The third method.

Cup of Heaven.

It represents the miracle of the first perpetual motion mechanism.

That miracle disappeared after the death of the third magician.

The Einzbern family tried their best to save it in the Holy Grail together with the other two magician families.

Waiting for the day when it can be reproduced.

As a result, now the villain who intends to occupy the Holy Grail appears, but he can only greet him with a smile...

This matter is undoubtedly extremely humiliating for the artificial man who was infused with "the third method must be restored" when it was created.


Even so humiliating.

He also had to force a smile.

after all

That is not an existence that one side can resist alone.

Whether it is an archer, a rider, or a berserker, they are all extremely powerful Servants. .

The souls of the three of them, the already oppressed Irisviel, the little Holy Grail, almost lost the ability to move.

The deaths of the three servants were all closely related to the young man in front of him.

King Arthur..

Not necessarily his opponent.

So, before the monarch El-Mello and the crown puppet master Aozaki Tomoko have signed a pact with them, they absolutely cannot compete head-on with them.

Facing Haradon's question, the boy smiled.

He doesn't have any good feelings for this android who keeps making tragedies.

But now, when he doesn't have a good impression on him, this guy is still thinking about calculating himself...

"Don't you think your smile is disgusting?"

Completely disregarding Harald's previous humility, the boy waved his hand.

Like slapping a fly, the old alchemist was instantly knocked flying and smashed heavily on the wall.

How great is that power.

Obviously there was no direct contact, but as it was swung out, the old man's head plunged directly into the wall and shattered it.

Bright blood flows out from the walls..

Penetrates the walls and falls to the ground.

In an instant, the entire Einzbern family lost its owner.

There is no fighting back.

The next moment, the young man turned slightly and looked at the man standing behind Harald.


Emiya Kiritsugu..

An existence with the heart of a saint, but only mortals can.

Cut, heir.

This is his origin.

For lines that are cut and then joined together, the thickness of the nodes will change.

That is to say, the behavior of "Kirizui" will cause irreversible "degeneration" of the object.

This kind of talent will be a god-like genius in dealing with low-precision things. After all, mild deterioration will not affect their operation.

Therefore, if it is a low-difficulty thing like "saving a person", it is almost as easy as filling a flashlight with batteries.

However, if it is such a difficult thing as "saving the world"...

He was walking on the road to salvation, and then unknowingly deteriorated, almost for granted.

"How to say it? It's a good thing for people to have big ambitions, but if ambition and ability are not proportional at all, it's stupid."

The boy casually clenched his fist and waved it at the man.

This kind of talent is really not suitable for a guy who saves the world, so he should just lie down for a while.

I just happened to be a little curious, this family's inherent time control seems to be a bit famous.

So, try to kill it and turn it into a vassal.

It was very lighthearted and happy, the boy chose the ending for Emiya Kiritsugu in his heart

In that scene, Emiya Kiritsugu, who was standing behind Harald, seemed to be thrown into the ice cave in an instant.

This guy, although he said he was a guest..

However, he is simply here to kill!!

Emiya Kiritsugu's face changed suddenly, and he instinctively cast magic.

Proprietary time control.

This is his trump card, this is the magic of time manipulation that the Emiya family has been exploring from generation to generation, and successfully accumulated in the magic engraving on Ke Guan's back.

The time operation that separates the inner layer of a specific space from the external time flow and operates at will is a kind of inherent enchantment.

In order to effectively apply it in battle, Emiya Kiritsugu reduced the size of the effect of the barrier to the inside of his body, and the interference time was within a few seconds.

In this way, the interference of the "world adjustment" on the inherent barrier is minimized, making it a magic that can be used on the battlefield. That is proper timing.

Of course, this kind of time manipulation that goes against common sense will also bring considerable negative effects to the magician himself, and Kiritsugu won't use it frequently unless it is a last resort.

However, the enemy is the man who killed Haradon with one blow!!

And he is just a common man!!

Extremely flustered, he took out his usual submachine gun from behind and used magic power to block it in front of him.

Almost in the next instant, the fist hit the gun that was reduced to iron, and the majestic force like a wave was transmitted to the hand along the steel vibration. The strong force caused the man's feet to shatter countless numbers The floor, the cracked floor only lasted for less than half a second, and it all shattered, shooting everywhere like a shock wave.


