
Both parties involved in this blind date are not good birds, trying to be in this blind date,

The queen who took back her equatorial snake and harvested knights directly called this blind date

Purchase for zero dollars.

"If it is the painting of the big league, it can indeed attract some strong people to join.

"Okay, here we are."

The White Night King took a certain knight and walked to the area where Su Han lived.

"Thank you for leading the way for me, Lord White Night King."

As soon as he finished speaking, the knight walked in the direction of the annex where a certain hero was without looking back.

As a subordinate sent by the Queen of Halloween to defraud the knight, her mission is to ride the white night

Fork didn't pay attention, activated the teleportation given to her by the Queen of Halloween, and there was no response in Shiroyasha

Pull people to the halloween queen's quarters when you come over.

For this reason, it is necessary to get rid of the White Night King as much as possible.


"Wuhu, don't be so anxious to leave, we are a family member, so we have to take care of it."

Like a shadow, the White Night Demon King followed in an instant.

The smile is unrestrained, and there is a kind of heroic feeling.

But that face was a bit embarrassing in front of the lady knight who had a huge mission.


Can't get rid of it at all.

Very helpless, Miss Knight can only accept the reality that the White Night King is closely following her...

Following her arrival, soon, a ripple appeared in the air.

"Are you the messenger of the Queen of Halloween?"

With the sound that sounded out of thin air, ripples appeared in the void between the two, and then, a figure stepped out of it.

It was a very handsome young man, with delicate features and a dignified face.

No doubt, that's a handsome guy.

However, Miss Knight didn't care about that.

after all--

Her job is to arrest people.

Not really here to help Her Lady Queen find a husband.

"Excuse me, where can we meet Her Lady Queen."

It was the young man who was the new owner of Xuxing Taisui, looking around.

"Don't be so troublesome."

"You just need to hold my hand. I have the coordinates left by the Queen on my body."

Feith answered directly, feeling uneasy.

As a thief who stole talent from the White Night King, she was under a lot of pressure.

Her mission was to catch Su Han in an instant and wait for the Halloween Queen to pull them away.

The Queen of Halloween is the existence that dominates the realm of stars and stars. As long as there are coordinates, they can connect any place to their own location, and even the door of a parallel world can be easily opened.

Transform Shiroyasha's favorite subordinate into his own knight...

If this vote is made, the Queen can disgust Bai Yasha for at least three thousand years.

Su Han looked at the knight's hand and narrowed his eyes.

Realm Gate - Hakoniwa's strongest movement technique.

There are not many people who possess this ability, but Maxwell and Hei Tian both possess the power of realm.

The latter even has the ability to throw absolute evil out of Hakoniwa City in an instant.

With the power of the above two, Su Han can naturally see that the imprint of the power of the realm was left on his hand.

As long as it is caught, the next moment, the power of the realm will transport the caught person to the third floor of the Little Garden.

There is no doubt that this is a pit.


Su Han glanced back at Bai Yasha, and found that the King of Star Spirits was really talking about it.

"Ah ah ah, Hei Tian, ​​you died so miserably."

Missing the black sky?

Almost like a consonance, Su Han's body, the power belonging to Hei Tian is being activated.

Unconsciously, the line called "realm" was attached to the body of the White Night King.

"That's really convenient."

The hero held the queen's knight and stretched out his hand.

It's that simple, it's done?

The mood of Miss Knight fell into a daze for a moment.

Subsequently, the realm of stars and stars began to reverse, and the world was completely replaced.

The things in the annex disappeared from view, replaced by a courtyard with a strong European style.

The girl who was as bright as the sun stood in the center of the courtyard, smiling at the hero who was summoned by her, like a child who got the latest toy.

"Nice to meet you, my knight."


The next second, her face froze.

Beside the knight, there is another figure.

White hair and waist.

The golden pupil shone like a blazing sun.

With a smile like a black brother who bought zero yuan on his face.


Shiroyasha also followed!

Chapter 37 Void Star Tai Sui, yyds

"In the Little Garden, there are three major problem children. They are the Great Sage Monkey King who disturbed the order of the heavens, Alger who declared war on millions of gods for no reason, and the worst Halloween queen."

