is it possible?

The ultimate demon king - the final trial of human beings died so easily?

However, almost in an instant, the evil dragon waved its wings, tore through the magma, and reached the battlefield once again.

In the eyes of the black rabbit, the rabbit's face suddenly turned white.


"Why, that monster will reappear in the world."

In the ancient mythological age, there was an evil dragon fighting the war **** Indra

In front of the military **** who was close to the realm of full power in his heyday, the evil dragon was powerless to fight back.


The evil dragon did not die, but came back to life.

The newly-born evil dragon has gained incredible power, and the great **** Indra can't take it easy in front of him.

In order to defeat him, the heavenly army composed of the various gods and goddesses even suffered heavy casualties.

In exchange, it was sealed.

The seal is very strong, but it is very fragile in front of people's hearts.

Soon, it was released.

Appeared in the City of Moon Shadows, and, quite "coincidentally", the device responsible for transforming the power of the gods just happened to be broken.

This act made it difficult for the Heavenly Army to go down to the realm. In order to save the last dependents, the main **** of the Black Rabbit, Di Shitian, had to pay 99% of his spirituality as the price, forcibly transformed himself into a human being, and only saved the last of the Moon Rabbit clan. blood vessels.

Because of the loss of the strongest combat power - Emperor Shitian, the head of the evil **** of the Fire Worship Cult, this time, in order to seal the evil dragon, Hakoba made the entire lower level utterly helpless...

And now...

The disaster two hundred years ago appeared again.

Arcadia, who had gathered the entire lower-class elite, became a nameless present after Emperor Shitian, who was not attacked by him, was reduced to human status. . .

"Maybe, we should be ready to vote.

In the unknown area, the face of the class ruler is very ugly.

Hakoniwa, a world that values ​​relativity very much.

In front of the evil dragon, except for the **** of fire worship, the other gods only served food.

However, the last three-digit Emperor Shitian of Zoroastrianism has become a waste, and Hakoba didn't use enough people to carry out crowd tactics.

Just being an absolute evil will make Hakoten uneasy. You must know that there are other strongest godslayers in this Hakogawa world.

Although, I don't know what happened here, a new member of Zoroastrianism appeared, forcibly suppressed the absolute evil

However, it is not a matter of one or two times that the absolute evil is broken.

The ghost knows that after he has been sealed, what day will he break through again?

Although a little sad...

But, perhaps, following the unknown poet and rebuilding Hakoniwa is not a bad thing.

The gods and demons who had the vote of the "Class Dominator Conference" in their hands had some answers in their hearts.

There are too many crises in today's small garden.


At this time, the voice belonging to the White Night King was directly transmitted to the ears of the **** and demon with the help of an unknown gift item!!

"Are you interested in going upstairs with me to clean up Yawei and Hei Tian's two idiots?!"

Yahweh, the title of Yahweh.

Plenipotentiary - Father of Jesus.

Krishna is also Krishna.

The head of the gods in Hindu mythology, the lord of the world.

Like Yahweh, he has the personality of the savior.

However, unlike Yawei, he is said to have separated farts for many years.

However, gods are gods after all, just like the possibility of waking up from his own incarnation after the Dragon Lord is chopped up, as a member of the Sun Kings, Krishna, who is much higher than the Dragon Lord, obviously has no chance of waking up. It is so easy to die completely, and still follow the unknown thought of salvation and liven up..

Aggressive, the celestial spirit with the title of the White Night King directly turned on the national scolding mode.

One estimate is to discover that **** is not his own son, but the seed of the next king Baal, the other estimate is to peep at Brahma's bath, and as a result, he was cursed to have taste buds in his large intestine. Now these two idiots are releasing the final trial of human beings to take revenge on the little garden. .

Those bad words made the class ruler who received the communication blinded all of a sudden.

The absolute evil that should have been sealed was released by the people of the Crusaders and Hei Tian?

"Then... what's the problem here?"

It seems that the class rulers have reacted and can't help but ask.

"Sir Yawei aside, isn't Lord Heitian dead?"

The Crusaders were originally the group of gods who despised Little Garden the most.

If they weren't dragged down by the rules of the little garden, they should have been the strongest group of gods.

The destruction of Hakoniwa is not a bad thing for them...

Their base plate is not in Hakoniwa. Rather, it is tied to human history.

This little garden is not good, the next one will be better.

According to the character of that Almighty God, it is indeed possible to push Hakoba directly to rebuild...

After all, as long as more than half of the class rulers agree to add half the sovereignty of the sun, they can rebuild Little Garden.

