In Hakoniwa, the rules are the "gift game"

As long as both parties agree to start the gift game, life, sovereignty, land, and even Chengchen are all bets.

The prerequisite for the development of the gift game is the agreement of both parties.

However, there is a type of monster that has the ability to forcibly start the gift game.

Therefore, they can arbitrarily take everything from the target community.

A piece of kraft paper floated in front of Luos.

Boon Game Name: "Road to Fire Sword"

[Perseus] Game leader: Luos Perseus [Beast] Game leader: ???

Cracking conditions: Cracking the hidden legacy & defeating the game leader of the sponsor

Defeat Condition: The game leader of the contestant side surrenders.

Oath: Respect for the above, Based on Glory and Banner, [Perseus]

Will take part in the boon game.

[Beast] printed.

Demon King.

That was the biggest disaster of Hakoniwa...

Demon King!!

"You have to know that this is Shiroyasha's territory, and Shiroyasha will never let you go!!"

Hysterically, the man let out the whimper of the Broken Ridge Dog.

"However, as long as all the members of [Perseus] testify, and there is no demon king attacking here, won't it be all right?"

The young man quietly put the sword on the neck of the hysterical man with a gentle smile.

The next moment, blood splattered everywhere.

Chapter 6 Gifts from Hakoten

"The ownership of the demon star Altel, and the magic brought by Altel

Star Sovereign..

"The former Demon Lord Leticia's ownership and the Sun Sovereignty of Ophiuchus brought by Leticia."

"The legacy of four-digit exceptional hero Perseus...

"Thousand-eyed gold coins 10,000..."

"A group chat invitation letter brought by Luos' sudden death..."

In the occupied community of Perseus, the boy's exclamations continued to sound.

If Hakoten is an online game, then Luos must be the most popular boss in the online game.

Its strength is at the bottom of the five figures.

The gifts in his hand are indeed Algor, who can easily petrify even four digits, and Leticia, who once served as the guardian of the all-powerful class.

You must know that the "Seven Heavenly Great Sage" who is regarded as the representative of the demon king is nothing but the three-digit demon king Sun Wukong with six four-digit demon kings to rebel against the heavenly court.

And the complete body of these two figures is a three-digit exception and a four-digit exception, respectively.

The former even made the gods of the Crusaders and the Greek gods uneasy, and packed Alger and threw it to Perseus overnight, so as not to be out of sight and out of mind.

Luos really is a poor hand with a good hand.

Obviously, Luos, who doesn't use his own resources, is the most perfect treasure chest monster in Little Garden.

Human dishes, addictive, high explosion rate, drop followers, and also drop growth pets.

"Thank you for the gift of nature."

The young man hung the necklace representing the magic star around his neck, then put his hands together and drew a cross on his chest.

The gain from playing Luos today is worth all the accumulation before he arrived at Hakoten, and even a lot more.

Luos was the benefactor in his life, second only to the previous group master.

Beside him, the girl with blond hair and red eyes was looking at him.

On the pretty cheeks that have never shown any expression, there is a rare dignified expression

Just now, this man showed the authority of the Demon King.

He is the devil.

Demon kings are not too uncommon in the little garden where gods and demons are flying all over the sky, but...

Recalling the turbid and black scene, Leticia instinctively felt a signal of discomfort from her body.

That turbid malice, she had seen before.

The red pupil in memory, even if it is just recalled, makes people feel as if the chill comes from the soul.

Az Dakaha.

Hold high the incomparable, born devil.

The strongest godslayer who tramples over millions of gods with one single force.

In Hakoba, three-digit numbers are not such a great god.

The gods in the celestial martial gods are almost three-digit per capita, and there are even many powerful people who can bypass the paradox of omnipotence by relying on weapons and exert some of their strength in their heyday.

However, as the last seedling of Zoroastrianism, the evil dragon inherited the power of the mother of evil gods.

Avesta, one of the simulated star charts, which in turn counteracts it, can imitate the opposite of the opponent's cosmology and integrate into itself, or copy the opponent's performance intact, use it in a limited way, or use it in a limited way. Hostile gifts are counteracted.

Against all races except humans, the more enemies there are, the stronger it is.

Only humans and the gods of Zoroastrianism can fight against them.

When other gods come, they are sending heads!!

The best way to deal with such evil gods is to assemble the Zoroastrian gods to bind them, and then let the human heroes give a fatal blow.

However, Zoroastrianism has long since been destroyed.

If you want to fight against it, you can only rely on human beings to pile up your life.

