Su Han's idea of ​​coming here, he knows better than anyone.

Su Han's previous strength was too weak to keep all the sovereignty of the sun.

Therefore, he chose to sell the sovereignty of the sun in exchange for a lot of resources, and exchanged channels for himself, so that he was busy collecting points and collecting development time for him...

Obviously, not so long ago, he was at the top of the fight.

And now, in that distinction, God is actually pitying him! !

Does he think he is far above himself?

Anger rises in the heart of the Most High God.

Yahweh is the most arrogant God.

This is not difficult to understand.

Killing the supreme goddess as a **** of thunder, expelling the master of the sky from the throne of the **** king, competing with Zeus, who was still the Almighty God, for the supreme **** name, suppressing all the gods in the entire Egyptian mythology, and letting his own clone be sealed to hundreds of people. The powerless magic star of the gods has seized the most historical transition period in the world, transferred his spirituality to make his holy son a full power, seized the power of the devil, tore up the paradox of almighty and ascended to double digits...

As long as these things are done, a **** and demon can be called a great god.

And these times, to Jehovah, were nothing but trivial matters in the life of God.

He has enough resume to support his arrogance.


As arrogant as him, now he is pitied.

An extremely cruel expression appeared on the face of the supreme **** and demon.

This is the battlefield! !

Bet everything on the battlefield! !

The winner takes all, the loser has nothing! ! !

"Here, any mistakes will cost thousands of times."

The **** and demon shouted angrily at his avatar, and at the same time, a flaming sword appeared in his hand.

Next, he will show the whole small garden what is the fire that destroys the world.

"You're right."

"But I think that being as noble as you should have a glorious ending, rather than be easily obliterated."

"If I don't have any scars at all, that would be inappropriate."

The gods and demons, whose flesh and blood were almost beaten by infinite superstars, were still laughing with a happy voice.

Is this guy crazy?

Such thoughts popped into the Messiah's mind.

Said that he should have a brilliant ending and should not be easily obliterated?

When will the word obliteration appear on oneself?


The next moment, his expression changed.

On the boy's body, the breath belonging to the third perpetual motion mechanism rose.

The third perpetual motion agency.

An absolutely outrageous authority.

The three major disasters of Hakoniwa were all born because of the third perpetual motion mechanism.

The real horror of it is... the power it can produce when combined with other powers or favors.

In game cheats, the most common entry is - unlimited resources.

The third perpetual motion mechanism is not as insoluble as the first and second.

However, it is the only possible perpetual motion mechanism.

And when the circulator has enough energy, the third perpetual motion mechanism is that infinite resource! !

It is a resource that can force the ability to the extreme.

Imagine the terrifying nature of those powers that are limited by their output, after they have been lifted from restrictions...

Electromagnetic force can turn galaxies into nothingness in one thought...

Gravity, will be able to easily affect the starry sky..

Molecular motion will evolve to freeze galaxies at absolute zero...

Fluid manipulation will be transformed into a dead wind that blows the world away...

For a moment, the world quieted down and time and space stagnated.

Then the surging power broke out, shooting in all directions, destroying the surrounding time and space.

A hard metaphor would be like forcibly pouring the water of a river into a small bottle, and the field where the power has accumulated long ago is heavier than any star metal.

Then the return of the universe appeared.

An invisible dark vortex appeared behind the LORD.

The Power of Rock Law. Unlimited Resource Edition.

- Giant Attraction.

It was like a mighty cosmic monster that opened its huge mouth toward Jehovah, and the powerful gravitational force penetrated through time and space and devoured the stars.

It uses an irresistible strong gravitational force to drag all the galaxies in the surrounding hundreds of millions of light years into its bottomless abyss.

To produce such a strong gravitational force, this mysterious object needs to have more than 20,000 times the mass of the Milky Way. Compared with it, the stars are like the sand of the Ganges, a drop in the ocean.

The giant black hole at the center of a galaxy is just a joke compared to such galaxy-devouring behemoths.