Using the ultimate trial of mankind to force the rulers of the estate to stand in line... Although it is absurd....

However, the gods and demons who are the rulers of the class have thought about it and have to admit that this is absolutely possible.


What's up with the dark day?

Isn't Krishna already revealed?! !

In order to resist the final trial of human beings in the closed world, he set out to go to the western district of Hakoniwa, but was unexpectedly attacked by the master of the closed world, the tyranny, and was directly deprived of his spirituality, and was beaten to death.

Moreover, isn't that guy a pioneer of the savior's idea, how could he have done such a world-destroying disaster?

That philosophical guy from Kuroten doesn't burp so easily!" Shiroyasha replied cursingly.

This is the news she learned from Su Han.

It is said that Su Han caught a few guinea pigs while he was transferring the Capital of Brilliant Flames, and he used the uniqueness of simulating the Star Creation Map to clean up the information he knew...

The apex of the poet - Krishna Krishna immortally survived in a closed world with the help of his own power as a "poet".

Although the state of survival was dismal, it was still alive after all.

Now, in accordance with his own salvation thinking, he is working non-stop in the whole small garden, trying to lead to a "happy ending" that he is satisfied with.

That speech suddenly caused the rulers of many classes to fall into various emotions.

Completely unaware, panicked.

For the current status quo, the class rulers who know some of the situation are indescribable.

Those who have followed Jehovah and Krishna have a gloomy and outrageous expression.

Such variables...

It must be reported to Yawei and Hei Tian.

Chapter 29 The Battle of the Domainers of Plenipotentiary Realm!

White Yaksha.

Thousand-eyed cadre, three-digit sun god.

Because he wanted to become the ruler of the lower class, he chose to accept the shackles of Buddhism and became a Yaksha.

If you only look at the superficial identity, you can get this kind of data.


Except for the ultimate genius like Luos, who would regard a "strongest god-killer" who once stood at the top of the realm of authority as a pure god-level Yaksha god?


When his anger reaches the extreme, the so-called Yaksha will disappear from the world.

——Using the "host authority", her spirituality will expand infinitely, which is equivalent to when the dawn of the universe, as the incarnation of "Heaven Movement", reigns over all the gods' cosmology, returning to double digits.

That is...

The tenth seat of the plenipotentiary realm of all cosmology, the White Night King!

In front of the King of the Protoss who is essentially the structure of the universe, the entire Little Garden, except for the second layer specially prepared for those in the domain of authority, is nothing more than a toy that can be broken with "a little force".

And now, the King of White Night is insulting Krishna... and Yahweh without hesitation.

The innate deity of the innate deities, Jehovah.

Recalling the majesty of the Almighty God, the class rulers who listened to Shiroyasha's insults suddenly felt their scalps go numb.

Yahweh, a three-digit god.

In theory, he is just an all-rounder.


That's only in theory.


The most important teachings of Christianity.

It is said that there is only one God, but there are three persons, the Father, the Son **** Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Although the three are different in personalities, they are in no way different in nature. They are both admired, honored, and eternal.

God created the world, God saved mankind through **** Christ, and God was with Christians and the church through the Holy Spirit. The doctrine of the Trinity asserts that these three elements are tied to the same God.

In other words, this Almighty God is one with the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And the Son of Crucifixion...

Recalling the man who always smiled and persuaded his followers to encounter conflicts, and could even solve the problem with a slap to offset his resentment towards himself, everyone present trembled.

Perhaps, that Mr. Christ is a saint who hopes to use his body to atone for the sins of all mankind, but there is another soul lurking in that body that has reached the realm of authority..

A soul that can be called the strongest military god!

Next, will it be a battle of the realm of authority? !

All the class rulers present felt their brains start to tremble.

The Battle of the Full Power Realm...

It's a really scary concept.

Hakoniwa's spiritual system, in the past, was gradual.

If you want to describe it as a numerical value, then it is about seven digits under ten, six digits from eleven to one hundred, five digits from one hundred and one to one thousand...

The four digits are one thousand and one to ten thousand.

The three-digit number is a watershed, from 10,001 to one million, as long as the two-digit number has not yet reached the three-digit number.


Since the birth of the almighty paradox, all three-digit numbers have been suppressed to "ten thousand and one"

Therefore, the most tragic battle of gods today is nothing more than a group of "ten thousand-" level gods and demons fighting.

Thinking of this, the class rulers couldn't help but look at the broadcast given by the White Night King..

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