Bai Yasha's heart froze in an instant.

That is Su Han.

The thing I feared the most happened.

Absolute evil and Su Han collided.


Surprisingly, the spirit of the evil dragon did not become stronger because of Su Han's appearance.

The blood-colored flash disappeared in a flash, and the devastating magic power surged upwards, bursting out at the head of the evil dragon!

It was a blow like a thunderbolt.

The high-speed impact area seemed to have been cursed by the immobility of time, and it became two halves in an instant...


next moment!

Creepy things happened.

The gigantic head of the high evil dragon, like a falling meteorite, smashed to the ground ruthlessly!!

Endless blood sprayed out from the head of the evil dragon, turning into countless two-headed dragons, they were claws and claws, but before they could show their sharpness, they were penetrated by the endless blood and drained. blood, turned into a ridiculous mummy...

That is, what happened?!!

In that scene, even Shiroyasha couldn't help being stunned.

Hell, why is Avesta useless to Su Han?


The next moment, the answer came out.

"Can you give me back my inheritance?" The boy's voice echoed in the air.

"Inheritance of the Mother of Evil Gods."

Chapter 27 Brave vs Demon King

"Can you give me my inheritance back?"

"Inheritance of the Mother of Evil Gods."

Those words made Shiroyasha on the side go into a sluggish moment.

Meow meow meow!!!

Are you having trouble with your ears?

Su Han is actually asking for inheritance from Az Dakaha?

Damn it, I have seen Zhong Kui!!

Isn't this guy an incarnation of the God of Crusade?

Even from the origin of modern occultism, it should be from Greece or Egypt!

Why is this guy asking for the inheritance of Zoroastrianism to Az Dakahasuo?

"Although I am the suzerain of Hermeticism, this does not affect my working in Zoroastrianism.

Seemingly aware of Bai Yasha's question, Su Han said something in the group chat.

"Well, it's like the World King Kurimo is a member of the Sun King Group, and he is also a Xuanwu in the Huaxia God Group."

"Get paid by name, understand?"

Those words made Bai Yasha's mouth twitch slightly.

Good guy, get paid in name....

Temporary workers, open your mouth to worship the supreme inheritance of Zoroastrianism..

Is this reasonable?

"What about the Heavenly Army?"

Bai Yasha looked at the outside world and found that the capital of flaming flames outside had basically been moved away.

Then, she couldn't help but send out a new inquiry, worshiping the **** of fire, Di Shitian.

Although there are many martial gods in Hakoba, if you ask who is the most powerful and famous one, even if you ask a thousand people, all of them will answer the name "Dishutian" in unison.

Dishatian is the existence of the **** of thunder, the **** of heroes, and the king of the gods. Thirty percent of the contents of India's oldest holy book "Rigveda" praise him alone.

Although he is well known as one of the gods because of his conversion to Buddhism, he is said to be one of the most powerful and ancient gods in spirituality that rivals the main and only Greek gods.

The **** Di Shitian is a great **** with such great status and power.

He had beaten Az Dakha more than once.

If he is teaming up with Su Han, who seems to have an inheritance related to Zoroastrianism, he may be able to force Azi Dakaha to be sealed.

In response, Su Han just rolled his eyes.

Although the guys in the Tianjun are strong, isn't dragging them in front of Aziz Dakaha really causing trouble?

And the goddess.

That guy was really strong in the past, but, because of the Moon Shadow City incident, he didn't go to Heaven, but forcibly descended to earth, and the entire God's spirituality has been cut down and only leftovers are left.

What's the difference between that guy coming and not coming?

"Don't think about it, the Tianjun is basically unable to come down now, and Di Shitian is now so prosperous that he can't even beat the black rabbit."

"Besides, you also know that the members of the Heavenly Army come from the upper gods, and even if they can come down, they may not be reliable."

"It's better to count on me than to count on outsiders." The words that made Bai Yasha look grim came from Su Han's mouth.

"I think, as a person who is qualified to receive the inheritance of the sect master, I will not be suppressed by that thing."

Eligible for Sovereign Heritage...

Shiroyasha was silent.

It was really difficult for her to understand, what the **** is Su Han's spirituality.

There was also an evil dragon named Az Dakaha who was also puzzled.

Even if his head was directly pressed to the ground and his chin was almost broken, the power of the evil dragon remained undiminished.