The power of this scale of cosmic phenomenon directly confines Jehovah’s body to the sky! !

The absurd feeling of the Lord, perhaps, being able to walk is something to be proud of

"Messiah, when I was reading 103,000 little yellow books in another world, I caught a hanged man and forced him to teach me a magic trick."

"The name of that spell is..."

The teenager who chose to read the knowledge of his subordinates smiled after finding out that he was a father-in-law.

"The stick of shock."

He snapped his fingers.

The next moment, endless light and heat began to gather.

The most powerful gift of the flash heat system is the fuse that ignites eschatology - the Wheel of Light of the Overlord.

In the past, someone was so sure.

However, starting today, this ranking is expected to change.

The endless burst of light and heat turned into a halo.

Temperature has a lower limit to what it can reach, and that is absolute zero, which exists in theory.

Below absolute zero, all molecules stop moving and everything falls into a state of inactivity.

Even time is frozen at "minus 273.15 degrees" - absolute zero.

In theory, the temperature also has an upper limit, and its upper limit is the "Planck temperature". Also known as the Planck hotspot.

Compared with the "Planck temperature", the temperature of the inner core of the sun appears very cold in front of it.

Because it is the first moment of the Big Bang - the temperature that can be reached in a very short and very short time! ! !

That is the temperature needed to open up the universe! !

There is almost no possibility of exceeding that temperature in this world.


The moment the light wheel was released, it expanded endlessly, and the light emitted from the place where the realm broke, illuminated the dark starry sky of the little garden, and made all the spaces of the whole piece of little garden as bright as day! !

Planck temperature, appeared.


That's not the ultimate in temperature growth! !

In that young man's hand, the extreme temperature is still rising! !

"Eat and drink well, and walk well."

The boy who used the magic called the Impact Staff bid farewell to the **** and demon who could definitely be called a hero.


In the sight of the gods and demons who are respected as the Lord of Armies, the temperature equivalent to ten times the big bang of the universe, bombarded down.

Chapter 26 I will be crowned as a demon king

Endless heat, twisting the world.

That's ten times the heat of the Big Bang.

The Third Perpetual Motion Agency + Hidden God Spirit + Humanity Cancer Spirit + Galgi Spirit + Demon God Othinus Spirit...

There is no doubt that this is near-infinite energy.

Impact Staff.

It does not sound majestic, but it is a spell that can make the power of the spell ten times stronger.

The Wheel of Light.

The eschatology that will eventually destroy one-third of the world, the strongest gift of the flash category.

The three are superimposed to the end, and what is shown is the power that can forcibly restart the universe.

Perhaps only the ultimate demon king who wandered at the end of time——the wind of decadence can block an attack of this level.

Unfortunately, it wasn't the wind of decadence that stood in the way of that lethal technique.

Not long ago, the strongest **** who was able to suppress Su Han and the White Night King lost his form in the endless brilliance...

A crushing defeat.

It can even be said that there is no fighting back.

Obviously not long ago, this **** and demon had an almost crushing power...

However, after the powers of different worlds meet, that advantage is gone.

The next moment, unprecedented brilliance was extracted from the history of mythology and fell into the hands of the young man.

Lingu. Jehovah.

Su Han obtained the spiritual personality that symbolized the strongest god.

There was hardly any hesitation, the young man was very straightforward, and integrated the spirituality into his body.

hide God.

Reverse God.

This is the name of his Lingge.

Although it sounds very good, if you don't consider the simulation of the star creation map

Compared with the spiritual level that symbolizes the apex of the gods, his spiritual level is still a little worse.

Almost instantly, the young man's spirit began to rise.

No, it's not just as simple as spiritual ascension.

In his eyes, the divine tree that seemed to be composed of many worlds began to grow...

The main body of his spirituality—the hidden God is only a side of God after all. When the spirituality belonging to Jehovah arrives, all his powers are moving in the direction of perfection.

"You should probably be called the Messiah now."

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