Why does Galji's breath appear on a member of the Crusaders?

Thinking of his previous speech, fear completely erupted in Hei Tian's heart.

The authority this guy holds is to swallow up the spirituality of others and use it for his own use!

If nothing else, Galji was devoured by him!

In Galji's mission, there is a simulated star creation map to capture the Dragon King of the Star Sea.

Now that Galji's Lingge has appeared on Su Han's body, then, the simulated star creation map of the Dragon King of the Star Sea...

"If you want to defeat the ultimate demon king, I think it's better to sacrifice you to some righteous saviors as food for me, and let me become a number one."

"When I become a single digit, the wind of decadence will be repelled directly by me. At that time, wouldn't Hakoniwa be safe? Your mission as the savior of the world will naturally come to an end."

The boy smiled.

The smile is extremely elegant, like a beast on Wall Street that eats people without spitting out bones.

This guy is definitely not as simple as the avatar of Jehovah!

Instinctively, Hei Tian wanted to run away!

That guy Jehovah himself is barely qualified to enter the single digit, but this monster directly confessed that as long as he has enough food, he has a chance to reach the single digit!

This guy is definitely a monster!

The previously leisurely feelings had completely disappeared from Hei Tian's face.

Even though it looks the same, it makes people think that it looks like a Noh mask, maybe it's the impression caused by the nature of this man.

After creating a smile on even the emotionless face reminiscent of a machine - Krishna widened her mouth wide and bared her teeth, blowing a violent black wind.

He is going to use this black wind to escape!


"Lord Heitian, you, who are the source of all savior thoughts, flee when you are about to sacrifice for righteousness. This will make me very distressed."

The gentle voice of the young man soon sounded.

"And—running from now on, don't you think it's a little late?"

In his hand, the phantom of the celestial globe appeared.

With him as the center, a sky full of stars appeared, like pearls, and like a handful of broken gold scattered on a jade plate.

The stars are shining brightly.

That scene was really beautiful.

However, beneath the beautiful exterior hides a terrifying essence.

A "simulated star creation map that can seal the strongest species other than dragon species into a fictional world——"

Void Star Tai Sui".

Although it can only have the effect of halving the spiritual power against the strongest species, but in contrast, it can overcome all the strength differences and win as long as it uses the star spirits and gods as opponents.

This limited use is specialized.

Although it is an extremely ancient god, it obviously does not have a single-digit number.

Aptitude, in addition, Xiu's race is also a clear god, not a dragon...

Facing this evil **** that even Hercules' body can take, Xu Xing Tai Sui is the best weapon.

As long as it is activated, only three types of beings can escape.

Category 1: Demons with single-digit qualifications

The second category: pure blood dragons that perfectly avoid the special attack range

The third category: the strongest godslayer who surpasses the three strongest species

The hand of the boy who is also good at moral kidnapping, hold it tightly!

The sea of ​​​​stars in the sky began to close.

"Please die, all the people in Little Garden will thank you for your sacrifice."

Chapter 32 For the sake of righteousness, let's attack the Queen of Halloween

Tai Sui originally refers to the highest demon king, Tai Sui Xingjun, who is regarded as "the evil star of disaster" in the Chinese mythology group.

Its true form is the protoss of a fictional planet that is supposed to be in the retrograde position of Jupiter, but does not actually exist.

As its accompanying simulated star creation map, the ability of the virtual star Tai Sui is to let the shrouded person enter the "Tai Sui".


Tai Sui is a planet that does not exist at all.

It is a concept.

Invisible and intangible concept.

Unless the imprisoned person has an almost infinite personality or special mission and can be forcibly broken open, otherwise, falling into it is basically equivalent to saying goodbye to freedom.

Su Han held the stars in his hand with a calm expression.

That is a simulated star creation map - the virtual star Tai Sui.

The ability is to weaken half of the target's spirituality and open the door to "Tai Sui".

Among the Tai Sui Stars, there is one more guest.

Krishna - Krishna.

"Really, Hei Tian is an immortal, isn't he dead yet?"

Cursing, the King of Star Spirits, whose eyes were slapped purple and his nose seemed to be crooked by the hammer, came to Su Han's side.

"Isn't this guy being targeted by the 'God Eater'? I remember that guy was old and cruel, and the Protoss used to be able to pull out most of their skins. Hei Tian is the sun **** who was under special attack. survived."

Shiroyasha's face was filled with confusion.

Su Han carefully looked at the star spirit that appeared out of nowhere, and his expression was full of shock.

Although this aunt is only a four-digit exception, she intends to carry fourteen sun sovereigns with her. If necessary, she can call out fourteen four-digit star beasts...

