If you don't pass the trial sooner and become a real Demon King...

Jehovah's face became very embarrassed.

He will never allow someone to change their consciousness without permission.

Absolutely not allowed! !

Not even a demon king dystopia!

"So, Master, are we going to continue selling?"

On the change of gods, an archangel's expression was very tired.

Not long ago, the great **** was put together by his clone and became the public enemy of the gods.

For this reason, the entire Crusaders have been hit extremely hard.

It is said that in order to prevent Lord God from directly fighting him, he chose to tell him to exchange resources for the sovereignty of the sun.


That method is really disgusting.

Because, the guy who dipped in the light of the Lord also possesses the power of dystopia.

Therefore, once the Lord opens the inheritance, that guy is likely to take advantage of the situation to seize that power with the Lord.

That guy, that guy, that guy! ! ! !

The archangel recalled what the avatar of the **** had done, only to feel that his internal organs were being burned by the flames.

He wanted to speak angrily, but in the next moment, his mouth lost the ability to open it.

A spear with the texture of a branch ran through his body.

That extremely sharp shot made all the angels present in an uproar.

How is this going! !

Is this heaven?

Why did the Archangel have an accident here! ! !

Is it the enemy?

Absolutely the enemy! !

Without a few seconds of hesitation, the angels, who had already accumulated a belly of anger, showed their original posture...

Blazing swords, flame-throwing chariots, infinite aggregates of light...

The so-called beauty is an insignificant quality for weapons.

However, many believers are superficial and need a good skin to preach.

And now, before the angels, it is the enemy.

Since it is an enemy, there is no need to hide it! !


Those hideous monsters did not cause any intimidating effect at all...

"I am Othinus."

The girl's voice was soft.

"I was ordered to kill you."

Chapter 25 The Death of the Lord

The endless appearance is majestic and terrifying, and the angel who can even rely on the appearance to deter the demons launched a charge against the girl who suddenly appeared.

They are majestic and majestic, and they travel in flames, accompanied by great majesty.

Just charging distorted the space of this barren world.

That scene was terrifying.

Even the Asura and the devil in **** would tremble instinctively when they saw it, and knelt directly on the ground for the dying mass.

But does this really work for that one-eyed girl?

Ask, how are the fighting power of the archangels.

Answer: Bottom of three digits (the omnipotence paradox)

And what about Othinus?

Answer: Three-digit exception (inside Hakoniwa) ~ two-digit second...third (outside Hakoten)

The gap between these is no longer the number that can be changed.

The one-eyed devil just squinted the exposed emerald pupils, and the next moment, the angels who launched the charge stopped.

As if countless hands had grabbed them, the monarchs' bodies far surpassed the stars and twisted strangely, like poultry caught by the chef after entering the kitchen...


A great force was exerted on the bodies of the angels, twisting them into twists.

The next moment, that power was strengthened again.

The tyrannical angel in the past has turned into a mass of blood, blood, and blood, dispersed in the air...

If that scene were seen by the other two figures of Hakoba, it would definitely be stunned.

Crusaders, one of the rare sects in Hakoniwa, possessing multiple two-digit numbers.

The Messiah, who holds the dystopian authority of the Demon King, after taking back his spirituality that resided in Jesus, is so powerful that even the Hakoniwa gods and demons are worried that the return after the war will cause irreversible damage to the entire Hakoten, and cannot be easily attacked , can only let the world king guard it for a while.

Now, someone actually killed his angel in front of him?


Even though his subordinates were almost slaughtered, the **** still didn't make a move.


Looking at the girl who appeared in front of him without warning, a rare dignified expression appeared on the face of the **** who was high in the sky.


The main **** of Norse mythology.

Or, the former Lord God.

The ultimate trial of mankind—not so much a trial of mankind as a trial of finding fault with God.

Almost every human final trial has caused the decline of the gods.

The bull of the sky overwhelmed the Sumerian gods.

Absolute evil caused Zoroastrianism to almost become extinct.

Mayan prophecy caused the decline of the North American gods.

The Nordic group of gods is also the group of gods that have suffered the ultimate trial of mankind.

The final trial of mankind. Ragnarok killed powerful gods including Odin, Tyr, Loki.

The current Nordic group of gods is completely dependent on the twins of light and darkness to barely continue...

And now, Hakoba actually summoned Odin again?

This simply does not meet the "God has only one life before the final trial" criterion! !

"Don't act like a hillbilly."

"My dear deity."

While Messiah was still thinking about why Odin appeared in Little Garden, the voice belonging to the boy sounded silently.

That voice, almost with a magical power, made Jehovah's face gloomy as if he could squeeze out three glasses of water.

It was his rebellious clone.

The **** who sabotaged his new Hakoba plan.

The profiteer who forced himself to sell heaven.

A rebel who shares his glory but does not serve himself!

Almost in an instant, the flames of war ignited in the eyes of the gods and demons standing in the sky.

At the same time as he fell like a proud eagle, he mobilized his own power.

In the next second, a star in the sky has been caught, and then quickly catalyzed by an unknown force! !

- Supernova explosion.

That's a violent explosion that some massive stars experience near the end of their evolution. It is one of the most energetic phenomena in the universe.

These explosions are extremely bright, five billion times brighter than the sun, and the bursts of electromagnetic radiation in the process can often illuminate entire galaxies in which they are located, sending most matter at speeds as high as one-tenth the speed of light. Throw out.

The brightness of super-large supernova explosions can even reach hundreds of billions of times that of the sun. It is no exaggeration to say that the entire galaxy will be illuminated by sudden electromagnetic radiation! !

This is a power unimaginable to human beings.

And that kind of blow was just a random blow from the **** that day! !

"Fire, don't be so heavy."

The young man who had insufficient combat power to fight against multiple demon gods and had to find other ways to win the battle smiled and stretched out his hand, "pinched" the supernova that exploded, and then crushed it into pieces. The supernova erupted, which might be scary.

However, on a double-digit battlefield, that doesn't even count as a warm-up.

At best, it's the level of spitting at the enemy.

Clearly, that was not an official attack from the Lord.

Almost at the moment when Su Han crushed the supernova that erupted, the sky of Hakoba was already distorted!

Unlike the outer universe, every star in Hakoba has its own sovereignty, and if it is not the holder of the sovereignty of the stars, even the 'Almighty Domain' cannot shake the stars.

However, this rule is now being broken with 'force'. The holders of the Sovereignty of the Stars of Hakoba all turned pale at this moment.

At this moment, everyone in Hakoniwa looked up to the sky and saw the sun drift,

The sky and the earth are bleak, and the endless stars crash into a certain direction with the tendency of the sky to collapse, just like a meteor shower in the universe!

There are beings at the apex of gods and demons that are forcibly moving the stars! !

A supernova may not matter to the gods and demons in the double digits.

So what about 10,000?

One hundred thousand?

How about a million?

"Let's take a shower."

Endless spots of light lit up beside the Lord of Armies.

If the Milky Way is called a river, then the rain of stars pouring down.

It might also be called rain.

But, can anyone really survive in this torrential rain?

There is no doubt that even two-digit gods and demons will remain silent.

However, the targeted boy just stood there indifferently, as if everything in front of him was nothingness.

Just as he had taken the spear of the Lord God toughly, he stretched out his arms and greeted the rain of stars.

The endless explosion of supernova ripped apart his sturdy body, and even his bones let out a terrible scream...

But even so, he still smiled.

In the smile, there is the pity unique to the superior.

Who is he pitying?

For almost an instant, the Lord of Armies was furious.

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