With the increase of time, their own cosmology will gradually improve.

In theory, every pureblood dragon has a chance of becoming a single digit...provided they can survive the tyrant who wanders at the end of time - the wind of decadence.

If the apex of the pure-blooded dragon—Klimo—is here, Jehovah would never dare to be so arrogant.


Kurimo, she is still sleeping in the sea of ​​stars outside the small garden! !

Now, if you can get on it, there are only Protoss spirits that are not as exaggerated as gods even though they have received a belief bonus!

Without any warning, the strong wind blowing in this world turned white.

The glow of the sun was obscured by the darkness of the exposed starry sky, and the slowly-moving stars began to violently reverse rotation, and the orbits of the sky changed and gathered into a single star.

That is the silver sun summoned from beyond the horizon, from the realm of the world and the starry sky, the primordial star that contained all the qualities of the stars at the time of the creation of the world!

The laws of celestial bodies that existed before the concept of heaven and earth were born also roared and swirled fiercely, and the terrifying prestige light burst out directly!

She absolutely can't watch, the comrades who fight alongside her are so casually killed in a weak period! !


Almost instantly, the prestige of the primordial star shattered the fallen star...


Before the White Night King could make a sound, the sigh that belonged to the only **** had already sounded.

That voice was very gentle and regretful, and it was also true...

However, it made Bai Yasha stand upside down in an instant! !

"White Night King, you have been in the lower level for a long time, have you even forgotten the fighting method in the double-digit period in the past?"

Almost at the moment when the stars were shattered, the night sky outside Hakoniwa was already distorted!!

As if a giant source was suddenly born, the stars in the sky have been gathered, compressed, and then - directly smashed down! !


Mixed with magma, the amazing impact wind and waves like a flame storm are like connecting the heaven and the earth, like ripples. It fluctuated frequently, spreading to a range of nearly one thousand meters, several thousand meters, and even tens of thousands of meters, breaking the earth into pieces and sinking into the ocean of magma.

This piece is completely different from the lower level of the box garden, it is an area where countless universes are assembled, and it is just shattered...

The terrifying temperature rises in this space, the air is constantly twisted, and the wind is rolled up with terrifying sparks.

Just imagine.

What happens when humans or monsters step into this area.

The high-temperature air will first destroy the mouth and nose where the air is inhaled, then destroy the throat, and then flow into the lungs, burning it into coke..

That would be the harshest criminal law.

And this kind of air flow is just the heat that escaped from someone with a single blow.

If it weren't for the fact that this area is really special, perhaps, the space here would be shattered.


It was extremely difficult, Bai Yasha climbed out of the huge pit on the edge, and everything in front of him made Bai Yasha's face pale.

"King White Night, you are not my opponent, surrender."

Almost instantly, the **** named Jehovah had already sentenced the star spirit in front of him to death.

"Hand over your sun sovereignty, I can spare your previous offense."

The king spoke to the star spirit, saying so.

To be honest, he really wanted to get rid of Shiroyasha.

After all, when he was in the lower realm, this star spirit who didn't talk about the five virtues couldn't beat himself and actually played the next three ways..

According to his past habit, he usually dealt with this kind of guy who offended him according to Alger's way.


Although he has dystopian authority, his authority is incomplete.

To gain the full power of the Demon King, he must open the closed world and take the throne there.

Sovereignty of the sun.

It is the key to unlocking dystopia.

The sovereignty of the sun is in the hands of Bai Yasha.

If Bai Yasha suddenly goes mad and opens the host permission to seal her, herself and her solar sovereignty, it will be troublesome...

If the inheritance of the closed world cannot be opened, he is not a dystopia of the devil...

"Don't think about trapping me with your host authority. You should understand that **** is my avatar. You imprisoned me, and **** can also be my substitute to complete the next plan."

"If you hand over the sovereignty of the sun to me, you will replace Michael as the most exalted angel in the Bible..."

"If you fight against me to the end, I will use my avatar to slaughter the lower level of the small garden."

Incomparably rational, the LORD threatens.

Chapter 41 What is a conscientious capitalist?

