Not long ago, he also regarded Servants as high-level familiars.

However, the scene now tells him that he is wrong.

The so-called Servant is simply a walking natural disaster!!


What the **** is a man who can stand up to Arthur?

Emiya Kiritsugu's heart trembled.

Before that, he and Harald had always believed that the enemy was likely to be a magician in the sea of ​​​​wandering. In this rare magic, when everyone tried to refine their magic as much as possible to make it easier to use, only the group of fanatical pursuit of the Age of Gods Magicians only cling to those magics of the age of gods that are so powerful that they are basically impossible to perform in modern times.


Now he understands that he was wrong.

The magician of the age of God is a magician after all. Even if he has practiced physical skills, it is unlikely that he will fight with the heroes of history at close range.

The enemy is likely to be the origin of the Huaxia Magic Association - the fairy of the mountain court!

Only those immortals who are almost integrated with the leylines of this planet will have the magic power reserves to perform the magic of the gods, the qualifications to know all kinds of magic, the qualifications to ignore the rules of the magician world, and the martial arts skills!!


It's completely unsafe here.

Almost biting his tongue to bleed, Emiya Kiritsugu just pulled back his shocked mind from the shocking scene.

As if he had squeezed out all the power in his body, he quickly rushed towards somewhere in the Einzbern house!

Now the Einzbern family has basically been abolished.

I can only count on myself to protect Irisviel! !

Moreover, if the enemy is really an immortal, then Arthur is very difficult to support.

He had to quickly find a safe place and recall Arthur before he could hold on.

Then go to find Kenneth and Aozaki oranges, and join them.


Knives and swords staggered again.

Roaring and roaring "Drink!!"

King of Britain, with a sword and slashing furiously.

It was just an ordinary counterattack, and a sharp storm roared from the two of them!

For a time, the wind was overflowing.

The marble floor was already broken, and the ground exposed after the crack was also full of cracks, and the holy sword of the star and the dark sword collided fiercely.

The magician swings his sword!

"I ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

When it was difficult to part, Saber roared.

The muscles of the whole body flowed like mercury, and the waves of the gust of wind continued to bombard the magician's body.

There was only a crunching sour sound, the atmosphere screamed, and the space kept shaking. With a speed that could not be seen by the naked eye, he controlled the martial arts beyond the world to continuously improve his strength and speed, and issued a sharp and shrill whistling, completely tearing the atmosphere!

The magician who was attacked by it also started to take a step back.

When it comes to this martial arts competition, Saber's mother undoubtedly has the upper hand.

Like a storm raging, the long sword swept by the wind will always be able to repel the magic sword wielded by a stronger and more powerful arm.

This is amazing.

In the world of martial arts, only fast is not broken, only force is invincible.

When fighting with strength and speed that are far superior to their own existence, it is undoubtedly something to be proud of.

However, the advantage in martial arts did not win Arthur the slightest joy.

It's easy to ask why.

"Is it really dangerous?"

At the target of the sword strike, the young man stood on the cracked pothole with a distressed expression.

He held a black short sword in one hand, holding the invisible sword that King Arthur clenched with both hands, and his clothes were spotless.



It was as if he had just walked into the huge pit smashed by the King of Knights before he set up his sword.

That scene is really reminiscent of a certain general in the Naval Command who hit the fish and punched the card.

What a monster.

During the battle, Arthur, whose blood was almost boiling, pulled out a difficult smile from the corner of his mouth.

In that scene, an illusion flashed in the mind of the man named Arthur.

He seemed to see a red-haired king, mocking himself contemptuously.


Sword Emperor who does not exist in history.

For the King of Britain, the strongest enemy in life is undoubtedly Lucius.

With just a single blow, Bedivere's armor can be shattered, and he can defeat Gawain in the daytime like a joke. Even Arthur, who is revered as the king of knights, is in front of the guy with the powerful arm strength of a giant. Can only be defeated.

If I hadn't been fortunate enough to be selected by the Holy Sword of the Stars, I would have been chopped off by the Roman tyrant with the magic sword!!

And the young man in front of him caught his own sword, just like the Sword Emperor back then... No, that's not right.

Even Lucius can't do it so easily!

His eyes swept across the target, and the indifferent face with almost no expression made Arthur's pupils shrink violently.

This is a far more terrifying enemy than Sword Emperor Lucius!!

