It seems like a simple blow, but it has the terrifying power to stir the world.

With that blow, even a three-digit **** would be shocked.

If that blow was implemented, the power would be able to vomit blood from the **** king other than Di Shitian!

However, facing the attack, there was no fear in the eyes of the young man.

The Sun Sovereign Chenlong controlled by Su Han, the Sun Sovereign Snake and the Sun Sovereign Lion brought from Galji merged into his body.

As the sovereignty of the highest celestial body, the sovereignty of the sun can greatly enhance the spirituality of the holder.

Especially Chen Long.

This Sun Sovereignty, the grace bestowed upon the holder, is a spiritual increase that rivals the authority of the organizer!

His breath is constantly growing, and in an instant, it has surpassed the four-digit exception.

His body is gradually transforming into a "star body".

That's a three-digit sign.

In the case of completely useless control of a series of authority, this guy has almost turned into three figures!!


The air burst creates a wave that lifts everything up. The fists of the evil dragon and the gods released a mountain-like power in an instant, and the roaring storm and impact blew all the surrounding seven or eight mountains away, and the aftermath of the spread vividly slashed the ground under their feet in a hundreds of miles. canyon!

In terms of bravery, the two sides involved in the war are on the same level.

Without warning, the realm gate appeared behind the evil dragon.

The next moment, the heavy crashing sound began to resound!


The evil dragon whose mass was equivalent to the mainland slammed into the ground ruthlessly, and the City of Brilliant Flames shook violently under the violent impact, changing its shape like a kneaded plasticine.

After the body was injured, the god-level two-headed dragon suddenly roared and swooped in the direction of the young man, using its claws to shred the enemy who was blocking the body.

The appearance of striving to launch an attack on the enemy is completely said to be brave and not afraid of death!

This is an endless battle, and everyone involved in it is not a little bit confused!

However, being brave and not afraid of death cannot make up the gap between the god-level almighty fields

The extreme gust of wind carried the sun's fire as its neutrality, spreading wildly outwards, burning everything in the world.

In the fire of the sun punishing the wicked, these avatars of evil turned into ashes without even a single scream.

At the moment when the two-headed dragon was burnt out by the flames, the power called the authority of the organizer suddenly appeared on the evil **** of Zoroastrianism, like an active volcano that overflowed lava endlessly, making Ah, who should have fallen into a weak period. Z. Dahaka's breath continued to swept away like a hurricane.

The regrouped dragon spread its only wing and flew to the sky, and without hesitation, opened its **** mouth at the enemy below.

A terrifying flame was born in an instant, releasing a chilling aura of destruction, and the sky was dyed red, releasing the power of annihilation.

That scene is simply a disaster!

The raging flames made Su Han have to summon his own armament.

The huge divine tree appeared instantly, tearing the flames of the sky!!

Without a hit, Azdahaka let out a deafening roar, like a substantial murderous aura, erupting into the sky with him as the center, and then gradually spreading to the surroundings with pressure.

If you fail once, then twice, if you fail twice, then three times, the constant test of good deeds is the essence of evil!!

The evil dragon unfolded its complete wings, causing its shadow to completely escape into nothingness, turning into a storm of sharp swords!

The storm of blades that came like scattered rain.

That is already the tide of death, but that dragon is not satisfied!!

The evil dragon, blessed with a thousand kinds of magic, continued to throw his fist without hesitation.

Although it has a mass comparable to that of a continent, Azdahaka's speed is unbelievably fast. He obviously lost the grace of turning into a star body, but he can show an infinitely close to the sixth cosmic speed!

Since there are obstacles in front of you, smash them all!

Like an erupting volcano, the heavy bombardment with terrifying speed hit the shoulders of the brave man, causing his bones to let out a tragic cry.

The gods, among the three strongest species, have the worst physique.

That punch almost shattered half of Su Han's arm!!

However, the brave man whose arm was torn was indifferent, even if one arm had been severely injured, he chose to go up close!

His choice was right.

The next moment, the Lingge captured from Maxwell began to operate, absorbing power from the outside world, and frantically repairing the shattered arm.

"Crush me!"

In that boy's hand, a terrifying fluid is turning!


The rich blood splashed into the air and spilled onto the ground. The blood of the evil dragon sprinkled on the earth, dyeing the ground red, forming a pool of blood, and the air was filled with a trace of blood that was difficult to detect.

An evil dragon, a brave man.

As soon as the battle started, it was already dripping with blood.

The **** battle, broadcasted by Shiroyasha, caught the eyes of countless lower-class people, making them tremble.

The battle between evil and evil... is far more cruel than imagined.

Chapter 28 The shadow behind absolute evil


The cascading sound waves spread wildly, like 10,000 giant dragons emitting at the same time


The dazzling thunder burst in the sky, occupying a large area of ​​the sky, sweeping away in all directions, and the explosion resounded through the sky, like a dragon roar.

Like a sharp blade, the thunder that imitated the mortal enemy Indra turned into a sharp blade, cutting through the flame field that symbolized death.

The dazzling thunder light stirred the atmosphere within several kilometers, and the terrifying shock wave formed a violent storm, which swept away from the clouds in an instant, across the sky and the earth.

That is undoubtedly a deadly attack!!