Almost instantly, the endless black mist penetrated the body of the star spirit, pinning it on the

On the cross that was also transformed by the power of dystopia


The White Night Demon King made a rare pained sound.

For the Protoss, the physical damage is negligible, but the opposite

The blade transformed by the power of Utopia is not only locked on the body, but also locked on the spirit..

The pain of being torn apart by Lingge is far more than any torture!

But even so, she was still scolding.


"There is no py thing in having a son!"

After eating the Hakoniwa dividend, Jehovah, who made himself double-digit, betrayed.

In order to make it easier for himself to reach the single digit, he chose to unite with the dystopian demon king, and devoured the avatar of the demon king, becoming "one of the dystopian demon kings", and took advantage of the time of the trial of the gods and attacked the trial. those who...

This guy is an out-and-out traitor! !

This is the truth.

In the past, Yahweh was indeed the top God.

However, in the days before Hakoba was established, Jehovah was only a top three-digit **** and demon, and he was 108,000 miles away from the two-digit number—the structure of the universe.

He is now able to have a double-digit avatar-Jesus, which is completely a blessing to Toko Court.

"Everything you have was given by Little Garden, and now, you are going to destroy it!"

That speech made Na Yawei sneer.

The White Night King, one of the builders of the Little Garden.

Like himself, he is an existence at the apex of the three most powerful species. No, considering that he is the leader of the three most powerful species - the king of the star spirits, this guy's personality still slightly overwhelms him.

However, because of Hakoniwa's constant compromise, the spirituality directly declined to the extreme...

This guy is just like a child.

It is irrational, and repeatedly gives in because of "toys".

And now, she is still using her own thinking to measure herself?


After Bai Yasha finished laughing at those words, Jehovah could not help frowning.

This guy, Bai Yasha, has really been in the lower level for a long time, and he can't even do the most basic emotions and anger...

"I admit, I took Hakoba's blessing."

"In the past, I have harvested a lot of historical transformation periods on this land and obtained a powerful spirituality. Even if I was suppressed by the almighty paradox, I still got a double-digit clone.."

That is probably the strongest man in Hakoba today, feeling that he has grown from Zeus,

The spiritual qualities that Brahma and other gods and demons have absorbed are extremely comfortable.

"However, the current Hakoba has become my bondage."

The tyrant looked indifferent.

The paradox of omnipotence, the ultimate trial of mankind, the denied monotheism...

This place has already made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"I am the lord of all armies, the **** of conquest of the four directions, how can I be bound in one place?"

That may be the voice of the gods and demons who have destroyed the most mythical fields in history.

Now that Little Garden has become a bondage, he naturally wants to tear off the bondage.

However, Hakoba is the paradise of the gods after all.

Even if he is an existence at the apex of natural gods and demons, he must consider the suspicion of being beaten to death by other gods and demons.

For this, he was troubled for a long time.

Until one day, he met the **** and demon named Hei Tian.


The **** and demon that has been eroded into a puppet by dystopia.

His desire is to use the panic brought about by the ultimate trial of human beings, absolute evil, to let the gods and demons collect the sovereignty of the sun, and then seize the sovereignty of the sun to liberate the closed world and re-establish a dystopia.

In order to get help, it found itself, trying to use the "contact omnipotence paradox" to tempt itself.


The aloof monarch laughed, smiling contemptuously.

That idiot looked at himself like food.

Seeking cooperation with that kind of eyes is a dead laugh.


Jehovah still promised him.

There is no other reason. From the Demon King Dystopia, he saw the power of the possible dystopia that could tear apart Little Garden, and it was very strong.

Forced to make himself hairy.

But, in other words, if you get it, it means that you



Tigers have the will to eat people, and people also have the heart to kill tigers.

"Those who are strong and strong are for Augustus."

"I think, as a dictator, I should be the apex, so I am Augustus, Augustus in a closed world."

The handsome man who could only be described as perfect looked around like he was admiring some kind of art.

Around him, countless gods and demons have fallen to the ground, their bodies rotted and dead.

That is his nourishment.

Fusion with the Demon King Dystopia, betting that I can suppress the Demon King's will and replace it....

This is the craziest move in the world.

However, he won.

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