And in that majestic palace, a man wearing at least five layers of crotch guards was sitting on the main seat with a melancholy expression.

Loos Perseus is sad.

very sad.

Looking really sad.

Not long ago he met a community called chat groups.

Then treat it as a scam.

This is not difficult to understand.

After all, telecommunications fraud is so rampant these days that even the knowledgeable Herrscher may be deceived and bankrupt. Although Luos is addicted to alcoholism, he still manages the business of the community, and he is not surprised by financial fraud.

After he looked at the group chat store, he was even more sure of this.

Sovereignty of the sun, that kind of thing that only the upper-level **** group should regard as a family heirloom, is it actually sold directly?

What are you kidding?

Almost for granted, Luos regarded the chat group as a scam.

In his opinion, this sudden appearance of the Roshzi chat group should be roughly the layout of gifted ability holders who are proficient in deception.

Since you dare to deceive yourself, then you should have the consciousness of being hacked again.

Of course, Luos chose black to eat black.

He is a cadre with dry eyes, and he is a cadre in the same district as Bai Yasha, who has an extraordinary origin, and the background is very hard.

In the lower level of this small garden, which is only four figures high, no one can hurt him at all.

"The kidnapping of dry eye cadres is no small matter."

"If you don't want me to report to the upper management, it's impossible if you don't pay a price."

He made threats.


He was beaten.

"Master, are you alright?"

Beside him, a burly man looked at the current leader of his community with an unbearable expression.

Not long ago, the young master went to the dry eye cadre Bai Yasha to discuss some things.

The content is based on the purchase of the former demon king, Leticia De Crea, as a reward, and a large-scale gift game that can attract the participation of the entire Eastern District is carried out in order to tap talents and expand the community's popularity.

Things can be discussed.

That is, there seems to be something wrong with the young master.

The man who had followed the previous leader for a long time, looked at his young master, and handed him a bottle of expensive healing potion with an unbearable expression.

In Little Garden, which is a paradise of gods and demons, there is a gift called curse.

Unfortunately, the young master was cursed.

Guo Haihuang's caress.

In the famous works of Senyuan, a cartoonist with Alzheimer's disease, the person who has practiced martial arts to the extreme is called Neptune.

Among them, Neptune Samwang from Thailand was defeated by this blow.

He was stripped of his pants by an old man who claimed that his fists couldn't beat a brick at all.

And now, the fate of Samwang's classmates has come to Luos.

At least 24 times a day, I have contact with the old man of the sea emperor's finger-snapping magic. If he accidentally uses the C language, he will receive ten times the finger-snapping magic of an insulting sentence...  

That is, there is no cap on the top.

In just one short day, because of the unbearable pain of using the C language, Luos had already used a hundred bottles of potion to treat the bruise on the egg.

What a vicious gift this is.

Seeing the unlovable expression on his young master's face, the guard couldn't help but tremble with fear.

One attack an hour..

Sure to hit, even a chance to crit.

Who can resist this!

But, soon, even putting on a lifeless expression became a luxury.

As the clock pointed to twelve o'clock, the face of the man named Luos Perseus suddenly changed.

The next moment, the phantom of an old man appeared in the air.

Extremely old and wrinkled, he looks like he needs someone to push a wheelchair.

Luos angrily waved the scythe that his ancestors had assassinated Gorgon, and fought bravely.


Pounced empty.

The next moment, the phantom of the old man reached out and took off his trousers, and stretched out his hand towards the two spheres that needed to be marked.

Compassionate look.


The sound of broken eggs echoed in the hall.

Luos quickly covered his crotch, his expression pale, and his waist directly bent into a shrimp.

"Grass you-"

The C language was spit out from the man's mouth almost instantly, but after seeing the eyeing old man, the tone changed.

"Grass, hello, do you still have enough water today?\" Do whatever you want without breaking the rules.

As a demigod, Luos, deeply understood this truth.

As the speech from the heart unfolded, the old man who came to beat eggs at regular intervals also disappeared.