Emiya Kiritsugu's entire body was knocked into the air, and he couldn't even roll to remove his strength in the air, and was directly smashed against the wall!

The terrible sound of broken bones spread through the air.

Bright red blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Almost in an instant, the man who had been alive before, instantly turned into a


"Ehhh, still conscious?" The young man looked surprised.

Is it true that magicians are so resistant to beatings?

Can't fall with one punch?

"In that case, let me give you a more splendid ending.

Looking at the magician who slammed heavily on the wall, the boy raised his hand again

Then, the endless cold air gathers in it.

That was the power that Su Han awakened when he first implanted the super-change factor.

Even if he was a little laid off because of the appearance of the three angels and the power of the Herrscher, he still had an extremely terrifying power.

"Be honest. Just freeze!!"

An endless cold current erupted centered on the young man.

Among the fusion warriors, there is a swordsman who is honored as a moment.

The swordsman only needs to swing his sword slightly, then the enemy locked by it will be deprived of all heat and turned into a dead soul.

And now Su Han, compared to her, is only strong but not weak!!

must, escape!!!

In an instant, such thoughts rose in the man's heart.

Yes, I have to run away!!

This guy is simply not something that normal humans can fight!!

If there are no variables, saber, please!!

In a hurry, Emiya Kiritsugu could only quickly summon his servants to rescue him.

As a Servant with the title qualification, Arthur is undoubtedly powerful.

As long as the master is not too stretched his hips, he is top rank.

If the enemy's attack has the characteristics of civilization, the world, and human nature, his intensity will also increase.

Therefore, he is similar to the American team's five-five **** of war.

If it was Arthur, he might be able to win a chance for himself!

Chapter 57 You Don't Think I Have No Servants


"help me!"

Instinctively, the magician killer let out an angry shout.

On the back of his hand, a scarlet Command Spell shone with a strange light.

It was made by the Marchili family in order to continue the Holy Grail War and control the Servants

's reins.

As long as you activate it, as long as you don't encounter a Servant like Sigurd who is outrageous with magic, you have the ability to forcibly control it!

At the necessary moment, it is also possible to let it complete the big magic of space conversion!!

Almost instantly.

Cangyin's holy swordsman, rushing out of nothingness!

The King of Knights leaped high while stepping, and the invisible sword in his hand twisted into an astonishing arc when he swung it.

Because of the strong magic entanglement, the sword body, which was supposed to be wrapped by the wind king's enchantment so that it refracted all the light and appeared invisible, began to show a different color, twisted and indifferent.

His invisible sword swung like a gust of wind, and the wave of magic power that rolled up easily rolled up the castle of the Einzbern family, carving countless cracks on the floor, and the strong magic power also triggered a physical phenomenon at the same time. The magic storm that erupted gave the King of Knights strong protection and amazing aggression at the same time!

That was a blow from the Holy Swordsman of the Stars!

As far as martial arts is concerned, a blow from the ultimate swordsman who surpasses the maddened Hercules and Gilgamesh!

Whether it is a dragon, a giant or a sea monster, be prepared to be torn apart.

In the face of the sword that was enough to kill the top fantasy species, Su Han did not draw his sword, but indifferently made a blocking gesture along with the scabbard.

The invisible sword hit the scabbard, and the majestic force like a wave was transmitted to Su Han's whole body along the scabbard's vibration!

Countless floors shattered under his feet, and the cracked floor shattered in less than half a second. The magic shock mixed with the physical storm spread outward, shooting everywhere like a shock wave!

"Clang Clang"

As if to squeeze out the last strength, the King of Knights roared, swung the holy sword of the stars, and fought against the magic sword.

The bursting wind exploded, and accompanied by a loud rumbling sound, a strong annular shock wave erupted with the two at the center. An explosive storm with a radius of more than 100 meters swept through this huge castle, the walls collapsed, and the ground shattered like glass.

The world of legends and myths is reproduced in modern times. Their ultra-high-speed movements are beyond the ability of human visual capture, and outsiders can only feel the aftermath of the battle between the two.

That scene made Emiya Kiritsugu tremble too fast.

Really too fast.

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