However, at the upper level, it is not beneficial for him to use the Kabbalah Tree upgraded to a simulated star map to capture the soul.

So, stay on the lower floor next.

Whether it is to visit the White Night King, to use the sovereignty of the sun to open the inheritance of the hidden God, or to liberate the absolute evil and regain the inheritance of the mother of evil gods, it is all blood earned.


Leticia was silent.

The upper echelons of the Crusaders show an absolutely evil nature.

What the **** do you guys want to do?

Do they want to keep suppressing other groups of gods, as in the myths of the past, reducing their gods to demons or angels, and then absorbing them?


Absolutely evil, can it be provoked casually?!!

That box garden knight was really shocked and angry.

Once the demon dragon, which represents absolute evil, is lifted, the entire small garden will face the risk of being trampled!!

"Okay, don't think too much."

The boy stretched out his hand and patted the girl's brilliant blonde hair.

An unpredictable smile appeared on that handsome face.

"Don't think too much, I'm not a group of gods who want to run away with the upper floors of the small garden, just a businessman who comes to the small garden to have a meal."

"Don't you think it's more important to see Wuming than to find out who my master is?"

ps: Dry, I feel that the protagonist is more and more like a demon king.

Chapter 7 Trading Sun Sovereignty, How?

Miss Black Rabbit is very nervous.

Very ambitious.

Not long ago, she met an extraordinary businessman from outside Hakoniwa

With the help of the businessman, he got a lot of food, enough to temporarily refuse the referee in order to prepare for the game, so that he can participate in various gift games.


The guy started asking himself one thing.

"Do you know, where is the community where Luos is?"

Luos, an unknown generation of gods.

This is Su Han's perception.

However, in fact, Luos has a good father who is very good at running a community, so he is actually very well-known in the lower ranks.

Hei Rabbit, who has always relied on being a referee, naturally knows where the community of that guy is.

The next step is simple.

Eating people's mouth is soft.

Miss Black Rabbit, who knew that four gold coins couldn't buy so much food, directly sold all the information she knew about Luos.

"I think, I have a big business to discuss with Shiroyasha-sama. Can you help me to talk about the tone first?"

After knowing the so-called information, the young man smiled and asked himself to find Shiroyasha...

I wanted to follow along and have a look, but I was also rejected on the grounds that "there will be business secrets in the future".

"I don't know how Mr. Su is now."

In the shop with dry eyes, Miss Black Rabbit, whose hair is almost red, is drinking the gypsophila tea that the clerk used to send the poor, her delicate eyebrows are almost wrinkled into a ball.

Although Luos is still addicted to vegetables, after all, his reincarnation technique is first-rate.

Therefore, if there is a conflict with him on his territory, it will be really difficult to end.

"Really, it's too dangerous to go to the hostile community alone to collect bills or something.

The rabbit muttered.

"So, are you going to spend the rest of your time prostituting thousand-eyed tea here? With all due respect, this is quite inappropriate."

"If that's the case, then, you can now get ready to pack up and leave, the shop is closing."

When Hei Rabbit was talking about someone, the clerk with a kitten face walked to her side, polite but did not lose his disgusting smile, which made Miss Hei Rabbit furious in an instant.

"Hey, hey, is this the attitude of the business community?" "I brought customers here!!"

Thousand eyes.

A business community founded by the goddesses Omega and Alpha.

Because it is a business alliance, here, quite precious items from the outside world can be purchased with money.

Of course, as a business alliance, the clerks here are somewhat...

Dislike the poor and love the rich.

Facing the resentment of Black Rabbit, the clerk just responded to the resentful Black Rabbit with indifferent eyes.

The clerk with dry eyes hates seeing the black rabbit.

This is not difficult to understand.

The community that Black Rabbit belongs to is noname, which is the lowest level of Hakoniwa.

Consumption power is extremely low.

