He was sentenced to eternal prison for seriously endangering the small court.

"Isn't it... Really?"

The evil **** with the Nordic group of gods screamed.


Lord of all armies, there are few gods in Hakoba who insist on retaining his almighty personality.

The top group of gods, the master of the group of cross religion gods.

Such a guy should be sentenced to eternal prison?

Many people came here in the mood to watch a joke.


After seeing the members of the jury, the expressions of the gods and demons who were watching the fun changed suddenly!

There are not many seats on the jury.

But the person sitting there...

The Buddha in cassock and glowing with radiance all over his body.

A woman in a kimono with white hair reaching her waist and golden eyes.

A benevolent elder in a Greek robe.

A decadent face, but there are uncles who are followed by countless Valkyries...

"Shakyamuni, White Night King, Zeus, Emperor Shatian..."

In the crowd, some gods and demons chanted the names of the existences on the jury, and then shuddered.


With the above characters, everyone's story can be written as an epic!

They are the cornerstones of the existence of the Little Garden, the maintainers of order, and even what did the creator of the Little Garden, Yahweh, do to bring so many plenipotentiaries and god-kings together! !

Most of the gods and demons who have been in their own world for too long do not understand this very well

However, after the gods and demons who were in the little garden began to pass the news, all the gods and demons present changed their faces suddenly.

They looked at the seat of the judged with indignation.

This guy actually got mixed up with the Demon King!

Moreover, it was the God Eater who slaughtered countless gods and demons! !

"You know, what crime did you commit?"

On the jury, the military **** named Di Shitian looked at the Almighty God who was as famous as himself in the past, his face ashen.

Not long ago, "rumours of Jehovah's involvement in the awakening of absolute evil" appeared in the lower levels

Before Jehovah could give an explanation, he came again like this!

In the face of Di Shitian's question, the **** who was surrounded by countless angels just looked up at the sky, as if thinking, if the sky was torn apart, would it look better.

That scene instantly aroused the anger of the jury.

"If you commit such a serious mistake, even if you are the master of the Crusaders, you must accept a severe punishment."

Zeus, who was originally at odds with Jehovah and even had the name "deus" taken away, turned gloomy in an instant.

This guy is still as arrogant as before.

"Don't be squeamish, just prepare to seal it."

Shiroyasha said coldly.

For the black sheep of Jehovah, she is useless to have a good impression.

If it weren't for the fact that it was really difficult to handle, she would have the heart to beat this guy to death with one fist.

"Are you finished?"

"A group of cats, trying to unite to defeat the ligers?"

After many judges finished expressing their opinions, there was indeed a strange smile on the face of the god.

"In addition to feeding the ligers and tigers, is there any other meaning?"

"What did you say?!!"

In the judgment seat, a **** is roaring.

"Really, why don't you honestly follow me and move to New Little Garden, and then be devoured by me?"

The handsome man who was sent to the center of the stand by the gods sighed.

The voice had the melancholy of a Russian poet, but the meaning conveyed was that the Anglo gang would speak the words of a demon who would feel chills all over the body.

In the terrified expressions of the gods, endless black storms poured out from the body of the gods!

Like a locust crossing the border, the endless blackness swept the audience in an instant.

Lingo is in decline...

Power is waning...

Life is fading...

Countless gods and demons wailed for it.

The dystopian demon king, Yahweh, has officially debuted.

Chapter 40 The Worst God in the World

"Escape quickly!"

Almost instantly, Bai Yasha's private message was covered by such a message.

Bite of God.

The Demon King of the Far West.

These are the titles of the Demon Lord called Dystopia.

Back then, the Demon King lingered in the lower realm, making the entire Western District a wasteland.

The center of the Celtic group of gods, the **** who bound the Queen of Halloween - Dagda and its subordinates were all killed, Shiva, the **** of destruction among the three gods of the Indian group of gods, and Vishnu, the **** of protection of the world, was killed, among the ten kings of gods. Hei Tian was enslaved, and the bleak Nordic group of gods that had already been regulated by Ragnarok was directly stunned. Human heroes such as Hercules, Xuanyuan Huangdi, and Skaha all joined it, but they ushered in a fiasco...

