To be honest, isn’t this kind of ultimate villain the ultimate monster that should easily control the overall situation and wait for the hero to develop all the way?

A great **** of this level, saying that a public trial is a public trial?

Even Su Han couldn't help but feel the strong drama.

"Feeling outrageous?"

In this regard, Shiroyasha shook his head with a grim expression.


Su Han nodded.

The Ouroboros Alliance originally represented the will of most of the upper-class gods and demons. As their leader, Jehovah was going to be put on trial...

This kind of thing is so **** dreamy.

"He is the deity of one of the seventeen plenipotentiary realms, and the true ally of the Ouroboros."

In this regard, Bai Yasha just sneered.

"It's one thing to want to rebuild Little Garden, but it's another thing to let Kuroen, who has been eroded by the Demon Lord's dystopia, make trouble in Little Garden and form the Ouroboros Alliance with him."

Su Han pondered for a while, but for the time being it was useless to understand.

With that appearance, the White Night King at the side couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, it was really hard to talk to these new gods and demons.

"Think about it, what did dystopia do?"


The strongest **** eater.

The ultimate demon king who destroyed countless gods.

In the battle to conquer it, countless gods and demons were deprived of their power, raised like livestock, and then slaughtered.

It was the nightmare of countless gods and demons.

Once he wakes up, the ultimate demon that will make millions of gods face the crisis of annihilation.

"You understand."

Shiroyasha sighed quietly.

"That guy, Jehovah, has committed the wrath of the public. No gods and demons think that a lunatic like him can continue to be active."

Su Han understood what she meant.


Doubts rose in his mind at the same time.

Will the only **** who still cooperates with Kori even knowing dystopia be put to death so easily?

I don't know what mood he was holding, Su Han called for the authority from dystopia, and the dark mist appeared in his hand...

The fog seemed to indicate disaster.

Chapter 39 Demon King. Dystopian debut

"Get ready to run."

In Arcadia's base camp, a boy said so.

In front of him, all the members of the group chat looked stunned.


It was Miss Black Rabbit who screamed first.

As a local resident of Hakoten, in this rabbit's mind, leaving Hakoten is probably the same

Abandoned the foundation of ancestors in New York, Shanghai or Tokyo, and then went to Iraq to develop..

"It's too much to move out of Hakoniwa City with the community!!"

"Senior's efforts are completely scrapped!"

"Calm down, Black Rabbit."

It was Kurumi Tokisaki who interrupted Black Rabbit-san's madness.

The girl who inherited the power of a certain great demon comforts a certain pair of community

The girl who is very important to go and stay has a strong curiosity in the wine red eyes.

"What should I say. I think Hakoten is pretty good. Is there something wrong now? Leave in a hurry."

"I remember, you said not long ago that you seem to be very fond of the absolutely evil simulated star chart."

At the same time, Miss Irena also raised a question.

In response, Su Han silently extended his hand.

The next moment, the endless black fog began to spread outward with that hand...

As the black mist spread, the expressions of everyone present changed.

They can feel that their spirituality is fading...

Everything that belongs to him is being harvested by the unknown black mist.

The authority from the Demon King, dystopia, instantly made everyone present tremble instinctively.

"This is the power I got after killing Hei Tian."

Very straightforward, Su Han revealed the source of his strength.

"To be honest, that guy Hei Tian has been eroded into a sieve, and it's easy to see the problem."

"But even so, the Lord is still cooperating with him..."

"Benefits, this is the basic principle of this world, what do you think can make the **** who longs for supreme authority tolerate a demon king who can endure harm to himself, and even attempt to devour himself., or should I say that there is a trace of consciousness of the former leader of the 'closed world'."

Very straightforward, Su Han said.

"Wait, you said a trace of consciousness of the former leader of 'Closed World'..."

In an instant, the black rabbit's expression suddenly became alert.


This title often belongs to the leader of the community.

However, the oldest demon king is basically a lone ranger! !

They are born with disasters, regardless of the slaughter of the enemy or the enemy, how can they build a community?


Su Han is not a person who is used to open mouth.

Since he said so, then, of course, there is his reason.

Miss Black Rabbit's little face turned pale because her common sense was destroyed.

"Dystopia, strictly speaking, is not a demon king."

"Its correct title should be the closed world. The dystopian devil is the title of its leader. Now Yahweh may be taking that position."

Su Han took a deep breath.

Not long ago, he got dystopian power.


The power of the God Eater, being taken away so easily, is a bit weird to think about...

After repeatedly checking Hei Tian's memory, he got a very vague memory

Countless tyrants led the troops to fight.

Every now and then, someone falls.

Then the living bite the dead, taking their power...

By the end, the scene has completely changed...

A king sits alone on a throne, looking into the distance, his eyes burning with the will to conquer the world...

The strong soldier is Augustus.

"The tyrannical rulers are fighting each other, and the strongest among them will devour everything of the loser and become the supreme king, commanding the closed world."

Su Han's eyes were dim.

That cruel speech made everyone present shudder.

kill each other, devour each other...

This is really the implementation of social Darwinism to the end.


The most powerful **** in the world.

For him, if there is a throne worth sitting on in this world, it must be the throne of a closed world.

Because, when he takes control of there, he will get everything God Eater has.

After the establishment of the new small garden, he will break away from the paradox of omnipotence and become the top fighting force of the small garden.

At that time, he only needs to start killing a little, and he can use the authority of God Eater

, using the bones of the Hakoba gods and demons as a stepping stone to climb to the top. What a cruel god.

Su Han's eyes turned slightly.

Having said that, he seems to have the same authority as him.

"For safety's sake, we should go back first."

Very gentle, Su Han issued an expulsion order to his group friends.

"how about you?"

Dr. Romani questioned.

Since Little Garden was about to undergo a major change, he felt that Su Han had better hide.

after all--

His relationship with Jehovah was really bad.

However, for the doctor's kindness, Su Han just shook his head.

"White Yaksha is in the heavens, if the Lord is really a demon, she will definitely go to fight with him.."

"I'll go get her back."

==========Dividing Line==========

The upper and lower floors of the Little Garden are completely different existences.

If you want to ask why, it is probably because the upper floors of Hakoten are extremely ancient. For example, the military **** Emperor Shitian lives in Shanjian City.

The building called Shanjian City is the original Shanjian City, not something imitated.


The upper level of Hakoniwa is different from the fixed "outer doors" of the lower level. It is not fixed, but the door to the mythical universe.

——Every outer door on the third floor of Hakoten is connected to a universe.

Gods and demons from different universes gallop in their own universe, and some of the more Buddhist gods do not even show up in Hakoba, but stay in their old home...

However, under the influence of a piece of news, those gods and demons who are incomparably Buddhist are not allowed to

Don't crawl out of your own lair.

Go to the court established to help the gods negotiate.

Today, a **** was sentenced.

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