If it spreads too much, he might be given a sick (egg) buff.

Thinking of such a moment, Luos' expression became hideous.

That guy must pay for his actions!!


It was like saying that Cao Cao and Cao Cao had arrived, and there was a commotion in the distance.

Almost in an instant, there was a scream at the end of the Greek phalanx.

Instinctively, Luos looked over.

In the distance, there was a young man walking on the wind.

Chapter 5 The Demon King Attacks, Where Did the Demon King Come From?

"All, attack!!!"

There was hardly any hesitation, the moment the figure appeared, the community knights who formed the Greek phalanx had already let out an angry howl.

That's Perseus' enemy!

Although I don't know why this guy is an enemy of Luos, but since this guy chose to be an enemy of Perseus, he must pay the price!

They followed one after another, full of blood.

Under the command of the leader, this legion of superhumans marched forward, with a majestic momentum, like the advancing mountains and seas.

What a brave warrior he was!

If the Conqueror King was here, he would definitely feel this way.

Because of the special system, the members of the community in the small garden have almost absolute loyalty to the community in which they belong.

Under the blessing of such belief, every army has extremely powerful combat power!!

If it is thrown into the ancient battlefield, even without the blessing of the spirit, it will still be an invincible army for Pi Wan!!


"Hako Garden is a paradise for gods and demons."

"Here, individual heroism will be more reliable."

The young man smiled and drew a pitch-black sword from his waist.

Almost in an instant, the knife light had already cut through the sky.

The starting hand is not sharp, and the knife light is not cold.

It can even be said that the sword is melodious and romantic, like a pastoral song written by a bard, the light of the sword lights up, making people feel the entangled clouds in the sky that the light of the sword can cut open, or the amorous feelings between the eyebrows of the girl.

A knife like that can never hurt anyone.

When everyone sees that knife, this kind of thought will arise in their minds.

After all, that knife light just didn't have any killing intent, Meilun Meilun's looks like a fancy swordsmanship practiced by a romantic teenager in order to win a beautiful smile.


The next moment, the cold reality made Luos standing on the palace tremble instantly.


Like a scythe through a wheat field, the charging warriors fell.

The seemingly harmless sword light tore apart their armor, body, and flesh with ease.

The bright red blood threw up, fell, and dyed the sky red.

There was a sound like weeping rain.

The knight's soul also seemed to be absorbed by the endless gravitational force, engulfed by another world, and became a soul entangled in a tree.

"Bastard, what have you done?!!

The eyes of the captain standing beside Luos suddenly turned red!

Those knights are his comrades in arms!!

He quickly drew his sickle and jumped down from the castle! !

The sickle sword imitating Perseus, carrying a huge force, smashed heavily towards the boy who was holding a black sword.

Blood debt, blood repayment!!

However, the slash that almost poured into all the power of the Knight Leader was caught with great ease.

"It's really disrespectful, to attack and kill a team of knights who come to collect the bills, and don't allow the bill collector to fight back? This is too much." The fingers as white as jade easily grabbed it. The sword that slammed down.

The legendary poisonous sickle that can kill even undead monsters, can't even cut through his skin!!

The next moment, the black sword that harvested the souls of the warriors penetrated the chest of the knight captain, causing his vision to be gray.

Luos stared blankly at the blood in front of him, his expression blank.

As a second-generation ancestor, he actually didn't like these knights who were trained by his father.

They are so pedantic, they don't know how to play, and they know almost nothing except training and improving their status in the community.


Even so, he understood one thing.

This is the spear and shield of loyalty to him.

Now, these spears and shields have been directly broken!

"Compared to the description of the black rabbit, it feels much weaker."

The boy who wiped out all the knights with that single blow stretched out his hand slightly and held it

The next moment, the soul of the dead who had already been branded and even integrated into another worldview appeared, returned to his body, and silently turned to his former master.

That scene was simply bizarre to the extreme.

"Is it the gift of being able to forcefully control someone just by killing them?"

The little face of the vampire princess Sanwu, who was still bound by the shackles, was full of consternation.


I don't know if it was an illusion, but she seemed to feel the breath of the other party, and it seemed to rise a little.

Dominate the losers and turn their power into a gift that is part of themselves?

Leticia was shocked.

This kind of unreasonable gift, if there is no upper limit, is simply comparable to Di Shitian's "penetration is victory" spear.

He seems to have mentioned the black rabbit...

So, will he be the second hand left by Lord Canary?

For a time, Leticia's heart trembled slightly.

"What an incompetent thing!!"

"Obviously it was an old man who was sent to protect me, but he suddenly became someone else's dog!!"

The man gritted his teeth angrily.

"Hurry up and get started!!"

Almost instinctively, he took off the summoning tool around his neck, and at the same time, he shouted angrily at Leticia.

The enemy is strong!!

In the four digits, it can be regarded as a top-level existence!

This is the same thing that can be seen.

It is impossible to defeat him with your own strength, you have to call Shiroyasha here!!

To this end, I must find something to help myself resist and find the right time to contact her!

Under the order of Luos, the vampire princess was silent, wielding her spear, and launched an attack on the knights who had returned from the dead.

That scene made Luos' forehead burst into blue veins instantly!

This woman from the nameless **** is playing word games with herself!

Sure enough, commodities are commodities, and they are just as unreliable garbage as those incompetent guys!!


The man called out his last trump card!


Amid the vibrating sound of the atmosphere, the dazzling light that bloomed in the entire space was the color of red blood.

Bright red rays of light bloomed on Luos's gift that was raised high, and in a flickering manner reminiscent of starlight, waves of light waved, flickering, and rushing in all directions like a tide.

Holding up such a dazzling light, Luos declared loudly.

"Come out to me! Alger!"

At this moment, the light in Luos's hand suddenly rose into the sky, like a beam of light, rushed into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

In the next instant, the entire sky trembled suddenly, as if the previous light was reflected back, causing the bright red beam of light to shake the space, falling from the sky, and hitting the ground in the blink of an eye.

The bright red light covered the audience in a short moment.

With the sound of screaming, a figure was printed into the eyes of everyone present.

He was wearing a ring gear and a belt for capture.

On his head was messy hair like a snake and a python.

The skin of the whole body seemed to be drained of water, showing a purple-brown color.

- There is no pupil in the eyes. Only the reddish tinge of hair.

Such a female-like creature was like an animal, standing on all fours, slowly raised its face like a ghost, raised its upper body, and let out an extremely harsh scream.

The so-called "algar" refers to the star with the Arabic "ra\'sal-ghul" as its etymology, meaning "devil's head"; it is also the star in the constellation Perseus, located in "the head of the gorgon". star.

Possessing a great demon named after a star, the "Protoss", one of the strongest races in Hakoba, is the trump card of "Perseus"!

As long as she is still here, I will fight back here...

"It's really boring."

Almost in an instant, endless darkness emerged from behind the boy.

What an evil that is.

It simply exists, and the maliciousness that will pollute the world tilts out.

Like an endless hell, endless malice swept everything in the field of vision, and the muddy hands grabbed the limbs of the Protoss and pulled it into the mud.

That scene made Luos' soul seem to freeze.

Why does the lower level have the ability to suppress the five-digit Protoss with one hand?!!!

This is not scientific at all!!

escape! !

must escape!!

This guy doesn't exist within common sense at all!


Before he could take a step..

He could no longer leave.

Endless black documents floated throughout the castle.

Black instruments.

An almost nightmarish symbol for the Little Garden community.

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