"What era is it, and you still use swords."

As soon as the voice fell, it was a shot.

A muffled sound.


The sound of the bullet penetrating into the flesh followed, and Stier's body froze in the charge. The huge impact force even pushed his body more than 20 centimeters back.

On its flank, blood began to flow.

"You bastard!!!"

The intense pain caused the magician's expression to become extremely hideous.

He is a traditional magician. In his eyes, a duel should be honorable. He draws a gun halfway, which is obviously not very etiquette...

"I'm going to burn you to ashes—"

The man roared, as if he was going to use his strength to ravage this **** who didn't speak martial arts to death with flames! !

However, the next moment, his expression froze.


The enemy in front of him has disappeared.

Instead, the back of his neck appeared, similar to the cold touch unique to steel...

Although I don't know which pistol it is, at such close range, no matter what kind of pistol it is, it can open the head of an adult...

Cold sweat broke out from all over the magician's body...

"IMIDesertEagle, um, Desert Eagle, a large semi-automatic pistol launched by the Israeli Military Industries (IMI) in 1982, using the Magnum bullets that are usually only found on large revolvers, um, it is The kind used to blow rhino heads."

Those words made the poor priest stiffen.

Humans are always used to inventing high-power weapons, while ignoring defense...

He's not good at defense...

"Do you know what to do?"

The boy's voice was very flat.

"You should already know the answer Double Gun gave you."

The bad priest was silent.

In an instant, the scorching flame sword that compressed the flame exploded and disappeared into the air.

All the movement at the scene also began to disappear.

Science vs magic.

This is a victory for science.

Chapter 14 I want to declare war on Demon God Othinus

"Seven paces away, the gun is fast."

"Within seven steps, the gun is accurate and fast."

On many forums, people often make fun of the unlucky people who have been crushed by technology.

The bad priest with dyed red hair was tied to a telephone pole, and his expression was unprecedentedly aggrieved.


The unlucky guy who was crushed by technology was him.

"Really, are all people in your world idiots? You dare to fight without even being defensive."

Theoretically, only all the "primordial stars" of the multiverse will explode

The dead **** and demon - White Night King squatted on the ground and held a branch from nowhere, poking at this bad boy, with a different expression.

These days, there are people who don't fully replenish their defenses.

I really don't know how precious life is.

"..Bastard, it's just relying on external forces!!"

I don't know which third-rate Tony dyed that end, and I can even see that the unlucky magician's voice is very intense.

This is also a well-understood thing.

After all, in his opinion, this fight should be an honorable duel.

The duel between the superhuman on the technology side and the magician on the magic side.

The opponent uses super powers, and he uses magic.

Block faith and will.


Then he was shot down.

Recalling the feeling of the heavy metal behind his forehead, the bad priest felt his heart aggrieved like never before.

"Right is right, wrong is wrong, and victory is victory."

Seemingly aware of the dissatisfaction in his captive's heart, the young man squinted and laughed.

"Similarly, failure is failure."

"Don't put on such a fiery expression. If you have this kind of strength, it is better to think carefully and confess what information will make me feel that you are useful."

A useful person can live a very nourishing life anywhere.

This is the reason why Yan Sheng Gong and the Manchu Qing old man, who are really a little unlikable, can live extremely well.

Because, they do work.

It's just that when you use it, you need to pinch your nose.

Steele Magnus, well aware of this.


He really scoffed at the idea.

His magic name is "Fortis931 (strong, which means "the reason why I am the strongest here".

With this kind of will, he obviously won't do the kind of thing that betrays his partners.

"Ah, don't you agree?"

Seemingly aware of the disdain of the captive magician, Su Han rubbed his chin with a slightly troubled expression.

"Thinking about it, my country seems to have signed the Geneva Convention, and I want to treat the prisoners kindly..."

"It's decided, I'll feed you ** later, and throw it into the sty."

Like a child who finally thought of something fun, the boy clapped his hands and spoke happily.

Those cruel words made the face of the bad priest, who was obviously male, turn white.

Heck. Is this something human can do?!!!

Hey Hey hey.

Is that how you treat captives so preferentially?

Aren't you afraid that the prisoners will fight you directly? ! !

"Where is this in line with the Geneva Conventions!!!"

The young priest who obviously didn't want to be thrown into the stable made a sound in an instant! !

This is obviously murderous! !

Are you a Nazi remnant? ! ! !

"Don't make that weird look."

Seemingly aware of someone's dissatisfaction, White Night King, who was Su Han's partner on this trip, looked up and said while fiddling with the computer accessories that he said was given to him by his sworn sister.

The sound is calm.

"No, if you don't cooperate, I'll tie you up, throw you in a pigsty or a cowsty, and put aphrodisiacs on the pigs or old cattle."

The length of the pig whip is about 35cm by visual inspection.

The extra-large pig whip is about 40g each, which is relatively slender.

The bullwhip is the external genitalia of the male bull, also known as Niuhong. The bullwhip is about one meter long.

If the data on Baidu Encyclopedia is not written blindly, then this is the actual data.

Recalling some data that he unintentionally turned out, the red-haired boy trembled instantly.


"You are absolutely demons!!!"

He growled, looking terrified.

"Don't worry, as long as you confess, then you can take aphrodisiac and go to the stables."

No matter how the young man said it, it didn't sound like words of comfort,

"Of course, if you're willing to help me with something, I can leave you in the stable instead of feeding you."

This guy finally has something to say.

In an instant, the red-haired boy felt kindness.

He looked at the boy in awe as if he were looking at England's guardian angel.


Although it is very shameful to be thrown in the horse pen.

However, compared to the man who turned into a grass horse, this is already very kind.

"Contact me, Sylvia."

The boy stated his conditions.

One of the less than 20 "saints" in the world, the maid of the British royal guard, holds the post of the highest priestess of the monarchy. In order to hone her maid skills, she studied abroad for a long time and worked as a maid in the Orells apartment.

One of England's top powerhouses.

Of course, in the eyes of gods and demons like Su Han, the so-called saints are actually no different from the party.

It's all one-shot stuff.

The thing she really deserves her attention to is.

She is the maid of the quasi-demon **** Orells.


"You should know the saint who likes to pop Orells chrysanthemums."

The rather lies and violent words came out of Su Han's mouth, causing the bad priest to be stunned.

This information is so exciting.

Even a guy like him who focused on chasing his old friends and studying magic couldn't help feeling outrageous.

"What are you looking for Sylvia for?"

Almost instantly, the bad priest's expression became alert.

Although he is extremely afraid of being thrown into a horse sty or even a pig sty, he is willing to die if he must use the intelligence of his companions in exchange for peace!

"Don't think too much, I just want to get to know Orells through her.

Seemingly aware of Steele's emotions, the boy laughed and said.

Orells, the most unlucky magician.

Even half of the power is converted into the power of God, but in the end it fails.

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