An unnamed King of the Protoss said so.

As a super-problem child second only to Shiroyasha, the Queen of Halloween has a very changeable temperament. In order to see interesting things, she will not hesitate to create disasters that affect the whole box garden.

With a smile, he killed the person who had just been drinking, and somehow forgave the person who offended him, and without hesitation, he promoted the jester who pleases him to a high position, and then threw it away to persuade the demon king, arbitrarily breaking the contract with his allies , and even fight directly..

Such unbelievable things are just everyday to her.

If there is a label for everyone, then the label on the Queen of Halloween must be "reckless".

This guy even used the power of manipulating the realm to transfer the entire environment in other places in an instant because the environment of one of the outer gates of Hakoniwa was not to his taste, forcibly transforming the outer gate into a style he liked. .

If she insists that she has any advantages, it is that she will clean up the troubles caused by herself after a lot of things, so she has the best reputation among the three major problem children.


The most reliable problem children are still problem children.

Expecting them to do what they say is just like wishful thinking.

Even if there is an intermediary, it's another super-problem child.

"Won't you sit down and have a cup of tea? My dear chief knight."

Although there is one of the most respected children among the three major problems, it is obviously only because of the dwarf that the Queen of Halloween, who has gained a good reputation, picked up the teapot;

He poured clear tea into two cups, then propped his cheek with one hand, tilted his head, and stared straight at a certain boy who was introduced with curiosity.

That is a very beautiful girl. With dazzling golden hair that shines like the rays of the sun, and dazzling eyes that are like a combination of sky blue and emerald gemstones, it is a beauty that can make people feel like being illuminated by the sun in winter just by smiling. .

And look down from the opponent's face a little bit, that looks very bold outfit.

The girl's unreasonable figure was fully revealed.

Queen of Halloween.

Bai Yasha put down his face and helped Su Han find a blind date.

A Protoss who has no interest in men, but is interested in collecting good and interesting knights.

Interesting is the spiritual food of Shura gods and Buddhas. After knowing that this young man has a very good friendship with his nemesis, Shiroyasha, and is even regarded as a hero who can end all demon kings, the Queen of Halloween is even more curious about the young man. Just doubled.

Without any hesitation, the strongest species who ruled the realm of day and night, life and death, spring, summer and autumn and winter, and stars and stars regarded this young man as a possession.

If you don't get that guy, then you will definitely not be able to fall asleep next.

If I want to pay any price, I will take back my equatorial snake and a knight Shi Shiran. The Queen of Halloween named this plan as a zero-yuan purchase.


There is a saying that is good, some things are like someone's bear, ideal is very plump, reality is very skinny...

In this world, the one who can mobilize his emotions the most is not the knight he is keen to collect, but another protoss.

- The White Night King.

But now, the existence called the White Night King is standing in front of the Queen of Halloween.

"The current method of blind date is to directly ask the 'blind date partner to work for him'?

Carefree, the white-haired primordial demon king sat across from the tea table with a hippy smile, facing the sun star spirit with a hippy smile.

There are some jokes in this world.

For example, a blind date requires no annual salary, no appearance, and no RV.

The first question is what is the level of programming, whether you are good at staying up late, and what is your opinion on the operation of the company...

"What's the difference between you and posting beautiful photos on social accounts, and then deceiving people to go home and plant rice seedlings."

As if he knew something about the outside world, the White Night King sighed, looking at his compatriots with hatred.

"Hey, hey, this is my relative!"

"Look at him thin, is he a Yazi who can work in the fields? You just have the heart to trick him into planting rice in the fields?"

In an instant, the face of the Halloween Queen turned gloomy.

"How did you get here?"

She let out an angry shout.

This tea party was prepared by her for her knight to wash away the dust.

As a result, I saw Bai Yasha, a pickle, at a glance, and my blood pressure instantly broke through the sky.

"It's very simple, Hei Tian is a good player at playing with the realm, and the simulated star creation effect of that guy is to capture the power of the defeated."

Shiroyasha proudly pointed at the boy beside him, as if he was really introducing his relatives.

"Well, that's why I followed."

He's so **** mad.

The knight that he is optimistic about actually happens to have a very strong realm power.

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