There is no doubt that the effect of the opponent's host authority can greatly improve his spirituality.

The spirituality of a **** and demon who was originally a four-digit exception has exploded.

If you use a bit of fantasy, this guy has already stepped on three digits with most of his feet.

Cold sweat oozes out of Galji's body.

three digits.

Almighty field.

A person who can only step into a person who has full control of a whole series of authority.

Also, in the Hakoniwa system, there is a level of qualitative change.

The Demon King from Zoroastrianism, because of the suppression of the almighty paradox, did not show combat power beyond the lowest three-digit level.

However, after defeating that guy in the future, the god-king emperor Shitian will be forced to descend to earth! Arcadia lost 80% of its combat power! The fire dragon clan almost collapsed!

Now, there are people who rely on pure spirituality to reach the threshold of three digits! !

"Hey, hey, you don't think that my sponsorship is just a matter of watching."

The boy looked surprised.

A huge sense of despair rose in Galji's heart.

He was sent to the lower ranks by the upper ranks, largely because he was almost invincible in the lower ranks.

However, the ghost knows that there will be a guy who has exceeded four digits and has three-digit characteristics at the lower level!!

Want to use that?

Galji clenched his fists, thinking about his last strength.

One of the simulated star charts, which means "incarnation (reincarnation)\", in which ten different universes are preserved, which is a power that transcends the existing cosmic laws, and is called "the ultimate of omniscience and omnipotence".

Even if the current Galji is not capable of showing that power, he can still make a comeback...


Galji's throat was stuck in an instant.

Before he could call his simulated star map, the enemy's hand had locked his throat.

"Don't underestimate people, I am also someone who simulates a star chart, and is very sensitive to the taste of that kind of thing."

The young man laughed and snapped his throat.

For gods and demons, this is not a fatal injury, it is just right as a mild punishment.

From his eyes, Galji seemed to have countless souls turned into part of his body.

No, not right.

That's not conversion.

That is a more domineering power!

It is the power to forcibly dye the outside world into its own color!

Those dyed by it are like cells to the human body, or stars to the universe.

In an instant, Galji trembled.

Perhaps, in front of him, it is not a species called "God" at all, but a "monster".

Once the breath is dyed into the world, it will turn into a monster of the world.

What kind of cosmology does the simulated star chart held by this guy represent?

Fear, rare, rose in the heart of the young man who was bound to become the savior.

The simulated star chart represents the concept of the universe.

Perhaps, in a certain universe, there is a world shrouded by the **** \"the truth of the universe\".

However, he has no time to think about whether that kind of **** world will infect other worlds like cancer, leading to the demise of human history.


Countless resentful spirits appeared silently and captured the military advisor who had been given great importance by Galji.

They have already lost.

A huge sense of loss rose in Galji's heart.

However, it was very unexpected that the teenager who defeated them did not seize their power in the first place.

Just made sure that the ownership of \"Galji" is on myself.

In Galji's bewildered look, the venue for the gift game disappeared silently.

The only thing left, a dragon horn, exists in place.

"Go and perform your old club's mission." The man's voice echoed in the air.

===Dividing line===

The lowest floor of the "Capital of Brilliant Flames" palace, between the sea of ​​stars.

It is as if the palace at the bottom of the underworld is deep underground. In a place where light and sound could not reach, the Evil Dragon, whose whole body was white and had wings whose shape was so distorted that it did not seem to have undergone normal evolution, suddenly raised its head, and the iron chains that bound its whole body shook with a clatter.

However, it is not given further freedom by activity.

Because, in his body, the cold wedge pierced through his body, restraining everything in him...

In this case, even the slightest shaking will make the wound hurt again, and then feel unimaginable pain.

However, this kind of thing is irrelevant, the evil dragon, who will feel pain as long as it moves, fiercely shows his teeth and smiles.

Although it was difficult to identify because of the wedges pierced from the top of the head to the chin, there was no doubt that it was a smile.

Neither pain, pleasure, freedom, or lack of freedom will be a cause for trouble with this thing. The emotion in the soul of this prisoner has only one name between heaven and earth, and it is the boiling heat when galloping on the battlefield of hell.

