After the two sets of spiritual awakenings are completed, Galji, the default two-digit number, will naturally become the eighteenth full-power domain person.

Su Han's situation is hard to say, after all, he is an almighty **** who is disgusted with dogs, and his spirituality is awakened.

It may also be suppressed back to triple digits by the Box Garden Center.


After all, he is an open-hook player.

Galji's default two-digit number has long been subordinated by his transformation, and no matter how it is cut, the spiritual grid is placed there, and if it can't become a two-digit number, it is also an exception to the three-digit number.

Being able to obtain two top-level combat powers at one time is undoubtedly very important for Shiroyasha who needs to shelter the little garden.


Here comes the problem.

The ten that Su Han needs are the ten of the zodiac.

What Galji needs is related to the ten incarnations of Vishnu, which is different from what Su Han needs.

If you want to activate the inheritance of these two guys, you will basically ask for a full set of sun sovereignty.

The current situation of sun sovereignty is that the White Yaksha holds fourteen, and the Queen of Halloween holds

There are five, Su Han holds a snake, a dragon, a lion, and the Greek gods hold two...

Considering that the absolute leader of the Greek group of gods once issued the "Declaration of the Great Father" and was willing to give all humans who consider him a father the coat of "Son of Zeus", it is undoubtedly impossible for Zeus to give up the life of the lower class and tell him. Borrowing two sun sovereigns is basically useless.

It is definitely on the side of the old Hakoniwa.

Su Han was also on her side, no problem.

Then there is her own fourteen sovereigns.

As long as the Halloween Queen is brought in, the next step is basically complete.


How to get the Queen of Halloween to hand over the sovereignty of the sun?

This is a very serious question.

As the star spirit of the sun, the Queen of Halloween has a high degree of desire for the sovereignty of the sun.

For this reason, it is absolutely impossible for her to hand over the sovereignty of the sun easily.


You must find your own way.

For example-

"You're too old, it's time to find a man."

I don't know if she is here to claim the sovereignty of the sun, or if she is here to respond to the Queen of Halloween, Miss Xingling has a serious expression.

"That kid is not bad, he has double-digit potential, he is the holder of the simulated star chart, and he also holds three... No, if you count the sovereignty of Ophiuchus, it should be regarded as four solar sovereignty, which is no compromise. The diamond king's fifth child is deducted."

"Also, that guy looks pretty good. If the gender is female, I guess I have already started."

In the eyes of the knights of the round table as if they were dead, the King of the Protoss, who had written on his face, seemed to remember something, and quickly added.

"Of course, when you get married, you must bring Sun Sovereign as a dowry... It doesn't matter if people come or not, as long as Sun Sovereign comes."

"Crack - click - click -"

A strange shredding sound resounded in the air.

The sound was very small, but it caused all the Knights of the Round Table present to panic.

Heck! !

Her Lady Queen is furious! ! !

The blonde beauty stood up, and the smile on her face was as beautiful as the warmth of spring gathered together.


Her background, the realm above the world, is on the verge of being broken...

"Although I don't know why your brain is flooded, if you can come up with such a boring thing, then I think you must repair the following head."

The smile on the face of the Halloween Queen slowly converged, and there was a terrifying coldness in the eyes that were staring at the military god.

As the Queen of Halloween's mood changed, the surrounding space seemed to be filled with a pressure that would take away people's body temperature.

The next moment, the whole world shone with golden light, the ground, the sky, and even everything in the field of vision were like glass that had been hit hard, cracking little by little in the sound of clicking, and finally, completely. Collapse! !

The existence called the Queen of Halloween turned into a golden flash.

There are no metaphors. Its figure is golden glitter.

That is the existence of the star body, the unique posture of the three-digit gods and demons. Once incarnated in this state, the incarnation can obtain the sixth cosmic speed - infinitely close to the speed of light!

In this case, she doesn't even need to carry a weapon! !

Because, in this state, the Queen of Halloween herself is the deadliest weapon in the world! !

sheer speed.

Unstoppable sharpness.

Endless starlight flickers, if you hit it, you will soon see the sprayed blood burst into blood mist under the impact! !


That scene didn't happen.

The power belonging to the Demon King of the White Night erupted in an instant!

