"It's not some scumbag clothes!"

Sounds great.

However, in the world view of the magic ban, if anyone's destructive power can't even surpass a nuclear explosion, it is basically a miscellaneous soldier.

A dress that can only withstand the attacks of miscellaneous soldiers.

That emotional gaze made Miss Index feel indignant.

"Why, you can turn a blind eye to the most advanced defense engineering of Puritanism."

"Puritan, what the **** is that?"

In the little garden, Shiroyasha, who had always been torn directly with Jehovah, scratched his head, looking very puzzled.

"Forget it, that kind of thing doesn't matter."

Almost in an instant, this bastard, who is considered to be the main **** in any **** system, opened his mouth to Su Han who was standing beside him.

"This child, how about borrowing it from me first?"

Chapter 13 This is the victory of science! !

"Hey, what do you want to do with our top secret Puritanism?"

Just when Bai Yasha was about to try to read the memory of a small yellow book library to see if he could become a demon god, a man's voice rang out.

The source of the voice was not Su Han.

There was a man standing next to the escape ladder. He seems to be this white-skinned man who came up the stairs. He is nearly two meters tall, but his face is unexpected... um, a kind of 996 society animal feeling of premature aging.

The dress is the priest's dress.

However, if it is a priest, the dress is enough to make all believers directly feel absurd...

His shoulder-length blond hair was dyed as red as the setting sun, he wore shiny silver rings on his ten left and right fingers, hollow earrings on his ears, a mobile phone pendant in his pocket, and biting a lit cigarette at the corner of his mouth. The cigarette was shaking constantly, and the most exaggerated thing was that there was a barcode tattoo under the right eyelid.

It would be wrong for this man to call him a priest or a bad boy.

The man stood in the corridor, with him at the center, and the surrounding atmosphere was obviously a little abnormal.

With his appearance, the world seems to be governed by completely different rules. Such a wonderful atmosphere continues to spread outwards like cold tentacles.

Steele Magnus,

"Hey, what's the matter with that phantom beast, is it the guest you invited?"

Almost instantly, I felt that the strange visitor, Shiroyasha, grabbed the idiot nun hanging on the balcony, and then questioned his teammates.

In Hakoniwa, magicians are not considered human beings.

It's a humanoid phantom.

Although it is not comparable to the three most powerful species and the fourth most powerful species - poets, it is also a rather rare species.


That speech made the corner of the mouth of the bad priest who heard the words twitch.

A rune magician who belongs to the "Church of Necessary Evil", an English Puritan special unit. Stiyl Magnus' mission is basically to eliminate heretics.

Many times, what he deals with is ghosts and monsters.

It is undoubtedly a very strange feeling to be called an Eudemons by a guy who looks obviously cute, but inexplicably gives himself a "this guy may be older than the Pope".

"Guests? There are not many people in this world who are worthy of being my guests."

Facing the doubts of the White Night King, Su Han shook his shoulders and said so.

"The previous fantasy killer counts as one, the Hanged Man in the building counts as one, and the banned book catalog over there is barely half."

"As for what the Puritans are... Honestly, I'm not interested in knowing, no, I can't say that. If the Great Demon Coronzon appears here, I'd be happy to show the ability of the Fire Sword Road."

Shi Shiran, a young man whose ability is based on annexation, said.

Those words made the bad priest frown.


Coronzon is a occultist that originated in the 16th century by occultists Edward Crowley and John. Dee's demons play an important role in the latter's Enochian magic system. John's manuscript spelled it "Coronzom", but Merrick Cassopone later spelled it "Coronzon".

Its name is spelled "Choronzon" in the Thelema system, and as "dweller of the abyss" it is one of the obstacles in the adept's journey of self-destruction. It has the meaning of "333" in the Hebrew code.

"My number is 333, my essence is diffusion. I hinder everything in the world

There is a complete fusion of law, and I have brought endless chaos and destruction. My name is Coronzon, and now write down the meaning of this name in your hearts! ! "

In the future, the demon will thus announce his existence and set off a wave that will destroy all aspects and bring everything back to Chaos.

The great demon from the tree of life is lurking in Puritanism?

The bad priest froze.

As a Puritan magician, he is 100% loyal to the instructions of his superiors as long as it does not involve the catalogue of forbidden books.

He believed that the Puritan Church was righteous.

It will cleanse the world of sin and bring peace and faith to mankind.

