact the world's top power -- the people from DEM."

Next, the boy who needs to seize the physique of the wizard and then think about dealing with Mio Takamiya raised the file in his hand.

In Irena's field of vision, the profile of the girl who was admired by Westcott, one of the three sinners, was very conspicuous.

========Dividing Line==========


The full name is AntiSpiritTeam - the Ground Self-Defense Force against the Elf troops.

As the name suggests, it was formed by the island nation to fight against the elves.

Because it is an undisclosed unit, few people know of their existence. The main purpose of AST is to complete operations that are difficult for ordinary troops to achieve, and to destroy the elves that cause space shocks.

However, even though it was against the elf unit, this unit did not have any record of killing the elf.

No, that shouldn't be said.

They didn't even have a head-to-head battle with the elves and then won, and the result of their hard work was just delaying time.

Including the captain Hibuka, the team members of AST are only using battle to contain the elves to prevent them from causing damage during the "real world" time.

To be honest, if such a poor record leaked out, taxpayers would definitely be furious.

Spending a lot of money, they ended up raising a bunch of troops who could only be beaten in front of the elves, and even appointed troops who claimed to be "to drag the elves back to the neighbors is victory".

That flat-out attitude and touching record are enough to make people shout, "rnm, refund!"

This kind of meaningless army can easily make people wonder if the people above do not have the guts to suppress the elves, but only make money in the name of encircling and suppressing the elves.

However, among the AST members who were almost lying flat, Tobiichi Origami-san was a special case among the AST members.

Her goal was never to intercept the elves, but to kill them.

Tobiichi Origami killed her parents five years ago due to the appearance of a spirit, so she hated spirits very much.

In order not to let others encounter the same tragedy as her and avenge her parents, she joined the organization of the elves - ast.

This girl with a sad wish is obviously different from those civil servants of AST.

The girl with white hair and delicate features like a puppet is like a machine, constantly hitting the sandbag in front of her.


It was as if Euler had been sold by the fish-selling powerhouse. Compared to the girl, the outrageously thick sandbags flew high and then quickly fell back under the sudden force of the giant force.


When the incomparably fierce side spin kicked the falling sandbag in front of the girl, it fell ruthlessly.

She was obviously just a petite girl, but when she kicked out the side-spin attack, the sandbag was indeed changing violently, and then flew out all at once.

If that scene were to spread out, it would definitely shock the jaws of a bunch of people.

However, this kind of exercise is only the most basic exercise for Tobiichi Origami.

This kind of training lasted a long time.

The sweaty sweat completely wet the girl's sportswear, sticking tightly to the girl's slender body. Under the translucent clothes, the girl's fair and tender skin was looming.


The girl who finished her day's training finally stopped and started looking for clothes and getting ready to take a shower.

As a very self-disciplined person, Tobiichi Origami has a very strict plan for her activity time.

Go to class, do physical exercise, go back to ast to train random field precision, peek at Shiori Wuhe, then rest normally...

These things are extremely important to Tobiichi Origami.

So, I took a good bath next, and then went to the vicinity of Wuhe's house to have a look.

In the original plan, Tobiichi Origami should be at the ast training base next to train in the random field.

Random field - the space created by the display device, the random field can realize different functions according to the user's wishes, and the nature changes with the user's wishes of the display device.

That is the people of ast, the capital that can compete with the elves.

The stronger the willpower of the user, the more concentrated the energy, the higher the precision and the greater the intensity of the random field.

In order to gain the power to confront the spirits head-on,

However, not long ago, she saw a very familiar guy at school.

—A beautiful girl with long purple-black hair.

If there was only a beautiful transfer student in the class, this kind of thing wouldn't have caught Tobiichi Origami's attention.

Although she is a slut, she is a **** who only has an estrus with Shiori Wuhe, and has no interest in other women.

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