The evil dragon's muscles burst, and endless spells were applied to Xiu's body, allowing him to easily break free from the shackles of the "compatriots" who appeared at some point.

However, he did not directly fight back.

In Shiroyasha's amazed expression, he chose to retreat, standing like an owl, and among the six ruby ​​eyes, there was an unprecedented surprise.

That is

Sovereign's taste.

After an unknown number of years, Zoroastrianism welcomed a newcomer.

A boy who is an allomorph to the suzerain.

"Are you here to beat me?"

It was extremely rare that the evil dragon sent a greeting, and in the terrifying dragon eyes, the light of intelligence flashed.

"Of course."

The young man smiled, smiling brightly.

"As the "Banner of Evil", you occupy the inheritance that should belong to me. Yu Gong, as a member of Zoroastrianism, I should defeat you and fulfill the long-cherished wish of the seniors. Yu Si, you occupy my inheritance and let me I lost the possibility of reaching double digits, and I can't let you go."

"Next, I will directly cut you into eight pieces."

"Of course, as it should be."

It was obviously threatened that he would be cut into eight pieces, but the three heads of the evil dragon moved at the same time, and even a hint of approval could be seen.


This is the hero chosen by the suzerain.

In the eyes of outsiders, that scene would definitely be a hairstand.

They were clearly discussing the killing, but their tone of voice seemed to be talking about the shortness of the parents.

At the moment they were talking, a message also appeared on Shiroyasha's private chat page.

"Leave here, next, unless the helper is a member of Zoroastrianism or a four-digit human being, otherwise, it will hinder my performance."

Shiroyasha was silent.

Then left quietly.

It's true, she's here, really in the way.

However, instead of giving up observation completely, she chose to start a group live broadcast to record Su Han's battle and broadcast it to the outside world.

Anecdote is in the little garden, it is strength.

The gods and demons who fought against the strongest godslayer are destined to be admired by all the people. After being admired by them, Su Han will also get feedback.

This is to strengthen Su Han in disguise.

Az Dakaha was useless to stop her.


The pool has more important things to deal with.

for example

He wants to fight to the death with the hero chosen by the suzerain!!

"It's so good. Up to now, my body is like a storm, like a tsunami, and like a thunderstorm, showing my teeth indiscriminately, shattering everything that entered my field of vision and everything in the world, including you."

Azdahaka's eyes shone sharply, and the flag with "Evil" engraved on the crimson cloth shook violently, and the whole body of the Demon King, who was carrying that unique letter, ignited a dark red flame.

"If you can crush me, then try to see it!"

The great pressure was overwhelming, and everything around was pushed back by the surging force, and the terrifying fluctuations made all the gods and demons feel palpitations.

Like thousands of thunder and dragons dancing together, the distant sky was covered with lightning spears like torrential rain, and the sea of ​​​​clouds was bombarded to pieces in an instant!

This is the wrath of Thor, or the wrath of the sky!

In the **** battle with the evil **** Indra, the evil dragon Azdahaka learned to harness the power of the wrath of the sky!!

In the face of such an attack, the young man just raised his right hand and called for the authority brought by the sovereignty of the sun!

Sovereignty of the sun.

As the supreme sovereign, the fire of the sun that it can mobilize is enough to burn three-digit gods and demons with enough energy!

Endless flames fell from the sky.

That scene is enough to make anyone who believes in Christ kneel and tremble.

That is simply the flame of death!!

Thunder taken from Indra, fire from the most high star - the sun

In the next moment, two mighty forces collided violently!

A riot comparable to a typhoon of magnitude seventeen or eight swept the entire sky. The sea of ​​​​clouds was blown away in an instant, and the night sky was divided into two.

One side is the Razer dancing wildly, and the other side is the raging flames.

The momentum was so terrifying that it even affected other outer doors!

Countless people felt the breath in the distance, their legs trembled, it was a monster that they could never touch...

However, they are fighting at the lower level!

It has a quality equivalent to that of a continent, but its size is only slightly larger than that of a human being. The dragon roared violently. It suddenly transformed into a star body, waving its dragon claws at the sixth cosmic speed, and slapped it mercilessly. In the direction of Su Han.

Think about the scene where an entire continent is condensed to a height of three meters and then impacted!

That's Az Dakaha's blow now!!!

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