In the lower realm, who could beat her as if she were paralyzed?

"Don't look at it, it's not a good thing that your stupid-wow-prototype did."

Cursing, Bai Yasha cursed angrily.

It was obvious that the one who had beaten her to such a tragic state was a certain Lord of Armies at the apex of the gods.

However, after scolding for a while, the Yaksha God's face changed into a beaming feeling instead.

"However, I'm not at a loss."

"Although I really can't beat that guy with outrageous combat experience, but my gender is dominant, let me tell you, I directly gathered the quality of the 'primordial star' and kicked him on his dick, you I don't know how wonderful his expression was at that time."

Huang Bao's extreme words were spit out from the mouth of the King of Star Spirits.

The so-called original star..

It's the **** ball from before the Big Bang.

This guy, Shiroyasha, rarely calls himself the authority of "Cosmic Structure-Quality", but it turned out to be used to sneak attack on Jehovah's second child.

The corner of Su Han's mouth twitched slightly when he heard those words.

Shiroyasha couldn't beat Yahweh after losing the suppression of the spiritual level, so he went straight to the top and bottom of the three methods.

And, it looks like, she's got it.

"It is estimated that in a few hundred years, that guy from Jehovah will not want to think about the lower realm."

In an extremely speechless way, Miss Protoss who won the battle rubbed her nose and looked around.

"By the way, what about Aziz Dakaha?"

"Azi Dakaha, I don't know where he was thrown by the sky."

Su Han shook his head.

That guy Kuroyen was really strong, and he was separated from Az Dakaha in an instant.

...I don't know where Az Dakaha was left.

"Tsk, it looks like it was thrown out of the box court."

Shiroyasha made an unpleasant sound.

Hei Tian, ​​that bastard, actually has a "strongest movement technique" comparable to the queen,

This was something she never expected.

Having this ability, without having to guard the small garden, made her even more angry.


"Forget it, let's not digress."

Shiroyasha looked unhappy, and then returned to the theme.

She looked at the group owner who seemed to know a little bit, and asked a question.

"Do you know how Hei Tian ran away?"

"The answer is, there's a dirty py deal out there."

Su Han said lightly.

Closed World - Dystopia.

In terms of danger, it crushed the absolute evil Demon King.

Lord Long from Zoroastrianism, he is good at surrounding millions of gods with his own strength, and his weakness is the gods of Zoroastrianism.

Once he encounters the God of War who has the spirit of Zoroastrianism, there is a chance that he will be kicked and squatted in the prison before he has time to develop.

But dystopias are different.

This guy is not taking the path of fighting against the world by himself, but is an out-and-out farming style.

Authority is deprivation of spirituality.

People (domestic animals) born and raised in a "dystopia" will wear out their spirituality over time, slowly lose their lives, and finally become non-existent. This is the ability of "NoFormer".

The deprived spirit will eventually be gathered into its center, the tyrannical ruler, making it extremely powerful.

In addition, because the tyrannical ruler is the only "center" of dystopia, therefore, all beliefs in the closed world will point to him, and other gods are most likely to be

If you go in, you will be deprived of the belief bonus, and then you will be stripped of your spirituality and become a domestic animal...

In addition, the strongest godslayer is not the type to fight alone.

Throughout the dystopia, there are hundreds of thousands, millions of inhabitants.

As servants of tyrannical rulers, they have always served him and dedicated their wits to him

The prototype of the catalog of life that Kasukabe Yō possesses is actually a gift that degenerates beliefs and mass-produces biological weapons, created by the "dystopia" that is hostile to some of the gods in order to subvert their roots.

To put it simply, this is an outrageous tyrant who is spiritually strong in power, has a very good brain, and even has countless servants to block the gods of Hakoniwa.

"The Demon King of the Extreme West - Dystopia is a demon king who has a special attack on the gods. There is no doubt about it. If you want to forcibly suppress it by force, you must let the star spirits and pure-blooded dragons move in full force."

"But in my impression, in that battle, some gods were turned against by the dystopian demon king, who lied about the military situation and led a large number of gods to march, and then... the coalition army was completely beaten."

Su Han shook the stars in his hand, devouring the spirit of "Black Sky".

With Hei Tian's spirit being swallowed up, some memories belonging to Hei Tian also appeared in Su Han's mind.

Those words made Shiroyasha's expression suddenly become subtle.

She looked at Su Han, who was also considered to be a congenital god, with an expression hesitating to speak.

Hey, hey, the so-called coalition forces that have been beaten out are basically from innate gods.

Is it really okay to just insult your own kin like that?

However, now is not the time to explore this either.

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