I don't understand at all how a three-digit sun **** in Krishna can run better than Shiva.

Bai Yasha, who was still in Vishnu, frowned.

Compared with Krishna, the three-phase **** is the face of Indian mythology.

As a result, the three gods died and only Brahma was left, but Hetian survived...

"The answer is that it was parasitized."

Su Han stretched out his hand, and the dark mist surrounded it.

The so-called black sky is the sun **** of India.

As a sun god, Hetian's ability is obviously a more violent type.

However, from Hei Tian's spiritual level, the ability that Su Han acquired was...

Su Han patted the black fog on a rabbit who was about to become a demon.

The next moment, spirituality disappeared from the rabbit's eyes.

"What the **** is this?!"

Shiroyasha's face changed suddenly.

With that dark fog...

The spirit of that rabbit suddenly fell from the level of being close to a "demon" to the level of an ordinary rabbit! !

"Demon King Dystopia."

Su Han said the source of that power.

In order to escape from the closed world, he undoubtedly paid a price.

And that price was being parasitized by the ultimate demon king.


The Demon Lord Dystopia is not completely dead.

In the original history, the emancipation of the serfs was around 1900.

The emancipation of serfs so late is obviously not conducive to enlightenment thought, liberalism, etc.

The development of ideas becomes the reason for the growth of dystopian ideas.

But the spread of the Black Death began in the fourteenth century and lasted for more than a hundred years. As a result, the social status of serfs was raised in advance. The disease that may lead to the demise of mankind has finally changed the future of mankind, intermittently reducing the probability of dystopia to 0 and eliminating it.

Reduce the probability of dystopia to 0..

Arcadia and his party have never been able to cross the dystopia.

Therefore, the God Eater was obviously not dead either.

The moment he felt that there was a problem with the operation of the sun, he fought back.

He found the beaten gods who could only walk around, parasitizing part of his own nature on them...

In other words, those gods became his incarnation.

Just as Ryuuya can be revived from his incarnation, Xixiang Homura, after being defeated by Izayoi, under certain conditions, dystopia can also wake up from Hei Tian.

Su Han gave the final definition.

"Perhaps, I should call that guy Dystopian Krishna."

"He is so keen to establish two small gardens, probably in order to make the abandoned lower layer his own territory as much as possible, and continue to develop, using the possessed gods and demons as the medium, to enter the new small garden."

In an understatement, Su Han gave the reason why Hei Tian was so keen on splitting Hakoten.

Only Hakoniwa was split.

Only then did he have the conditions to instantly dominate a large amount of territory, and then begin to develop vulgarly.

After its development is completed, the next step is to enter the new Hako Garden!

There is no doubt that the tyrannical ruler who rules the closed world has ambitions no less than that of the Messiah.

He longed to become the Lord of the Little Garden!

Even through the small garden, all the observed universes have been turned into "utopia".

Those words made Bai Yasha's face look ugly as never before.

In the past, there were too many gods who participated in that conquest war.

Black Sky is one of them.

Then, besides Kuroten, how many other gods are parasitized by Demon Lord Dystopia?

And what role does Messiah play in this game?

Shiroyasha couldn't help shivering.

She has to...

Just pull out a team.

A reliable and strong team.

"Su Han, I remember that your spiritual awakening requires ten zodiac sovereigns."

The Protoss, who is extremely lacking in companions, contemplates the last moment of peace.

"It's time for us to attack the Queen of Halloween."

Chapter 33 Queen of Halloween, are you short of men?

The incarnate being on Halloween, the center of the Celtic gods, in the midst of life and death

In the realm, the star spirit born from the sun...

An existence with so many identities is the Queen of Halloween.

Among the little gardens, the name Queen of Halloween is definitely famous.

There are many reasons, but the most important reason is that she is an exception in the almighty field.

——One whose own spirituality has not reached the domain of full authority, but whose strength is comparable to that of the domain of full authority.

This is a very incomprehensible class.

The strongest people in Hakoba are undoubtedly the seventeen plenipotentiaries.

In ancient times, the Plenipotentiaries were almost all incarnations of the structure of the universe.

Take Shiroyasha as an example, she is the "mass of the universe".

And other plenipotentiaries are not inferior to her...

It is conceivable that these seventeen people in the domain of full authority are so incomprehensible.

Well, here comes the question.

This group of top-level gods and demons who have been running wild in minutes and exploded the box garden, let them participate casually

Gift game, there is a high probability that the gift game will become one-sided and lose its fun.

Of course, the loss of fun or something is a small thing.

In case this group of guys really hits the mark, and one by one gives up the human form and turns into the main body to fight, it will really be called Tian Tian should not be called, and the ground will not work.

In order to protect the little garden, the two-digit people lost their qualifications to participate in the gift game under the suppression of the little garden center, and basically became mascots.

Under this premise, Lingge is approximately equal to two digits, but it is not two digits.

The Queen of Halloween, of course, became the strongest on the bright side.

And this Miss Protoss, whose personality is temperamental and whose reputation is only slightly stronger than that of Shiroyasha and Alger, is indeed very gloomy now.

The reason is also very simple.

As the star spirit of the sun, the Queen of Halloween is undoubtedly very concerned about accumulating the sovereignty of the sun.

after all---

The source of her transcendent power is the sun among many mythical realms.

In the past, in order to gain enough sovereignty over the sun, she even fought against the protoss of the primordial star, Shiroyasha.

With this degree of action, she gets six sun sovereigns....


The beauty with golden hair stretched out her hand, as if trying to grab something...


In the sky, five red dragons began to howl.

Those red dragons are extremely powerful.

Each head is a thousand times brighter than the stars.

They are---

Dragon of the Sun.

The incarnation of solar sovereignty.

"Who stole my sun sovereignty?"

An extremely sweet voice spit out from the queen's red lips.

It sounded great.

It was like a pearl falling on a plate, ticking.


The knights who were summoned by him were all trembling.

That's a member of the community "Avalon".

The knight order community directly under the "Queen of Halloween".

An organization that borrowed the name of the famous Knights of the Round Table and inherited his name and favor through the nomenclature system.

The fourth-digit, class-dominant group that gathers the powerful.

There is no doubt that the existences qualified to become the Knights of the Round Table are all first-class samurai,

However, in front of their loyal masters, they all shook like quails.

The Queen of Halloween is a moody god.

For her, a smile doesn't necessarily mean happiness, it could be...

Totally angry!

"Any news, other groups of gods?"

Very calm, the queen ordered her subordinates to hand in the latest information.

Many knights, you look at me, I look at you, all speechless.

As knights directly belonging to the Queen of Halloween, they are naturally extremely capable people.


They were on the third and fourth floors of Little Garden, and they had been around for a long time, and they didn't feel anything abnormal at all...

Honestly, that made the Knights of the Round Table nervous.

But tension is useless.

"Lancelot, you speak first."

The queen turned her attention to a certain martial artist in the community, and the knight Lancelot, who occupied the first place, smiled wryly for a moment.

The one who has a huge desire for the sovereignty of the sun is probably Egypt, which worships the sun

The group of gods and the group of gods in the extreme east.

The art master is bold, Mr. Lancelot risked being slapped by the black hand behind the scenes, and went directly to the two **** groups not long ago...

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