Then got nothing.

"I'm sorry, Madam Queen, I didn't get any news from the Egyptian **** group and the extreme eastern **** group..."

Lancelot shook his head and reported truthfully.

The beautiful brows of the Queen of Halloween could not help frowning slightly.

Lancelot, the name of the real protagonist in the legend of King Arthur (yes, King Arthur is a high-level dragon in the legend of King Arthur).

The knight who inherited this name is naturally the ceiling of the knight order.

If Lancelot didn't get any effective news, then it would be difficult for other knights to count on it.


With a little "what if I draw a card", the Queen of Halloween looked at Gawain.

"My Lady Queen, there is no response from the Indian group of gods."

Gao Wen, who also relied on the boldness of the art masters to directly follow the group of gods who had a greater demand for the sovereignty of the sun, couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"No, it's not right to say that there is no response, and I don't know what happened in the lower realm,

The Indian group of gods is like crazy, shouting 'Lord Black Sky' will never betray, and then go to Brahma to complain..."

"What's the report?"

Very rare, the Queen of Halloween was a little curious.

The Hindu **** group has a high status in Hakoten.

Although the three gods of their group of gods died, only Brahma was left, and almost all of the top ten gods left, but, after all, they were dead camels with a good background.

With sufficient background, naturally it will not be like a husky country, it will only howl... It can make those guys who are obsessed with yoga start to howl like a husky, and even go to the "Twelve Days of Dharma Protector" "The advisor's Brahma made a small report, that's a big deal.

"It seems that Krishna Krishna was determined by the White Night King to join the dystopia and became the incarnation of that demon king."

Gawain's expression was awe-inspiring.

The information in this intelligence is terrible.

First of all, the Demon King of the West, who was begging for mercy in the Western District, didn't use his breath completely, and even had the ability to make waves in the small garden...

This is undoubtedly a very dangerous signal.

Besides, Krishna Krishna, who is the oldest group of sun gods, is also the source of the idea of ​​savior...

That god, turned out to be a dystopian lackey?

Honestly, this thing is outrageous.

It is so outrageous that it is comparable to the blackening of Sakyamuni, becoming a world-destroying demon Buddha.

Just as Sakyamuni can represent the glory of ancient Nepal, and Confucius is widely praised as the sage of the East, Krishna is almost the representative of Indian philosophy.

Now the White Night King actually said that Krishna is acting as a dog for dystopia...

It is no wonder that the Indian gods are so jumpy.

"That guy Hei Tian, ​​the few times he has appeared recently, is indeed a bit different from the past."

The Queen of Halloween shook her head, as if regretting something.

"After returning from dystopia, did something go wrong?"

"If it's really like what Shiroyasha said, Krishna was parasitized by the 'God Eater', then it's still reasonable."

after all--

The essence of dystopia is the demon king who represents "absolute power". How can he allow his avatar to have an independent will?

The real Krishna is probably dead long ago.

The Halloween Queen made a judgment and began to warn her subordinates.

"From today onwards, enter full alert mode. As a back-up player of dystopia, the parasitized gods and demons in Hakoten are definitely not just Krishna."

Dystopia is a demon king who is far more evil than absolute.

If the guy is fully recovered, the gods of the box garden will really be beaten up and carry the box garden center and run away...


The knights below responded quickly.


After a brief period of dealing with the incident, the Queen of Halloween once again fell into sorrow.

Dystopia is really scary.


After all, that thing hasn't fully recovered yet, so it's not a difficult task in front of us.

Even if something big happens, there is still a head iron monster headed by Emperor Shitian who is there to carry it...

It will not be my turn for a while.

Her sun sovereignty, but the real thing is gone.

"Could it be that it's the shrewd three of Bai Yasha?"

The star spirit squinted her beautiful eyes that seemed to gather all the blue of the sky, and muttered.

Just like in the Naruto world, there must be nothing wrong with a certain Mr. Tuan who put the pot on the root of Konoha when encountering an evil event, and the Queen of Halloween, who is a long-term enemy with Shiroyasha, feels that everything goes wrong, it seems to be okay. Buckle on Shiroyasha's head.

"What? Queen, are you talking bad about us behind our backs?"

"Hey, hey, as one of the decks of the box garden, can't you be a little more virtuous?"

