His inheritance is basically based on Hermetic Theory and Zoroastrianism, and it is useless to have a half-money relationship with Buddhism.

Is Othinus dazed by anger, has he started talking nonsense?

"The Buddha told Kasyapa: After I am seven hundred years old, it is the magic wave that will gradually destroy my righteous Dharma. For example, the hunter wears the robes, and the devil is like the same, and it is like a bhikkhu. The image of Poyi also transforms into the body of Sudabhan, and even into the body of an arahant and a Buddha. The demon king takes the form of a leakage to create a body without leakage, and destroys my righteous Dharma."

Incomparably strange, the demon **** from Northern Europe opened his mouth and told a story in Buddhism.

That was Shakyamuni's last words before his death.

Of course, in another story, such words were not the one who talked about the end of the Dharma by Buddha and Kasyapa, but the Demon King.

"The Demon King Bo Xun said to the Buddha: At the end of the Dharma, my sons and grandsons will be monks, wearing your cassocks, destroying your Buddhist Dharma, having the name of a monk, and practicing the way of the devil!"

It looks like a Buddha's bosun.

A boy who looks like an angel.

Having said that, the Demon God looked at the young man in front of him with an unprecedented sharpness in his eyes.

She understood that the so-called Michael was just a "cassock".

"You are 'Bo Xun', the Bo Xun of the Cross."

"As a cross cultist, the path of the devil you walk is to put on the cassock of the cross religion and change the order of the world again!"

Those words made Su Han involuntarily applaud.

It should be said, is it worthy of being a devil?

Obviously, there should be a blinding method with systematic blessings on his body, and his essence has also been surveyed.

He is a reverse demon king who usurped the name of the hidden God.

The name of the Devil King of the Sixth Heaven of the Crusades, who is fully responsible.

Of course, considering that Su Han is a semi-finished demon **** of the Cross religion, the name Bo Xun is not too appropriate.

"Put on the 'cassock' of the gods, clean up the pagan gods, then abandon the old order and create a new world that you love..."

"This is your incarnation ceremony."

That Demon God said something that even Su Han didn't know very well.

"Unfinished Demon God. Reversed God."

When the demon girl said this, her expression couldn't help but bring a lot of disappointment.

She lost.

Losing to a guy who seems to be very dragged, but can only be regarded as a semi-finished product.

"So, what do you mean by saying so much?"

The boy raised his eyebrows and asked.

He felt that the words of Othinus today were a bit too much.

In this regard, Othinus was silent for a long time.

She didn't really want to answer this question.


"I want to know if the changes you bring will affect those worlds.

That Demon God finally expressed the last concern in his heart.


She couldn't let go of the worlds she saw when she landed in Hakogawa.

It was a beautiful world that she had never been able to create in her whole life.

If it is influenced by Bo Xun, which itself represents "change" and "desire", will the two worlds still exist?

"Is it such a ridiculous question?"

Under the blessing of Othinus' "soul", the corners of the unprecedentedly powerful young man's mouth raised a little mockery.

That smile made Othinus' heart hang.

"That kind of thing, who knows."

The boy who was dubbed Bo Xun stretched his waist, and said so with the shocked and angry expression of the demon girl.

Demon God Othinus has already solved it.

The next words, according to Othinus said, usurped everything from God to become a demon?


Su Han looked at the sun sovereignty that was constantly being redeemed in the group chat.

That's what it takes to be a tyrannical ruler.

Only when more than thirteen Sovereigns of the Sun are gathered, the Demon Lord Dystopia who once killed the western district of Hakoniwa can appear.

At that time, the God who belongs to Hakoniwa will be transformed into one of the most ferocious godslayers in history...

Of course, on the contrary, you can **** it yourself.

The boy had an answer in his heart.

=====Dividing Line======

The third floor of Hakoten is the outer gate of the Cross Church.

Honored as the Messiah, the man of Yahweh sat on his throne with a gloomy expression.

This is not difficult to understand.


The side is empty.

Yes, heaven is empty.

The area at the heart of the Crusaders, the world called Heaven, is empty.