In order to seal the evil dragon, the price paid by the lower levels of Hakoniwa is already a figure that Leticia, who is a knight of Hakoba, does not want to remember.

What does this guy have to do with that dragon?

Not long ago, because Su Han called out the name of the black rabbit, the expression of the former demon king who chose to release water was indescribable.

If the situation warrants, perhaps, she should pay some price to temporarily break free from the shackles of ownership and pass the message on to the White Night King.

"Don't look at me with the eyes that look at the ultimate villain, I'm just a mortal who accidentally got a little inheritance from the mother of the evil **** of Zoroastrianism."

Seemingly aware of the strange sight, the young man turned his head and looked at the heavy-hearted lady vampire.


Even Leticia couldn't help but smile a little wryly at those words.

In her mind, the scene of those souls who died in battle being swallowed up by an invisible tree could not help but emerge.

In that invisible darkness, all the laws are different from those of Hakoten, as if...

The divine tree itself is the embodiment of the cosmology.

"Hey hey hey, I'm a member of the Crusaders with a red seedling root. If you slander me, don't blame me for reporting it directly to the Son of God and then looking for a nameless person." "At that time, even the White Night King will not be able to stand it Oh live."

It seems that he sensed the vigilance in the girl's expression, and she was ordering all the members present to pack up the gold and silver, and rolled her eyes at someone in her backpack.



That speech made a certain vampire lady feel a chill in her heart.

Cross religion, among the small gardens, is one of the most powerful groups of gods.

Those who provoke this group of gods, even the former three major problem children, will be packed into boxes, and then kicked to Greece.

"Modern occultism is related to Cross religion, isn't it?"

The young man rubbed his chin, and then a slight smile appeared on his face.

"At the very least, the spirituality that Hakoten gave me is biased towards the Cross religion."

As an institution that observes the multiverse, Hakoniwa possesses the ability to observe - weave spirituality - and empower others.

The moment he stepped into the little garden, the nature of Su Han's body was observed, and then connected with some theories in human history.

His spirituality consists of two parts.

Human cancer.

hide God.

The former is a combination of the supreme inheritance of Zoroastrianism and the phantom spirit of the principle of mercy.

Considering that Zoroastrianism has occupied the most historical transition period in Hakoniwa, that inheritance is a direct two-digit ticket.

However, due to various reasons, the responsibility of representing the spirit rank was shouldered by an evil god, and the inheritance was immediately cut off. Therefore, what Su Han got was only a four-digit spirit rank.

The latter is not as tugging as the former, but it is relatively more reliable.

hide God.

In terms of origin, it comes from Greece and Egypt, but it is a side thing of the God of Crusades.

Hidden God was to Messiah what Kalgi was to Vishnu.

As the **** worshipped by two of the three largest religions in human history, the ancient **** named Messiah should have been the only one, and even killed the Quartet as in mythology.


A person's life is always full of ups and downs. . .

So does God.

Omnipotent Paradox

This paradox game refutes the omnipotence and omnipotence of the gods and blocks the monism-monotheism-based cosmology.

Under the influence of this paradox, the three-digit gods and demons have been cut to the level of the last three-digit number, and the Messiah, the only god, has been cut into a stick.

However, after all, Messiah is not a king of the gods (shame), and even if he is targeted, he can fight back in the shortest time.

According to the principle of "Trinity", he cut his spiritual personality to his own son of God, making **** a two-digit number. In addition, as God, he continued to bestow gifts on the archangels who belonged to him, making them irrelevant. One exception became triple digits.

With the identity of the hidden god, Su Han can get a piece of the pie as long as he starts the inheritance.

Next, let's try to open the inheritance of the hidden God first, and then see if we can take back the inheritance of absolute evil from the evil dragon.

Su Han thought.

Hakoniwa, the world is really too kind to him.

Less than a day after coming in, it was another time to send Lingge inheritance, and also to directly give himself the cosmology of modern mysticism-Hermes theory, to help improve the rules of the Tree of Kabbalah.

Under the blessing of so many buffs, it's really a bit sorry for Hakoten's cultivation if you don't mix up to three figures.

Having said that, how many positions of gods are vacant in Hakoten right now?

Su Han couldn't help thinking.

If possible, he wants to try to summon the vacant Servant of the Gods through the Holy Grail, and then assign one to each of the girls around him, and then form a group to come to Hakoniwa.

Of course, it doesn't matter if the place is occupied.

Just get rid of the goods, and the position will naturally be vacated.

This thing is like water in a sponge, as long as you squeeze it hard, there will always be.

However, before that, I have to lay a little foundation in Hakoniwa

It might be good to go to the Crusaders.

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