Each head is facing in a different direction, it should be to grasp the status quo, right?

The three heads move individually, and after repeating the action of tilting their heads several times - the three-headed dragon expands its wings several times and starts to wave.

This seemingly understated flapping action made the clouds covering the sky fly away in an instant, causing the sea of ​​clouds to be divided into left and right halves and then disappear. torn.

The sky shattered and the earth shattered.

But this is just the beginning.

The evil dragon of Zoroastrianism soars in the sky, showing to all beings a banner with the original text of "Aksara" - "evil" engraved on its back.

That was when the true face of the world was not yet clear. Distinguishing heaven and earth, giving birth to yin and yang, and formulating good and evil, they are the oldest cosmology formed by the smallest unit that falls into this world.

The dragon of Zoroastrianism indifferently reported his name.

"I'm the three-digit Hakoniwa, the **** of the [Zombie Religion] group---the Demon King Az Dakaha."

\"From the suzerain to take over the flag and the three-digit number, it is destined that this life will be spent as a devil, and the incarnation of all things inseparable!"

An active volcano blows scorching winds. Under the hot wind blowing like **** mountains and rivers, the demon king, who made the pure white body and ruby ​​eyes excited, unfolded the banner of "evil" and roared, declaring war on everything in the world:

"Okay, let's go, Yingjie, who has been missing for hundreds of years! Do your best!

Exhaust your resourcefulness! Exhaust your valour - try to become a sword of brilliance that runs through my chest!

That scene made Bai Yasha's face turn blue in an instant.

Absolutely evil.

been released!!

Chapter 25 Absolute Evil and the Primordial Star

An anonymous contract document fell from the sky.

Trial summary is not marked.

Participants' names are not listed.

Not even a sponsor declaration.

The only record on the parchment is the flag of 'Evil (aksara)\'.

This contract document was neither issued by someone nor written by someone.

None of those things are needed for contracts that are spread against everything in the world.

That contract has existed since the day the heaven and earth split. Therefore, there is no need to record a summary of the trial. All beings that inhabit the world know its content.

That is the ultimate trial of mankind.

The strongest godslayer.

The real devil.

Their appearance is to represent death and destruction.

If they can't cross it, then they will trample the entire small garden and turn it into Avici Hell!!

Compared to this ancient demon king, those "demon kings" who use the authority of the organizer are ridiculously like monkeys playing human beings.

"Jehovah, did you **** get kicked by a donkey in your head!"

Looking at the not huge dragon, Bai Yasha was furious!

The gods and demons of Hakoba have lived in this world for a long time, and quite a number of people have developed feelings for this world.

In other words, the prerequisite for moving the small garden is that there is a disaster in the small garden that the gods and demons cannot resist.

And there are only three things in this world that can force the little garden gods and demons to run away

The ultimate trial of human beings is absolutely evil, and the ultimate trial of human beings is dystopia and the peak of natural disasters - the wind of decadence.

Under the leadership of the canary, human beings will eventually test dystopia, and the probability of occurrence has been reduced to zero percent, losing its harmfulness.

As long as no anti-social neurotic gods and demons touch the history around the time of the Renaissance, this final trial of mankind can basically be regarded as having passed the

The peak of the natural disaster - the wind of decadence is still wandering at the end of time. If special conditions are not met, he will always be wandering at the end of time.

This guy who is at the peak of the natural disaster will not want to touch as long as he has brains. If he touches it, he doesn't want to move his house, he wants to move his head.

Therefore, if those gods and demons who are eager to rebuild the small garden want to force other regional rulers to agree, they can only hit the absolute evil who has been suppressed in the capital of radiant fire - Az Dakaha.

Az Dakaha is an evil dragon that can only be defeated by humans with three-digit combat power.

But unfortunately, the human limit is four digits.

- The three digits represent the advancement of the life level. Except for the strongest species, other beings will be transformed into gods when they reach this step.

The final trial of three-digit human beings is very tricky.


The trickiest part is that this guy has inherited the Zoroastrian ace Avesta!!

Any existence that is not a human being or a member of Zoroastrianism, when he sees it, will be copied by him to the opposite of his spirituality and become his help!!

The level of human life itself is not enough, it is impossible to count on it, the gods of Zoroastrianism are basically dead, and the only remaining seedlings can be called the shame of the king of gods...

Under such circumstances, when such an evil dragon appears, both gods, demons and human beings will put on the expression of a dead father when they see it.

But this guy is only three digits after all, as long as there is no madman on its side and give it the Avesta copy buff, it can't destroy the box in a short time.

As long as it is released, it can not only make the gods and demons of the small garden agree to his great move, but also use the lower layers of the small garden to fight for the time to move to the new world. It is indeed a good thug.

If nothing else, the last time absolute evil was released was the result of deliberate release.

In an instant, Shiroyasha's face turned cold.

That guy from Jehovah really wanted to rebuild Hakoba in his dreams.

Damn it!

I have to check for myself, how many class rulers have that guy got support!


Has not waited for Shiroyasha to respond.

Like encountering something terrifying in the wilderness, a chill rushed through her heart like an electric current, so fast that people were caught off guard.

