The Queen of Halloween, the only three-digit outlier on the bright side today, has a combat power comparable to two-digit numbers.

Powerful power brings arrogance naturally.

The Queen of Halloween is the most troubled child after Shiroyasha and Alger.

In front of her, even the Great Sage Monkey King who brought his brothers and sisters to heaven in a rage, is a good child.

Reading, is to make oneself calm and silly beep--speak.

Exercising, is to let the foolish-be able to talk to himself calmly.

Although the Queen of Halloween is not stupid, her nature is hundreds of times worse than stupid.

Obviously, if you want to talk to that wicked Protoss, you can only use your fists.

- Either let Bai Yasha directly return to her original posture and beat her violently, or retrieve the legacy of the Dragon King of the Star Sea - imitate the star creation map Void Star Tai Sui, and force her to be titled.

Counting on Shiroyasha is indeed a labor-saving way.

However, in that case, it would be a bit of a loss of initiative.

Moreover, since it is destined to release absolute evil, then, in that case, he can actually wait for Galji to unlock the seal and take back the inheritance of the Star Sea Dragon King.

Su Han's strategy naturally became, waiting for Galji to retrieve the simulated star creation chart, and then find a time to be the Queen of Halloween.

Galji is still in action.

Therefore, Su Han naturally does not need to be too anxious.

"Speaking of which, what do you think of the attitude of the upper-level gods and demons towards Hakoten?"

The young man who had always known the direction of some of the plot said that he drank the tea handed over by the black rabbit, and then spoke to a guy whose species name should probably be Shirai Kuroko (perverted).

"The attitude of the gods and demons at the upper level towards Hakoten?"

"The upper **** group... Don't you think your statement is a bit outrageous?"

Bai Yasha hummed and looked at Su Han with an expression like a magical child who constantly said, "The Yan Kingdom's **** technology is not as good as foreign countries".

"Please, there are millions of gods in Hakoniwa, and their political opinions, ideas, and groups of believers are all different. You wouldn't think that they are a community that advances and retreats together!"

"However, on some major issues, the group of gods in Hakoniwa... or, in other words, the group of gods like the eagle, rabbit, bear, chicken, and cow alliance can make decisions and make decisions, right?"

The boy who was complained about by Shiroyasha didn't need to be surprised, he just continued to hold the teacup and sip it lightly.

Hearing those words, Bai Yasha couldn't help but stare.

Su Han was right.

Although Hakoten is known as a million gods, but in fact, there are only a few of the gods that can control the entire Hakoba.

Once they reach a consensus, then, as long as they don't encounter other groups of gods against this situation, they can basically represent Hakoten.

Is it...

What the **** are those guys doing?

Shiroyasha narrowed his eyes involuntarily.


Many gods and demons have expressed dissatisfaction with the way Little Garden is formed.

The most typical ones are the Crusaders, the Nordic gods, the Sumerian remnants and the like.

They are either suppressed by the paradox of omnipotence, or their mothers who were beaten by the final trial of mankind do not recognize them. They have a great influence on the current Hakoba system

Su Han mentioned these things at this time...

There was a little anger in Bai Yasha's eyes.

Su Han knew something very bad.

Although he didn't say it directly, Shiroyasha understood this deeply.

In just one week, this guy has borrowed a lot of sun sovereignty from himself, and won the magic star sovereignty from the descendants of Perseus to

And Leticia's sovereignty, and even relying on the distorted love of the Thermodynamic Demon King, he killed him, seized his spirituality, and inexplicably became hostile to the group of Crusader gods who should be regarded as his old family...

Saying that there is nothing tricky here, it is really after being reincarnated into the Swordsman Tower and being kicked in the head by Amiya!

"Do you know anything?"

It is extremely rare that the star spirit named Bai Yasha has a serious expression, just like a serious master of the group of gods.

"Not knowing anything."

The boy spoke as if he had been mining in Terra for too long and was infected by the Riddler virus.

"However, if you want to ask if you notice something wrong, I can answer some of them."

"My prototype Yawei is going to rebuild Hakoten."


When the code name of the ancient **** came out, Bai Yasha's face suddenly became solemn.

At a time when Anu and Enlil were still at the top of the Babylonian pantheon, he was called Marduk.

He was not the king of the gods, but his prestige shook the whole of Sumer.

After the fall of the ancient Babylonian kingdom, the Gashite dynasty followed. Although the early history of the Gashite dynasty is murky due to lack of material.

However, a text from the Kudur period mentions a man named "Marduk Shar-Irani", whose name means "Marduk is the king of the gods".

At the end of the Gashite dynasty, he has become the "king of the gods" in the eyes of the people.

King of the Sumerian gods, this is undoubtedly an extremely noble title.

You must know that Hakoniwa observes each other with human history. In order to prevent the death of gods from changing the history of the multiverse, the older the gods, the larger the spirituality.