The Demon King of the White Night took the power of the fourteen Sun Sovereigns into himself and threw his fists heavily! !

The sunrise is the realm of the living.

Sunset is the world of the dead.

In the world of mythology, the star called the sun has the function of judging whether the world belongs to the "living" and "dead".

However, the sun, which is the boundary between life and death, is not an existence that transcends death.

When they sunset, they will also usher in loneliness...

And the power of the Protoss that controls the realm of the white night has the part of forcing the sun to usher in the setting sun! !

That is to say—

What the White Night King does best is slaughtering things related to the sun!

Almost instantly, when the star body hit, the realm of heaven and earth was forcibly separated.

The birth of a different space, like a bloodthirsty beast, will engulf everything in front of you...

Even the Queen of Halloween was horrified at that moment, and instantly opened the realm door and avoided!

The next moment, the endless darkness almost directly sent everything in the field of vision into the underworld.

The scene was so amazing that even the Queen of Halloween couldn't help but feel a little bad.

It's not that she was afraid of the White Night King. She didn't have to coax her to meet the White Night King in its heyday. How could she be afraid of the current half-baked White Night?


The problem is, this isn't some kind of bounty game arena.

This is her hometown.

The White Night King is the loser with a three-game losing streak.


In essence, after all, she was the second in the field of full power, and the means were really amazing!

Fighting with her in her hometown, it is estimated that the community "QueenHalloween" will disappear from history..

"Calm down, although we don't mind fighting with you, but I think you still need to pay attention to your poor knights."

"Let's truce for now."

I don't know when a fan appeared in the hand of the King of White Night, pointing to a group of people who did their best to survive the spread of the two gods and demons who seemed to be unsuitable to be called "three-digit numbers". Knights, speak.

This is a good step.

The Queen of Halloween couldn't help but stop temporarily and give the White Night King a small face.

"Before you get angry, please listen to my introduction. That excellent one made me think of a way to get rid of it and become the almighty **** of my wife."

Excellent makes me want to use some way to become a mother and be a wife...

This guy, the White Night King, really dares to say it.

I'm not afraid that Xiongtai will directly turn against her.

Those words made the corner of the Queen's mouth twitch slightly.

\"I have no interest in men."

In fact, to be precise, Her Lady Queen, who has no interest in men and women, said so.

However, the next moment, her face changed.

"Even if Leo, Ophiuchus, and your 'snake' are useless in his hands?"

Not surprisingly, the woman named White Night King said something that made the Queen of Halloween instantly narrow her eyes.

However, if someone familiar is there, you will find that this guy seems to have deliberately missed a sun sovereign.

A sun sovereign that was forced to be silent in the city of flaming flames, together with a simulated star creation map as a seal.

"You don't sound like you're introducing me to men, like introducing me to prey."

The Queen of Halloween couldn't help but bring a bit of sharpness into her voice.

This is the truth.

The ownership of the equatorial snake determines that she and Su Han have an old feud.

The White Night King also specifically explained that the number of sovereignty held by this guy is comparable to the sum of the Olympus pantheon.

Honestly, it really doesn't sound like it's a matchmaker, it's like an introduction to the prey

"No, no, that guy is in this little garden and is most likely to become the 'Brave of Slaughtering Demon Kings'. If that guy dies, we will go crazy, maybe even become a demon king and take away a few forcibly. A great man."

As if speaking of a certain cosmic truth, the star spirit said plainly.

This is the truth.

With just one person's strength, it is absolutely impossible for her to defeat the Almighty God who even hangs around with the God Eater.

If it fails, then the entire Little Garden will be abandoned.

This kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable to Shiroyasha.

Those words made the Queen of Halloween frown.

This guy is serious.

But seriously, the hero of the slaughtering demon king...

This statement, coupled with the high attention of the White Night King.... is really a bit unbelievable.

Perhaps, dragging that guy over to be a knight would be a good choice.

The Queen, who had no interest in Hakoniwa's life and death, had a rare interest.

She felt that if she could train the hero who was so highly valued by the White Night King into a self-sufficient

It will be very interesting if you have your own loyal dog.

not to mention...

He also seems to hold three sun sovereigns.


Since he stole his own equatorial snake, then catch him next and be a knight.

There was a tyrant smile on the queen's face.

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