During the dawn of Hakoniwa - when the world was just forming the heavens and the earth.

Many gods and buddhas have swept the world, but at the same time, there are all kinds of evils and corruption that are contrary to the order they created.

Heaven and earth, day and night, good and evil, prosperity and decline, all the elements of the world from creation to destruction are filtered in the crucible and become the first scourge.

As long as human beings have justice in their hearts and fight evil to the end, they will usher in victory.

This is what Zoroastrians believe.

For this is the teaching of the great gods.


At the moment of accepting people's kneeling again, the gods of Zoroastrianism were in a panic.

If you want to ask why, it is that their vision is too broad.

As gods, they have far sharper eyes than humans, and are a hundred times more intelligent than believers.

Wisdom made the gods of Zoroastrianism understand that the end of human history is extinction.

Perhaps, in the endless darkness, there is light.

However, that light is too faint.

The gods of Zoroastrianism are so slim that they are even desperate.

Only by shrinking all possibilities and avoiding all "ends" can human beings be able to usher in the possibility of existence.

It sounds like a joke to avoid all possible disasters in one breath.

In fact, it's also a joke.

Humans cannot overcome drought, but gods can send rain.

Humans are powerless in the face of volcanoes, and gods can suppress the breath of stars.

Human beings are powerless in front of the starry sky, and the gods can also destroy the stars.

This is the race called God.

Gain Faith and Worship.

Then, as the mountain, guards the front of the believers.


how to continue?

Since a population is developing, then there will be disasters that are comparable to the level of civilization.

Generally speaking, God can help with repression.


Just as a rock returns to dust, so God's protection is not infinite.

Even though the gods of Zoroastrianism were the most powerful group of gods in Hakoniwa at that time, they were helpless in the face of the disaster at the end of human history.

Fortunately, Hakoba is a land of miracles.

The sun in Hakoniwa can affect the insolation of the multiverse.

The tyrant who represented the closed world was cut off from the possibility of appearing because of the "Black Death" that was born out of nowhere.

Well, since the things in Little Garden can be used as symbols of the multiverse...

So, if that's the case, why not turn a **** into "evil" and defeat him together with the "evil" behind it?

The gods of Zoroastrianism have made a choice before becoming their own believers.

Yes, as long as there are "humans" to bring down "evil".


--This world is with disaster. "May the three thousand worlds coexist with the curse.

"You are the incarnation of the inexorable who was prayed to be evil."

A long time ago, the leader said this when he handed over the flag and the third floor of the small garden to the evil dragon who was only a pillar representing "evil thoughts" among the seven evil gods of Zoroastrianism.

So the evil dragon carrying the banner engulfed all the ugliness spreading in the human world with a larger hell, and became a tyrant who smashed hundreds of countries and thousands of heroes.

The Sect Master's exhortation echoed in the ears of the evil dragon.

Among the false stars, the evil dragon carrying the will of the Fire Worship Cult shook his body.

The chains that bound him made a cold and cruel sound as he moved.

The sealed dragon shook his three heads, as if the huge vertical pupils that gathered all the maliciousness in the world released a ferocious light in the dim world.

Sleeves sensed the fragrance of blood and iron and the scourge of war.

It is not far from the day when the seal is released.

"Yingjie, who has been missing for hundreds of years! Are you ready for the test?"

Chapter 24 Absolutely evil, manifest!

Confederate flag of Arcadia.

Star Sea Dragon King's beard.

That is the key to unlock the seal of absolute evil,

When these two things return to their places, the dragon named absolute evil will descend.

At that time, oneself can retrieve the inheritance of absolute evil.

The handsome young man sat in the fire dragon's parlour, drinking the tea that a certain rabbit helped brew, his eyes twinkling.

"So, you've been playing in the City of Brilliant Flames all day, haven't you figured out how to trick the Sun Sovereign from the Queen of Halloween?"

Looking at the rabbit who was actively pouring tea, the girl named Shiroyasha made a sour voice.

"That kind of thing actually depends on luck."

Facing Bai Yasha's questioning, Su Han raised his eyebrows and said.

This is the truth.

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