As the king of Sumer, Yahweh, also known as "Marduk", has stood at the apex of God.


He was not content with the title of King of Sumer.

So, he left the ancient group of gods, became the lord of the Jews, and then stole the name of \"Deus\", the supreme **** of the original Indo-European religion, and constantly reduced other gods to devils or angels...

That's crazy behavior.

However, he succeeded.

Therefore, he became the Lord of Hosts, the One God, the All-Knowing and Almighty God.

His personality can even rival the first of the reincarnation technology Hakoten, not so much a protoss, but a white yaksha of the structure of the universe!

"A **** like that willingly accepts the fate of being suppressed by Hakoba?

Considering that he had been exposed to the light of the Lord, the outrageously high Su Han shook his head and said.

"Don't be kidding, he will only think about destroying the current little garden and rebuilding the one he wants."

Those words, Bai Yasha's face became extremely embarrassed.

Since the birth of the almighty paradox, those ancient gods have almost become silent.

The huge spirit of the past has lost its meaning.

In this era when all three figures are forcibly pressed to a level, the huge spiritual power is almost meaningless.

To this end, almost all of them have made some behaviors of "deprecating themselves"

Di Shitian was continuously defeated by the new gods, like a ruthless defeating machine.

Zeus continually bestows his lingo on heroes who admit to being his children.

Only that guy, Jehovah, used the trinity method to let his “spokesperson” force his way into the double digits.

He didn't want to let go of his power.

Even if it is distributed to the subordinates, it is also a "superior" attitude to give favors

that guy....

One of the necessary conditions for the reconstruction of the small garden is that more than half of the class rulers need to show their hands.

In order to make the class rulers stand in line, the One God will definitely make some big moves!

"Been taught a lesson."

"I'm going to ask about the status of the class rulers of each class. I'll leave it alone for the time being."

Bai Yasha, who finally realized the problem, walked out of Qianyan with a gloomy face and stepped into the street of the City of Brilliant Flames.

Shiroyasha was walking on the road to the City of Brilliant Flames, feeling a little uneasy.

Oneself, perhaps should make some preparations to prevent catastrophe?

Bai Yasha was walking on the streets of the City of Brilliant Flames with a tangled expression.


Where is the catastrophe in the lower level guarded by yourself?

Do you understand the gold content of the cosmic structure?

Even if the LORD sent three-digit gods down, he could slap their heads off by himself.

Isn't the biggest disaster just being mad at yourself?

Shiroyasha, who is still very b-numbered, thought about it.


The next moment, her cognition changed.


Suddenly, the entire ground trembled for no reason, and it became more and more intense, causing the cracks between the star seas to continue to expand little by little, and finally, fell into violent shaking and collapse.

Afterwards, the buildings on the ground collapsed, the streets shattered, and the ground cracked... An unprecedented and violent earthquake struck the entire City of Brilliant Flames, causing this magnificent city to sink deep into the ground, sending out an incomprehensible cry.

The magnitude of the earthquake even caught Shiroyasha by surprise, his body became unstable, and he almost fell to the ground.


With the sound of a crisp sound, the chandelier that stood in the center of the City of Brilliant Flames and brought warmth and fire to the entire city finally fell to the ground under a strong earthquake and turned into pieces.

The cold current from the outside of the North District hit like a typhoon in an instant, and the temperature in the entire City of Brilliant Flames suddenly dropped to freezing point in this instant, and the cold air raged in every corner of the city.

However. This kind of cold air was immediately dissipated in the next second.

Because, a certain volcano in the city of flames erupted.


With a deafening roar, the volcano erupted violently, causing the scorching magma to flow out from the crater, mixed with thick smoke rising into the sky.

The sudden explosion and the storm raged around, the cracked sky was dyed gray and black, and the raised dust reached the sky of Hakoniwa, and the scorched earth spread to the horizon.

Substantial disasters spewed out from it.

In that scene, it was as if the gate of **** had been opened.

The endless cries echoed in the ruined city, stimulating Shiroyasha's brain

The figure of the culprit who caused this scene also appeared.

In the cloudless sky, there is a figure with outstretched wings.

It was a dragon-shaped monster whose whole body gave off a "turbid" feel.

The sleeves stretched out in the sky with twisted wings that could not be considered to be obtained through normal evolution, and the ruby ​​pupils of the malevolent stars shone with the light of the end.

The three alien heads, three pairs of eyes and six eyeballs are enough to disintegrate the enemy's will to fight.

Even though the wedges nailed by the king of gods remained on his body, he was still able to soar in the sky, showing that he could neither feel the functionality of the creature nor the sublime sense of high mystery.

Not that shape as life.

Perhaps, this shape that makes all witnesses physically disgust was born to be feared.

This kind of guy who seems to be a mixture of all the disasters in the world should not appear in the world at all!


He still appeared, staying in the sky above the "City of Brilliant Flames", looking down at the things that he destroyed with six eyes.

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