The evil dragon was staring at her.

At the same time, his spirituality, which only has a normal three-digit level, broke the paradox of omnipotence and increased to "double the three-digit level".

The face of Shiroyasha, who is not human and does not belong to Zoroastrianism, suddenly turned green.

Her Linga has been copied!


The strongest inheritance of Zoroastrianism.

As long as the opponent is not a compatriot of humans and Zoroastrianism, it is the ultimate weapon that can always have an advantage!!

not good..

He didn't even have time to untie his shackles, and he couldn't even exert his three-digit strength. The expression of Shiroyasha, who was only four-digit exceptional, suddenly changed.

An unprecedented sense of crisis spread in her chest...

The next moment, Aziz Dakaha shook his head, his eyes with evil and intellectual eyes revealed a fierce killing intent, he raised his right claw and swung it down fiercely. Come!!

It's not a physical attack, it's dominating something invisible.


The blade of shadow continued to enlarge in Bai Yasha's field of vision, the scarlet blood mist spread in the air, and the **** and demon standing at the apex of the star spirit couldn't help but make a pained sound.

That blow was too severe.

It's so fierce that it's not even a four-digit number that can be avoided!!

However, that blow is not the end, but only the beginning!!

If you fail once, then twice, if you fail twice, then three times, the constant test of good deeds is the essence of evil.

Although I don't quite understand why there are gods and demons who come to fight with me without descending into the sky, but since they are here, they should be included in the scope of "trial".

During the time when Bai Yasha was crying, the evil dragon unfolded its complete wings, causing its shadow to completely escape into nothingness, turning into a storm of sharp blades!

The storm of blades that came like scattered rain.

Countless dragon shadows drown out Yaksha like a dark storm, like the tide of death!

Every blow contains the power to kill, if you can't avoid it, you will be killed!

However, Shiroyasha is the top Protoss after all.

Even if it is suppressed to a rather tragic level, it still has terrifying power.

Without any sign, the world was displaced.

The gift stage belonging to Shiroyasha replaced the City of Brilliant Flames.

The wind blowing in this world turned white.

The battle between the four-digit abnormal gods and demons and the three-digit demon kings is absolutely devastating for the City of Brilliant Flames.

She must delay enough time to move the entire Flaming City out of a safe area for a **** and demon who has taken the power of the Realm Gate from the thermodynamic demon.

"You idiot dragon who has been used by others and doesn't know how to repent, get out of the crucifixion for me!!"

That star spirit's expression is simply hideous.

In the face of Bai Yasha's abuse, the dragon's intellectual eyes were indeed indifferent.

Sleeve understood what Shiroyasha meant, but was unmoved by it.

As an absolute evil, Xiu's mission is to destroy.

Such as heavy rain, such as landslides, such as hurricanes, such as tsunamis..

Destroying everything in sight is his mission!

To be used by Jehovah is just to reverse the order of the destroyed.

Crush the boring protoss in front of you, and then spread disasters in Hakoba, attracting the arrival of the brave.

If there is a hero who can surpass him, it is exactly what he and his creator hoped for a human being to overcome the catastrophe called absolute evil and complete the evolution of primates.

If none of the people who come can cross you, then kill all the offenders in the future, continue to carry the banner of evil, and ravage everything you can see until you witness the brave man penetrate your chest or destroy everything by yourself. future.

The emotion in the dragon's eyes is very obvious!

Realizing the problem, Shiroyasha's face turned ashen.

However, that gaffe didn't last too long, almost in an instant, in the eyes of the Demon King named Bai Yasha, a thousand times the brilliance of the sun bloomed!

She doesn't want to fight against absolute evil, but since this guy has made it clear that he wants to fight with himself, then there is no need for him to be afraid!

The glow of the sun was obscured by the darkness of the exposed starry sky, and the slowly circulating stars began to violently reverse rotation, and the orbits of the whole day changed to form a single star.

It was the silver sun summoned from beyond the horizon, from the realm of the world and the starry sky.

It is also a celestial law that existed before the concept of heaven and earth as immutable symbols was born.

The primordial star that contained all the mass of the stars at the time of the creation of the world.

The stars slowly circulating in the starry sky began to turn violently, gradually converging the starlight into a bunch.

After the aurora, which combines the brilliance of thousands of stars, was baptized by the primordial star, the silver sun, which contains all the masses of the stars, the supermassive light enough to wipe out the material world mercilessly shot towards the giant dragon!!

That is the light of the primordial star!

Even if Shiroyasha can only display a four-digit spirituality, it is enough to make a three-digit existence face a **** disaster!!

Although possessed of wisdom, but in order to ensure his "monster nature", the dragon who gave up language after declaring war on the world did not pay attention to Shiroyasha's words, but just roared loudly!

The red light swept across the earth silently, like another pair of invisible hands pulling, and the earth took this light as the center, peeling off and spilling out to both sides.

Like a pencil drawing that has been scratched by an eraser, the rays of light drawn tens of thousands of meters collide violently with the original light.


A huge roar resounded through the sky, causing the world that Bai Yasha temporarily called out to tremble violently, on the verge of being shattered...

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