The Pure Fire Heaven means the source of creation, the source of pure existence, and the source of vitality.

The starry sky representing wisdom, pure reason, and creation.

Symbol of the "feminine principle", the Saturn day that gives form to all things.

Represents love, kindness, grace, the great Jupiter sky.

Represents the law, the rights of God, the discovery of evil, the Mars day of judgment.

Mercy, mediation, beautiful sun day.

The sky of Venus, a symbol of victory.

The sky of Mercury, a symbol of dignity, shrinkage, and glory.

The lunar sky represents the foundation of all things, the creative power of God.

It represents the material world in which the four elements are synthesized, that is, the existence of matter.

This is the description of the kingdom of heaven in mythology.

Before meeting God, philosophers must pass through these ten worlds in order to reach God.

Every layer of the sky is guarded by an archangel.

As their residence, every heavy sky is extremely gorgeous.

The high king raised his eyes and looked around.

Tenth Heaven no longer exists.

The prosperous Garden of Eden in the past has only turf left.

The tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life in the kingdom of heaven were also uprooted.

The residence belonging to the archangels has also become a Syrian war-damaged wind.

And all of this is for...

Messiah looked at the points in his group chat, only to feel that his heart was twitching.

As a candidate for the return of the Demon King to Utopia, Mr. Yahweh once had the opportunity to trample the entire small garden under his feet.

As long as he designs a little, the absolute evil of the Demon King will appear.

The White Night King, who was forced to the extreme, could only give up his Yaksha status and return to the heaven.

At that time, he will be able to easily force a large number of gods and demons who are riding the wall to lead him to build a new small garden. In addition, he will be able to find an opportunity to clean up the White Night King and seize her sovereignty over the sun.

Without a doubt, this is a perfect plan.

If he succeeds, perhaps, the Lord of Armies may even become a single digit.

At that time, the entire Hakoten will become his one-word hall or even his back garden! !


Recalling a figure that was theoretically his incarnation, Jehovah only felt that the corners of his mouth were twitching.

Yes, that **** took away Bai Yasha's sun sovereignty in advance.

So much so that when he showed the power of the Demon King with the idea of ​​tearing his face with Hakoba, he collapsed directly.

The White Night King has four **** sovereigns.

The rest were sold by that bastard.

If you want to redeem it, you have to use double the price.

Recalling the prices of the sovereignty of the sun, even Jehovah's classmates felt the pain emanating from their bones.

To be honest, when he fought with Baal, was beaten with a sap, and was even judged by the gods, he was never in such pain now.

damn it.

Thirteen sun sovereigns, the points are simply terrible! !

The whole heaven is about to be bald.

If it is normal, according to the old habits of the Christian religion, no matter how lack of willingness, it is impossible to sell what is owned by oneself.

I see, I conquer.

This is the correct way of unfolding Christianity.

If you are short of money, go grab it!

Do you know the gold content of monotheism?


Recalling the world king stationed directly at the gate of heaven and the hundreds of pure-blooded dragons commanded by him, Jehovah's face instantly turned into an old man, subway, mobile phone.


He can't get out.

After the judgment of the gods ended, the gods who recovered their lives decisively chose to hand over the responsibility of guarding Jehovah to the king of the world.

If you go out by yourself, it will definitely be a full blow from the world king.

The face of Lord God, who was forced to sell his property, was unprecedentedly gloomy.

His physical condition is actually very bad.

Su Han's power to dominate dystopia comes from the Beast of Mercy and the Eye of Darkness, which can be regarded as the third perpetual motion tube.

Dystopia is a disaster caused by the third perpetual motion mechanism.

The ability of the principle of mercy can also be regarded as a low-end version of the power of dystopia.

Coupled with the simulated star chart. Eternal robbery destroys all kinds of spiritual bodies and deceives corpses. Therefore, he successfully controlled this power.

However, Jehovah is different.

Apart from his solitary mentality, he doesn't have a high affinity with the Demon King's dystopia.

Therefore, he can only rely on his will to suppress the authority of the Demon King.

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