In addition, Hakoba is a place where gods and humans observe together.

Human history can affect myths, and myths can affect human history.

In the beginning, many gods obtained a larger spiritual identity through this, but, as a price, they had to face the demons embodied by human disasters.

The most typical example is the three major demon kings drawn from the birth of the third perpetual motion mechanism.

Absolutely evil.


decadent wind.


These disasters are truly terrifying.

They often have extremely ferocious authority, a lofty spirituality that is so huge that many **** kings can't reach it, and at the same time, they also have the characteristics that only humans can kill...

There is no doubt that a normal **** is a dish in front of the strongest godslayer.

If you want to solve the problem, you can only go all over the world to find human heroes, or let yourself

The god-king of the family descended into the sky and led a large number of cannon fodder to go on a crusade.

Every crusade will almost cost a group of gods or an oversized community.

At this point, for the Little Garden Gods and Demons, running with a bucket is indeed more reliable than staying dead in Little Garden.

However, gods and demons also talk about feelings.

As a last resort, the class rulers do not want to leave the present small garden.

"Indecisiveness leads to disaster."

"I don't know what happened, but since the absolute evil has been released,

, then, you should stop fighting it. "

"The appearance of absolute evil can force some class rulers to make choices."

Darkness said lightly.

"So, you plan to throw all the disasters on the lower level, and then build a new small garden with the upper level without disasters?"

Su Han narrowed his eyes and guessed the thoughts of the upper-level gods and demons.

"For the development of all gods and human beings, it is impossible for the lower class to be abandoned."

The **** and demon named Kuroten smiled and said.

"In this world, someone always needs to make sacrifices."

Chapter 31 For Righteousness, Sacrifice (No Mercy)

Abandon the fallen layer as a sacrifice.

The extremely **** fact was spit out from the mouth of Hei Tian.


Since it is impossible to overcome the final trial of human beings, then let Hakoniwa be divided into two parts.

Let the lower layer endure the trial as a "box garden", while the upper layer is free.

As long as this plan can be implemented, then, whether it is absolute evil, closed world, or even decadence, there will be no problem.

After all, the new Little Garden is not the subject of the trial.

After that, the gods and demons can live a worry-free life in the new small garden.

"Sounds good."

That is probably the only **** in the entire small garden who can forcibly suppress absolute evil, smiling and agreeing.

"The basic plate of the box garden is the human world and the mythical world in the endless world. Compared with the life in the infinite world, the guys at the lower level of the box garden are really just a drop in the ocean."

Although Su Han likes to call this world a box garden.

But, in fact, Hakoniwa is not a big place at all.

The overall area is only the size of a star.

In front of a universe, they are all small and pitiful.

In the face of the multiverse, it is directly slag.

This is not so much a world as it is an observatory with a lot of entertainment added.

The elites of the entire Hakoba gathered above four figures.

Hakoniwa is a typical heroic view of history.

The lower three floors, from the perspective of the superiors, are indeed irrelevant assholes.

And not many.

Even if you die, you can continue to summon from the outer universe.

In the final analysis, those who can reach four figures or more are the beings who can be called heroes, the members of Hakoniwa.

From now on, it's just fuel.

The meaning of Hei Tian is already very clear.

"You can understand."

The man named Hei Tian had a more intense smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Although this is a sin, those who achieve great things are not careful about the small things."

"Exchanging the smallest sacrifice for the largest gain is the behavior of a rational life."

"The White Night King lost because she was too emotional. Otherwise, she wouldn't have fallen all the way from the realm of authority to the realm of the gods."

The man said so.


He continued to look at the boy, trying to get a response.

However, what he saw was a pair of eyes that seemed to be linked to the barren world.

It was a pair of obsidian eyes.

If you don't look into it, those beautiful eyes are like works of art.


If you look deeper, it will be different.

Behind that blackness lies a barren world.

The half-rotten divine tree supports the heavens and the earth.

Between that day and the earth, endless souls are wailing in it.

Simulation of Star Creation. Road to Fire Sword


Simulated Star Creation Chart. Eternal Tribulation Destruction

If anyone is killed by that person, the soul will be devoured by it, turning into nourishment and servants for the owner of the divine tree.

"Oh, that sounds good."

The young man smiled, obviously only a four-digit boy, but that smile was so gloomy that at dawn, even the **** of war, Indra, who held the principle of victory, felt horrified for a while.

That guy, the way he looks at himself is prey.

Do not...

It should not be said to be prey, it should be said to be simpler and clearer, something that can activate the basic desire of life.

For example-


"You're right."

"However, just as after eating SpongeBob SquarePants' Crab Burger, you should go to Qingqing Prairie to eat Piglet Pork Chop, I think you should listen to the teachings of the Hermes doctrine after you have finished speaking your opinions. ."

A completely illogical statement spewed out of the boy's mouth.

Hei Tian instinctively frowned and wanted to interrupt, but he found that the young man who had a great connection with the Crusaders didn't pay attention to it at all, and just talked to himself.

"Tell me a little bit about the teaching I'm waiting for."

"The Hermetic Doctrine, a modern occult based on the Jewish Kabbalah Doctrine and the Demon Doctrine."

"In Jewish esotericism, the personality of life can be constantly ascended. Even the most ordinary people can complete the purification of life as long as they continue to practice and sharpen themselves.

into a higher life. "

"It was a gradual process of ascension. In the early Jewish Kabbalah system

, did not mention the specific realm, but, in the follow-up, a philosopher divided the realm for it - activity, formation, creation, outflow..."

The young man smiled, a smile that made one feel creepy.

"As the suzerain of the Hermetic doctrine, the authority I have is that 'constant

upgrade' concept. "

"As long as there is enough fuel and obsession, my personality will continue to improve."

Incomparably indifferent, the young man revealed his situation.

"Theoretically, I may be the easiest person in the world to reach single digits."

With enough fuel and obsession, the power will expand infinitely...

What kind of weird stuff is this? ! !

It was extremely rare for Hei Tian to feel restless for a while, and the indescribable sense of crisis made him feel like a light on his back.

Although I don't understand Su Han, what's the point of talking about it here.

However, his intuition told him that this little **** definitely did not intend to obey his orders honestly! !

"The weakness of absolute evil is that it is destined to be killed by the existence of the third perpetual motion mechanism."

"The closed world is also a demon king who can only be defeated by the third perpetual motion mechanism.

"As for the decadent wind of superiority, that tyrant can only show half-step single-digit power at most before mankind is completely hopeless. Once he encounters a single-digit, he can only be beaten. Like an old dog with a broken leg, struggling to leave."

The young man smiled, and in an instant, the brilliance that belonged to the "God" in him had disappeared.

His spirituality was distributed to his subordinates.

From this moment, he is no longer the suzerain of the Hermes theory, but a mortal

He fulfilled the possibility of killing absolute evil and closing the world.

"I think, if it's me now, I should be able to crusade both Absolute Evil and God Eater."

It was obvious that he had fallen into a human being, but the aura on the boy's body became more and more terrifying.

His power...

Only part of it comes from the spirit, and the rest basically come from the "soul"! !


This guy is completely capable of taking the subordinate Lingge post! !

The young man smiled, his black hair gradually dyed white.

The breath of the same origin with Hei Tian emerged in his body.

That is--

Gargi! !

For almost an instant, Hei Tian's soul seemed to tremble.

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