Chapter 35 The Power of the Dystopian Demon King

When Bai Yasha was digging a hole for the Queen of Halloween, what was Su Han doing?

The answer is to study the power taken from Krishna.

black sky.

A member of the strongest group of gods in Hakoba - the Sun King group.

The combat power in the heyday is comparable to that of the **** of war, Indra, who holds the principle of victory.


As the saying goes, special attack is bigger than the sky.

Although Hei Tian is very attractive, his race is a congenital god.

In front of a demon king who had a special attack on the gods, this sun **** who was once brilliant had become a hapless **** parasitized by the demon king dystopia.

Su Han held his hand, a black aura lingering in his palm.

As a top-level god, Hei Tian's power is undoubtedly powerful.

The spirit of the Sun Kings, the spirit of the great hero Hercules, and the strange power hidden in his body...

The spiritual qualities of the first two are so huge that Su Han only needs to digest it a little to become a three-digit number.

And the latter...

Su Han waved his hand casually, and the next moment, the "spirit" of all the life around him was fading...

This is the power of the Demon Lord dystopia.

Because it is only an incarnation of the Demon King's dystopia, therefore, that trace of dystopia has not escaped from a certain Hakoniwa super cage.

Almost as a matter of course, the power of the demon king that could cut off beliefs entered Su Han's hands.

"By the way, what are you studying?"

Incomparably curious, Irena, one of the few high-culture members in the group, rubbed her head against Su Han's side and stared at his hand non-stop.

"I just think that this ability seems to be good."

In this regard, Su Han did not hide it and told the truth.

Simulated Star Creation Map. Fire Sword Road Or, Simulated Star Creation Map. Eternal Tribulation Destruction

The ability is to control the soul of the slain, and to transform the soul of the ruled into the power of its own evolution.

God Eater - Dystopia

Ability is a negative belief, turning things in the realm into "domestic animals" and becoming their own power.

There is a great overlap in the power of the two.

However, this is not difficult to understand.

At the end of the Fire Sword Road, is the only and supreme God.

At the end of the dystopia, there is the end man who dominates the world.

The properties of the two are inherently similar.

"Honestly, my powers aren't any better than dystopia, just considering their nature."

Very b-numbered, Su Han said a very outrageous reality.

As a brave man, his strength is actually the same as that of the Ultimate Demon King, which is actually quite embarrassing.

"Power is not a good or bad thing, it mainly depends on the character of the holder—"

Miss Irena tried to comfort her, and then she couldn't help but recall Su Han's previous actions of opening factories in other worlds, dumping goods, and even turning some wasteland worlds into Originium mines...

"Well, what you do in other worlds seems to be the way of the end-born."

"Indeed, I feel that the power of dystopia may be able to complete my simulated star creation map."

Su Han opened his mouth and said.

To be honest, judging from the nature of his simulated star creation map, he should not lack combat effectiveness.


The problem is that his old family is a ruthless character.

Yahweh the Lord of Hosts.

The Almighty God who left a strong legacy in Sumer, Egypt, and Western Europe.

As the creator of the new Hakoniwa Project, the strongest **** even chose to cooperate with the dystopia incarnated as Krishna to establish the original Demon Lord Alliance.

Humans want to kill tigers, and tigers eat people's hearts.

Perhaps, this is the situation of the founders of the Demon King Alliance.

But now, Su Han, who has not yet become independent from the Cross religion, has violated the will of his suzerain.

According to the nature of Jehovah's urine, saying that he didn't make a note for Su Han would definitely be deceitful.

Even more unfortunate is that Yahweh is qualified in the numbers.

Void Star Tai Sui has no obvious effect on him, and he can't play mechanical seance.

If he wants to get in touch with that crisis, Su Han needs more strength.

"Group chat, help to deduce, how can I make this power my own."

Su Han asked the group krypton server a question.

"The answer is to graft the 'dystopian power' onto the 'principle of mercy' that is similar in nature to it."

The principle of mercy, the principle that Su Han pulled from Getiah.

Deny the power of legend.

It is also a force that has a bit of a resemblance to dystopia.

"You are not the devil of dystopia, therefore, the power of dystopia in your hand is a rootless tree, which will be exhausted sooner or later. The first step to control it is to give it a 'root'."

