"Maybe I'll be sent to prison to grind tofu."

Those words made Bai Yasha choked up.

"Okay, let's not talk about that."

In the habit of using big things as a shield, the teenager who resisted the outbreak of emotional problems was very straightforward and spread his hands beside the helper he brought.

"Get ready, it won't be long before we're ready to hunt the Demon God."

If words like this fell into the ears of someone on the magic side, they would definitely laugh their teeth out.

However, such a statement really unfolds here.

The woman whose essence is the primordial star spirit, could not help but narrow her eyes.

Demon God, a profession or race with abundant martial virtues.

Wude is very abundant, even if it is weakened to the extreme, it has a "quality" that can almost overwhelm a single world.

However, as we all know, a profession is unlikely to be a hexagon fighter.

Demon God is a typical point added to Wude.

Their vitality is not very good, and they will even be deprived of their immortality by some rituals.

then killed.

To be honest, this immortality is not even as good as the three-digit or even four-digit gods and demons of the small garden to hunt demons?

Shiroyasha narrowed his eyes.

She roughly knew what Su Han was thinking.

Su Han's simulated star creation map, featuring mergers.

As long as those who are defeated or killed by him will become nourishment or servants on his growth path.

If you can get the ownership of multiple demon gods.

Then, when he turned around, he could pin the grandson of Jehovah to the ground and beat him violently, causing him to doubt his life.

The only problem is...

Does the simulated star creation map work for those demons?

Shiroyasha was a little worried.

Still the old saying.

A profession is definitely not an all-round balanced development, in case, the family of demon gods

The partner is highly resistant to blows from the world view. Isn't that a break on the spot?

If you play it off, it will cause public anger.

Next, without spending tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of points, he and Su Han will definitely be chased and killed by the demon gods.

With that worried anger, even Misaka Mikoto, who didn't know what the devil was, became a little worried.

Although I don't know what a demon is, I must know that the definition of a superpower is just a human body, listening to the will of God...

Things that can be named in the name of God are absolutely not to be messed with.

Su sauce... No, don't do anything stupid this bastard! !

Almost instinctively, the girl who slapped Su Han not long ago grabbed his sleeve.

"Well, although I don't quite understand what you are talking about. But I think it's better not to do things that are too dangerous."

"Ah, is this directly concerned about the husband's family?"

Almost instantly, Misaka Mikoto spit out her hairy voice from the mouth of the Demon King of the White Night, causing the sound of Bilibili's electric current to reverberate throughout the dormitory.

She is quite worried now. In order to relieve her anxiety, she must find something to relax her emotions.

"You, what are you kidding!!!"

Almost in an instant, the current on the girl's body suddenly surged, perhaps because of the excessive emotional fluctuations, the surrounding electrical appliances screamed...

"Okay. Stop laughing at her."

At this moment, Su Han stretched out his hand.

Simulation of Godhead. The Herrscher of Rice.

Almost instantly, the manic thunder and lightning have been eliminated...

"Back to the point."

Almost a second after the thunder and lightning subsided, the young man began to enter the topic of demon gods again.

That scene made the girl next to her look a lot annoyed for a moment.

Hey, hey, why is this guy so calm after such an ambiguous thing happened! !

Could it be that he is so unattractive?

The girl bowed her head slightly, saw her very beautiful short boots, and thought angrily

"I don't know if the simulated star creation map is effective for the demon god, but I think, if the enemy is a demon **** who is infinitely divided and then deteriorated, even if my fire sword road has not yet ushered in the true sense The transformation is enough.

"Is that so?"

Shiroyasha let out a low moan.

"That makes more sense."

"By the way, do you have a complete plan? If so, send me a copy and let me see where I should appear."

"You will be notified when the time comes."

The teenager stretched, then clicked on the group chat private message.

His next move was a straight line.

Grab the magic book to improve yourself - wait for the birth of the artificial heaven - confront the devil - use the power of the devil as the basis to observe the future of this world and improve the road of the fire sword...


Almost when Su Han was in the next step, the news of Shokuhou Caoqi also arrived.

"On the balcony of Kamijou Touma's house, we found an unknown white... nun."

"Let's go, Bai Ye, our battle should begin."

Su Han waved to his old friend.

"ok, ok!"

After calculating the time, Bai Yasha, who felt that he was about to run, did not express his dissatisfaction, and followed Su Han bluntly to prepare to move forward.