Compared with the absolute evil that is evil at the lower level, but if you anger the upper level, it is likely to be forcibly sealed. This Demon King is the real disaster..

Two hundred years ago, the gods and human beings, with more than half of the sovereignty of the sun, forcibly changed the Akashic records before they "killed" it.

Countless gods and demons regarded that period of time as floods and beasts, and agreed with each other, "Who dares to

If you touch the 'Black Death', crush it! ".

Only in this way can the gods be at ease.


No matter how firm the cage is, in the face of greed, it is too ridiculous.

So, the demon king was released.

Endless black devours the world like locusts..

That scene made the faces of the gods sitting on the judgment seat suddenly change! !

Lord, the devil is transformed!

The breath of mankind's final trial covered the audience almost instantly!

It can be said that if the last nameless parchment that declares "calamity" is added, then he can be directly called the Demon King. Dystopia! !

Almost in an instant, the gods in the judgment seat all stood up, and the endless pressure was released from their bodies. The power was so strong that it even directly broke the sky of the little garden!

"I thought you just wanted to use the power of dystopia to create a new small garden, but it turns out that you are already degenerate?!!"

"If that's the case, then let me kill you before you completely turn into the final trial!!"

In the external image, Zeus, who is actually in the same tone as Emperor Shitian, has cold pupils, and his body is cold.

Condensed the mighty aura worthy of the king of the gods.

This Greek god-king, who has an incredible affinity with the bull and the thunder, is in

After obtaining the sovereignty called Taurus, the short-term strength even surpasses most of the plenipotentiary fields.


The God-King, who had accumulated strength through the sovereign of Taurus, stretched out his hand to the LORD who had done little to defend himself.

Without any warning, Zeus burst out with the power he had accumulated for thousands of years.

It is like the explosion of the disaster "Hell's Cellar" that gods, demons and human beings have tried their best to avoid.

It was normal, and the wrath of the god-king who once severely injured the existence named Typhon appeared.

That is an irresistible force.

The violent thunder ignored space, time, and all obstacles, and it just came.

The majesty from the god-king stirred the disintegrating sky, and descended with endless thunder.

That was a blow that even the Earth Star Beast - Typhon could defeat!


"You seem to have forgotten one thing, we are no longer a species!!"

The God of Crusade who was shrouded in infinite thunder had an indifferent expression, he was just a faint

He stretched out his hand, and the next moment, the face of the **** named Zeus instantly turned into a paper gray color.


Before the thunder had landed, the great **** who was revered as the Father God by mankind had already knelt on the ground with a painful expression on his face!

No, not just him.

In the judgment seat, Brahma, Di Shatian, and even many natural gods and Buddhas of Shakyamuni coughed violently, their expressions distorted.

Their powerful spirits are collapsing at a terrifying speed...

Among the three strongest species, the natural gods are most closely related to faith. If the mystery of Alpha and Omega cannot be solved, their development will even be limited by human history...

And now, they are losing the spirituality they acquired because they were preached! ! !

Almost instantly, the power of those gods and demons weakened to the extreme...

"It's ridiculous."

Under the thunder cloud that collapsed in an instant, the Almighty God named Jehovah... No, perhaps it should be called the Demon King, stretched out his hand.

The next moment, the brimstone of the flame of judgment for sinners cut through the sky, releasing light and heat that melted all things.

Thunder and flames are intertwined with each other, the astonishing impact wind and waves like a star storm are like connecting the heaven and the earth, like ripples. It fluctuated frequently and spread to nearly a thousand kilometers, several

kilometers or even tens of thousands of meters.

The land they passed was shattered, and then dissolved, evaporated, and turned into nothingness by the power that should only exist in myths and epics.

Just a blow-

He intercepted Zeus's thousand-year-old attack.

He waved his hand casually again, and it was almost visible to the naked eye that the sky of Hakoten was torn apart alive! ! !

The stars in the sky were caught by invisible big hands, and fell from the sky like a smashed baseball! !

The target is the gods who have been deprived of faith and are extremely weakened! !

"Don't think about it!!"

Almost instantly, the White Night King let out a roar!

Among the three strongest species, the one with the least need for faith is the pure-blooded dragon.

They are a growing world in their own right.

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