However, if it is said that there are great demons in Puritanism...

The bad priest shook his head vigorously.

No, can't think any more.

The most important thing now is to recycle the banned book catalogue.

"What you said is really too weird. Since you are not from the magic side, I will treat you as nonsense for the time being."

Stier spoke extremely coldly, but his words changed.

"Let's go, Index, I don't think you want the two guys next to you, who seem to be a little off on their nerves, to be burned alive by me because of you."

Those words made Miss Bai Ye, who was pulling Index, almost laughed.

As the Protoss of the Primordial Star, Shiroyasha was born before the Big Bang.

And now that the Big Bang has occurred in every world, she still exists.


Expecting to kill her with high temperature is a bit slim.

"Please let me go with him."

Unknowingly, the guy who pulled her had the highest temperature resistance, and a panic appeared on Index's face.

as a nun.

Index is undoubtedly unreliable.

This guy almost thinks food is more important than belief, and he likes to bite very much, even half a black belly.

However, her nature is quite kind.

She obviously couldn't tolerate outsiders being killed by that wicked person who did not know which underworld organization sent her because of her own reasons.

"Don't worry, although I'm not a good person, but I think that as a boss, I'm still much stronger than a scumbag organization that uses civil science knowledge to fool the illiterate to hunt down my friends."

In a word, Index was startled, raised her eyes, and looked at a boy who seemed to have no sense of existence.

There, the boy with a very lazy expression was smiling.

In the group chat, this classmate was asking his friends to borrow a few weapons.

"Are you insulting the Supreme Bishop and Puritanism?"

Almost instantly, the face of the bad priest turned into a haze...

This guy is really badass.

"I'm just telling the truth, and I don't mean to insult Puritanism. Besides, I'm just talking about the organization and the bishop. Why do you want to take the seat?"

Su Han's tone was a bit sarcastic.

One young man complained at work: "This government sucks!!!!"

As a result, a KGB heard and was arrested.

The young man defended: "I didn't say which government it was at all, how could you just arrest me?"

"Don't lie," KGB growled. "I've been working here for over twenty years, don't I know which government is bad?"

Undoubtedly, Su Han's speech carried a Soviet joke-like humor.

That statement has no second purpose other than to stimulate the enemy.

This made Index widen her eyes.

But Steele laughed.

There was an unprecedented anger in the smile.

"well said."

Stiyl threw away the cigarette in his hand and took out a card instead.

A card inscribed with cryptic text.

The so-called "rune script" is the twenty-four magic symbols that symbolize "mystery" and "secret". It is a magical language used by the Germanic people since the second century AD, and it is also the origin of ancient English.

The bad priest is a genius.

In addition to the original twenty-four symbols, Steele once created six new runes "to protect the cherished people".

In his hands, thirty runes can easily kill all enemies that stand in front of him! !

"How about that?"

Magic power emerged from Stiyl's body.

The magician Stiyl Magnus took the cigarette from his mouth and flicked it to the side with his fingers. The cigarette flew out horizontally with sparks, over the metal handrail, and hit the wall of the next building.

An orange line ran after the cigarette, hitting the wall and sparking.

It was an absolutely amazing scene!

The air is twisting, the walls are cracking, and even the handrails in the fire escape are melting! !

"Kenaz (flame)—"

Steele's voice was unprecedentedly high, and the orange lines exploded with a bang.

As if a fire hose was filled with gasoline and ignited, a straight flame sword appeared.

The paint on the walls is gradually charred, like burning a photo with a lighter

There is no need to touch, just look with your eyes, there is an illusion that your eyes will be burnt!

"—PurisazNaupizGebo (Gift of pain to giants)!

Holding the flame sword, Stiyl began to charge in Su Han's direction.

The hot wind started to blow.


Without even thinking about it, Index planned to rush out to help Su Han block the next blow.

As a list of forbidden books, the dress on her body is enough to withstand the power of a nuclear bomb!

However, she was pushed to the back by Su Han, and the young man let the scorching sword be directed at him!

That scene made the bad priest's face look astonished.

Is this guy an idiot?

You actually want to fight against your own flame sword?

You know, your sword has a temperature of 3,000 degrees Celsius!

As long as normal creatures take a sword, they don't even need to go to the crematorium, they can go directly to the cemetery.


Could Su Han really be the kind of idiot who is directly stabbed?

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