With one kick, the atmosphere in the sky was directly blasted, and the sea of ​​clouds rolled into a terrifying vortex.

The passive-smashing gift from the simulated star map is integrated into the kicking action, shattering the thunder that could not be touched by physical attacks.

Just like Izayoi relied on his own strength to smash Peste's wind of death, Su Han can do the same thing, and his performance is even more terrifying!

Bathed in the arc that was not completely extinguished in the air, he immediately moved behind the evil dragon with his control over the "realm" and launched an attack.

The blazing brilliance burst forth!

That burst of brilliance is a miracle that belongs to the sky, and the important gods of many groups of gods constitute a power that can only be controlled by Thor.

Almighty God's performance is simply too outstanding.

The power copied from the Herrscher, under the blessing of Almighty God's spiritual personality, is no weaker than many Thors!!

For a moment, it seemed that the lightning flashed through the clouds, no weaker than any thunder that was driven by the **** of thunder. They all seemed to have been evaporated by the scorching high temperature attached to the thunder and disappeared.

Unprepared, the evil dragon's wings were directly torn apart by the endless thunderbolts, the flesh was burning, the bones were shattering, and the severe pain even caused the three heads of the evil dragon to show a painful expression at the same time.

It was undoubtedly the most dangerous battle in the world.

However, even so, the evil dragon's fighting spirit is getting higher and higher!

The endless blood turned into a two-headed evil dragon.

The evil dragon, who treats people, gods, ghosts, and demons equally and gives him the trial, roared loudly. turned into rock under the gaze.

As a price, the evil dragon seized the moment of his absence, tore his chest, and in an instant he could see the bones.

However, as if the pain had been forgotten, the heroic **** not only did not retreat because of the pain, but the backhand moved forward quickly, and the backhand was a blow to Yang Yan!

The "white horse" cuts through the sky, releasing light and heat that melts all things.

Thunder and flames are intertwined with each other, the astonishing impact wind and waves like a storm of stars are like connecting the heavens and the earth, like a ride. It fluctuated frequently, and it has spread to the range of nearly kilometers, thousands of meters, and even tens of thousands of meters.

The lands they passed were shattered, dissolved, evaporated, and turned into nothingness by the power that should only exist in myths and epics.

And the evil dragon didn't take any precautions and ate the flame of the sun abruptly! !

The next moment, the gift that should only exist on the pure-blooded dragon escaped into the void and turned into a storm of blades that hit like scattered rain. Countless dragon shadows attacked Su Han like a dark storm...

That scene is simply the waves of death.


Fighting like this is really stupid.

Both sides of the battle almost gave up their defense.

Increase the intensity of the attack, speed up the attack, and leave the rest to your own resilience...

It was like two wild beasts, biting each other constantly.

The **** who fought against it only retreated quickly!

However, that is meaningless.

Shadows like sword light flashed through the space one after another, tearing apart the gods who were constantly jumping in the realm like a hungry wolf tiger tearing its prey.

In that scene, the face of the three-headed dragon couldn't help but bring a bit of grimness.

This guy is hurt!

It is already weak to the extent that even the shadow of the dragon needs to be avoided.

Like ten thousand arrows, like a torrential rain, the shadow blade that covered the sky and the earth burst out, swiping from all directions, blocking the surrounding of the **** of war in an instant, and then releasing the sharp edge that tore the space.

'Clang clang-! ! "

The intense sound of the collision of gold and iron can be heard incessantly, carrying rich sparks, which are constantly entering and shooting.

The grace named Leo Sovereign easily ignored the spirit that seemed to tear the world apart, and offset the shadows that were enough to send the strongest species directly into the abyss of death in the first place.

The next moment, the injured **** jumped behind him through the "realm".

The three-headed dragon was fooled.

This guy is not afraid of all swords at all!

Lock the space, gather strength, and punch!

This act also cracked the atmosphere, and easily burst into a rush of air waves that shattered the earth and blasted the sky.

It was obviously too violent in terms of the attack released on the human body.

One ten millionth of its power is enough to turn the human body into dust!

The high-speed impact area seemed to have been cursed by the immobility of time, and it became two halves in an instant...


next moment!

The huge head of the aloof evil dragon smashed to the ground once again!!

The earth finally burst open in an overwhelmed burst, and the whole body turned into pieces.

Being swallowed up by the magma emerging from the depths of the ground, the fiery red waves formed by the hot mud flow rushed to all directions and turned into a sea of ​​magma...

A large amount of blood trickled out from the wound, fell to the ground like a small stream, was absorbed by the ground, and then imitated hundreds of extremely ugly two-headed dragons. The beast is enough to make everyone's scalp shiver, suspecting that he has come to the legendary Senluo hell.

Time to end it.

That scene fell into the eyes of the masses who were being made clear by Shiroyasha's broadcast in the distance, causing them to tremble uncontrollably.

The hero who has inherited a small inheritance from the Mother of Evil Gods is fighting the evil dragon that has ravaged the little garden more than once.

Even if it was just a broadcast, the aura of destruction that rushed toward the face made countless people tremble.

The entire city of brilliant flames has been destroyed.

The destroyed city made all the residents pray in their hearts, and this repair drama ended quickly.


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