It was as if some strange rule had been triggered, and the Queen of Halloween was stunned when she heard it.

A loud voice came from the gate of the community.

The visitor has white hair reaching his waist.

In the golden eyes, there seems to be a thousand times the brilliance of the sun.

That is...

White Night King!

The Halloween Queen's pupils shrank suddenly.

She was all too familiar with that image.

In the ancient times, the demon king who had not yet been defeated used this appearance to fight with himself...

This guy actually put down his Yaksha godhead and returned to the upper level of the small garden?

"What are you doing here?"

Instinctively, the Queen of Halloween frowned and questioned.

Although the gods of Hakoniwa always ranked Shiroyasha as the top three problem children, this guy was actually the most tolerant of the trio.

In order to be able to obtain the status of the lower class ruler, she even pinched her nose and accepted the Yaksha godhead given by Buddhism, forcibly degrading herself to four figures.

But now, this top-level **** and demon who has been in the lower realm all the time, has actually left the position of Yaksha?

This thing is so bizarre.

"Mama, don't think too much, I just received an invitation from Sakyamuni, Abandoned God and Brahma. To answer, what I have seen and heard."

It seems that he sensed the vigilance of the Queen of Halloween.

This matter, many people in the upper class of the small garden are well aware of it.

However, because of their interests, they will definitely choose to play dead on this matter.


The situation in the dark is complicated.

That guy has already involved the "God Eater". If you don't figure out what happened to that guy, it is estimated that many gods and demons will not be able to sleep well tonight.

After hearing that the black sky was eroded, it was indeed necessary to look for the White Night King who haunted not far away to confirm the situation.


Is it necessary to pass by your own place when you come to the Dharma Protector Twelve Days and Shakyamuni?

The Queen of Halloween frowned.

To be honest, her mood when she saw Bai Yasha can basically be compared to finding that an oversized Guangzhou cockroach appeared in the takeout that she had been waiting for for an hour...

And Shiroyasha, seeing her mood, is roughly the same.

The thing that allows Shiroyasha to pass by his place exclusively...

In the eyes of the Queen of Halloween, her eyes flickered constantly.

She felt that there was definitely something wrong here.

"White Yaksha, since everyone is here, don't pretend."

Incomparably straightforward, the Queen of Halloween stared at the uninvited guest with cold eyes.

"No special thing, you definitely don't want to see me, just like I don't want to see you."

In this regard, the beautiful Japanese woman couldn't help scratching her head, looking distressed

"Ah, ah, our minds have been completely read through."

"Speaking of which, should I say it's worthy of you? It's really a complete response to the old saying 'the person who knows you best is your enemy'."

"Without further ado."

The Queen of Halloween interrupted the speech of the Protoss who desperately needed a reliable partner to help.

That completely ignorant speech made Shiroyasha slap his tongue for a while.

She spread her hands, pretending to be helpless.

"My seventh aunt's eighth aunt's granddaughter is the foreign language teacher of the great-grandson of my elder brother's grandmother, and is of marriageable age..."

"Although that kid has gained good abilities with my light because of his remoteness, he has gained nothing in terms of charm."

It was a shameless speech that made everyone present stunned.

Heck, can such a remote relationship really take advantage?

Also, White Night King, is there any charm to you who is not even allowed to enter the women's bathhouse?

With your light, you will definitely become the public enemy of women! !

"What does that have to do with you coming to me?"

The Queen of Halloween frowned for a moment.

Shiroyasha's words are getting more and more outrageous.

Her elder brother's grandmother's great-grandson's foreign language teacher, the granddaughter of her seventh aunt's eighth aunt, is single, what's her business?

He is the star spirit of the sun. Not his peach blossom star!

"Of course it does matter..."

"I think you're too old..."

In the horrified expressions of a group of knights of the round table, the king of the star spirits had a serious expression, as serious as an old moon.

"Otherwise, how about you get married?"

Chapter 34 is decided, just catch him as a knight

"Otherwise, how about you get married?"

Words like outrageous **** open the door to outrageous, spread in the air.

Very simple thing.

Su Han's divine awakening requires ten ecliptic sun sovereignty.

The Galji under him also needs ten Sun Sovereigns.

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