"The principle of mercy is your power, so the dystopian power reborn based on the power of mercy will also have a very high affinity with you. As your proficiency increases, the power of **** will naturally increase. At the final stage, you can try to integrate it into your power."

The group chats that have received the money are also quite reliable.

Next, you may have to close for a while.

Su Han groaned and thought.

Now the little garden is too messy.

He intends to run with the guys first, and then turn around when he controls the power of the dystopia, or finds the whereabouts of absolute evil.

So, what's next on the schedule.

The boy who took the power of divination from Kuroten activated his spirit and tried to see his future schedule.

On the first day, I went shopping with Kuangsan. Heisi was super nice, so let's move on to the next day.

On the second day, let's see how the Seven Sins and the Four Lines are playing basketball. Oh, my sister-in-law, Qin Li, was too intimate. It's a little hard to handle, but it's a lot of fun, and it's a bit too much. Bar.

On the third day, I went to collect the rent with Irena. They said that they would sit on a broom or something. It seemed that they could hold the **** the grounds that they were afraid of heights. They were very happy, and the deduction continued to be postponed.

On the fourth day, Banya and Sheila went to watch the sunrise, and the deduction was delayed.

On the fifth day, the fourth real group woke up, pulled out to be independent, added a maid, and postponed the deduction.

Su Han was silent.

Why is there such a strange thing in the divination of one's own itinerary?

"There must be something wrong with the divination method of the Hindus."

Su Han murmured, and then planned to find the black rabbit.

The people he offends are fiercer now. Perhaps, it would be a bit too much if he didn't bring the nameless when running.



In Su Han's blank expression, a red post was photographed in front of him.

Shiroyasha, who returned from the Queen of Halloween, grinned with a slight smile on his face.

She got a positive response from the Queen of Halloween.

"I'll go on a blind date."

"Boy, it's time to change your clothes and go on a blind date."

"Remember to bring Xuxing Tai Sui."

Chapter 36 Blind Date? It's a zero dollar purchase!

Two very special guests came to the residence belonging to the Arcadia Grand Alliance.

The first one was a certain White Yaksha who briefly returned to the heaven, and soon went to Lingshan, where Buddhism is located, and regained the godhead called Yaksha.

Behind Shiroyasha was a knight whom no one in Arcadia knew.

It was a man with pure white hair tied with black hair accessories and wearing a long white dress

And a human woman with delicately decorated silver armor and a black and white dance mask covering the upper part of her face.

"As you can see, the guy who was very interested in the sovereignty of the sun in the hands of the Queen of Halloween and then seemed to be interested in the Queen of Halloween is here."

She was incompatible with the Queen of Halloween, but Shiroyasha, who went to the heavens specifically for her solar sovereignty, stood in front of the gate of Arcadia, pointing to a certain annex in the distance.

So broken.

The knight belonging to the Queen of Halloween looked at the building that could vaguely see the prosperity of the past, but it was indeed a bit dilapidated.

It was the first time she had seen such a broken community in so many years.


The knight that Her Lady Queen values, actually live in such a place?

Miss Knight felt a strange feeling.

"Faith Reis, pay a little attention, this is the old address of that alliance."

Seemingly aware of the strangeness of the knight, Shiroyasha spoke slowly.

"The Faceless" Faith Reese.

A martial artist who is as famous as Jiao Liu.

It is also the third seat under the Queen of Halloween.

As the knight most liked by the Queen of Halloween, Faith Rhys is naturally

He was given a plan to capture strong men under the guise of a blind date for Her Lady Queen.


Just as Bai Yasha was worried that the Halloween Queen would think of the Xuxing Tai Sui and never mentioned that the Equatorial Dragon was also on Su Han, the Queen of Halloween obviously did not intend to recruit her subordinates openly.

Her goal is clear.

Let Bai Yasha lead the way, and drag him away when he sees anyone.

Next, regardless of the 3721, directly start the gift game to seize its ownership, and then kick it to the community. Avalon will be King Arthur, or give Merlin the name and let him handle the affairs of the Thousand Eyes.

Capture the hero who is most valued by the enemy, and then send it to the respondent...

Honestly -

Faith Reese felt that his boss was a little immoral.


"The White Night King doesn't have good intentions, doesn't he? She hits my Sun Sovereign Doctrine, and I hit the White Night King's subordinates' ideology. Everyone is scheming, so don't call each other monsters."

"Black eats black."

The Queen's teaching rang in the knight's ears.

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