If it's just a low consumption ability, with the self-cultivation of the Thousand Eyes staff, it won't put on a kitten's face.

However, the problem is that this guy is still an orphan of the Arcadia Alliance, and has a certain friendship with Bai Ye, and often comes to dry eyes to eat white rice.

There is no spending power, and they often eat white rice with shame. To be honest, for members of the business community, such people look a bit bad.


"With all due respect, I didn't see any customers who could be called partners, only a rabbit eating and drinking."

"Also, I don't think you can find a very wealthy companion."

"Su Jun is a very powerful person!!

It is very clear that Miss Rabbit, who holds a Sun Sovereign in Su Han's hands, speaks angrily, as if to defend Su Han, and also to fight for the despised self.

That scene made the clerk's eyes look weird.

"What's your look like?"

Miss Rabbit frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong.

"Do you maintain the so-called there something you don't know about?"

The clerk looked strange.

Although she has always despised this free-spirited rabbit, she also understands that this rabbit is only dragged down by the community.

Her essence is the Hakoniwa nobility, and even among the Hakoba nobility, she is an existence revered as the Son of God.

Miss Rabbit like this actually mentions men who are not members of the community...

To be honest, a little gossip rose in her heart.

For a time, the contempt for the poor ghosts on his face has faded a lot.

That scene made Miss Black Rabbit's face turn red all of a sudden!!

"It's rude of you to say that!! I've only known Su Jun for less than three days!"

Less than three days?

Maintenance started in less than three days.

Wouldn't it be more fun?

Those words made the gossip in the clerk's eyes even more intense.

"No wonder it's so maintained..."

The clerk muttered, and before Miss Black Rabbit had time to argue, he shook his head to get the gossip out of his mind.

Although she is also very concerned about the situation of this rabbit, but now is working time and should not be used to gossip about things.

"Lord Shiroyasha has just accepted the request of Lord Luos to choose a suitable game venue for the gift. The work is very busy. If possible, I hope you can not disturb her."

The clerk spoke to the black rabbit with a serious expression.

Although Shiroyasha looks nonsensical, he is undoubtedly the No. 3 person with dry eyes

Second only to the existence of the two goddesses Omega and Alpha.

Therefore, her time is extraordinarily precious.

From the clerk's point of view, it was a great loss for Thousand Eyes to let that big man come to receive the poor and sour rabbit.

Then for a second, her Shen Qian froze.

"Hoohoho! Black Rabbit, you are here!"

Just like a husky that was off the rein, a figure rushed over from the courtyard and made a shishha sound.

Like a white meteor, the girl in the kimono directly hit the black rabbit to the ground.

"Luos is so stupid that he entrusted such a difficult job to me, I'm really mad at him!!"

"Let me, touch your chest well, take some pressure off!!" Almost instantly, the face of the girl named Black Rabbit flushed.



The paper fan, which was drawn out from nowhere, smashed **** the head of the Yasha who had just helped Mr. Luos choose the game venue for the gift.

"Lord Shiroyasha, please be serious, I specially bring a guest for you!"


Xingling, who was holding his head in pain, stuttered and made an unpleasant sound.

"Another **** who affects us and cute girls."

Are such people really here to do business?

If someone saw this scene, they would definitely have such questions in their hearts.

Directly calling customers a bastard, and sticking with girls is more important than business, no matter how you look at it, it will be an incompetent store manager who can close a store in just a few days.

However, this is the local head.

Dry eye cadre a white Yaksha.


"That bastard?"

In fact, Miss Xingling, who was using the shop to pass the time, looked around with an unhappy expression.

"Well, Su Jun should still be collecting debts..."

"It's me."

Almost synchronously, the voices belonging to different men and women sounded in the thousand eyes at the same time.

The former is naturally a black rabbit.

the latter...

Shiroyasha looked in the direction of the gate.


Her eyes, which had always been half-squinted, instantly turned round.

"Ah!! Leticia, why are you here!!"

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