After moaning in pain for a while, maybe it was because he had suffered hundreds of times of chicken beatings in a row, and the man who had developed a certain immunity gnashed his teeth.

The man whose egg was almost smashed countless times had endless flames burning in his eyes.

"Do you know? If you insult others at will, you will have to pay for mental damage."

A day ago, someone was in the group chat page and chatted with themselves privately in this way.

"Do you know how painful it is for me to be slandered as a liar by members of the group?" The man said in a distressed tone.

"So, in order to compensate for my mental damages, don't you think you should compensate me for something?"

"For example, the gift of Perseus, for example, the vampire maid with blonde hair and red eyes, and for example, the gold coins issued by Thousand Eyes!!"

Recalling the group leader who used an unknown gift to plot against him, anger surged in Luos' heart.

That guy is totally robbing!!

Absolutely want revenge!!

"Are you all ready?" the man whispered.

Today is the day that guy is coming to collect the debt.

You have to make him pay!!


The knight who belonged to Luos was silent for a while, and then made a sound.

"If you can. Actually, Master, you should invite Lord Shiroyasha to sit down.

Shiroyasha, the strongest ruler of the Eastern District in the history of Hakoniwa.

At the same time, she is also a colleague of Luos.

As long as she's here, the entire Eastern District can't be turned upside down!

"Don't think about it, do you want me to be spread to the whole box garden because of the broken egg?!!\"

A look of suffocation appeared on the face of someone who had apparently asked for Shiroyasha's assistance.

Those words silenced the knight.

Interesting is the food of the Asura gods and demons.

- White Yaksha.

The Lord, who is afraid that the world will not be in chaos, definitely doesn't mind spreading this matter to the whole box garden.

At that time, the community Perseus will definitely be disgraced.

"I see."

The knight pushed open the window.

Under the window, Perseus's army was standing according to the Greek phalanx.

That's the backbone of Perseus.

As warriors who follow the name of Perseus, their military discipline is very strict.

With six figures per capita, if an army is formed, even a five-figure **** can be easily defeated.

But this is not enough.

So, with a whistle, a blond girl was also taken out of the dungeon.

That's Leticia Decrea.

In the past, he was "Dracula, the piercing demon king", the king of vampires, and one of the "NoName" companions who was taken away by the demon king three years ago.

Her strength level is in the one or four figures.

Even though the sovereign holder is very weak, there are still powerful warriors with five figures.

This is an astonishing statistic, with five figures out of the norm, meaning it can be arm wrestling with four figures.

The three-digit gods and demons are basically at the upper level.

This is the basic rule.

Although the gods of the three-digit level are limited by the paradox of God's omnipotence, they seem to be only an order of magnitude stronger than the four-digit level.

However, their "quality" has not changed.

Therefore, if they are in the lower realm, then the lower level of the small garden will face extinction.

At that time, the guardians of the stratum, including Shiroyasha, will appear and fight against him.

Therefore, there will be no three-digit level gods and demons at the lower level.

The four-digit number is the peak of the battle power at the bottom of Hakoba.

The five-digit number is exceptional, and it is an order of magnitude that can rival the four-digit number for a period of time.

Luos rubbed the necklace around his neck, then looked at the expressionless vampire on the side, with a cruel smile on his face.

Unfortunately, he happened to have two here.

They used to be at the apex of the four-digit number, and even if they were suppressed by their own weakness, they would not be weaker than the four-digit number when they joined forces.

It doesn't matter if the enemy is in four digits.

After all, the scene of four-digit battle with two-digit five-digit extraordinary gods and demons will alarm Shiroyasha almost in an instant.

This is the territory of one's own community. If the so-called group leader comes, it will be an "invader".

The guy who regards the order of Hakoba as more important than his life will definitely not be merciful to the chaotic powerhouse who appeared in the eastern district inexplicably.

The only price is that you may die.

Thinking of this, Luos, who hopes that he can solve the so-called group owner, has an expression like eating mouse feces.

After Bai Yasha solves the problem, he definitely doesn't mind spreading the word for himself.

Legends-anecdotes spread around the world can form gifts or curses.

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