"You are really strong. It should be said that in a world like Xingyue, which is rich in the mystery of swords," "Strike of Faith" and "Heaven and Man", you can also be praised for your martial arts skills. Swordsman, for a novice like me, who relies entirely on copying other people's experience to fight, it's almost impossible to defeat. "

"So, let me foul out a little bit.

The young man laughed, his voice was very gentle, but when the explosion sounded, Arthur only felt a chill blast in the back of his head!

Without hesitation, the extremely brave man followed his intuition and quickly

Blast fast!

Almost at the moment when the king of knights burst out, the boy finished swinging his sword.

Swing the sword!

It is not a sword skill that has been thoroughly refined, or even an ordinary swinging sword.

However, in the eyes of the battle-hardened Arthur, that incomparably simple sword is comparable to the scythe of the **** of death!!

It hardly needs the master's will, the magic power spontaneously gathers on the sword, and the violent magic power carried on it forms a violent magic sword that extends for tens of meters. Under the pressure, it shattered directly, and the roar carried the supreme tyranny!!


The retreating man shouted angrily, calling for his Noble Phantasm.

Wind King Enchantment.

The Holy Sword of the Star is guarded by powerful magic, not the sword itself is transparent

The wind that wraps around the blade changes the refractive index of the light, making the shape of the sword invisible. Even if it does not reach a vacuum state, the wind that wraps the blade is very deadly and can increase the destructive power of the slash.

However, there is another way to use this protection.

That is to release the gust of wind that wraps the sword in an instant, turning it into a shield, or a spear.

Now, with his heavy ears, he inserted the holy sword of the star into the earth, calling out to the earth, and he was turning the gust of wind that sheltered the holy sword into a shield to protect him!!

The gust of wind swept up and turned into the best wall to resist the magic sword.

But in the next moment, this posture was broken.

The manic sword of magic power cut off the shield made by the gust of wind almost instantly.


Arthur was knocked flying. In the air, he tried his best to roll to remove the force. When he landed on his feet, he didn't fully dissipate the force. This made him have to use the scabbard to pierce the floor directly to reduce friction, but even so he Also stepped back at least three meters.

However, before the King of Knights stood firm, the boy with the black sword had already made a move!!

He stomped violently, and the strong recoil made his speed easily break the sound barrier, and the sound residue of the broken sound swept up a storm.

The strong magic power also triggered a physical phenomenon at the same time, the rising magic power weathered into a pitch-black gust of wind, surrounding his master, the boy wrapped around the storm and marched forward, like the king of the storm!

Following his instinct, the red dragon of Britain rolled on the ground indecently, using the method of lowering his height to avoid the sword!


With a sword swing, everything in the field of vision is changing.

.. ..

Can that really be called swinging a sword?

The castle is crumbling..

The earth is breaking..

There was a terrifying cry in the air.

Arthur was sweating coldly all over his body.

However, the next moment, he even lost the leisure to sweat.

A boot appeared in front of his still rolling body.

When did it arrive?

In Arthur's mind, such an idea just came up, and the next moment, a huge force far better than Rome's reduction erupted from above.


Like being hit by a battering ram, Arthur only felt that all the bones in his chest were howling!!

\"Rolling, can't stop the kick.

The boy whose sword was empty spoke flatly.

Almost in an instant, the boots slammed into his chest again.

Like a speeding train.


The man flew out again.

Red Dragon.

The most brutal life in mythology.

However, the king who was the red dragon was smashed upright onto the wall that was smashed by the magic sword, and the already precarious building structure was violently impacted, like the last straw that broke the camel. The dilapidated castle was completely shattered and buried in ruins.

It is clear that he is the incarnation of the red dragon, but now he is like an innocent people who have been ravaged by the evil dragon!!

However, now is not the time to rest.

Almost in an instant, the pile of rubble was blown away by the manic wind.

The beautiful man with blood dripping all over his body, holding the holy sword, his expression is firm, obviously he has been severely injured, and his eyes are still full of desire to fight.

He is the King of Britain!!

How could it fall like this before reviving Britannia?!!

"I want to save Britain!!"

As if shouting some kind of magic spell, the knight's expression gradually became hideous.

He wants to buy enough time for Emiya Kiritsugu to escape. Only after he escapes successfully, he will have the opportunity to join other servants to fight against the guy who is more difficult than Lucius in front of him, and then seize the Holy Grail. Make a wish!!

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