The neat figure, ready to leave, caused Miss Misaka to open her mouth.

I don't know if it's an illusion, she feels that there seems to be quite a distance between them...


The strange strangeness made her feel lost...

"By the way, remember to hide for the next time."

The boy turned back and said suddenly.

"Don't leave Academy City, there will be chaos outside."


After hesitating for a long time, the girl raised her head and looked at the boy who was leaving, her voice hesitant.

"You can come back safely."

Those words made Su Han stunned.

Then, he laughed quickly.

"Of course."

====Dividing line==========

Growing up in St. George's Cathedral in England since childhood, it belongs to the Magic Book Library of the Church of Necessary Evil in the Zeroth Church of the English Puritan Church, officially named "Index-Librorum-Prohibitorum (forbidden book catalogue, " Index" is the abbreviated version of the magic name "Dedicatus545 (Latin original meaning: dedication, and the meaning of sustenance is "the dedicated lamb guards the knowledge of the strong".

It is Su Han, the most favorite kind of family of a mysticism idiot whose learning speed can never match the speed of his strength.

Because of his complete memory ability, he was given a heavy mission, and the contents of 103,000 magic books are stored in his memory, and he is an expert in the "field before becoming a demon".

Because it was too important, people in the church put a "collar" on him, falsely claiming that

"85% of her brain is eroded by the magic book. In order to use the remaining 15% to survive, she must erase her memory every year, or she will die", in order to prevent too many emotions with outsiders and be used by organizations other than herself.. "

One year ago, on July 28, at St. George's Cathedral, London, England, Index

Accompanied by the illiterate Kanzaki Kaori and her husband, Stil Magnus, his memory was erased.

But when Index woke up, she found herself in Japan. Index judged that Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl, who "chased" her, were members of a magical society who coveted 13,000 books of magic, so immediately after waking up, they kept fleeing to avoid the "hunt" of the magician. middle.

Just like a plot, the girl came here and was noticed.

"So, how are we going to abduct her?"

Su Han pondered, and then instantly transferred to Kamijou Touma's room together with Shiroyasha.

Soon, they saw the goal of this trip.

About fourteen or fifteen years old.

The skin is very white, and even the hair is white, and the hair is silver.

The facial features are very beautiful, with white skin and green eyes, it looks like a doll.

In addition, the hair is very long, if you stand up, the hair should be able to reach the waist.

The old pervert Shiroyasha stared at the girl who was said to represent the foundation of becoming a demon god, with burning eyes.

According to Su Han, this little guy has 13,000 little yellow books in his head.

As long as you can activate magic, you can be comparable to a saint...

Shiroyasha has no interest in the saint who is still crawling on the surface.


Demons are different.

The knowledge of 103,000 magic books seems to be enough to become the foundation of the devil.

This matter made Bai Yasha also have some ideas.

Su Han can try to become a demon, why can't he try it himself?

However, this guy's clothes are bad.

"What a stupid costume design."

Obviously, there may be a request from the girl next, but the White Night King looked at the monastic uniform on the girl and sighed.

The girl was wearing a monastic uniform.

But the general monastic uniform should be black, but the monastic uniform on this girl was pure white.

The material should be silk, and there are gold embroidery on every corner of the monastic clothes, so even the same cut clothes look and feel completely different from ordinary monastic clothes...

"It's like the kind of Western-style teacup with a gold thread that the upstarts like most."

Perhaps it was because he had seen almost the entire human history, the extremely high aesthetic level of Shiroyasha judged extremely viciously.

Those words, as if possessing some kind of magic power, made the beautiful fingers of the girl hanging on the railing tremble.

The head that was hanging down slowly rose up.

The excited voice rang out in exasperation.

"The guy over there, pay attention to me!"

Even though she was hungry and lacked energy, Index's shoulders went up and down with excitement.

"The fabric of this dress is a correct imitation of Doolin's Sacred Skull City - the Buye that the saint was wrapped in when he was penetrated by the spear of Langinus. In addition, this dress contains all the necessary elements of the 'church', So it can be called 'the church with clothes as the body'! Including the weaving method of cloth, the sewing method of thread, the decoration method of embroidery...all of which have been carefully calculated!"

"Also, its performance is very strong. In your terms, it is the level of a nuclear bomb shelter, right? Whether it is a physical or magical attack, it will be completely absorbed by it, so you understand?"

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